scholarly journals Product and Communication Analysis of Constituent Loyalty of Indonesian Democracy Party (PDIP) in Central Java, Indonesia

The use of marketing methods in politics is known as political marketing. In marketing politics, the emphasis is the use of approach and method of marketing mix that is called 4P that is product, price, distribution (place), and promotion used to help politicians and political parties to be more efficient and effective in building two-way relationships with constituents and communities. This study aims to determine the effect simultaneously and partially the product variable (policy, figure, structure and symbolic context) and Communication variables (advertising, direct marketing, special event, person contact, public relations, merchandise, political post) to the Loyalty of PDI Constituents Struggle and know the dominant influential variable to Loyalty of PDIP as a Political Party constituency in Central Java.The type of research used in this study is explanatory research to examine the effect of independent variables of product and communication (x) on the dependent variable that is customer loyalty (y). The research instrument used is questionnaire. While the sampling using random sampling technique to PDIP constituent consisting of structural and organization of PDIP. The data analysis tools used in this research are validity test, reliability test, multiple regression test, classical assumption test which includes multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, normality test, correlation coefficient, dertermination coefficient and hypothesis testing covering F test and t test.The results of the research indicate that the Product affects Loyalty with correlation coefficient value of 0.487. The amount of influence of the Product on the formation of Loyalty is 23, 7%, change of constituent loyalty for each increase of one unit of Product is equal to 0,584. Komunikas affects Loyalty with the value of correlation coefficient of 0.495, the magnitude of the effect of Communication on the formation of Loyalty is 24, 5%. The change of loyalty for each increase of one Communication unit is 0,622.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-50
Fachri Naufaldi

Website management is one of the new task in Public Relations On The Net era. Public Relations in educational institutions also do website management activities one of them is Public Relations of SMAN 31 Jakarta. In this research discusses about website management. This website management got complaints from students of SMAN 31 Jakarta about lack of academic activities information on website. So, the author want to see how the website management in educational institutions about lack of academic activities information on website In this research, the author use the concept of Public Relations On The Net with variable website management. This variable has six dimensions such as the links must be online, available contact information, arrangement of information placement, coloring, easy to use and aims. This research use quantitative approach with descriptive research type and use survey method. The research held at SMAN 31 Jakarta. Author use a questionnaire with interval scales. Populations in this research are 1.067 students, and the samples are 234 students of SMAN 31 Jakarta obtained from the formula slovin. The sampling technique is stratified sampling and central tendency is mean. Validity test use KMO-MSA (Kaiser mayer olkin-measure of sampling adequany) and Barlett Test. Reliability test use Chronbach’s Alpha. In this research, there is a dimension with the highest mean which is coloring (use of color). The dimensions are obtained the lowest mean value is every link offered must be online (no dead links). Indicator with the highest mean value is using colors that facilitate the content of messages in the website screen easy to read. Indicator with the lowest mean value is does not disappointed the user This is because of the website visitors do not get complete information on the website Based on the results of this research can be known website have been well in color selection which make it easier for website visitors. However, the website has not been maximized in providing information especially information about academic activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-36
Djupiansyah Ganie

Customers 'interest in owning a house through a KPR, apart from the urge to fulfill their need for a comfortable and nice place to live, is also related to how the KPR is marketed so that it attracts customers' interest. Or in other words, how is the marketing mix strategy implemented to attract buyers to the mortgage offered. The marketing mix includes products, prices, promotions, locations, people, processes and physical evidence.The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of factors including: product, price, promotion, location, people, process and physical evidence on customer interest in KPR at PT BNI TanjungRedeb Branch. The research data comes from a questionnaire distributed to 86 respondents who are KPR BNI Griya customers, using probability sampling method with simple random sampling technique. The analytical tool used is the validity test, reliability test, multiple linear regression, coefficient of determination, t test and F test.The results of this study indicate that the results of the t test on each research variable concluded that partially accepting the hypothesis point 1 and rejecting some of the hypothesis point 1, because it is proven that the location factor has a significant influence, while the product, price, promotion, people, process and Physical evidence does not have a significant effect on customer interest in the KPR PT BNI TanjungRedeb Branch. The results of the F test on all the variables studied conclude that accepting the hypothesis point 2, because it is proven that the factors which include: product, price, promotion, location, people, process and physical evidence together have a significant influence on customer interest in KPR PT BNI TanjungRedeb Branch

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 215
Muhammad Sulthan

The number of tourism objects in Purbalingga that are worth to be known and to be visited by all of us. Therefore, the tourism objects are very necessary to be informed to attract as much as possible potential tourists. Spreading information of tourism objects for tourist can happen in various ways, one of them that now very popular is the usage of internet/digital media. Because it can reach audience more widely. Methodology of this research is descriptive qualitative. Determination of informants are using purposive sampling, which is representative. There are two types of data source: which are primary data source and secondary data. The techniques of collecting data are in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The way of analyzing data are reduction, data presentation and integrated conclusion drawing. The results showed that the communication of tourism objects by using digital-based are very effective and efficient. Social media is also very helpful in disseminating tourist information in Purbalingga, and also Purbalingga tourism community that is intensively promoting Purbalingga tourism objects. Theoretically, Purbalingga tourism marketing strategy based on digital communication that is used is Kotler and Keller's theory. The elements are advertisement; sales promotion, events and experiences, public relations and publicity, direct marketing, interactive marketing, word of mouth marketing, sales personnel. Those elements of communication are supported by the internet.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-86
Basrah Saidani ◽  
I Ketut R Sudiarditha

