scholarly journals Shallot Agribusiness Development Strategy in Purworejo Village, Malang District

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-77
Sri Hindarti ◽  
Lia Rohmatul Maula

The development of shallots is needed in Malang Regency to reduce imports, which often occur. Therefore this research was conducted with the aim of identifying internal and external factors that influence shallot agribusiness, formulating development strategies, and determining the priority of shallot agribusiness development strategies. The research was determined in Purworejo Village as one of the largest shallot production centers in Malang Regency. The research method was carried out by interview and direct observation of farmers. Data analysis using IFE analysis, EFE, IE (Internal-External) matrix, SWOT matrix, and QSPM analysis. The results showed that the internal factors affecting shallot agribusiness were the skills and experiences of farmers as strengths and information and technology as weaknesses, while the external factors were market demand as an opportunity and distribution monopoly by large entrepreneurs as a threat. An appropriate strategy is an aggressive strategy (S-T), namely by utilizing strength to seize opportunities that exist in the form of local production input development.

Anggie Aditya Heriyanto ◽  
Sri Handayani ◽  
Mimi Kurnia Nengsih

The aim of being able to see what development strategies are suitable for mangrove tourism in Kampung Sejahtera on Baai Island, Bengkulu City. The research objective was to see the strategy for developing mangrove tourism in Kampung Sejahtera on Baai Island, Bengkulu City with a SWOT analysis. The data collection used was a questionnaire method with a list of questions to the respondents. The analysis method used is a SWOT analysis to see internal factors and external factors, which will then be entered into the SWOT matrix. The research results obtained from the analysis of internal factors and external factors. The result of the internal factor is a strength (strength) of 2.75 while the weakness (weakness) is 1.46, so the value of the internal factor is 2.75-1.46 = 1.29 while from the external factor the opportunity (opportunity) is 2 , 52 and for the threat (threat) is 1.58, the value of the external factor is 2.52-1.58 = 0.94. Based on the analysis diagram, the SWOT strategy is in the Cell (quadrant) I position. This shows that the SO strategy in the SWOT matrix is an aggressive strategy. This strategy explains that Kampung Sejahtera mangrove tourism can take advantage of the surrounding environment. The environment around mangrove tourism is still natural so that it is very likely for the community to add stages such as trading, opening food stalls, and lodging businesses around the mangrove tourism of Kampung Sejahtera on Baai Island, Bengkulu City, and Utilizing mangrove forests so as not to abrasion around mangrove tourism Kampung Sejahtera on Baai Island, Bengkulu City, which makes the tourist area safe and tourists who visit are comfortable and not worried about abrasion

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 47
Sujud Sujud

Murder is an inhuman crime, where the perpetrator of the crime kills with the intention of being planned in advance because it will kill other people's lives for a specific purpose, this crime is a crime of enmity between individuals and groups so that the victim is helpless, so the police investigator reveals his identity. Carefulness is needed. The problems discussed are what are the factors causing the crime of murder and how are the efforts to overcome the crime of murder. The research method used is normative juridical research. Data collection is based on literature study, based on the results of the research that the author has done, the factors that cause murder are internal and external factors. Internal factors, namely internal factors, and external factors, namely economic, environmental, and family factors. Efforts to tackle the crime of murder, namely penal and non-penal measures, are efforts to reduce the space for movement and opportunities for the committing of crimes. The suggestion in this research is that there is a need for cooperation between legal institutions and the government through police and military officers to prevent and cope with future premeditated murder, prosecutors and judges are requested to be able to prosecute and impose the maximum possible punishment on the perpetrators of the murder guided by the Criminal Code.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
Christian Morgan Moray ◽  
Sintje Rondonuwu

Swot analysis is a problem solving process in determining the best strategy for the progress of the organization by looking at aspects of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Swot analysis is accompanied by looking at the efas ifas and swot matrix for measuring the strategy assessment that will be taken. SWOT analysis process by identifying internal factors and external factors by means of data collection and field surveys aimed at obtaining aspects in internal factors and external factors. aspects of strengths and weaknesses are internal because they start from within the organization itself, while aspects of opportunities and threats are included in the external because they originate outside the organization, then the process is continued by connecting internal and external factors in the SWOT matrix to get four strategies, namely how to exploit opportunities, how weaknesses take advantage of opportunities, how strengths minimize threats and how weaknesses and threats seek solutions. from these results can be reflected which strategy is the best to run.Keywords : Strategic planning ,evaluate strenghs, evaluate weaknesses, evaluate opportunities, evaluate threats

