normal subgroup
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Mathematics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 262
Mattia Brescia ◽  
Alessio Russo

Let G be a group. An automorphism α of G is said to be a cyclic automorphism if the subgroup ⟨x,xα⟩ is cyclic for every element x of G. In [F. de Giovanni, M.L. Newell, A. Russo: On a class of normal endomorphisms of groups, J. Algebra and its Applications 13, (2014), 6pp] the authors proved that every cyclic automorphism is central, namely, that every cyclic automorphism acts trivially on the factor group G/Z(G). In this paper, the class FW of groups in which every element induces by conjugation a cyclic automorphism on a (normal) subgroup of finite index will be investigated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 102
Haval M. Mohammed Salih ◽  
Sanaa M. S. Omer

<p style="text-align: left;" dir="ltr"> Let <em>G</em> be a finite group and let <em>N</em> be a fixed normal subgroup of <em>G</em>.  In this paper, a new kind of graph on <em>G</em>, namely the intersection graph is defined and studied. We use <img src="/public/site/images/ikhsan/equation.png" alt="" width="6" height="4" /> to denote this graph, with its vertices are all normal subgroups of <em>G</em> and two distinct vertices are adjacent if their intersection in <em>N</em>. We show some properties of this graph. For instance, the intersection graph is a simple connected with diameter at most two. Furthermore we give the graph structure of <img src="/public/site/images/ikhsan/equation_(1).png" alt="" width="6" height="4" /> for some finite groups such as the symmetric, dihedral, special linear group, quaternion and cyclic groups. </p>

Viktoria S. Zakrevskaya

Let σ = {σi|i ∈ I } be a partition of the set of all primes ℙ and G be a finite group. A set ℋ  of subgroups of G is said to be a complete Hall σ-set of G if every member ≠1 of ℋ  is a Hall σi-subgroup of G for some i ∈ I and ℋ contains exactly one Hall σi-subgroup of G for every i such that σi ⌒ π(G)  ≠ ∅.  A group is said to be σ-primary if it is a finite σi-group for some i. A subgroup A of G is said to be: σ-permutable in G if G possesses a complete Hall σ-set ℋ  such that AH x = H  xA for all H ∈ ℋ  and all x ∈ G; σ-subnormal in G if there is a subgroup chain A = A0 ≤ A1 ≤ … ≤ At = G such that either Ai − 1 ⊴ Ai or Ai /(Ai − 1)Ai is σ-primary for all i = 1, …, t; 𝔄-normal in G if every chief factor of G between AG and AG is cyclic. We say that a subgroup H of G is: (i) partially σ-permutable in G if there are a 𝔄-normal subgroup A and a σ-permutable subgroup B of G such that H = < A, B >; (ii) (𝔄, σ)-embedded in G if there are a partially σ-permutable subgroup S and a σ-subnormal subgroup T of G such that G = HT and H ∩ T ≤ S ≤ H. We study G assuming that some subgroups of G are partially σ-permutable or (𝔄, σ)-embedded in G. Some known results are generalised.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Ruifang Chen ◽  
Lujun Guo

Eloisa Detomi ◽  
Pavel Shumyatsky

Let $K$ be a subgroup of a finite group $G$ . The probability that an element of $G$ commutes with an element of $K$ is denoted by $Pr(K,G)$ . Assume that $Pr(K,G)\geq \epsilon$ for some fixed $\epsilon >0$ . We show that there is a normal subgroup $T\leq G$ and a subgroup $B\leq K$ such that the indices $[G:T]$ and $[K:B]$ and the order of the commutator subgroup $[T,B]$ are $\epsilon$ -bounded. This extends the well-known theorem, due to P. M. Neumann, that covers the case where $K=G$ . We deduce a number of corollaries of this result. A typical application is that if $K$ is the generalized Fitting subgroup $F^{*}(G)$ then $G$ has a class-2-nilpotent normal subgroup $R$ such that both the index $[G:R]$ and the order of the commutator subgroup $[R,R]$ are $\epsilon$ -bounded. In the same spirit we consider the cases where $K$ is a term of the lower central series of $G$ , or a Sylow subgroup, etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2106 (1) ◽  
pp. 012023
Y Mahatma ◽  
I Hadi ◽  

