scholarly journals Scientific foundations of digitalization of agro-industrial production

2021 ◽  
pp. 55-61
S. M. Yessengaliyeva ◽  
A. I Gizzatova ◽  
B. K. Rakhimgaliyev ◽  

The relevance of this topic of the article is associated with the need to automate and digitalize the branches of agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ensuring the country's food security and improving the well-being of the rural population. The main problems of the development of animal husbandry in the republic are considered. The structure of its production by farm categories has been analyzed. It has been determined that about 55% of the industry's products are provided by the households, which contain 55.3% of the cattle population. The purpose of the study is to justify the need to increase the volume of beef cattle breeding through the use of innovative technologies and digitalization of livestock farms, as well as the development and scientific confirmation of rational options and technical solutions for low-cost, environmentally friendly meat production technologies. The work uses the methods of economic and statistical analysis, which consists in summarizing statistical data, illustrative presentation of factual information, etc. Results – the authors state that meeting the existing high demand for Kazakhstani meat products in domestic and foreign markets currently requires a transfer and adaptation of highly efficient technologies based on automation and digitalization of production processes in livestock farming, taking into account the objective conditions in the regions of the country. The data on technology of organizing winter and cultivated pastures in cattle breeding, pasture rotation, seasonal rotations, preparation of scientifically grounded feeding rations, the choice of machines and equipment for the automation of technological processes are presented. An economic assessment of the effectiveness of creating model farms by levels of digitalization was carried out: basic, advanced, digital; indicators of labor productivity, payback period are calculated. The conclusions indicate the need to increase government support for the meat industry.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 175-182

The article is devoted to the development of innovative processes in the livestock industry of meat sector. The main forms and methods of classification of innovations are studied. The features of innovative activity of enterprises of agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan are analyzed. Indicators of innovative activity of agricultural entities of the republic in comparison with European countries are presented. The author pays main attention to the formation and development of innovative processes at enterprises for production of meat and products of its processing, which is of considerable interest, since innovative activity in this industry has its own specific features. In agricultural sector, economic and financial state of production directly depends on introduction of innovations, the use of modern innovative technologies that save resources, increase the profitability and efficiency of production system. The assessment of potential resources for the development of beef cattle breeding has been carried out, the tendencies of the growth of livestock, meat production, its import and export in recent years have been studied. The main problems of animal husbandry industry, in particular raising of beef cattle, are highlighted, conclusions about the possibility of increasing the potential of meat products are drawn. On the basis of performed analysis of the level of innovation activity, the identified problems in agricultural production, recommendations were developed for the future development of innovations in the country's beef cattle breeding, since in the new economic conditions, an important role is played by innovative developments and their application in this industry.

A. V. Grymak

The discrepancy in price trends, the severe competition in the meat cattle market has affected shortened meat supplies and the supply of beef to the prices was reflected in the overall assessment of the circulation of these products in the market and statistics of the industry, in particular. Therefore, there is a situation where the supply is market in the range. The decrease in demand for meat products in connection with its increase in not balanced to demand. What causes this to happen? The analysis shows that in the development of meat cattle, a problematic situation associated with trends in socioeconomic life has occurred: low purchasing power of the population; rise in energy prices; an unequal exchange between processing enterprises and agriculture. Does not stimulate the development of the credit and tax system. This, in turn, led to a reduction in the number of animals, correspondingly a decrease in the volume of production of meat and meat products, and as a result, the level of consumption of products of the meat industry is lower than rational. As for meat cattle breeding, it should be noted that the industry has its own characteristics, not only technological but also economic ones. And if you look at the trends in the industry, the presence of its products in the market, then it would be justified and payback to work out a program of long-term development and market approval of meat cattle breeding products. What sequence of actions should help to solve perspective directions of development of the industry and its presence on the market of products? Where to start? An analysis of industry development suggests that such priority actions should be considered: substantiation of the number of livestock; analysis of animal productivity at different levels of feeding and production of beef; the correspondence of beef production to the processing capacity of raw materials; formation of volumes of market proposals for manufactured products; substantiation of the breakeven rate of meat cattle, taking into account the costs of production; аccording to market research data - the formation of demand in the meat products market; development of competitive principles, analysis of the participation of competitors in the market, studying the demand for products of the enterprise. It should be noted that during the years of Ukraine's independence, a number of important steps have been taken to reform the agro-industrial complex, however, in this important work, the formation of a modern market environment for meat cattle-breeding, in particular the formation of a complete market infrastructure, has not yet been completed in this important work. An important task is to improve the system of relations between the services of the marketing line – from the commodity producer to the consumer of products. Of course, the implementation of state incentives for beef production, as well as opportunities for increasing the purchasing power of the population, remains topical. Detected inconsistencies in the activities of meat market operators need to deepen research aimed at eliminating them, which will improve the actual state and improve the functioning of the market products industry.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 151
Aissulu RAMASHOVA ◽  