Business competition is getting tougher making the marketing mix used as a tool for tactical marketing tools that can be controlled to produce the desired response in the target market. This study aims to determine the magnitude of the influence of marketing mix-7Ps on consumer satisfaction for the elderly in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta. The research method uses a survey with a questionnaire as a data collection tool. Samples were taken using simple random sampling technique produced 70 respondents. Data is processed using multiple regression analysis techniques. The results of the study show that: (1) empirically proven products, prices, distributions, promotions, and processes have a significant influence on customer satisfaction; meaning that the better the product, price, distribution, promotion and process, the more customer satisfaction increases. (2) Empirically proven physical facilities and people do not affect consumer satisfaction; meaning that physical facilities and people do not significantly result in customer satisfaction. Thus the findings of this study prove that physical facilities and people are not the main ones in consuming a product, but the most important thing is the quality of the product itself which can be used according to its function.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Jhudi Bonosari Soediono ◽  
Taufik Abidin

Dewasa ini penggunaan obat herbal cenderung terus meningkat, baik dinegara yang sedang berkembang maupun negara-negara maju, dimana 80% penduduk dunia telah menggunakan obat herbal. Buah kulit manggis merupakan salah satunya yang dijadikan alternatif pengobatan yang berasal dari bahan alam, salah satu produknya yang cukup pesat berkembang di Indonesia adalah Produk Mastin® (Capsul Ekstrak Kulit Manggis). Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran penerapan konsep bauran pemasaran yang meliputi Produk, Harga, Distribusi, dan Promosi terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen pada Produk Mastin® (Capsul Ekstrak Kulit Manggis) di Apotek wilayah Banjarmasin Tengah. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif dimana Populasi yang digunakan adalah Konsumen yang mengenal serta memakai Produk Mastin® (Capsul Ekstrak Kulit Manggis) yang mendatangi beberapa Apotek yang ada di wilayah Banjarmasin Tengah, teknik pengumpulan sampel dengan Accidental Sampling yang tentunya disesuaikan dengan karateristik sampel yang ditentukan oleh peneliti. Di dapatkan ada 30 Responden dari apotek yang berbeda di wilayah Banjarmasin Tengah lalu dilakukan Analisa Data dengan perhitungan persentase untuk nantinya dapat memberikan gambaran pada hasil penelitian. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwasanya bauran pemasaran yang meliputi Produk, Harga, Distribusi, dan Promosi menjadi pertimbangan konsumen terhadap keputusan pembelian pada Produk Mastin® (Capsul Ekstrak Kulit Manggis) di Apotek wilayah Banjarmasin Tengah. Kata Kunci : Bauran Pemasaran, Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen, Produk Mastin® (Capsul Ekstrak Kulit Manggis) ABSTRACT Nowadays, the usage of herbal medicine is incresing not only in developed countries but also in developing countries. For about 80% of worl population using herbal medicine. The skin/ peel of mangosteen fruit is one example of medicine that coming from nature, which of the well known product in Indonesia is Mastin® (Extract of Mangosteen skin/ peel capsule) This research is aimed to examine the profile of marketing mix applied concept include the Product, Price, Distribution, and Promotion that may influence the consument to buy Mastin in Pharmacy store located in Middle Banjarmasin. This research is conducted descrptively where area the population are the consument that know and use Mastin®, then come to the Pharmacy stores in Middle region of Banjarmasin. The sampling is done by accidentaly sampling technique that characterized personally by researcher. Data obtained from 30 respondents coming from several Pharmacy stores in Middle region of Banjarmasin and continued to data analysis with precentage calculation so thatcan give pofile. The result showed that marketing mix include Product, Price, Distribution, and Promotion considered the consument to buy Mastin® product in several Pharmacy stores in Middle region of Banjarmasin. Keywords : Marketing Mix, Considered the consument to buy, Mastin® (Extract of Mangosteen skin/ peel capsule)

Sri Widiastuti ◽  
Rifda Nabila

This study aims to determine the effect of halal lifestyle, halal awareness, price on repurchase intention with consumer satisfaction as an intervening variable at the Kedu Susu shop in Temanggung, Central Java. Researchers used quantitative data with a population of all visitors to the Temanggung Kedu Susu shop and used a sample of 100 respondents using purposive random sampling technique. The method used by the researcher is by distributing questionnaires through an online method. The researcher conducted an analysis using validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, statistical test, and path analysis to test the intervening variables. The results of this study indicate that the halal lifestyle variable has no significant positive effect, halal awareness has no effect while price has a significant positive effect on repurchase interest. Consumer satisfaction has a significant positive effect on repurchase intention. The results of the path analysis test showed that consumer satisfaction was not able to mediate the effect of halal lifestyle on repurchase intention, while consumer satisfaction was able to mediate the effect of halal awareness and price on repurchase interest.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-127
Rob Sosiatri ◽  
Varindhayani Varindhayani

