reliability testing
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2022 ◽  
pp. 339-380
Rajan Ambat ◽  
Kamila Piotrowska

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 1563-165
Friska Nababan

Abstract: Friska Nababan, NPM. 1911322025177 (2021), The Influence of Work Abality and Leadership On Job Satisfaction and Employee Productivity Of PT.Banua Megah Sejahtera,STIE Pancasetia Program Thesis supervised by Nurus Sjamsi and Maria Anastasia. This study aims to determine the effect of work ability and leadership on job satisfaction and productivity of employees at PT. Banua Megah Sejahtera The quantitative method is explanatory research with a population of 68 people, total sampling technique is 68 people, the research instrument is validity and reliability testing, the data is tested using path analysis with the help of SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results of this study indicate that work ability, leadership have a significant effect on job satisfaction. Work ability has a significant negative effect on employee productivity. Leadership and job satisfaction have a significant effect on employee work productivity. Job satisfaction mediates the effect of work ability on productivity and job satisfaction mediates the influence of leadership on employee productivity,PT.Banua Megah Sejahtera.   Keywords: work ability, leadership,  job satisfaction and employees productivity .   Abstrak: Friska Nababan,1911322025177 (2021), Pengaruh Kemampuan Kerja Dan Kepemimpinan Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Dan Produktivitas Karyawan PT. Banua Megah Sejahtera. Tesis Program STIE Pancasetia, dibimbing oleh Nurus Sjamsi dan Maria Anastasia . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Kemampuan Kerja dan Kepemimpinan Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja dan Produktivitas karyawan PT. Banua Megah Sejahtera. Metode kuantitatif jenis penelitian eksplanatory dengan populasi sebanyak 68  orang, teknik total sampling sebanyak 68 orang, instrument penelitian uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas, data diuji dengan menggunakan analisis  jalur dengan bantuan software SmartPLS 3.0. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Kemampuan Kerja, Kepemimpinan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kepuasan Kerja. Kemampuan Kerja berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap Produktivitas Kerja karyawan,  Kepemimpinan  dan Kepuasan Kerja  berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Produktivitas Kerja karyawan. Kepuasan kerja memediasi pengaruh kemampuan kerja terhadap produktivitas dan kepuasan kerja memediasi pengaruh kepemimpinan terhadap produktivitas karyawan, PT. Banua Megah Sejahtera.   Kata kunci :   Kemampuan Kerja, kepemimpinan, Kepuasan Kerja dan Produktivitas Karyawan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 873
Nur Chayati ◽  
Christantie Effendy ◽  
Ismail Setyopranoto

<p>It is disconcerting that until today there are no agencies or research to recommend the appropriate indicators of home nursing care of stroke patients according to Indonesian conditions. Hence, this research aimed to verify the validity and reliability of quality indicators of home nursing care for stroke patient that resulted from Delphy process. Confirmatory factor analysis was carried out for validity and reliability testing with data collected from 350 respondents. Based on the value of loading factors, 62 indicators were declared valid and five indicators were invalid. This study successfully proved the validity of 62 indicators of quality home care for stroke patients. Further research is needed to pilot project this indicator in a larger area.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 145 (9-10) ◽  
pp. 443-443
Vlado Jumić ◽  
Krešimir Krapinec ◽  
Siniša Ozimec ◽  
Tomica Marić ◽  
Tihomir Florijančić

The most frequently utilized population quality indices in cervids were a fluctuating asymmetry or a branch length in yearlings. Nevertheless, unlike bovids, there has not been a reliable quality index so far that could also be applied at a later age. Therefore, an application reliability testing pertaining to certain elements of trophy measurement for the sake of difference detection between the cohorts was performed on a sample numbering 225 trophies of red deer stags from 11 cohorts. Although each of the nine trophy variables tested has succeeded in finding certain differences, the most reliable are the overall trophy value and circumferences (circumference of coronets, lower beam circumference and upper beam circumference). Since various trophy evaluation systems have been applied in the world, the implementation of the overall trophy value is limited only to the trophies evaluated pursuant to the CIC system. Hence, the most reliable indices are those based upon circumferences.

Yoonkyung Song ◽  
Yong Jin Yoon ◽  
Han Joo Lee ◽  
Yeon Soo Kim ◽  
John C. Spence ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 551
Yois Nelsari Malau ◽  
Theresia Lumban Gaol ◽  
Ehtri Novelia Giawa ◽  
Chesya Juwita

Tax is one of the payments to the State which is paid by a person or entity. Therefore, consistency with paying taxes is very important to build state revenue. This test aims to determine the effect of taxpayer awareness, knowledge of taxes, tax sanctions and tax services on taxpayer compliance with motorized vehicles in the city of Medan. The population that we use for this study are taxpayers who are registered with the Samsat of Medan City. The sample in this study was 100 respondents with an examination strategy using the accidental sampling method. The information used in this study is important information from the appropriate survey results and interviews with interviews. The test strategy uses Validity and Reliability testing, Classical Assumption Test and Hypothesis Determination Coefficient. The results of this investigation trace that taxpayer awareness factors, tax knowledge, tax sanctions and tax service services have an influence on compliance with motorized vehicle registration in the city of Medan. The results of this examination, it is natural that the Medan City Samsat office can further develop its performance so that it can improve the consistency of citizens to pay their taxes.

Media Wisata ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Ali Hasan

This research was designed to know the influence of quality perception, value perception, tourist satisfaction, and revisiting to Word of Mouth (WoM) recommendation. Methods that are used in this research are questioner to collect the data, part-whole used to test the validity and Cronbach alpha to test the reliability. Testing the normality, Linearity, multi colinearity, autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity is to detect the compatibility of using a model of the path regression as the test of hypothesis. The result of this research indicates that: (1) quality perception, value perception, tourist satisfaction, and revisiting significantly have positive effect positive to WoM recommendation, (2) quality perception has the positive influence to value perception, (3) quality perception has the positive influence which is very significant to tourist satisfaction, (4) quality perception has the positive influence which is significantly the revisiting, (5) quality preception has the positive influence which is significant to WoM recommendation, (6) perception assess has positive influence to tourist satisfaction, (7) perception assess is to own the positive influence which is significant to revisiting, (8) perception assess has the positve influence which is very to WoM recommendation, (9) tourist satisfavtion has a positive effect significantly to the revisiting, (10) tourist satisfaction has a positive effect to WoM recommendation, (11) resiviting has the positive influence which is very significant to WoM recommendation, and (12) revisiting has more dominant influence in creating WoM recommendation of Jogja tourism object to others people.

Academia Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Ayu Windasari ◽  
Herman Ernandi

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of tax sanctions and taxpayer audits on taxpayer compliance with service quality as a moderating variable. The analytical tool used is tabulating the questionnaire, collecting data in the form of validity testing and reliability testing. The hypothesis in this study is that there is an effect of tax sanctions and tax audits on taxpayer compliance with service quality as a moderating variable. Testing this hypothesis using the SmartPLS analysis tool. The results obtained based on the validity test showed that all statements on the questionnaire were declared valid. To test the reliability test of all variables obtained from Composite Realibility or Cronbach's Alpha value is declared realible. And for hypothesis testing based on R-Square and T-statistics, it shows that not all hypotheses are accepted. The result of the hypothesis states that Tax Audit has an effect on taxpayer compliance. And there is no effect between tax sanctions on taxpayer compliance, tax sanctions on taxpayer compliance moderated by service quality, and tax audits moderated by service quality.

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