Alma Pociene ◽  
Skirmantas Pocius

In Lithuania almost the whole drinking water is derived from groundwater sources. The concept of ground@water vulnerability is based on an assumption that a physical environment may provide some degree of protection to groundwater against human impact.The earth materials may act as natural filters to screen out some contaminants. Groundwater vulnerability depends on the natural characteristics of a site and relates to the pathways and rate of downward movement of pollutants. Pollutant migration through the soil zone depends just on the depth of waterlogging, texture, organic matter content, quantity of precipitation.. Pollutants accumulating in shallow groundwater in the Lithuanian area are, first of all, nitrates and organic matter. Regularities of groundwater chemistry can be determined only after investigation into the processes of their formation. That is why we need to find out the main factors of nitrate concentrations in groundwater. Investigation took place in Karkiškes object of Educational Farm of Lithuanian University of Agriculture in 1997–2002. Also, the data from publications were used. The regime of groundwater level and the quantity of nitrates in it was an object of the investigation. The objective of the thesis is to estimate correlation between nitrate concentrations in groundwater and natural factors, such as textural composition of the soil, the quantity of clay and humus particles in the soil, the depth up to the groundwater level, the depth of a restrictive layer and annual precipitation amount. The correlation analysis was used to determine relationship among these factors. The investigation shows that the concentration of nitrogen in groundwater and nitrate leaching are under the influence of humus and clay particles in the soil. It also shows that, when the content of clay particles in the soil increases, nitrogen leaching decreases. Relationship between nitrate content in groundwater and its level from the soil surface, precipitation amount were identified by the investigation. The obtained relationship is close enough, and the correlation coefficients are high (0,86–0,98).

1969 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
pp. 227-232
Raul Pérez Escolar ◽  
M. A. Lugo López

In both Catalina clay and Cialitos clay there are no marked differences in the properties of the different-sized aggregates and the corresponding whole soils studied. Although well-drained upland soils in the Tropics are supposed to contain less organic matter than those in the cooler Temperate Zones, the organic-matter content of Catalina clay and Cialitos clay was as great as that found in many soils of the same texture in Temperate Zones. Organic matter has a very definite influence as a cementing agent between clay particles. This was shown by the low clay values obtained when or ganic matter was not removed by pretreating the soil with hydrogen per oxide prior to mechanical analysis. From the general data obtained in the study of the aggregates of both soils, it can be inferred that they are formed largely as a result of the breakdown of large massive units of soils. If synthesis occurred to a larger extent, more marked differences could be expected in their constitutional makeup.

HortScience ◽  
1994 ◽  
Vol 29 (5) ◽  
pp. 550d-550
Christopher J. Starbuck

A 7.5 cm layer (.1 m3) of fresh or 8-year-old oak sawdust was applied to 1.7 m2 plots as a mulch or tilled in to a depth of 10 cm. Saw dust-treated and control plots received 0.45 or 227 g of nitrogen applied as ammonium nitrate. Five one-year-old `Lynwood Gold' forsythia plants were planted in each of the 90 plots in the experiment in September 1992 and were pruned in March 1993 to 20 cm above the soil surface. Plant height, soil pH and levels of Na, organic matter, P, K Ca, Mg, NO3 and NH3 in the soil were determined following the 1993 growing season. Fresh and aged saw dust reduced plant growth by 40 and 31% respectively when incorporated without supplemental nitrogen. Adding the high rate of nitrogen overcame the inhibition caused by aged but not fresh sawdust. Both materials significantly reduced soil nitrate content even when used as a mulch and reduced phosphorus when incorporated. Organic matter content of sawdust-amended plots averaged over twice that of control plots. Neither material had a significant influence on pH as determined one year after incorporation.

1961 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 612 ◽  
CH Williams ◽  
J Lipsett

A study has been made of red-brown earth�s cultivated for wheat on a narrow rotation of fallow-wheat-volunteer pasture in the Ariah Park district of Xew South Wales. Surface soil samples from 55 cropped paddocks currently under fallow and from matched adjoining areas with no history of cultivation were examined in laboratory, pot culture, and field studies. Many of the soils had carried at least 20 crops since being brought under cultivation and had lost an average of 30% of their organic matter during this period. However, only 17% of the organic phosphorus had been mineralized. The mean ratio of carbon : nitrogen : sulphur : organic phosphorus in the uncultivated soils was 178.3 : 10 : 1.37 : 0.63 while that for the cultivated soils was 170.9 : 10 : 1.41 : 0.74. As a result of the decrease in organic matter content the cation exchange capacity decreased under cultivation. Losses of the exchangeable cations also occurred, but the relative proportions of the metal ions in the cultivated soils were the same as those in the uncultivated. Removal of cations in crops could not account for all of the losses observed. There had been a net loss of sulphur from the surface soils over and above that likely by crop removal. The nitrate content of the surface samples was insufficient to provide the nitrogen uptake by the crop either in pots or in the field. Evidence is presented suggesting that other sources, including leached nitrate, were utilized in the field. Mineralization of organic phosphorus and fertilizer addition had increased the amounts of inorganic, plant-available forms, but the total phosphorus was unchanged in the cultivated soils. However, the phosphorus status of' the cultivated soils was still extremely low and responses to phosphorus were obtained at all sites. There seems little prospect of reducing current superphosphate rates on these soils.

