Some Results in the Connective K-Theory of Lie Groups

1988 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 194-199
L. Magalhães

AbstractIn this paper we give a description of:(1) the Hopf algebra structure of k*(G; L) when G is a compact, connected Lie group and L is a ring of type Q(P) so that H*(G; L) is torsion free;(2) the algebra structure of k*(G2; L) for L = Z2 or Z.

1989 ◽  
Vol 112 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 187-202 ◽  
Akira Kono ◽  
Kazumuto Kozima

SynopsisThe Hopf algebra structure of H*(ΩG, F2) and the action of the dual Steenrod algebra are completely and explicitly determined when G isone of the connected, simply connected, exceptional, simple Lie groups. The approach is homological, using connected coverings and spectral sequences.

V. P. Snaith

Let G be a compact, connected Lie group such that π2(G) is torsion free. Throughout this paper a vector bundle (representation) will mean a complex vector bundle (representation) and KG will denote the equivariant K-theory functor associabed with the group, G.

A. L. Carey ◽  
W. Moran

AbstractLet G be a second countable locally compact group possessing a normal subgroup N with G/N abelian. We prove that if G/N is discrete then G has T1 primitive ideal space if and only if the G-quasiorbits in Prim N are closed. This condition on G-quasiorbits arose in Pukanzky's work on connected and simply connected solvable Lie groups where it is equivalent to the condition of Auslander and Moore that G be type R on N (-nilradical). Using an abstract version of Pukanzky's arguments due to Green and Pedersen we establish that if G is a connected and simply connected Lie group then Prim G is T1 whenever G-quasiorbits in [G, G] are closed.

1999 ◽  
Vol 40 (5) ◽  
pp. 2494-2499 ◽  
Salih Çelik

Francis Clarke

Let G be a simply connected, semi-simple, compact Lie group, let K* denote Z/2-graded, representable K-theory, and K* the corresponding homology theory. The K-theory of G and of its classifying space BG are well known, (8),(1). In contrast with ordinary cohomology, K*(G) and K*(BG) are torsion-free and have simple multiplicative structures. If ΩG denotes the space of loops on G, it seems natural to conjecture that K*(ΩG) should have, in some sense, a more simple structure than H*(ΩG).

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