scholarly journals Dual Protectıon for Data usıng Steganographıc Technıques with Embedded Framework

As the world is getting digitalized, the rush for need of secured data communication is overtop. Provoked by the vulnerability of human visual system to understand the progressive changes in the scenes, a new steganography method is proposed. The paper represents a double protection methodology for secured transmission of data. The original data is hidden inside a cover image using LSB substitution algorithm. The image obtained is inserted inside a frame of the video producing a stego-video. Stego-video attained is less vulnerable to attacks. After decryption phase, the original text is obtained which is error-free and the output image obtained is similar as the cover image. The quality of stego-video is high and there is no need for additional bandwidth for transmission. The hardware implement is required in order to calculate the corresponding analytical results. The proposed algorithm is examined and realized for various encryption standards using Raspberry Pi3 embedded hardware. The results obtained focuses on the attributes of the proposed model. On comparing with other conventional algorithms, the proposed scheme exhibits high performance in both encryption and decryption process with increase in efficiency of secured data communication.

2009 ◽  
Vol 2009 ◽  
pp. 1-12 ◽  
Mehdi Rezaei ◽  
Imed Bouazizi ◽  
Moncef Gabbouj

Digital video broadcast-terrestrial 2 (DVB-T2) is the successor of DVB-T standard that allows a two-dimensional multiplexing of broadcast services in time and frequency domains. It introduces an optional time-frequency slicing (TFS) transmission scheme to increase the flexibility of service multiplexing. Utilizing statistical multiplexing (StatMux) in conjunction with TFS is expected to provide a high performance for the broadcast system in terms of resource utilization and quality of service. In this paper, a model for high-definition video (HDV) traffic is proposed. Then, utilizing the proposed model, the performance of StatMux of HDV broadcast services over DVB-T2 is evaluated. Results of the study show that implementation of StatMux in conjunction with the newly available features in DVB-T2 provides a high performance for the broadcast system.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Kamel Ettaieb ◽  
Sylvain Lavernhe ◽  
Christophe Tournier

Purpose This paper aims to propose an analytical thermal three-dimensional model that allows an efficient evaluation of the thermal effect of the laser-scanning path. During manufacturing by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF), the laser-scanning path influences the thermo-mechanical behavior of parts. Therefore, it is necessary to validate the path generation considering the thermal behavior induced by this process to improve the quality of parts. Design/methodology/approach The proposed model, based on the effect of successive thermal flashes along the scanning path, is calibrated and validated by comparison with thermal results obtained by FEM software and experimental measurements. A numerical investigation is performed to compare different scanning path strategies on the Ti6Al4V material with different stimulation parameters. Findings The simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the approach to simulate the thermal field to validate the scanning strategy. It suggests a change in the scale of simulation thanks to high-performance computing resources. Originality/value The flash-based approach is designed to ensure the quality of the simulated thermal field while minimizing the computational cost.

Hazim Noman Abed

The great development obtained with digital communication system depends on the improvement of the amount and security of transmitting information, the secrecy of data transmitted becomes a main subject for the researcher. Cryptography and Steganography play a major role for secured data transfer. In this research, the cryptography and steganography method was proposed for information security. In cryptography, the encrypted message was obtained by XOR the secret message with QR code. While, in Steganography the encrypted  message was embedded inside cover image using LSB technique. The new approach in this research is use of the QR technique as well as the encrypted message was hidden in places selected using the bat algorithm. Secret message with different sizes was tested with many cover imagesto verify the efficiency of the proposed method. In the end, to measure the quality of cover image after the process of embedding, a group of standard parameters has adopted. The results of parameters showed the proposed method hasthe highest security and integrity.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (23) ◽  
pp. 7987
Naresh K. Trivedi ◽  
Vinay Gautam ◽  
Abhineet Anand ◽  
Hani Moaiteq Aljahdali ◽  
Santos Gracia Villar ◽  

