scholarly journals Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Akidah dalam Novel “Mars Betapa Berartinya Sosok Ibu Dalam Hidupku” Karya Aishworo Ang

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Ida Aroyani ◽  
Hasanudin Hasanudin ◽  
Husni Husni

This study aims to 1) determine the values ​​of Aqidah Education in "Novel MARS How Meaningful a Mother in My Life" by Aishworo Ang. 2) find out the relevance of Aqidah Education Values ​​in the novel "MARS How Meaningful a Mother is in My Life" by Aishworo Ang with current Islamic education. The research method used by the author is content analysis. This analysis is used by the writer to reveal, understand and capture literary works. Meanwhile, data collection techniques are literature study techniques or documentation by examining various writings related to the object of research. The collected data were then analyzed using the stages of data processing, categorization, and data interpretation. After analyzing the data, the authors obtained the following conclusions: 1) The values ​​of aqidah education in the novel "MARS How Meaningful a Mother's Figure in My Life" by Aishworo Ang includes: a) Illahiyat, (a matter of divinity such as about His Essence) b ) Nubuwat, (prophetic issues, scriptures, etc.) c) Ruhaniyat (unseen problems such as spirits, angels, jinn, etc.) d) Sam'iyyat, (problems that can be known through revelation, such as barzhakh , heaven, hell and others) 2) The Relevance of Aqidah Educational Values ​​in Aishworo Ang's Novel "MARS How Meaningful a Mother's Figure is in My Life" with current Islamic education, which is in accordance with the aims of education aimed at improving the quality of Indonesian people, namely humans having faith and fearing God Almighty, this is in line with the contents of the story in the novel "MARS How Meaningful a Mother's Figure in My Life" which generally contains the values ​​of faith, including faith in Alla. h, faith in the book of Allah, faith in the Angel of God, faith in the Prophet, faith in the Last Day, and faith in the destiny of Allah.

Endang Maruti

The research aims to uncover the symbols in the novel The Alchemist and to gain knowledge about the moral teachings in the symbol. This research is descriptive qualitative approach. Data sources in this study are words, phrases or sentences in the novel Alchemist. Data collection method is a literature study method with note taking technique. Data were analyzed using description and content analysis methods. The results showed that the novel The Alchemist contained many symbols. These symbols include: (1) wise parents, who symbolize both negative and positive things. From his appearance, parents can symbolize something bad, but behind his old age he symbolizes a knowledge that is very much and wise; (2) stones that symbolize something hard, not easily broken, and can provide clues to something; and (3) deserts or deserts which can be interpreted as symbols of drought, aridity, unattractiveness, emptiness, despair, determination for ignorance, and also as symbols of devotion.  

Goziyah Goziyah ◽  
Harninda Rizka Insani

The objective of this research was to provide an understanding of cohesion and coherence in the newspaper Bisnis Indonesia with title Kemenperin Jamin Serap Garam Rakyat. The research method used is the method of content analysis with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using documentation techniques. Data analysis techniques begin with data reduction, data tabulation, data classification, data interpretation, and conclusions. The results show that in the news text in the newspaper Bisnis Indonesia there is a more dominant cohesion found pronouns, ellipsis, and conjunctions or hyphens. Then, the coherence that is found is the relationship of contradictions, general specific relationships, comparison relationships, causal relationships, review relationships, and referral relationships. Keywords: cohesion, coherence, newspapers

Hasta Wiyata ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-49
Indah Wahyuningsih ◽  
Peni Nur Damai ◽  
Khotijatul Kubro

This research is motivated by the importance of the use of good and correct Indonesian in any context including in electronic media. The purpose of this study is to analyze some of the errors and language errors spoken by participants of Master Chef Indonesia 2020. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods by describing the data obtained in the form of sentences used by Indonesian Master Chef participants. The data source in this study was the participants of the Indonesian Master Chef 2020. The data collection technique was carried out with literature study techniques, namely by (1) watching the Indonesian Master Chef 2020 show again, (2) writing errors in the Master Chef Indonesia 2020 show, (3 ) classifying language errors in Master Chef participants in phonology, morphology, and syntax. The content analysis technique is used to describe the language errors of the participants of the Indonesian Master Chef. Based on the data found, there are several language errors that have been classified, namely language errors (interference) and language errors in the field of linguistics (phonology, morphology, and syntax).