Abstract Let G be a group and α be an automorphism of G. In 2016, Ganjali and Erfanian introduced the notion of a normal subgroup related to α, called the α-normal subgroup. It is basically known that if N is an ordinary normal subgroup of G then every right coset Ng is actually the left coset gN. This fact allows us to define the product of two right cosets naturally, thus inducing the quotient group. This research investigates the relation between the left and right cosets of the relative normal subgroup. As we have done in the classic version, we then define the product of two right cosets in a natural way and continue with the construction of a, say, relative quotient group.

Shuaibu Garba Ngulde ◽  

Frattini subgroup, Φ(G), of a group G is the intersection of all the maximal subgroups of G, or else G itself if G has no maximal subgroups. If G is a p-group, then Φ(G) is the smallest normal subgroup N such the quotient group G/N is an elementary abelian group. It is against this background that the concept of p-subgroup and fitting subgroup play a significant role in determining Frattini subgroup (especially its order) of dihedral groups. A lot of scholars have written on Frattini subgroup, but no substantial relationship has so far been identified between the parent group G and its Frattini subgroup Φ(G) which this tries to establish using the approach of Jelten B. Napthali who determined some internal properties of non abelian groups where the centre Z(G) takes its maximum size.

Joy Morris ◽  
Mariapia Moscatiello ◽  
Pablo Spiga

AbstractIn this paper, we are interested in the asymptotic enumeration of Cayley graphs. It has previously been shown that almost every Cayley digraph has the smallest possible automorphism group: that is, it is a digraphical regular representation (DRR). In this paper, we approach the corresponding question for undirected Cayley graphs. The situation is complicated by the fact that there are two infinite families of groups that do not admit any graphical regular representation (GRR). The strategy for digraphs involved analysing separately the cases where the regular group R has a nontrivial proper normal subgroup N with the property that the automorphism group of the digraph fixes each N-coset setwise, and the cases where it does not. In this paper, we deal with undirected graphs in the case where the regular group has such a nontrivial proper normal subgroup.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Waldemar Hołubowski ◽  
Martyna Maciaszczyk ◽  
Sebastian Zurek

Abstract The classical result, due to Jordan, Burnside, Dickson, says that every normal subgroup of GL ⁢ ( n , K ) \mathrm{GL}(n,K) , where 𝐾 is a field and n ≥ 3 n\geq 3 , which is not contained in the center contains SL ⁢ ( n , K ) \mathrm{SL}(n,K) . Rosenberg described the normal subgroups of GL ⁢ ( V ) \mathrm{GL}(V) , where 𝑉 is a vector space of any infinite cardinality dimension over a division ring. However, when he considers subgroups of the direct product of the center and the group of linear transformations 𝑔 such that g - id V g-\mathrm{id}_{V} has finite-dimensional range, the proof is incomplete. We fill this gap for countably dimensional 𝑉 giving description of the lattice of normal subgroups in the group of infinite column-finite matrices indexed by positive integers over any field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 127 (2) ◽  
pp. 243-251
Ruifang Chen ◽  
Xianhe Zhao ◽  
Rui Li

Let $G$ be a group and $H$ be a subgroup of $G$. $H$ is said to be $\mathcal{M}$-normal supplemented in $G$ if there exists a normal subgroup $K$ of $G$ such that $G=HK$ and $H_1K<G$ for every maximal subgroup $H_1$ of $H$. Furthermore, $H$ is said to be $\mathcal{M}$-normal embedded in $G$ if there exists a normal subgroup $K$ of $G$ such that $G=HK$ and $H\cap K=1$ or $H\cap K$ is $\mathcal{M}$-normal supplemented in $G$. In this paper, some new criteria for a group to be nilpotent and $p$-supersolvable for some prime $p$ are obtained.

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