2014 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 19

PERUMUSAN STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN INDUSTRI KECILMENENGAH TOPENG MALANGANSUNDAY NOYA*, KHOIRUL HIDAYAT, DAN MELANYProgram Studi Teknik Industri, Universitas Ma ChungJalan Villa Puncak Tidar N-01, Malang 65151Surel: [email protected] Malangan adalah salah satu produk budaya yang potensial dikembangkan untuk melestarikanbudaya serta mendatangkan pendapatan bagi masyarakat pelaku usaha di Malang. Penelitian ini bertujuanmengidentifikasi faktor-faktor internal maupun eksternal yang memengaruhi keberadaan IKM TopengMalangan dan merumuskan strategi pengembangannya. Identifikasi permasalahan dan faktor-faktortersebut dilakukan dalam Focus Group Discussion (FGD) yang melibatkan pelaku usaha, pemerhati budaya,akademisi, pemerintah daerah dan peneliti. Hasil FGD kemudian dianalisis dan dikembangkan denganmatriks SWOT sehingga menghasilkan rumusan strategi pengembangan IKM Topeng Malangan. Untukmempertajam rumusan strategi ini agar lebih efektif dalam implementasinya, maka dilakukan pula analisismenggunakan matriks IFAS dan EFAS. Hasilnya adalah rumusan akhir strategi pengembangan IKMTopeng Malangan yang lebih berkonsentrasi pada strategi SO (Strength-Opportunities) yakni penggunaankekuatan yang dimiliki IKM Topeng Malangan untuk memanfaatkan peluang secara maksimal.Kata kunci: strategi pengembangan, IKM, topeng malangan, SWOTABSTRACTTopeng Malangan is one of potential cultural products developed to preserve culture and bring revenuefor stakeholder in Malang. This study aims to identify internal and external factors affecting the existence ofsmall medium enterprise (SME) Topeng Malangan and formulate its development strategy. The identificationof problem and factors is done by focus group discussions (FGD) involving businessmen, cultural observer,academician, regional government and researchers. The results of FGD is then analyzed and developedby using SWOT matrix in order to determine formula of SME development strategies. To sharpen thestrategy more effective in implementation, the analysis using IFAS and EFAS matrix is conducted. Theresult is final formula for SME Topeng Malangan development strategy that is more focused on strategySO (Strength - Opportunities); which is the utilization of strength organization of SME Topeng Malanganfor taking advantage of opportunities.Key words: development strategy, SME, topeng malangan, SWOT

2021 ◽  
Payam Shojaei ◽  
Kimia pourmohammadi ◽  
Peivand Bastani ◽  
Nahid Hatam ◽  
Ramin Hayati

Abstract Objectives: The Best-Worst Method is considered as a novel and innovative way to identify and prioritize ever-changing internal and external factors affecting health care performance. Results: After screening the large number of factors using the “content validity ratio”, a Pairwise comparisons were conducted between the best and the worst criteria and the other one. Then Modeling the research problem through linear programming and finding the optimal weights.the most effective internal factors from the experts’ viewpoint were the financial indicators such as “the ratio of personnel wage costs to the total revenues”. The most important external factor that was “structure of the payment system and strategic service purchasing by insurance”.external factors had greater impacts on the performance of public hospitals than internal factors. Therefore, when assessing the performance and improvement interventions of hospital, not only internal indicators should be measured, but also external factors, including political and economic policies and approaches governing the health system need to be taken into account.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
Muhammad Nursan ◽  
Aeko Fria Utama FR

One of the efforts to develop village economic in West Sumbawa Regency is to establish and develop Village Owned Enterprise (Bumdes) based on agriculture. The purpose of this research is to find out internal and external factors of Bumdes based on agriculture; and formulating strategies for developing Bumdes based on agriculture in West Sumbawa Regency. This research was conducted in West Sumbawa Regency. 40 respondents were selected by purposive sampling. This research method is survey method. The instrument validity test was carried out with the Pearson Product Moment correlation technique, and for the reliability test with the Cronbach Alpha formula. Data collected were analysed using SWOT analysis. The results show that internal factors in the form of the main strength of Bumdes based on agriculture is the business managed by Bumdes serving the basic needs of community, while the main weakness is the capacity of managers managing Bumdes still lacking, and the absence of marketing networks. For external factors, the main opportunities of Bumdes based on agriculture are the support of local and central government regulations, the area and potential of agriculture can be developed optimally as well as the development and expansion of agricultural businesse, while the main threats of Bumdes are the lack of community participation in Bumdes activities. Results of  SWOT analysis, the strategy Bumdes based on agriculture in West Sumbawa Regency can be done using the W-O (Weakness-opportunity) strategy, which is a strategy that minimizes the weaknesses that are owned to seize opportunities. Keywords: Analysis. SWOT, Agriculture, Development Strategy, Village Owned Enterprise, West Sumbawa Regency

