Precipitation in Al-Alloy 6016 – The Role of Excess Vacancies

2012 ◽  
Vol 706-709 ◽  
pp. 317-322 ◽  
Ahmad Falahati ◽  
Peter Lang ◽  
Ernst Kozeschnik

6xxx Al alloys owe their superior mechanical properties to the precipitation of finely dispersed metastable β´´ precipitates. These particles are formed in the course of optimized heat treatments, where the desired microstructure is generated in a sequence of precipitation processes going from MgSi co-clusters and GP zones to β´´ and β´ precipitates and finally to the stable β and Si diamond phases. The entire precipitation sequence occurs at relatively low temperatures (RT to approx. 200 °C) and is mainly controlled by the excess amount of quenched-in vacancies, which drive the diffusional processes at these low temperatures. Very recently a novel model for the prediction of the excess vacancy evolution controlled by the annihilation and generation of vacancies at dislocation jogs, grain boundaries and Frank loops was developed and implemented in the thermo-kinetic software MatCalc. In the present work, we explore the basic features of this model in the simulation of the excess vacancy evolution during technological heat treatments. The focus of this article lies on the effect of vacancy supersaturation during different heat treatment steps, such as quenching, heating, natural and artificial aging.

2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-41
Marwa Aly Ahmed ◽  
Júlia Erdőssy ◽  
Viola Horváth

Multifunctional nanoparticles have been shown earlier to bind certain proteins with high affinity and the binding affinity could be enhanced by molecular imprinting of the target protein. In this work different initiator systems were used and compared during the synthesis of poly (N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid-co-N-tert-butylacrylamide) nanoparticles with respect to their future applicability in molecular imprinting of lysozyme. The decomposition of ammonium persulfate initiator was initiated either thermally at 60 °C or by using redox activators, namely tetramethylethylenediamine or sodium bisulfite at low temperatures. Morphology differences in the resulting nanoparticles have been revealed using scanning electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering. During polymerization the conversion of each monomer was followed in time. Striking differences were demonstrated in the incorporation rate of acrylic acid between the tetramethylethylenediamine catalyzed initiation and the other systems. This led to a completely different nanoparticle microstructure the consequence of which was the distinctly lower lysozyme binding affinity. On the contrary, the use of sodium bisulfite activation resulted in similar nanoparticle structural homogeneity and protein binding affinity as the thermal initiation.

1970 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 198-207
Євген Карпенко

У статті проаналізовано місце феномену емоційної компетентності в становленні дискурсу життєтворення особистості. Відзначено, що її засадничими ознаками є відкритість і діалогічність, що фасилітують процеси життєтворчості в інтра- та інтерпсихічному просторі та сприяють здобуттю певних експірієнтальних «знань» і формуванню відповідних комунікативних «умінь». Отже, емоційна компетентність виконує функцію орієнтації в знаково-символічній реальності внутрішнього та зовнішнього середовища і, відповідно, бере участь у прийнятті рішень стосовно них. Це сприяє реалізації функції особистісного вибору у значущих обставинах життя. Вважається, що цей вибір повинен ґрунтуватися на домінуючій екзистенційній ідентичності та релевантно реалізовуватися на всіх її рівнях: базовому, характерологічному, ситуативному. В цьому контексті емоційна компетентність виступає в якості з’єднувальної ланки між ідентичністю та її зовнішньою поведінковою маніфестацією, в якій вона, власне, й проявляється. Інтегруючи первинні емоції, емоційна компетентність сприяє формуванню системи цінностей, мотивів і світоглядних орієнтацій особистості, а також сприяє їх коректному втіленню в практиці міжособистісного спілкування і, відповідно, конструювання дискурсу власного життя. У цьому полягає ключова роль емоційної компетентності в процесі життєтворення особистості. The article analyzes the role of emotional competence in establishing the discourse of personal life creation. It has been stated that its basic features are openness and readiness to dialog that facilitate life creation processes in the intra- and interpsychic space and promote acquirement of certain experiential "knowledge" as well as formation of relevant communicative "skills". So, emotional competence has a function of orienting in sign and symbol reality of the internal and external environment and, therefore, takes part in decision-making in respect thereof. This enables realization of the function of personal choice in significant life circumstances.  This choice is considered to be based on dominant existential identity and realized in the relevant manner at all its levels: basic, characterological, situational. In this sense emotional competence forms a link between identity and its outer behavioral manifestation.  While integrating primary emotions emotional competence facilitates formation of a system of values, motives and world view of personality as well as their correct implementation in the course of interpersonal communication and personal life discourse construction. This embodies the key role of emotional competence in the process of life creation of personality.

