scholarly journals Pengaruh Motivasi, Budaya, dan Sikap Konsumen Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Indomie

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 319-324
Keren Keren ◽  
Sulistiono Sulistiono

Consumption of instant noodle products in Indonesia is quite high. Especially the Indomie instant noodle which is the market leader in the Indonesian instant noodle product market. In purchasing products, consumers are influenced by three factors, namely motivation, culture, and consumer attitudes. This research is a survey research with data collection method through interviews using a questionnaire instrument to 100 respondents in the Bogor city. Based on the analysis of the data obtained, it is known that of the three variables studied, Consumer Attitude is the most influential variable on the Purchase Decision of Indomie brand instant noodle products because it has the greatest beta value among the other variables. From the partial test results (t and F test) it can be obtained that the three exogeneus variables (Consumer Motivation, Culture, and Consumer Attitudes) have the same strong and positive influence simultaneously on the Purchase Decision of Indomie brand instant noodle products.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 19-24
Victorinus Laoli ◽  
Fatolosa Hulu

This study aims to know to know and analyze the pricing of purchasing decisions on UD. Sentosa Gunungsitoli. Population determination in this study is as many as 450 people per day. With average visitor details of 15 people per day multiplied by one month (30 days). The sample to be taken is 10% of 450 people that is 45 people. Sample collection method used is stratified random sampling (random sampling study). Researchers use Likert scale as a measuring tool. From result of calculation of correlation coefficient between variable X (price determination) influence to variable Y (decision of purchase) obtained rhitung (rxy) = 0,818 if consulted at price critics table r product moment for 5% confidence interval after counting it r count = 0,818> from rtabel = 0,514. Thus it can be concluded that there is a strong or positive influence between the pricing of purchasing decisions on building materials at UD. Sentosa Gunungsitoli. The contribution of working price determination to purchase decision is = 66,91%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 136-148
Moh Azus Shony Azar ◽  
Achmad Efendi

: This research to analyze the effect of service speed and service friendliness on the satisfaction of Lamongan coffee house customers. The sample in this study were 100 respondents. Data collection method in this study is questionnaire and documentation study. The method of data analysis uses descriptive quantitative methods, namely with multiple linear regression analysis and classical assumption tests.Based on the F test results obtained F-count is greater than F-count 204.254> F table value = 3.09, service speed and service friendliness together have a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Based on the T Test Service speed (X1) has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, Service friendliness (X2) has a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction. Service speed is the most influential variable on customer satisfaction. Through testing the Determination Coefficient by adjusted R Square (R2) 80.4%, customer satisfaction can be explained by variable service speed and service friendliness, while 19.6% performance can be explained by other variables not examined by this study.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 164
Juairiah Juairiah ◽  
Genot Agung Busono ◽  
Deni Fadeli

The formulation of the problem in this research is whether the influence ofconsumer perceptions and attitudes toward online purchasing decisions inSungai Lilin District Musi Banyuasin. The purpose of this study is todetermine the influence of consumer perceptions and attitudes toward onlinepurchasing decisions in Sungai Lilin District Musi Banyuasin. The method inthis research is using assosiatif method, assosiatif method that is researchproblem problem which is stated relationship two variable or more. Thelocation of this research is in Sungai Lilin District Musi Banyuasin. Thepopulation in this study is the community in Sungai Lilin District MusiBanyuasin. The sample in this research is 100 respondents by using clustersampling method, that is sampling based on wide area or geographicallocation and sampling randomly. The data required in this study using primarydata. The method of data collection is questionnaire. The data obtained wereanalyzed using multiple linear regression technique. The test results provethat the variables of perception and consumer attitudes together significantlyinfluence simultaneously to the purchase decision variables. Hypothesistesting partially proves that, consumer attitudes have a significant effect onpurchasing decisions. While the perception has no significant effect onpurchasing decisions.

Kristiningsih Kristiningsih ◽  
Sri Hartini ◽  
Indrianawati Usman

Innovation is something that is important for businesses to survive in the era of competition. Innovation allows companies to continue to make and improve their offerings, and these offers can be implemented in business only if the customer considers the product to be innovative. This study aimed to examine the effect of consumer innovation on consumer attitudes with self-congruity as a mediating variable. The study was conducted on consumers of green skincare products in East Java. To test the hypothesis, a structural Equation Model analysis was performed using WARP PLS. The results showed that there was a positive influence between consumer innovativeness on self-congruity and consumer attitude. Kata kunci                  : consumer innovativeness, consumer attitude, self congruity

Fandy Gunawan ◽  
Mochammad Mukti Ali ◽  
Arissetyanto Nugroho

This study aims to analyze the effect of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness on consumer attitudes and the impact on purchase decision at PT Tokopedia in Jabodetabek. Population in this study is the entire PT Tokopedia consumers in Jabodetabek, and the sampling method using purposive sampling. The data in this study were collected through questionnaire using Likert scale from 119 respondents who had transaction at least once in the last three months at PT Tokopedia. Data is processed using Linear Structural Relationship (LISREL) software version 8.8. The result shows that perceived ease of use has negative and insignificant impact on consumer attitudes, perceived usefulness has positive and significant impact on consumer attitudes, perceived ease of use has positive and insignificant impact on purchase decision, perceived usefulness has positive and insignificant impact on purchase decision, and consumer attitudes has positive and significant impact on purchase decision.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Anang Firmansyah ◽  
Didin Fatihudin

