cementing agent
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2021 ◽  
Vol 904 ◽  
pp. 268-273
Yan Ru Li ◽  
Li Jun Wang ◽  
Xiao Hui Liu

The normal stress of each layer of the laminate composite material will undergo complex changes after normal compression, and shear stress will also appear between the layers. In order to explore the distribution laws of normal stress and shear stress, this paper uses Hooke's law and the equilibrium condition of force to carry out mathematical derivation, the analytical formulas for normal stress and shear stress are obtained, and their respective maximum values ​​are given. Studies have shown that the maximum normal stress occurs at the center of the laminate, and its value is proportional to the external load, and is also closely related to the length, width, thickness, elastic modulus of the cementing agent, elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the laminate; The maximum shear stress occurs at the four corners of the laminate, and its value is proportional to the external load and the shear modulus of the cementing agent, inversely proportional to the thickness of the cementing agent layer, and its value is also closely related to the length, width, elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio of the laminate. The analytical formulas for normal stress and interlayer shear stress is helpful to deepen the understanding of the internal force distribution law of laminated plates, and the maximum value calculation formula can greatly facilitate the calculation of strength.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 612-616
Thiago Pantoja Maia ◽  
Marcelo Henrique Vilhena da Silva ◽  
Elma Vieira Takeuchi ◽  
Eliane Bemerguy Alves ◽  
Cecy Martins Silva

Background: There are still controversies in the literature as to which is the best resinous cementing agent. Due to this fact and the immense availability of types and brands of cementing agents, further studies are needed to evaluate the properties of these important dental materials. Objective: To assess the degree of monomer conversion (DC) and Knoop microhardness (KHN) of four resin cements: two conventional dual-cured resin cements (EnForce and RelyXARC); one self-etching cement (RelyXU100); and one chemically-activated cement (Cement-Post). Methods: 20 Pieces were made to assess KHN, and 20 to assess DC (n = 5). The DC was analyzed using a Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer, and KHN of the base and the top of the pieces were assessed using the Future-Tech microhardness tester. The data of KHN were statistically analyzed by two-factor ANOVA, and data related to DC were analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test. The analysis of the correlation between KHN and DC of the cementing agents was performed by linear regression. Results: Dual-cured cements exhibited lower average KHN values at the base than at the top of the pieces (p <0.05). The self-etching cement had a significantly higher average KHN value than the other assessed cements (p <0.05). The DC of the dual-cured cement did not differ (p >0.05). The chemically-activated cement exhibited the lowest averages of KHN and DC values (p <0.05). Linear regression analysis indicated a strong correlation between DC and KNH (p = 0.043; R2 = 0.96); however, a specific hardness value could not be correlated to a specific DC value. Conclusion: Preferably, dual-cured resin cements (conventional or self-etching) should be used. Chemically-activated resin cements should be avoided due to their lower averages of DC and KHN values.

2021 ◽  
CM Alencar ◽  
JRE Verbicário dos Santos ◽  
FFA Jassé ◽  
GO dos Santos ◽  
WG Escalante-Otárola ◽  

SUMMARY Objective: To evaluate the effects of mechanical versus chemical cleaning protocols for cleaning the root dentin surface before cementation of fiberglass posts for their effect on the bond strength, failure mode, and dentinal penetration of the cementing agent using an etch-and-rinse adhesive system on dentin prepared to receive a fiberglass post. Methods: Forty roots of bovine teeth were endodontically treated and prepared for fiber post cementation. The specimens were randomized into 4 groups of 10: Control group (CO) - irrigation with 2.5% NaOCl; DW group- irrigation with distilled water; RB group - rotating brush for cleaning root canals, and CUI group - continuous ultrasonic irrigation. The fiberglass posts were cemented, and the specimens were immersed in distilled water for 6 months. A push-out test was performed on the cervical, middle, and apical thirds of the samples. Dentinal penetration of the cementing agent and the fracture pattern were evaluated by laser confocal microscopy. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post hoc Tukey tests (α=0.05). Results: The RB and CUI groups showed significantly higher bond strength values when compared to the Control and DW groups (p&lt;0.05). In addition, in the control and DW groups, the apical third presented lower bond strength values when compared to middle and cervical thirds. Conclusion: While DW showed the highest incidence of adhesive type failure, CUI resulted in the highest dentinal penetration of the cementing agent (p&lt;0.05). RB and CUI resulted in the highest bond strength between cementation system and root dentin. In addition, CUI favored greater dentinal penetration of fiberglass post cementing agent.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Behnaz Ebadian ◽  
Amirhossein Fathi ◽  
Melika Savoj

