N. Ozerova

Based on the data from economic notes to the General Land Survey, the ranges of commercial fish and crayfish species that inhabited waterbodies of the Moscow River basin in the second half of the 18th century are reconstructed. Eighteen maps showing the distribution of 22 fish species, including Acipenser ruthenus L., Abramis brama L., Barbatula barbatula L., Lota lota L., Sander lucioperca L. and others are compiled. Comparison of commercial fish species that lived in the Moscow River basin in the second half of the 18th century with data from ichthyological studies in the beginning of the XXI century and materials of archaeological surveys shows that almost all of these species have lived in the Moscow River basin since ancient times and have survived to the present day.

2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (2) ◽  
pp. 38-53
Jelena Celunova

This article is devoted to the research of the Book of Psalms manuscript from A. S. Norovʼs book collection stored in the Department of manuscripts of the Russian State Library. The manuscript is written in the beginning of the 18th century in Church Slavonic language Polish letters. This manuscript has never been studied before, it is nonetheless of interest primarily as a Latin-graphic text, which is a transliteration of the originals in Church Slavonic. Very few such texts have survived, and almost all of them were created in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The article provides a complete description of the manuscript and analyses of its language peculiarities. The analysis has made it possible to identify Church Slavonic protographs of the manuscript, and also to establish that the manuscript was written by women (most likely nuns) for private use. Since the authors of the transliteration themselves had very good command of Church Slavonic, it can be assumed that the text was written to order. Against the background of the cultural and historical context of the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries it can be assumed that the manuscript was written by the nuns of one of the southwestern Russian Uniate monasteries who had moved to one of the monasteries in Russia at that time.

Fisheries ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (6) ◽  
pp. 81-87
V Zadelenov ◽  
Yulia Forina ◽  
Anna Borozdina

This publication presents the results of ichthyologic studies obtained during the inventory of the flora and fauna of the Pyasina river and The pyasinsky Bay of the Kara sea in 2016-2018. The organizer of the work is the Federal state budgetary institution "United Directorate of Taimyr nature reserves". The observed size and age characteristics of muksun, nelma, whitefish, and chira are presented. Their demographic characteristics are shown. The existing fishing on the Pyasina river is described. Purpose: to show the current size, age, and demographic characteristics of the main commercial fish species of the Pyasina river.

Timothy Perttula

In this article, I discuss the character of the Caddo archaeological assemblages at two sites on Bowles Creek in the Neches River basin that are just north of the important mound center at the George C. Davis site (41CE19): namely the Gas Line site (41CE63) and 41CE289. All three sites are on a broad alluvial terrace of the Neches River and Bowles Creek (Figure 1); the confluence of the two streams is ca. 4.0 km south of 41CE289. Both sites appear to have been occupied by Caddo peoples after the main occupation at George C. Davis ended at ca. A.D. 1300, and 41CE289 is not far north of a ca. A.D. 1560- 1680 Frankston phase component at the George C. Davis site on the northern part of the alluvial terrace east of the Neches River (Fields and Thurmond 1980). The Gas Line site was first identified in 1969 along an excavated gas line trench, and a surface collection was obtained from the site by a University of Texas (UT) crew. Site 41CE289 was identified and investigated by Janice Guy and Susan Lisk, both UT graduate students, just prior to a planned expansion of the Indian Mound Nursery in August 1982. At the time, the landform had been plowed, and surface visibility was excellent; Guy and Lisk conducted a general surface collection of the site, which was estimated to cover a ca. 400 x 150 m area (ca. 15 acres). At the present time, almost all of 41CE289 is on lands owned and controlled by the Texas Historical Commission at Caddo Mounds State Historic Site (see Figure 1). Another ancestral Caddo site in the vicinity of 41CE63 and 41CE289 on Bowles Creek is the R. F. Wallace site (41CE20) in the Bowles Creek floodplain near the confluence of Bowles Creek and White Oak Creek. The site is ca. 2.0 km north of the core area of the George C. Davis site (41CE19) (see Figure 1). The site is a Neche Cluster Historic Caddo Allen phase site with habitation and burial features that was investigated by A. T. Jackson (1932) and a University of Texas crew in June 1932. Human teeth, two glass beads, and ceramic sherds were encountered at ca. 58 cm bs, and the landowner had recovered two ceramic vessels from a burial feature that washed out of the site in 1930; one of the vessels is a Poynor Engraved bottle (Marceaux 2011:595), and the other was a bowl of unknown type or decoration. More than 230 ceramic sherds recovered at the site were analyzed in detail by Marceaux (2011:187- 192, 500-501, 504, 506, 524). The regular occurrence of Patton Engraved sherds, a low plain to decorated sherd ratio (0.40), a considerable proportion of brushed sherds among the decorated sherds, a high brushed to plain sherd ratio (2.07), and a brushed to other wet paste sherd ratio of 5.0, are consistent with a Neche cluster site (Marceaux 2011; Perttula 2016). These metrics are thought to be the material culture correlates of the Neche Caddo, one of the Hasinai Caddo groups that lived on the Neches River in the late 17th and early 18th century just north of the crossing of El Camino Real de los Tejas and the Neches River.