Packaging is one way to promote a product, attracting consumers to buy a product. In order for the packaging to perform its functions properly, the model VIEW proposed by Terence A. VIEW here includes Visibility, Information, Emotional Appeal and Workability variables.The purpose of this research is first to analyze the influence of Visibility (X1), Information (X2), Emotional Appeal (X3) and Workability (X4) on consumer purchasing decision (Y) of Fruit Flavored Drinks product in SurabayaData obtained from 100 respondents who were sampled by filling questionnaire. Based on the analysis of multiple regretion known that the independent variables have a direct positive influence with the dependent variable. Furthermore the result of data analysis obtained value R2 equal to 0,71. This can be interpreted that 71% of variables dependent variables are influenced by independent variables. While the rest (29%) is influenced by other variables outside the model.Hypothesis test results both partial and simultaneous shows the analysis results that VIEW model consisting of variables Visibility (X1), Information (X2), Emotional Appeal (X3) and Workability (X4) have a significant influence both partially and simultaneously on consumer purchasing decision (Y) of Fruit Flavored Drinks product in Surabaya. Keywords: Product packaging VIEW Model, purchase decision.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Hasanudin S. Usman

The purpose of this research is to know how to incerease the students’ learning achievement that has been applied learning contextual task-based learning model and to know the influence of contextual learning in  the task-based teaching model to improve achievemen and motivation to learn the material pe civis lesson.   This research is an action research by theree rounds. Each round consists of four phases. Design activities are observation, and revesion. The subject of the research is XI grade students of Bina Informatika Ternate accademic year 2015/2016. Data obtained in the form of a formative test results, observation sheet teaching and learning activities. The results of the research showed that students’ achivement increased from round I to III that the round 1, (70.00 % ), (92,50 %)  3 cycles, conclusions of this research is the method of cooperatif learning can be a positive influence on students motivation and achievement in material udaya politics in Indonesia. It means that this model can be used as one of the alternative learning for Pkn.            Kata  kunci: PKn, cooperative learning method

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Nuridin, SE., MM. ◽  
Dwi Ardika Prayudha

This research is aimed to examine the influence of brand image and product quality to car purchase decision at PT. Mitsubishi Krama Yudha Motors and Manufacturing. Data analysis method was used, is quantitative analysis, by using validity and reliability test, coefficient of determination, and multiple linear regression analysis. Result of regression equation is: Y = 0,665 + 0,517 X1 + 0,416 X2 Simultaneously testing of brand image variables and product quality to purchase decision, shown by F count equal to 85,955 bigger than F table 3,159 or with sig. F 0.000 is smaller than alpha 0.005. Based on the test results simultaneously, can be seen that the independent variables (brand image and product quality) have a positive and significant impact on the car purchase decision at Mitsubishi cars At PT. Krama Yudha Motors and Manufacturing. Suggestions which can be given for future developments and determinations of policy are, companies should pay attention to brand image, product quality, to make customers more satisfied and keep using Mitsubishi cars as their choice.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 899
Rita Rita

Brand makes easier consumer to take efficiently purchase decision about the product. Consumer choices product or brand are driven by utilitarian and hedonic considerations. The main purpose of this study was to examine the effect of perceived symbolic value and utilitarian value on consumer attitudes toward brand and purchase intentions. The respondents in this study are university students in Yogyakarta. Sampling technique used was purposive sampling. There are only 235 respondents among 400 questioners whom can be used as samples. Validity and reliability testing were conducted in order to figure out the validity rate and data reliability. The data were analyzed by using Regression Analysis. The results provide support for seven of the eight hypothesized. The results provide that symbolic value and utilitarian value as two different value but related. The results show that symbolic value and utilitarian value have a positive impact on consumer attitudes toward brand and purchase intentions. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 1067
Denny Asmas ◽  
Ahmad Tarmizi

The increasing number of residents, especially in Telanaipura Village Telanaipura sub-district will have far-reaching implications also on the decision to purchase instant noodle products.  the background outlined above, can be taken to formulate a problem: How social variables affect the decision to buy Instant Indomie noodle products. The purpose of this study is as follows: To analyze the influence of social variables on the decision to buy instant indomie noodle products. To find out the social influence and purchasing decisions used the regression formula. The accumulated results of respondents' answers showed that on average, all respondents' answers showed that the purchase decision variable was at a pretty good level with an average score of 320. The accumulated respondent's response to social variables was 325.8. This value is in a fairly good interval class. This means that social factors are considered by consumers to consume instant indomie noodle food. determination coefficient or (R Square) of independent variable regression (Social Variable) to the Decision to Purchase indomie instant noodle products 0.643. social variable t-calculated value of 2,003, because the t-count value (2,003) is greater than t-Table (1,684) then at the error rate 5% Ho rejected Ha accepted

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