The article considers the problems of ensuring the sustainable development of competitiveness of the meat industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Along with this an analysis was made of the current conditions for the formation of meat cattle breeding during the periods from 1990 and 2008 to 2015 as well as the dynamics of the number of cattle, meat production and meat consumption per capita. The main reasons are given for the insufficient development of the meat industry in comparison with the world's meat exporters. Information is provided on the implementation of planned indicators for the purchase of cattle in the period from 2011 to 2015 it is justified that state assistance in creating a competitive agro-industrial complex will ensure food security as well as increase the employment of the rural population.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-144
S. M. Yessengaliyeva ◽  
M. A. Mansurova ◽  
A. D. Makhmudov ◽  
L. V. Fedorchenko

The article is devoted to the study and analysis of the current state of the animal husbandry industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of regions. The indicators of the dynamics of the number of livestock of farm animals for the period 2015-2019 by regions, indicators of productivity in the industry, indicators of the volume of production of meat products are analyzed. The dynamics and structure of costs in the country’s livestock industry are also considered.Today, one of the most pressing problems in the development of the agro-industrial complex is the low level of labor productivity due to low automation and digitalization of technological processes. The need to meet the demand for livestock products in the domestic market of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as to increase its export resources, poses a challenge for Kazakhstani science and practice to develop, scientifically substantiate and master modern technologies for the production of low-cost, environmentally friendly, competitive products of the industry. They should be resource-saving, aimed at maximizing the use and improvement of the genetic potential of farmed farm animals, adapted to the specific natural and economic conditions of the regions of the republic. The development and mastering of such technologies will make it possible to weaken the negative impact of the industry on the environment, reduce the cost of material resources, and effectively use the available land and water resources [5].The main problems hindering the effective development of the country’s livestock industry are identified. The promising strategic directions for the development of this industry have been determined. From the point of view of experts of the financial organization, the country has good potential and opportunities to export its beef and pork to China, and the lamb of the Edilbay sheep breed to the countries of the Middle East.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 119-128
Іevgeniia BOLSHAKOVA ◽  

On the basis of the analytical research the peculiarities of the meat processing enterprises functioning of Ukraine were identified, quantitative and qualitative trends of the meat and meat products market in Ukraine were investigated, factors influencing its development prospects were determined. The article points out that cattle meat production in Ukraine has been declining annually and has been unprofitable for the last 20 years. At the same time, it is proved that the meat industry in Ukraine has significant reserves and great prospects for development, the successful implementation of which is possible only if the negative phenomena and processes in the agricultural sector are overcome. The paper investigates that over the past year, there has been some increase in meat production, with a marked decrease in beef, veal and pork meat production and an increase in poultry meat production. The main problems of the industry and the ways of overcoming them in the current economic conditions are outlined. The main leaders of producers of meat products in Ukraine are highlighted. The dynamics of the poultry population and the production of this type of meat are discussed. The structure of livestock farming by agricultural enterprises and private farms is considered. The dynamics of the structure of meat production in Ukraine by types compared to 2014 and 2018 is provided. The desired market capacity, which could meet the needs of Ukrainians in the rational consumption of meat products, is 3.432 billion tons, but the actual consumption reaches only 2.295 billion tons, which is 66.9 % of the rational indicator. Among the main effective ways of providing market capacity are: increasing the availability of goods by introducing individual assistance to low-income categories of the population; an increase in the consumption of products outside the home, which will necessitate an increase in real wages; elimination in the food markets of non-equivalent product exchange; development of a balanced range of products at meat processing enterprises. Keywords: meat processing companies, meat and meat products market, meat and meat products production, poultry meat, turkey meat.

