scholarly journals Traducción y adaptación transcultural al español del Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (Translation and cross-cultural adaptation to Spanish of the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire)

Retos â—½  
2021 â—½  
Vol 43 â—½  
pp. 503-509
Pablo Campo-Prieto â—½  
Gustavo Rodríguez-Fuentes â—½  
Jose Mª Cancela Carral

  La Realidad Virtual (RV) es una herramienta cada vez más presente en la valoración y tratamiento del paciente neurológico. Sin embargo, en ocasiones, la exposición a entornos inmersivos puede desencadenar efectos adversos. Detectar las posibles complicaciones de su uso se antoja fundamental para dotar de seguridad a sus aplicaciones terapéuticas. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido realizar una traducción y adaptación transcultural del cuestionario Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ), empleado para valorar el cybersickness o sintomatología adversa asociada al uso de la RV, de cara a minimizar riesgos vinculados a su uso en población española. Se llevó a cabo una traducción, retrotraducción y adaptación del instrumento original y una validación de contenido y equivalencia semántica del cuestionario a través de la opinión de expertos, llegando a una versión preliminar evaluada en un ensayo piloto con 54 participantes. Tras la obtención de la versión preliminar en español, el análisis de validez de contenido mostró valores elevados (índice de validez de contenido ³ 0.89; valores de kappa ³ 0.89). 42 de los 54 participantes en el estudio (78%) entendieron el total de la equivalencia semántica planteada y el 100% de la muestra comprendió 13 de los 16 ítems adaptados (81%). El proceso de traducción y adaptación transcultural al castellano del SSQ llevado a cabo, ha dado como resultado una versión equivalente al cuestionario original, presentando una elevada concordancia semántica que facilitará el desarrollo de futuros estudios en población española sobre la sintomatología adversa que pudiera generar la RV. Abstract. Virtual Reality (VR) uses is growing in the assessment and treatment of neurological patients. However, immersive environments exposure can trigger adverse effects. Checking the possible complications of its use is essential to provide security to therapeutic approaches. The aim of this work has been to carry out a translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ), used to assess cybersickness or adverse symptoms associated with VR, with the aim to decrease risks in the Spanish population. Forward-translation, back-translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the original questionnaire was carried out. Content validation and semantic equivalence was assessed by an expert panel, leading to a preliminary version evaluated in a pilot trial with 54 participants. After obtaining the preliminary version in Spanish, the content validity analysis showed high values (content validity index ³ 0.89 and kappa values ³ 0.89). 42 of the 54 participants (78%) understood the total semantic equivalence raised and 100% of the sample understood 13 of the 16 adapted items (81%). The translation and cross-cultural adaptation into Spanish of the SSQ was carried out in this study, showed an equivalent version to the original questionnaire, presenting a high semantic concordance and facilitating the development of future studies in the Spanish population on the adverse symptoms that VR could generate.

2018 â—½  
Vol 40 (1) â—½  
pp. 47-52
Gabriel Talask â—½  
Sabrina Bastos de Freitas â—½  
Maria Estela Wildner Rasmussen â—½  
Mônica Santos Silva â—½  
Rafael Thomaz da Costa â—½  

Abstract Introduction Intrusive thoughts may cause a significant level of distress, since some individuals evaluate the content of those thoughts as aversive. Suppression of intrusive thoughts is one of the strategies adopted by these individuals, which increases the level of distress. Suppression of thoughts may be present as one of the factors that maintain different psychological disorders. Objective To describe the translation and adaptation into Brazilian Portuguese of the White Bear Suppression Inventory (WBSI), which measures thought suppression. Methods Three translations and back-translations were conducted by independent evaluators. Semantic equivalence was assessed and the three versions were evaluated to produce a synthesized version. Comments from participants on the preliminary version of the questionnaire were examined. Results We developed a preliminary Brazilian Portuguese version of the WBSI. It was found that most participants understood the descriptions of cognitions given in the translated questionnaire. Conclusion The use of three different versions of translations and back-translations, discussion of the synthetic version and interaction with the target population have conferred viability to the process of semantic equivalence of the Brazilian Portuguese final version of the WBSI.