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 182
Dwi Warry Octaviana

<p><em>Educational values are closely related to literary works. Literary works (including novel) always reveal good values that are beneficial to its readers. Educational values can also be referred to a message. The element of message becomes the idea underlying the creation of the literary works. It is expected to be interpreted by the readers to be used as educational values as well as social control that can be used as a guide to interact in real life. Therefore, the aim of the study was to describe the educational values contained in the novel </em><em>Uhibbuka Fillah (Aku Mencintaimu Karena Allah) </em><em>by Ririn Rahayu Astuti Ningrum with the approach of literary sociology. Data collection techniques were documentation techniques. </em><em>The data were analyzed using the</em><em> content analysis. </em><em>The results showed that</em><em> the educational values found in the novel </em><em>Uhibbuka Fillah (Aku Mencintaimu Karena Allah)</em><em> by Ririn Rahayu Astuti Ningrum consisted of religious, moral, social, and cultural. (1) The values of religious education, encompassing about loving all things must be due to Allah, having resignation, increasing the knowledge of religion, accustoming to fasting and sunnah prayer, covering aurat, and ghadhdhul bashar (holding sight). (2) The values of moral education, including about obedience to parents, good morals, sincerity and honesty. (3) The values of social education, including about love to orphans, help, and keep promises to others. (4) The value of cultural education is about the palace building that has implied meaning. The findings are very well used as the example in shaping positive values in real life.</em></p><p> </p><p>Nilai-nilai pendidikan sangat erat kaitannya dengan karya sastra. Setiap karya sastra yang baik (termasuk novel) selalu mengungkapkan nilai-nilai luhur yang bermanfaat bagi pembacanya. Nilai-nilai pendidikan dalam karya sastra dapat disebut juga sebagai amanat atau pesan. Unsur amanat atau pesan menjadi gagasan yang mendasari diciptakannya karya sastra tersebut. Hal tersebut diharapkan dapat ditafsirkan oleh pembaca agar bisa dijadikan sebagai ilmu atau nilai pendidikan sekaligus kontrol sosial yang bisa dijadikan pedoman berinteraksi dalam kehidupan yang nyata. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai pendidikan yang terkandung dalam novel Uhibbuka Fillah (Aku Mencintaimu Karena Allah) karya Ririn Rahayu Astuti Ningrum dengan pendekatan sosiologi sastra. Data dalam penelitian kualitatif deskriptif ini berupa kata, kalimat, atau wacana yang bersumber dari novel Uhibbuka Fillah (Aku Mencintaimu Karena Allah) karya Ririn Rahayu Astuti Ningrum. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik dokumentasi, simak, dan catat. Analisis data dilakukan dengan content analysis. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai-nilai pendidikan yang ditemukan dalam novel Uhibbuka Fillah (Aku Mencintaimu Karena Allah) karya Ririn Rahayu Astuti Ningrum terdiri dari nilai pendidikan agama, moral, sosial, dan budaya. (1) Nilai-nilai pendidikan agama, mencakup ajaran untuk mencintai segala sesuatu harus karena Allah, tawakkal hanya kepada Allah, mendalami ilmu agama, membiasakan puasa dan sholat sunnah, menutup aurat, dan ghadhdhul bashar (menundukkan atau menahan pandangan). (2) Nilai-nilai pendidikan moral, mencakup ajaran untuk taat dan patuh kepada orang tua, berakhlak baik, berbuat tulus dan jujur. (3) Nilai-nilai pendidikan sosial, mencakup ajaran untuk mencintai anak yatim, tolong menolong, dan menepati janji kepada orang lain. (4) Nilai pendidikan budaya antaranya mengenai bangunan keraton yang memiliki makna tersirat. Dari keseluruhan nilai-nilai pendidikan yang terdapat dalam novel ini, sangatlah baik digunakan sebagai contoh dalam membentuk dan menanamkan nilai-nilai positif dalam kehidupan nyata</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-99
Mustofa Imam ◽  
Lutfi Fadilah ◽  
Anggara Wahyu Widiawati Putri

The curriculum of education is always changing and developing according to the needs of education in which all components of the nation also provide encouragement for education providers aiming to always carry out the process of improvement. For this reason, the implementation of the curriculum must have guidelines that must be adhered to. To overcome the above problems, the principles of curriculum development can be used as guidelines for the delivery of education. In this article, the speaker uses a type of library research method, namely in obtaining data from library documents such as books, books, magazines, journals and other documents. Literature study is a form of research related to the way of collecting research materials and data. The data collection technique used is the documentation method, namely by collecting and analyzing documents. The result of this research is that in implementing the curriculum, it is necessary to have guidelines that can be used as guidance. And among the 9 principles of developing the existing curriculum, each education provider is good to be applied in accordance with the existing institutional conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Giantomi Muhammad ◽  
Nurwadjah Ahmad Eq ◽  
Andewi Suhartini