Kalina Lutsiy

The aim of the present article is to analyze the current state of the market of meat and meat products in Ukraine to identify major problems with consideration of the industry specifics. The priority task was to provide recommendations for the development of the industry. The main features of meat production were identified in order to determine the main problems of the industry, namely the complexity of the system and branching connections, significant dependence of business stability and effectiveness on the efficiency of interaction of elements, high material consumption of the sector, vulnerability and high dependence on imported raw materials, as well as high and constant level of risk in the industry. Due to significant reduction in the number of animals of all categories, meat production also reduced. Over the period from 2010 to 2015, there were fluctuations in domestic production of raw meat. Ukrainian producers increased the total production of meat by poultry and pork, while reduced the volumes of beef production, since the low investment attractiveness of this industry due to the long production cycle and significant capital intensity. Based on the conducted study, there should be indicated growth factors regarding the meat industry: government support, increasing market price of raw meat and meat products, the use of resource-saving and modern technologies etc. Food security involves governmental provision of appropriate food products that meet the needs of the population for quality nutrition and their availability for each member of society. The consumption of meat and meat products in Ukraine does not satisfy the national standards rational standards. Consumption of meat products to some extent affects the meat industry, and the dynamics of production of meat. There is a general trend towards reducing the production of meat processing industry in Ukraine. Regarding the volume of exports by domestic producers, there is a gradual increase compared with imports, indicating a decrease of Ukraine’s dependence on imports. As a result of the study, there were given guidelines on the development of the whole industry, which would help enterprises of the meat industry to develop effectively in the existing market.

Olena Lyakhovska

Current trends in meat and meat products exports are considered. The dynamics and structural changes in meat exports by types and degree of processing (beef and veal, pork, poultry, finished meat products) are analyzed. The paper proves that in recent years, only meat and edible poultry by-products have taken a competitive position in the world market. Accordingly, the dynamics of exports of this type of meat is positive, and the share of these products in the structure of exported meat is the largest (86.09%). Possible threats to the growth of import dependence on certain types of meat products, in particular, chilled and frozen beef and veal, pork, are indicated. The rating of the largest countries-importers of meat and meat products (by types) from Ukraine is built, their share in the structure of meat exports is determined. Changes in the geographical structure of exports have been studied, which indicate a low level of diversification of the geography of exports of certain types of meat (pork, beef). At the same time, a positive development of the geographical structure of poultry meat exports (exported to more than 100 countries) was revealed. Problems of the export potential development in the meat industry of Ukraine are revealed. In particular, the problems of livestock development (outdated technologies and production techniques that reduce the efficiency and productivity; inefficiency of the organization of purchase and processing of meat, which leads to reduced breeding in small businesses and households; inefficiency of state incentives, etc.) and industrial meat production (lack of raw materials, obsolescence of fixed assets and production technologies, poorly developed logistics, etc.). The solution of these problems requires: a systematic approach, which will encourage the cooperation of agricultural and industrial production, cooperation with importers of meat products and protection of domestic producers in the domestic and international markets, creating a favorable investment and information environment that will promote the meat industry development.

