Dual Protectıon for Data usıng Steganographıc Technıques with Embedded Framework
As the world is getting digitalized, the rush for need of secured data communication is overtop. Provoked by the vulnerability of human visual system to understand the progressive changes in the scenes, a new steganography method is proposed. The paper represents a double protection methodology for secured transmission of data. The original data is hidden inside a cover image using LSB substitution algorithm. The image obtained is inserted inside a frame of the video producing a stego-video. Stego-video attained is less vulnerable to attacks. After decryption phase, the original text is obtained which is error-free and the output image obtained is similar as the cover image. The quality of stego-video is high and there is no need for additional bandwidth for transmission. The hardware implement is required in order to calculate the corresponding analytical results. The proposed algorithm is examined and realized for various encryption standards using Raspberry Pi3 embedded hardware. The results obtained focuses on the attributes of the proposed model. On comparing with other conventional algorithms, the proposed scheme exhibits high performance in both encryption and decryption process with increase in efficiency of secured data communication.