The concept of takhalluq bi akhlaqillah as a process and outcome of Islamic education provides an idea in shaping a human personality with character. This concept comes from the teachings of Sufism which are exemplified by Sufis as a way to increase the level towards the love of Allah SWT. The purpose of this research is to find the concept of the process and outcomes of Islamic education with the concept of takhalluq bi akhlaqillah which is the basis for the implementation of the Islamic education process. The method used in this research is literature study and content analysis, followed by descriptive-analytic and the last step is descriptive analysis and data interpretation. The results of this study show that Islamic education in the concept of takhalluq bi akhlaqillah emphasizes the process of increasing the faith and devotion that teachers can do and efforts to internalize it in the Islamic education curriculum. Teachers and the Islamic education curriculum are the most important elements in conveying takhalluq bi akhlaqillah attitudes that form human personalities who can love Allah SWT to increase faith and devotion and lead to noble behavior.

Mochamad Choirur Riza ◽  
Sahid Teguh Widodo ◽  
Atikah Anindyarini

This study aimed to describe the form of tolerance values in the novel Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika by Hanum Salsabiela Rais and Rangga Almahendra. The research method which was used is descriptive qualitative. The data collection used reading and note-taking techniques. The data in this study was a novel entitled Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika. The data source in this study were quotes which were contained in the novel. The analysis technique which was used is the content analysis technique. The theory used is the theory of tolerance values found in each text by paying attention to the elements of tolerance values. The results of this study indicated that there was a tolerance value that included in four elements. The first element was to give freedom or independence. The second element was recognizing the rights of each individual, then the third element was respecting the beliefs of others, and the fourth element is mutual understanding. One aspect of character education was a tolerance. For this reason, the results of this study could be used as material for character education. That was because the research results of the novel entitled the Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika were in accordance with the four elements of tolerance values.

2022 ◽  
pp. 204-235
Jenitta Sabu

In the second wave of the novel corona virus pandemic, where misinformation and infodemic are at their peak, data-driven reporting acts as a solution to curb misinformation and infodemic worldwide. Therefore, it is important to analyse the newspaper coverage of the COVID-19 second wave by using models of data-driven reporting in newspapers based on purpose, relationship, data presentation, type, and structure. The objective of this research was to analyse the data-driven reporting of COVID-19 and test models of data-driven reporting in the field of health communication. This research study was based on a quantitative approach, using content analysis research method, and the tool of data collection was secondary. The unstructured sampling technique was taken into consideration which included two English national dailies of India for five consecutive days. Results of this study helped the researcher in analysing data-driven reporting of COVID-19 second wave and testifying these models in the field of health communication.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-103
Suhardi ◽  
Harry Andheska ◽  
Cut Purnama Sari

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to explore the values of local wisdom contained in the myth of Meriam Tegak and the legend Pilang Island. The research method used is qualitative descriptive. Data collection techniques are carried out using document techniques. Analysis of research data is carried out using content analysis techniques. The results obtained are the myth of the upright cannon and the legend of Pilang Island contains the value of local wisdom, such: (1) religious, (2) honesty, (3) not denouncing, (4) keeping the heart, (5) patient, (6) meek, (7) responsibility, and (8) the value of trust. The conclusion of the research is the myth of Meriam Tegak and the legend of Pilang Island contains religious values (Islam), ethical values, social, hard work, and educational values. The eight values of local wisdom combine to build a whole storyline of myths and legends. In addition, the eight values also decrypt local wisdom values. Keywords: values of local wisdom, myths, and legends

Nur Ahid Prasetyawan Purnomosidhi ◽  
Ninuk Lustyantie ◽  

The purpose of this research is to explore and gain a profound understanding of the values of education in the novel Mimpi Anak Pulau by Abidah El Khalieqy is reviewed from the angle of intrinsic structure of the novel (themes, plot, figures, luminaries, and background) that builds storytelling in the novel. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The method used is content analysis. Techniques and procedures for data collection using research instruments in the form of notebooks, analysis sheets of intrinsic elements, analysis sheet of educational values in the novel Mimpi Anak Pulau by Abidah El Khalieqy. Results of the study shows the values of education in the form of religious/diligent worship, honest, toleration, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, love of homeland, achievers, friendly, peace, love of reading, caring environment, social care, and responsible, which are found and depicted in the novel Mimpi Anak Pulau by Abidah El Khalieqy These educational values are demonstrated through an analysis of instrinsic structures, which include themes, figures and luminaries, grooves, and backgrounds.

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