Tomato is one of the most essential and consumable crops in the world. Tomatoes differ in quantity depending on how they are fertilized. Leaf disease is the primary factor impacting the amount and quality of crop yield. As a result, it is critical to diagnose and classify these disorders appropriately. Different kinds of diseases influence the production of tomatoes. Earlier identification of these diseases would reduce the disease’s effect on tomato plants and enhance good crop yield. Different innovative ways of identifying and classifying certain diseases have been used extensively. The motive of work is to support farmers in identifying early-stage diseases accurately and informing them about these diseases. The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is used to effectively define and classify tomato diseases. Google Colab is used to conduct the complete experiment with a dataset containing 3000 images of tomato leaves affected by nine different diseases and a healthy leaf. The complete process is described: Firstly, the input images are preprocessed, and the targeted area of images are segmented from the original images. Secondly, the images are further processed with varying hyper-parameters of the CNN model. Finally, CNN extracts other characteristics from pictures like colors, texture, and edges, etc. The findings demonstrate that the proposed model predictions are 98.49% accurate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 511-524
Ömer Faruk Görçün ◽  
Hande Küçükönder

It is a fact accepted by everybody that football is the most popular sport around the world. The result of a derby match may be very important for millions of people. Even the time seems to stop on a match day for so many people. Show and entertainment are the most important aspects of football. If soccer players have a high performance, a match may provide pleasure and excitement to audiences. Briefly, the performance and quality of soccer players are the key factors, which draw audiences. Goalkeepers are also one of the important components of football like other players playing different positions such as strikers, mid-fielders, and defenders. Moreover, a goalkeeper can affect the result of a match positively or negatively. Therefore, with the help of a mathematical approach as the methodological framework, it can be seen that the examination of the performance of goalkeepers can be beneficial for decision-makers performing in the fields of sport and the future studies. The current paper proposes an improved integrated multi-criteria decision-making approach to evaluate the selection of goalkeepers; and this model can be applied for goalkeeper’s performance analysis. The proposed model combines the weights of criteria calculated with the help of both the CRITIC and the PSI techniques by applying the weight aggregation operator. It also ranks the decision alternatives by implementing the WASPAS technique based on the final criteria weights obtained by using the weight aggregation operator. In addition, a comprehensive sensitivity analysis consisting of three stages was performed to verify the validation of the suggested hybrid model. It has been observed that A11 has remained the best option for all scenarios. As a result, the results of the sensitivity analysis prove that the proposed hybrid MCDM technique is a very useful, strong and applicable approach. Also, the results obtained by applying the proposed model are accurate, realistic, and reasonable according to the results of the validation test.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25242644 ◽  
pp. 38-41
Maryna Aleksandrovych

This article contains a summary of some practical issues of translated texts editing with clear examples. Copy editing of translated texts is different from copy editing of texts written in the native language, because the focus of the work shifts from how to deliver an author’s message in the most appropriate way to how to deliver author’s text, written in the native language, in another language (Ukrainian) in the most appropriate way. The first question is the versatility: does the copy editor need to know the language of the original text in order to do effective copy editing. And she/he should at least understand the basic features of the language of the original text such as phonetics, grammar and syntax. Also a copy editor should pay particular attention to such aspects as: at the lexical level – false friends, transliteration of proper nouns, excess of possessive pronouns, translation or adaptation of lexical gaps; at the syntactic level – copulative verb, word order in a sentence, contrastive stress in a phrase, address words, syntax simplification. A necessary aspect is the unification of certain elements in the translated text: address words, units of measurement (length, weight, area, time, volume, etc.), transliterated proper and common nouns. Described in this article principles of transliteration, unification, adaptation, lexical and syntactic aspects of copy editing of translated texts will help to improve the quality of translated books into Ukrainian.