Wetlands ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (4) ◽  
pp. 721-731 ◽  
Paul A. Ayayee ◽  
Joseph Taura ◽  
Alescia A. Roberto ◽  
Christopher B. Blackwood ◽  
Laura G. Leff

Abstract Due to their relatively small sizes, temperate forest vernal pools are less studied than other wetlands, despite being potential biogeochemical hotspots in landscapes. We investigated spatial and temporal factors driving N2O and CH4 emission rates from vernal pools in a temperate forest. We determined higher N2O (3.66 ± 0.53 × 10−6, μg N2O/m2/h) and CH4 (2.10 ± 0.7 × 10−3, μg N2O/m2/h) rates in spring relative to fall (~50% and 77% lower for N2O and CH4 rates, respectively) and winter (~70% and 94% lower for N2O and CH4 rates, respectively). Soil organic matter, nitrate content and bacterial 16S rDNA, nirS, and norB gene abundances emerged as significant drivers of N2O rates, whereas, soil pH, organic matter content and mcrA abundance were significant drivers of CH4 rates. Denitrification gene abundances were negatively correlated with N2O rates, whereas mcrA abundance correlated positively with CH4 rates. Results suggest that CH4 rates may be directly coupled to methanogen abundance, whereas N2O rates may be directly impacted by a variety of abiotic variables and indirectly coupled to the abundance of potential denitrifier assemblages. Overall, additional studies examining these dynamics over extended periods are needed to provide more insights into their control.

2018 ◽  
Vol 67 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-141 ◽  
G. Gelybó ◽  
E. Tóth ◽  
C. Farkas ◽  
Á. Horel ◽  
I. Kása ◽  

Climate change is expected to have a vigorous impact on soils and ecosystems due to elevated temperature and changes in precipitation (amount and frequency), thereby altering biogeochemical and hydrological cycles. Several phenomena associated with climate change and anthropogenic activity affect soils indirectly via ecosystem functioning (such as higher atmospheric CO2 concentration and N deposition). Continuous interactions between climate and soils determine the transformation and transport processes. Long-term gradual changes in abiotic environmental factors alter naturally occurring soil forming processes by modifying the soil water regime, mineral composition evolution, and the rate of organic matter formation and degradation. The resulting physical and chemical soil properties play a fundamental role in the productivity and environmental quality of cultivated land, so it is crucial to evaluate the potential outcomes of climate change and soil interactions. This paper attempts to review the underlying long-term processes influenced by different aspects of climate change. When considering major soil forming factors (climate, parent material, living organisms, topography), especially climate, we put special attention to soil physical properties (soil structure and texture, and consequential changes in soil hydrothermal regime), soil chemical properties (e.g. cation exchange capacity, soil organic matter content as influenced by changes in environmental conditions) and soil degradation as a result of longterm soil physicochemical transformations. The temperate region, specifically the Carpathian Basin as a heterogeneous territory consisting of different climatic and soil zones from continental to mountainous, is used as an example to present potential changes and to assess the effect of climate change on soils. The altered physicochemical and biological properties of soils require accentuated scientific attention, particularly with respect to significant feedback processes to climate and soil services such as food security.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-39
Baghdad Science Journal

The present research included sampling and analysis of 41 soil samples , the samples cover various areas of Nasiriyah city (industrial,commercial,residential and agricultural ) to estimate pollution levels of lead element and determine the correlation between lead concentration and natural factors in soil which represent sedimentary organic matter content, granular gradient, clay minerals and non-clay minerals . The results of the current study showed that the average concentration of lead in the soil samples was 61.12 ppm , it was noticed an increase in the concentration of lead in environmental components in the area of this study especially in residential , industrial and commercial location and the impact of natural factors of the soil was limited and the main factors of pollution is resulting from human activities

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 367 ◽  
Salma Sefiani ◽  
Abdennabi El Mandour ◽  
Nour-Eddine Laftouhi ◽  
Nourddine Khalil ◽  
Safia Kamal ◽  