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 202
Tri Muji Ingarianti

Komitmen karier adalah sikap yang ditunjukkan individu dalam mencapai tujuan karier.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hasil-hasil penelitian (literature review) mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi komitmen karier pada individu. Penelusuran literatur dilakukan pada database elektronik SAGE Journals, ProQuest, dan Science Direct dengan menggunakan kata kunci “career commitment”. Hasil penelusuran menunjukkan bahwa komitmen karier dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan eksternal. Faktor internal yang mempengaruhi komitmen karier terdiri dari komitmen organisasi, keterlibatan kerja, kepuasan kerja, nilai kerja, pengalaman kerja, kepribadian, dan self-efficacy sedangkan faktor eksternal terdiri dari situasi kerja yang meliputi kondisi kerja, persepsi pensiun, persepsi terhadap ancaman dalam bekerja, dorongan yang ditawarkan organisasi (offered inducements), kontribusi yang diharapkan organisasi (expected contributions), peluang promosi, dan reward. Kata kunci: Karier, komitmen karier Career commitment is the attitude that individuals show in achieving career goals. This study aims to examine the results of research or literature review on the factors that affect career commitments in individuals. The literature search was conducted on SAGE Journals, ProQuest, and Science Direct electronic databases using the keyword "career commitment". Search results showed that career commitments are influenced by internal and external factors. Internal factors affecting career commitment consist of organizational commitment, job involvement, job satisfaction, work value, work experience, personality, and self-efficacy while external factors consist of work situations covering working conditions, retirement perception, perceptions of threats in work, encouragement offered by the organization (offered inducements), the expected contribution of the organization (expected contributions), promotion opportunities, and rewards. Keywords: Career, career commitment

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 813-822
Dian Lestari ◽  
Resista Vikaliana

PT Lintas Maju Nusantara is one of the cargo delivery companies in Bekasi City. In the latest period, there has been a significant decline in cargo shipments. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the internal and external factors that caused the decline in shipments, and ways to overcome the decline. This research focused on internal factors which include facilities, services, marketing, and employees of PT Lintas Maju Nusantara, and external factors which include competitors, customers, and government regulations. The research method used was quasi-qualitative with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the facilities owned by the company still require attention. On the other hand competitors and government regulations have also become a strong factor in the decline in cargo shipments that occurred at PT Lintas Maju Nusantara.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-105
Silviana Karina ◽  
Yusmini Yusmini ◽  
Jumatri Yusri

This study aims to:1)describe internal and external factors, 2) formulate alternative development strategies, and set priorities for alternative SISKA development strategies. This research was conducted in the Pangkalan Lesung Subdistrict, Pelalawan Regency. The method used in this study is a survey method, and research respondents were 29 farmers and eight experts.Data analysis used SWOT to formulate alternative strategies and AHP for strategic priorities.The results showed that internal and external factors in the development of SISKA include internal strength factors, namely institutional factors that support and SISKA's efforts were relatively profitable. Internal weakness factors are the availability of limited resources and the low technical application of technology. External opportunity factors are institutional factors is the opportunity to support the potential price of cattle and the self-sufficiency of beef through SISKA. External threats are health, safety, and limited animal feed resources. The results showed strategies increasing cattle population, planning for palm oil rejuvenation, collaborating with PKS as a reliable provider, BIS and tankos, HR training on how to process biogas, providing extension services for livestock health and incubation cage as a place for handling sick animals, re-modification of the chopper machine and planting or cultivating grass.

Yulyanah Yulyanah ◽  
Husnul Khotimah

The purpose of this study was to determine the internal and external factors in the learning output of D III Accounting students, and what factors have the greatest influence on the output of D III Accounting students at Pamulang University in the 2019/2020 academic year. The research method used is descriptive quantitative, with a sampling technique with a purposive sampling method. The sample in this study were students of D III accounting for the 2019/2020 school year. as many as 63 respondents. The data research technique used was a questionnaire method, with a 1-4 Likert scale measurement. The results of research that have been conducted by researchers from the internal factors that affect the learning output are those related to aspects of interest, motivation and physical health and external factors are the environment and infrastructure. The results of these two factors have moderate criteria with the method (Three-box Method), which means that these two factors have an influence on the output / learning outcomes of D3 Accounting students at Pamulang University.  

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