Edward Vladimirovich Nikitin

Shallow coastal waters of the Volga river is a flooded feeding area for fish juveniles of nonmigratory fish species. There takes place annual downstream migration of fluvial anadromous fish species from spawning grounds of the Volga river to the Northern Caspian Sea. The most important factors determining the number and qualitative characteristics of fry fishes are the level of the Caspian Sea (currently having a tendency to the lowering), hydrological and thermal regimes of the Volga river. Researches were carried out in definite periods of time. In the summer-autumn period of 2012 fry fishes were presented by 19 species (13 of them were commercial species), which belonged to 9 families. The article gives data on all the commercial fish species. In the first decade of July the maximum number of fry fish was registered in the western part of the Volga outfall offshore - in box 247 (19.86 mln specimens/km2), in the eastern part - in box 142 (20.4 mln specimens/km2). The most populous were roach, red-eye, silver bream and bream; size-weight characteristics were better in the areas remoted from the Volga delta. In the third decade of July the quantitative indicators of fry fish on these areas decreased, size-weight characteristics greatly increased. In the second decade of October in the western part of the seaside there were registered increased pre-wintering concentrations of fish juveniles, their qualitative indicators increased, which is evidence to favorable feeding conditions in 2012.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-28
S. K. Gaikwad ◽  
N. D. Pathan ◽  
N. S. Bansode ◽  
S. P. Gaikwad ◽  
Y. P. Badhe ◽  

To study the chemistry of major ion in groundwater from Vel (Velu) River basin, sixty (60) samples of dug wells and bore wells were collected and analyzed using standard techniques given by APHA. It shows order of dominance for cations, Na+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+ and in anionic concentration as HCO3- > Cl- > SO42- in groundwater. The pH of groundwater is slightly alkaline (range: pH 7.0 - 8.1), while average values of Electrical Conductivity (EC) is about 2641 µS/cm indicating high mineralization of groundwater. In general, the cationic concentration (Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+) of the groundwater increase in the downstream side (from Northwest to South east), suggesting geological control on the composition of groundwater while highest concentration is in lower part of the basin are generally associated with the high salinity. In the major anions, bicarbonate (HCO3-) is higher due to rock-water interaction. Average value of chloride is about of 235 mg/L due to discharge zones along with anthropogenic activities. The geochemical data plotted on Piper Trilinear Diagram is showing dominant hydro-chemical facies: Ca2++Mg2+, Na++ K+, Cl-+ SO42- -HCO3- found in 83.3 % samples indicating the alkaline earth exceeding the alkalis and the strong acids exceeds the weak acids. The pH, Total Hardness (TH) and Magnesium (Mg2+) of the samples show more proportion of samples falling above desirable limit. Otherwise the quality of groundwater is good for drinking. The irrigation indices like SAR, KR and SSP were considered to evaluate groundwater suitability for irrigation. Comparing with SAR parameter all samples are excellent to good for irrigation. In SSP, 33.3 % samples are within permissible, while 66.6% samples are doubtful for irrigation purpose. In KR almost all samples (excluding 04 samples in lower side of basin) are suitable for irrigation. So, variations in climate, geology with anthropogenic activities are modifying the groundwater geochemistry of Vel River Basin.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 483
Ümit Yıldırım ◽  
Cüneyt Güler ◽  
Barış Önol ◽  
Michael Rode ◽  
Seifeddine Jomaa