Introduction. Discrepancy between the crown border and prepared tooth margin leads to a microleakage that eases the penetration of microorganisms and causes the dissolution of luting cement consequently. Several factors should be considered to achieve optimal fitness, including tooth preparation taper and type of cementing agent. The study aimed to determine the relation of tooth preparation taper and cement type on the microleakage of zirconia crowns. Materials and Methods. Fifty-six freshly extracted premolars without caries and restorations were selected as the study sample and divided into two groups of different tapering degrees (6 and 12 degrees). Zirconia copings were designed and fabricated by the CAD/CAM system. The samples were divided into four subgroups for cementation, and each subgroup was cemented with a different luting cement (n = 7). After 5000 thermocycles at 5°C–55°C and dye penetration, the specimens were sectioned in the mid-buccolingual direction, and a digital photograph of each section was taken under a stereomicroscope. Data were analyzed by the Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney tests (α = 0.05). Results. The results showed significant differences among the four types of luting cement in marginal permeability (PV < 0.001). Regardless of the type of cement, the 12-degree tapering resulted in a lower microleakage (46.4% without microleakage) with statistically significant differences from the 6-degree tapering (PV = 0.042). Conclusion. Within the limitations of this study, increasing the tapering degree of the prepared tooth for CAD/CAM zirconia copings improved the marginal fit and decreased the microleakage score. In addition, total-etch resin cement indicated the least microleakage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 143 (7) ◽  
Xiaodong Bai ◽  
Yuqian Xu ◽  
Xuepeng Zhang ◽  
Xuemei Yong ◽  
Tao Ning

Abstract In conventional cementing operations, the mud cake on the well wall cannot be completely removed, which can easily lead to annular channeling. In order to reduce the influence of loose and fragile mud cake on cementing, a kind of mud cake curing agent is used to effectively improve the curing quality of mud cake and rock. In this article, the mud cake compressive strength are tested by compression-testing machine. The samples are analyzed using X-ray diffractometer (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy disperse spectroscopy (EDS). The results showed that the cementing agent can significantly improve the cementation strength between mud cake and wall rock. A variety of hydration products were resulted such as CaAl2Si2O8 · 4H2O, Ca(SiO4)2(OH)2, and Mg4Al2(OH)14 · 3H2O, as revealed from the XRD analysis. In addition, it was found that the formation of hydration products is the main reason for the increase of cementation strength. The flocculent inclusions filled with solid particles are formed on the solid particles of the mud cake, which makes an integrated cementation at the interface between mud cake and wall rock. A large amount of cations including Ca2+, Mg2+, and Al3+ are collected at the cementation interface, which is the basic condition for various hydration reactions and helps to enhance the cementation strength of the mud cake and rock interface.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 237-241
Larissa Dolfini Alexandrino ◽  
Edwin Fernando Ruiz Contreras ◽  
Avacir Casanova Andrello ◽  
Giovani De Oliveira Corrêa

AbstractThe present study evaluated the marginal fit, the internal filling volume and the degree of porosity in cemented metallic total crowns. Then, 12 metal crowns cast in titanium (Ti) were made on bovine teeth with total preparations and 90° shoulder terminal line. The samples were divided into 4 groups according to the type of cement used and the cementation techniques, 2 groups were used Zinc phosphate (SS White) with the partial insertion of the cementing agent filling the inner crown surface (FP) and total filling (FT), and in the other 2 groups, dual resin cement (RelyX ARC 3M) with the partial insertion of cement (RP) and total insertion (RT) were used. The results showed that cervical marginal fit after cementation was clinically adequate in all groups (<100μm), and for the internal filling volume and porosity were: FP - 99.14% / 0.86%; FT = 98.82% / 1.18%; RP - 97.06% / 2.94% and RT - 97.76% / 2.24%. The statistical analysis was performed by Mann-Whitney test. In conclusion, the two types of cements obtained acceptable values of marginal fit, however, the zinc phosphate cement had better internal fill and lower porosity than the resin cement. Regarding the insertion technique, only the FP and FT groups had a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) compared to the RP group. Keywords: Fixed Partial Denture. X-Ray Microtomography. Dental Cements. ResumoO presente trabalho avaliou o desajuste marginal, o volume de preenchimento interno e o grau de porosidade em cimentações de coroas totais metálicas. A partir de dentes bovinos com preparos periféricos totais e términos cervicais do tipo ombro de 90º, foram confeccionadas 12 coroas metálicas fundidas em titânio (Ti). As amostras foram divididas em 4 grupos de acordo com o tipo de cimento utilizado e as técnicas de cimentação, dentre estes, em 2 grupos foram usados Fosfato de zinco (SS White) com inserção parcial do agente cimentante preenchendo a superfície interna da coroa (FP) e preenchimento total (FT), e nos outros 2 grupos foram usados Cimento resinoso dual (RelyX ARC 3M) com inserção parcial do cimento (RP) e total (RT). As análises foram feitas por microtomografia computadorizada por raios X. Os resultados mostraram que o desajuste marginal cervical após a cimentação estava adequado clinicamente em todos os grupos (<100µm), e para o volume de preenchimento interno e porosidade foram respectivamente: FP – 99,14%/0,86%; FT – 98,82%/1,18%; RP – 97,06%/2,94% e RT – 97,76%/2,24%. Na análise estatística utilizou-se o teste de Mann-Whitney para amostras independentes. Concluiu-se que os dois tipos de cimentos obtiveram valores aceitáveis de desajuste marginal, contudo o cimento de fosfato de zinco apresentou melhor preenchimento interno e menor porosidade que o cimento resinoso. Em relação à técnica de inserção, apenas os grupos FP e FT tiveram diferença estatística significativa (p<0,05) comparado ao grupo RP. Palavras-chave: Prótese Parcial Fixa. Microtomografia por Raio-X. Cimentos Dentários.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Jie Yang ◽  
Xin Cai ◽  
Yangong Shan ◽  
Miaomiao Yang ◽  
Xingwen Guo ◽  