N. F. Korsun ◽  
M. M. Kondrovskaya

Introduction. Dairy cattle breeding occupies a leading position among the livestock breeding sectors of Belarus, in which more than half of the fixed assets are concentrated, more than 50% of labor resources are occupied and more than 30% of feed resources are consumed, which creates conditions for its accelerated development along the intensifica-tion path. The purpose of the article is to determine the main factors and directions of increasing the efficiency of dairy cattle breeding in agricultural organizations in Belarus. Results. The redistribution of costs between supporting and productive feed in the direction of increasing the lat-ter as the most effective form of saving in animal husbandry is considered. It is proved that the further development of dairy cattle breeding should be carried out by improving breeding and tribal work to create a competitive Belarusian dairy cow. It is proved that the problem of the competitiveness of dairy products is the labor input, the main reasons for which are highlighted. An economic grouping was constructed according to the annual reporting data for 2017 for 190 agricultural organizations of the Brest region with developed dairy cattle breeding, where the profitability of milk sales was chosen as a grouping attribute. Conclusions. The analysis of the results showed that a high profitability of milk sales is achieved due to the greater density of the population, a higher average annual milk yield. The increase in the profitability of milk sales is accompanied by a decrease in feed consumption while increasing the consumption of concentrated feed per 1 centner of milk. To increase the profitability of the sold products and the productivity of cattle in the dairy sector, it is necessary to provide the animals with full and high-quality feeds of their own production, and to significantly increase the propor-tion of concentrated feeds in the diet. Efficient management of the dairy industry is only possible using intensive cattle production technology. Ways of increasing the efficiency of dairy cattle breeding are proposed. Key words: efficiency, optimization, balance, resource saving, genetic potential, newest technologies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. 00080
Marsel Khismatullin ◽  
Farit Mukhametgaliev ◽  
Nail Asadullin ◽  
Fayaz Avkhadiev ◽  
Mars Khismatullin ◽  

The article discusses the issue of government support for reclamation activities in the context of new challenges of the economic environment. The relevance of the issue is due to the need for intensive development of the agricultural sector caused by globalization processes, which have created fierce competition, both in the international and domestic food markets. Sustainable production of agricultural products on irrigated lands is one of the main indicators of the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex in areas of risky agriculture, including the Republic of Tatarstan. The purpose of the article is to develop recommendations for improving the efficiency of irrigated agriculture whose development depends on the stability of agricultural production and food security. The study aims to identify trends in the development of land reclamation at the regional level and substantiate measures aimed to improve the economic efficiency. The paper presents results of the analysis of development of land reclamation in the Republic of Tatarstan, identifies directions of its development, provides recommendations for ensuring sustainable growth in the volume of reclaimed land and agricultural products, income from the sale of products obtained through irrigation. The research results can be used to develop programs aimed at the development of federal and regional food markets, organizational, economic, technological measures to improve the efficiency of agricultural production, rural areas and the provision of high-quality food supply to the population.

Ekonomika APK ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 308 (6) ◽  
pp. 59-67
Nataliia Kopytets ◽  
Volodymyr Voloshyn

The purpose of the article is to analyze the current state of the meat market in Ukraine, to identify trends in its development. Research methods. The following methods have been used generally accepted methods and techniques: a set of scientific methods of abstract and logical method (induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, analogy and comparison, formalization) for develop theoretical positions and analyze the situation in the meat market; statistical when assessing the meat market; tabular for visual representation of the research results; graphic for identify and illustrate trends of the research economic phenomena. Research results. The meat market is an important component of the food market of the country, on the stability of which the living standards of the population and the food security of the country largely depend, has been generalized. Meat and meat products are among the most important foods. It has been found that the meat market operates in rather difficult economic conditions. Meat producers increase production volumes with the decline of certain branches of animal husbandry In the livestock industry of Ukraine there are transformational processes that cause changes in the meat market structure. The meat market structure is considered and the peculiarities of its functioning are revealed. Poultry meat has been found to have a monopoly on the meat market. The increase in poultry meat production is primarily due to the growing demand from the population and the food industry. The basis of the "meat diet" is poultry meat, as the most available type of meat has been determined. Scientific novelty. Production of poultry meat in Ukraine is the most profitable has been specified. The rapid return on investment in poultry production has led to increased investment in the industry, the construction of modern large poultry farms and the creation of powerful vertically integrated companies. Pork production has stabilized somewhat. However, African swine fever causes significant damage. Raising cattle remains a non-profit business. The trend of cattle slaughter continues in Ukraine,. At the same time, the main producers of cattle meat are households. Analytical assessments and determinations of factors influencing meat production and further development of the meat market have been further developed. Practical significance. Analytical materials of the article have been based on relevant official statistics, which can be can be used for addressing development of the meat market. Research results can be useful for all meat market participa nts. Tabl.: 1. Figs.: 1. Refs.: 19.

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