A. V. Ponomarev

Introduction: Large-scale human-computer systems involving people of various skills and motivation into the information processing process are currently used in a wide spectrum of applications. An acute problem in such systems is assessing the expected quality of each contributor; for example, in order to penalize incompetent or inaccurate ones and to promote diligent ones.Purpose: To develop a method of assessing the expected contributor’s quality in community tagging systems. This method should only use generally unreliable and incomplete information provided by contributors (with ground truth tags unknown).Results:A mathematical model is proposed for community image tagging (including the model of a contributor), along with a method of assessing the expected contributor’s quality. The method is based on comparing tag sets provided by different contributors for the same images, being a modification of pairwise comparison method with preference relation replaced by a special domination characteristic. Expected contributors’ quality is evaluated as a positive eigenvector of a pairwise domination characteristic matrix. Community tagging simulation has confirmed that the proposed method allows you to adequately estimate the expected quality of community tagging system contributors (provided that the contributors' behavior fits the proposed model).Practical relevance: The obtained results can be used in the development of systems based on coordinated efforts of community (primarily, community tagging systems). 

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
Humberto Guanche Garcell ◽  
Juan José Pisonero Socias ◽  
Gilberto Pardo Gómez

Background: During the last 30 years an antimicrobial stewardship program (ASP) was implemented in a facility with periods of weakness. We aim to describe the history of the sustainability failure in the local ASP. Methods: A historical review was conducted using original data from the facility library and papers published. An analysis of factors related to the failure was conducted based on the Doyle approach. Results: The first ASP was implemented from 1989 to 1996 based on the international experiences and contributes to the improvement in the quality of prescription, reduction of 52% in cost and in the incidence of nosocomial infection. The second program restarts in 2008 and decline in 2015, while the third program was guided by the Pan-American Health Organization from 2019. This program, in progress, is more comprehensive than previous ones and introduced as a novel measure the monitoring of antibiotic prophylaxis in surgery. The factors related to the sustainability were considered including the availability of antimicrobials, the leader´s support, safety culture, and infrastructure. Conclusions: The history behind thirty years of experiences in antimicrobial stewardship programs has allowed us to identify the gaps that require proactive strategies and actions to achieve sustainability and continuous quality improvement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 60
Nwozo Sarah Onyenibe ◽  
Julius Oluwaseun Oluwafunmilola ◽  
Stanley Udogadi Nwawuba

The extracted seeds of African breadfruit are identified to be extremely healthy whenever it is correctly processed. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of processing methods on the nutritional quality of African breadfruit seed. A qualitative phytochemical analysis including: Alkaloid, Flavonoid, Saponin, Tannin, Anthraquinone, Terpenoids, Steroid, and Cardiac Glycosides for the different fraction of African breadfruit seed was performed using a standard method. The result revealed the presence and greater amount of phytochemical for the raw fraction; seven in eight, six in eight for steamed fraction, and four in eight for boiled and roasted respectively. Anti-nutrient, Proximate, and Mineral Content were also conducted using standard methods. The amino acid composition was determined using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The results of the present study revealed that anti-nutrients including Phytate, Tannins, and Oxalate were significantly p<0.05 reduced in the boiled fraction 5.47±0.15, 3.42±0.02 and 6.89±0.05, and highest in the raw fraction 7.77±0.01, 5.09±0.03 and 9.34±0.14. The proximate composition including; percentage crude fat, Ash, Carbohydrate, Fatty acid, and Energy value were significantly lower p<0.05 in the boiled fraction relative to the other fractions. Mineral contents; calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus were also significantly p<0.05 elevated in the boiled fraction relative to the raw, steamed, and roasted fraction. The amino acid composition was highest in the roasted and boiled fraction 57.350 and 56.978, and lowest in the steamed and raw fraction 35.754 and 28.748 respectively. Therefore, boiling (cooking) is encouraged for the preparation of African breadfruit seed.

V. Lakshman Narayana ◽  
R. S. M. Lakshmi Patibandla

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