Alec Stone Sweet ◽  
Jud Mathews

This book focuses on the law and politics of rights protection in democracies, and in human rights regimes in Europe, the Americas, and Africa. After introducing the basic features of modern constitutions, with their emphasis on rights and judicial review, the authors present a theory of proportionality that explains why constitutional judges embraced it. Proportionality analysis is a highly intrusive mode of judicial supervision: it permits state officials to limit rights, but only when necessary to achieve a sufficiently important public interest. Since the 1950s, virtually every powerful domestic and international court has adopted proportionality as the central method for protecting rights. In doing so, judges positioned themselves to review all important legislative and administrative decisions, and to invalidate them as unconstitutional when they fail the proportionality test. The result has been a massive—and global—transformation of law and politics. The book explicates the concepts of “trusteeship,” the “system of constitutional justice,” the “effectiveness” of rights adjudication, and the “zone of proportionality.” A wide range of case studies analyze: how proportionality has spread, and variation in how it is deployed; the extent to which the U.S. Supreme Court has evolved and resisted similar doctrines; the role of proportionality in building ongoing “constitutional dialogues” with the other branches of government; and the importance of the principle to the courts of regional human rights regimes. While there is variance in the intensity of proportionality-based dialogues, such interactions are today at the heart of governance in the modern constitutional state and beyond.

Genetics ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 149 (1) ◽  
pp. 143-155 ◽  
Bruce D McKee ◽  
Kathy Wilhelm ◽  
Cynthia Merrill ◽  
Xiao-jia Ren

Abstract In Drosophila melanogaster, deletions of the pericentromeric X heterochromatin cause X-Y nondisjunction, reduced male fertility and distorted sperm recovery ratios (meiotic drive) in combination with a normal Y chromosome and interact with Y-autosome translocations (T(Y;A)) to cause complete male sterility. The pericentromeric heterochromatin has been shown to contain the male-specific X-Y meiotic pairing sites, which consist mostly of a 240-bp repeated sequence in the intergenic spacers (IGS) of the rDNA repeats. The experiments in this paper address the relationship between X-Y pairing failure and the meiotic drive and sterility effects of Xh deletions. X-linked insertions either of complete rDNA repeats or of rDNA fragments that contain the IGS were found to suppress X-Y nondisjunction and meiotic drive in Xh−/Y males, and to restore fertility to Xh−/T(Y;A) males for eight of nine tested Y-autosome translocations. rDNA fragments devoid of IGS repeats proved incapable of suppressing either meiotic drive or chromosomal sterility. These results indicate that the various spermatogenic disruptions associated with X heterochromatic deletions are all consequences of X-Y pairing failure. We interpret these findings in terms of a novel model in which misalignment of chromosomes triggers a checkpoint that acts by disabling the spermatids that derive from affected spermatocytes.

1973 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 251-260 ◽  
G. P DEAN ◽  

Joule ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 521-523
Tiago J. Goncalves ◽  
Samira Siahrostami

2021 ◽  
M Pellizzari ◽  
M. Malfatti ◽  
Carlo Lora

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 ◽  
pp. 1-12 ◽  
Ahmad Maqboul ◽  
Bakheet Elsadek

Background. Models of cancer-induced neuropathy are designed by injecting cancer cells near the peripheral nerves. The interference of tissue-resident immune cells does not allow a direct contact with nerve fibres which affects the tumor microenvironment and the invasion process. Methods. Anaplastic tumor-1 (AT-1) cells were inoculated within the sciatic nerves (SNs) of male Copenhagen rats. Lumbar dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) and the SNs were collected on days 3, 7, 14, and 21. SN tissues were examined for morphological changes and DRG tissues for immunofluorescence, electrophoretic tendency, and mRNA quantification. Hypersensitivities to cold, mechanical, and thermal stimuli were determined. HC-030031, a selective TRPA1 antagonist, was used to treat cold allodynia. Results. Nociception thresholds were identified on day 6. Immunofluorescent micrographs showed overexpression of TRPA1 on days 7 and 14 and of CGRP on day 14 until day 21. Both TRPA1 and CGRP were coexpressed on the same cells. Immunoblots exhibited an increase in TRPA1 expression on day 14. TRPA1 mRNA underwent an increase on day 7 (normalized to 18S). Injection of HC-030031 transiently reversed the cold allodynia. Conclusion. A novel and a promising model of cancer-induced neuropathy was established, and the role of TRPA1 and CGRP in pain transduction was examined.

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