Lean cemented sand and gravel (LCSG) materials are increasingly being used in dams, embankments, and other civil engineering applications. Therefore, their mechanical properties and stress-strain behavior should be systematically understood. In this study, the small-strain dynamic properties of LCSG materials were examined. A series of dynamic triaxial tests were performed to investigate the effects of the confining pressure and cementing agent content of the material on its dynamic shear modulus (Gd) and damping ratio (λ). The results show that Gd increased and λ decreased with increasing confining pressure and cementing agent content; however, under the same confining pressure and cementing agent content, Gd decreased gradually in accordance with shear strain. Furthermore, new expressions were derived for Gd and λ, as well as for their maxima. The results of this study could provide a reference for practical engineering applications, including the construction of dams using LCSG materials.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (04) ◽  
pp. 644-650
Manuel Salvador Urcuyo Alvarado ◽  
Diana María Escobar García ◽  
Amaury de Jesús Pozos Guillén ◽  
Juan Carlos Flores Arriaga ◽  
Gabriel Fernando Romo Ramírez ◽  

Abstract Objective Preheated resins (PR) are considered a cementing agent option for indirect adhesive restorations of composite inlays and onlays. The objective of this in vitro study was to evaluate the marginal sealing, adhesive interface, and microtensile bond strength of indirect adhesive restorations of composites in terms of dentin cemented with PR. Materials and Methods Standardized Class II preparations were performed on 30 extracted human premolars, impressions were taken, and indirect composite restorations were manufactured. In total, 15 restorations were cemented with PR (ENA HRi, SYNCA), and 15 restorations were cemented with self-adhesive resinous cement (RC) (Relyx U200, 3M ESPE), followed by a thermocycling regime. After that, these were segmented sagittally and longitudinally to evaluate the marginal sealing and the adhesive interface with scanning electron microscopy and confocal microscopy. Microtensile bond strength was assessed with a mechanical device (TA. XT Plus C, Stable Micro System). Statistical analysis Statistical analysis was conducted using the two-sample Student’s t-test. Results The results showed that there is no statistically significant difference in the degree of microfiltration using PR or RC; however, microtensile bond strength is greater when the restoration is cemented with RC (278.75 N/cm3) than with PR (144.49 N/cm3), and better adjustment and sealing were observed for composite restorations with PR. Conclusion PR comprise an alternative cementing agent for indirect composite restorations in Class II cavities in premolars.

2020 ◽  
Vol 856 ◽  
pp. 360-366
Uthairith Rochanavibhata ◽  
Marupatch Jamnongwong ◽  
Supphanut Chuenjaidee ◽  
Pitthaya Jamsawang ◽  
Xiao Bin Chen

An improvement of flexural strength of cement stabilized soils using geogrid designated as compacted cement-geogrid-sand (CCGS) is investigated in this research. The studied material performance of the CCGS includes postpeak behavior, toughness, and equivalent flexural strength ratio. The geogrid inclusion significantly improves the postpeak flexural behavior, which is a requirement for bound pavement materials. The first peak flexural strength f1 and stiffness of both compacted-cement-sand (CCS) and CCGS are essentially the same for the same cement content. The tested soils were obtained from Ayutthaya province, Thailand, and is commonly used as a construction material for backfill and pavement applications. The backfill soils were used sand. In this study, Type I Portland cement was used as a cementing agent and geogrid two type were used as a reinforcement material. Properties of the cement and the geogrid, which were obtained from the manufacturers. The specimens were subjected to a flexural performance test according to ASTM C1609/C1609M-10 (2010). The results showed that in the flexural performance of the CCGS includeing postpeak behavior, toughness, and equivalent flexural strength ratio depends on the type and shape of apertures of the geogrid. It was found that the triaxial geogrid with shape of triangular apertures was more effective in reinforcing and provided the high equivalent flexural strength over uniaxial geogrid.

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