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of motivation, communication and work discipline on employee performance at Alfa and Omega Company either partially or simultaneously. The method used is the descriptive method. The sampling technique used is saturated sampling using a sample of 70 respondents. Data analysis used validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, regression analysis, correlation coefficient analysis, coefficient of determination analysis and hypothesis testing. The results of this study are motivation has a significant effect on employee performance partially. Communication has a significant effect on employee performance partially Work discipline has a significant effect on employee performance partially. Motivation, communication and work discipline simultaneously have a significant effect on employee performance.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
Nabila Diandra Putri ◽  
Kartika Ayu Ardhanariswari

Seiring meningkatnya jumlah wisatawan dan destinasi wisata, Pemerintah melalui Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Sleman berupaya meningkatkan sarana dan prasaran yang menunjang kegiatan pariwisata. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis strategi komunikasi pemasaran yang dilakukan pengelola Desa Wisata Pulewelung dalam menerapkan konsep komunikasi pariwisata berkelanjutan (sustainable tourism) serta mengetahui faktor pendukung dan penghambat strategi komunikasi pemasaran tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa Desa Wisata Pulewulung dalam strategi pemasarannya menggunakan konsep marketing mix dalam 4P yaitu Product, Price, Place, dan Promotion. Kegiatan promosi didukung dengan promotion mix atau bauran promosi, namun pengelola hanya menggunakan tiga dari lima strategi promosi yaitu direct marketing, public relations dan publisitas, serta periklanan. Desa Wisata Pulewulung dalam strategi pemasaran menerapkan beberapa kegiatan komunikasi pariwisata dan kegiatan pemasarannya dilakukan oleh pengelola yang masih berusia remaja. Pengelolaan Desa Wisata Pulewulung ini juga bekerjasama dengan beberapa pihak yang membantu penerapan pariwisata berkelanjutan (sustainable tourism) sehingga berdirinya desa wisata ini dapat memberi banyak kemanfaatan bagi warga sekitar. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi berupa rekomendasi kebijakan baru strategi komunikasi pemasaran Marketing Mix dan Promotional Mix pada kegiatan pariwisata di Desa Wisata Pulewulung dapat berkelanjutan yang dapat diterapkan di daerah pariwisata lainnya.

Cynthia Bianka Incze ◽  
Alexandra Pocovnicu ◽  
Simona Vasilache ◽  
Nora-Labiba Al Zain

Abstract In today’s economies the role of marketing cannot be underestimated, just the sole amount of media communications is astonishing not taking in consideration the different marketing and PR strategies involved. The most well-known tools include advertising, public relations, sales promotions, direct marketing and personal selling. There is an increasing number of advertisements that reach our attention by the presence of vulgarity, nudity or moral offenses. The aim of the article is to extensively review the literature of shock advertising namely shockvertising and to pinpoint its evolution in case of Benetton fashion brand. Shockvertising focuses on the idea of selling products through evoking terrifying and repulsive emotions. This type of advertising is used to sensitize people to religion, racism, war, poverty and other taboo topics. The descriptive method is used in order to describe such complex phenomena. The research is conducted in the form of a retrospective qualitative case study focusing on the historical events that are connected to the communications at Benetton. Through the following research a better understanding of shockvertising and its dynamics is reached and emotional reactions of a range of individuals is presented. In addition, the question of ethical considerations and the shock advertising effectiveness is analyzed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Ediyanto Ediyanto

This Research aims to describe the effect of an integrated marketing communication strategy consisting of variables of Direct Marketing, Sales Promotion, Public Relations, Personal Sales, and Advertising as Independent variables (X) of Domestic tourist interest as dependent variable (Y). This Research used primary data in the form of questionnaires distributed to 100 respondents using probability sampling technique with equation model Multiple Linear Regression Analysis SPSS 22.0. The results showed that Fcount was 41,672> Ftable of 2,368, so simultaneously variables of direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations, personal sales, and advertising proved to have a positive and significant effect on domestic tourist interest. Regression coefficients for direct marketing are 0.181, sales promotions 0.155, public relations 0.182, personal sales 0.148 and advertising 0.249, with a significance level of 95%, of all factors have a positive influence on the interest of domestic tourists to visit Baluran national park tourist sites, but the dominant influence is the advertising factor. The result of coefficient of determination doubled by 0,673, this mean 67,3% variation of change of tourist interest can be explained by direct marketing variable, sales promotion, public relation, personal selling, and advertisement while the rest equal to 32,7% caused by other factor.

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