The irrigated perimeter of the Haouz plain is one of the largest in Morocco with 310.000 Ha with intense agricultural practices based on irrigation. Besides, recent studies have shown that the aquifer is characterized by an overall average to low sensitivity and vulnerability. The objective of this study is to provide an in depth diagnosis of the current situation regarding soil quality for a drip irrigation area: a citrus orchard, in a farm named Agafay, is located in the western part of Haouz, at 35 km SW of Marrakesh. To this objective, an intensive in situ campaign has been carried out focused on the measurements of the physico-chemical parameters of soil, at nine plots. The variation of these parameters, their impact on the type of rootstock and the variation of pollutants through the five soil horizons are analyzed. The results revealed that the condition in the soil quality is not very alarming. As most of the soils are light-textured, with poor organic matter content and basic to very basic pH. The reduction of organic matter, salinity, orthophosphates and nitrates with depth is attributed to the localized mode of irrigation adopted at the site which minimizes the loss of nutrients and, in fine, pollution of the aquifer. Multivariate analysis shows that the total and lime correlate well with the pH, which in turn correlate negatively with nitrate content and soil electrical conductivity. This work has strong implications for the quality assessment of soil for all irrigated perimeters by the drip in semi-arid areas, order to ensure the conservation and sustainability of the production system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-114
Lalik Salistia Citra ◽  
Supriharyono Supriharyono ◽  
Suryanti Suryanti

ABSTRAKKawasan Tugu merupakan kawasan pesisir yang ditanami mangrove yang bermanfaat untuk menanggulangi dampak abrasi dan memiliki produktivitas yang tinggi, sehingga  perlu untuk dikaji kandungan nutriennya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji perbedaan kandungan nutrien pada sedimen antar stasiun dan antar  tegakan Avicennia dan Rhizophora. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Bulan November 2019 di Desa Tapak Tugurejo, Semarang dengan menggunakan metode purposive random sampling. Pengambilan sampel sedimen dilakukan pada empat stasiun pengamatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata kandungan bahan organik pada tegakan Avicennia dan Rhizophora di keempat stasiun berturut-turut adalah 10,67% dan 13,21%.  Rata-rata kandungan nitrat pada tegakan Avicennia dan Rhizophora di keempat stasiun berturut-turut adalah 5,42 mg/100 g dan 5,6 mg/100 g. Rata-rata kandungan fosfat pada tegakan Avicennia dan Rhizophora di keempat stasiun berturut-turut adalah 1,16 mg/100 g dan 1,74 mg/100 g. Berdasarkan analisis kandungan bahan organik, nitrat dan fosfat antar tegakan mangrove tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05), artinya kandungan nutrien tidak dipengaruhi oleh jenis mangrove Avicennia ataupun Rhizophora. ABSTRACTTugu area is a coastal area planted by mangroves that is useful to overcome the impacf of abration and has high primary productivity so it needs to be reviewed. This study aims to examine the differences of nutrient content in sediments between stations and between Avicennia and Rhizophora grounds. The study was conducted in November 2019 at Tapak Tugurejo Village, Semarang using a purposive random sampling method. Sediment sampling at four observation stations with the specified point, namely Avicennia and Rhizophora. The results showed the average organic matter content in Avicennia and Rhizophora stands at the four stations are 10,67% and 13,21% respectively. The average nitrate content in Avicennia and Rhizophora grounds in the four stations are 5,42 mg/100 g and 5,6 mg/100 g respectively. The average phosphate content in Avicennia and Rhizophora grounds in the four stations are 1,16 mg/100 g and 1,74 mg/100 g respectively. Based on result of the analysis organic matter content, nitrate and phosphate between mangrove stands was not significantly different (P>0,05). It means that the nutrient content was not influenced by the types of Avicennia or Rhizophora mangroves.   

O. A. Lipatnikova

The study of heavy metal speciation in bottom sediments of the Vyshnevolotsky water reservoir is presented in this paper. Sequential selective procedure was used to determine the heavy metal speciation in bottom sediments and thermodynamic calculation — to determine ones in interstitial water. It has been shown that Mn are mainly presented in exchangeable and carbonate forms; for Fe, Zn, Pb и Co the forms are related to iron and manganese hydroxides is played an important role; and Cu and Ni are mainly associated with organic matter. In interstitial waters the main forms of heavy metal speciation are free ions for Zn, Ni, Co and Cd, carbonate complexes for Pb, fulvate complexes for Cu. Effects of particle size and organic matter content in sediments on distribution of mobile and potentially mobile forms of toxic elements have been revealed.

2005 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-55
Katalin Berecz ◽  
Katalin Debreczeni

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