This study investigates the impacts of climate change on the hydrological response of a Mediterranean mesoscale catchment using a hydrological model. The effect of climate change on the discharge of the Alata River Basin in Mersin province (Turkey) was assessed under the worst-case climate change scenario (i.e., RCP8.5), using the semi-distributed, process-based hydrological model Hydrological Predictions for the Environment (HYPE). First, the model was evaluated temporally and spatially and has been shown to reproduce the measured discharge consistently. Second, the discharge was predicted under climate projections in three distinct future periods (i.e., 2021–2040, 2046–2065 and 2081–2100, reflecting the beginning, middle and end of the century, respectively). Climate change projections showed that the annual mean temperature in the Alata River Basin rises for the beginning, middle and end of the century, with about 1.35, 2.13 and 4.11 °C, respectively. Besides, the highest discharge timing seems to occur one month earlier (February instead of March) compared to the baseline period (2000–2011) in the beginning and middle of the century. The results show a decrease in precipitation and an increase in temperature in all future projections, resulting in more snowmelt and higher discharge generation in the beginning and middle of the century scenarios. However, at the end of the century, the discharge significantly decreased due to increased evapotranspiration and reduced snow depth in the upstream area. The findings of this study can help develop efficient climate change adaptation options in the Levant’s coastal areas.

2015 ◽  
Vol 31 (5) ◽  
pp. 961-962
L. Li ◽  
H. Du ◽  
L. Ren ◽  
J.M. Wu ◽  
Q.W. Wei

Hydrobiologia ◽  
1993 ◽  
Vol 259 (3) ◽  
pp. 157-167 ◽  
Thierry Oberdorff ◽  
Eric Guilbert ◽  
Jean-Claude Lucchetta

1951 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 810-811

A joint meeting of the Research Committee on Agriculture, Fish, Wildlife and Forestry and the Preparatory Fisheries Committee was held in Trinidad on July 9, 1951. The meeting, under the chairmanship of the United Kingdom representative (Frampton), discussed proposals regarding commercial trawl fishing in the Gulf of Paria and the organization of the Fisheries Conference. The committee felt that a survey of commercial trawl fishing should be undertaken at an estimated expense of $2,000. The committee also recommended that the Fisheries Conference, to be held in March 1952 for five days, should meet in Trinidad and have an agenda as follows: occurrence and distribution of commercial fish species in the Caribbean, techniques used in the Caribbean for fish capture, types of fishing craft used, marketing, storing, distribution, conserving methods, and cultivation of fish in ponds.

2007 ◽  
Vol 1047 ◽  
Eleni Pavlidou ◽  
N. Civici ◽  
E. Caushi ◽  
L. Anastasiou ◽  
T. Zorba ◽  

AbstractIn this paper are presented the studies of the paint materials and the technique used in 18th century wall paintings, originated from the orthodox church of St Athanasius, in the city of Maschopolis, a flourishing economical and cultural center, in Albania. The church was painted in 1745 by Konstantinos and Athanasios Zografi, and during the last years, restoration activities are being performed at the church. Samples that included plasters and pigments of different colors were collected from important points of the wall paintings. Additionally, as some parts of the wall-paintings were over-painted, the analysis was extended to the compositional characterization of these areas. The identification of the used materials was done by using complementary analytical methods such as Optical Microscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM-EDS) and X-ray fluorescence (TXRF).The presence of calcite in almost all the pigments is indicative for the use of the fresco technique at the studied areas, while the detection of gypsum and calcium oxalate, indicates an environmental degradation along with a biodegradation. Common pigments used in this area at 15-16th centuries, such as cinnabar, green earth, manganese oxide, carbon black and calcite were identified.

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