2018 â—½  
Vol 40 (1) â—½  
pp. 1-7 â—½  
Alcina Juliana Soares Barros â—½  
Stefania Pigatto Teche â—½  
Aline Rodrigues â—½  
Charlie Severo â—½  
Raquel Saldanha â—½  

Abstract Objective This article concerns the translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and apparent validation of the Trauma and Attachment Belief Scale (TABS), an instrument used to assess the psychological effects of traumatic life experiences and vicarious trauma. Methods This study involved literature review and evaluation of conceptual and item equivalences involving expert discussion groups focused on the existence and pertinence of the underlying theoretical concepts and corresponding items in a Brazilian context. Two translations and respective back-translations were performed during the evaluation of semantic equivalence, as well as an evaluation considering the referential and general equivalences between the original TABS and each version. Twenty-eight psychiatrists and psychologists completed a pretest. The final version was tested for reliability through the Cronbach’s alpha and for verbal comprehension through the adapted verbal-numeric scale (ranging from 0 [I didn’t understand anything] to 5 [I understood perfectly and I had no doubt]) in another 64 health professionals. Results The cross-cultural adaptation demonstrated high semantic equivalence for both the general (>95.0%) and the referential (>90.0%) meaning. The total Cronbach’s alpha was 0.9173. All 84 items were maintained, and they favorably contributed to the internal consistency of the scale. The mean values of the adapted verbal-numeric scale for verbal comprehension obtained from health professionals varied from 4.2 to 4.9. Conclusion The Brazilian version of the TABS demonstrated high-quality conceptual, item, and semantic equivalence with the original instrument, as well as high acceptability, internal consistency, and verbal comprehension. The scale is now available for use.

2018 â—½  
Vol 71 (3) â—½  
pp. 983-991 â—½  
Talita Honorato Siqueira â—½  
Vanessa da Silva Carvalho Vila â—½  
Marianne Elizabeth Weiss

ABSTRACT Objective: to perform the cross-cultural adaptation of the Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale - (RHDS) Adult Form for use in Brazil. Method: a methodological study was conducted in 2015, in Brazil’s federal capital, following the eight stages scientifically established. Results: analysis proved the maintenance of semantic, idiomatic, cultural, and conceptual equivalences and kept both the face and content validity of the original version. The judging committee and the pre-test participants declared they understood the RHDS items and answer scale. Conclusion: the instrument is culturally adapted for Brazil and can be used as one of the stages for planning hospital discharge.

2017 â—½  
Vol 6 (2) â—½  
Alberto Filgueiras

Imagery can be defined as a human capacity of mentally rehearse and reproduce a skill. The use of imagery techniques is common among athletes. To contribute with sport psychologists on the quantitative assessment of mental training based on Allan Paivio’s model, this study aims to translate, adapt and assess content validity of the Sport Imagery Questionnaire in Brazil. The process of adaptation followed the guidelines of the International Test Commission. Three independent translators translated to Brazilian Portuguese; then the synthesis of those items produced the first version of the instrument that was back-translated to English. This first version in Brazilian Portuguese with the original and back-translated versions in English were sent to four bilingual sport psychology specialists. Content Validity Coefficient was used to evaluate cultural adequacy, understanding and quality of translation of each item and the questionnaire. Results showed an average CVC of 0,88 for adequacy, 0,87 for understanding and 0,85 for quality of translation among items and a CVC of 0,88 for the scale as a whole. Obtained data was discussed through the light of sports practice and culture in Brazil.

2019 â—½  
Vol 2019 â—½  
pp. 1-9
Andy S. K. Cheng â—½  
Ka-chun Chan â—½  
Sum-yuet Chan â—½  
Miu-kwan Fan â—½  
Man-kwan Fung â—½  

Introduction. This study aimed to validate the Hong Kong version of the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (HK-KOOS) for patients with knee osteoarthritis. Methods. Content validity was assessed using the Item and Scale Content Validity Index (I-CVI and S-CVI). Test-retest reliability and internal consistency were assessed by the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and Cronbach’s alpha. Dimensionality was assessed by performing exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Convergent and Divergent Validity was performed by examining the correlation between the HK-KOOS and the Chinese version of the Short Form 12 (SF-12) Health Survey, the Chinese Modified Barthel Index (C-MBI), and the Visual Analogue Scale for Pain (VAS-Pain). Ceiling and floor effects were also examined. Results. A total of 125 participants were recruited in this study. In general, all instructions, items, and response options were considered as understandable, indicating a satisfactory cross-cultural adaptation. The I-CVI and S-CVI scores were 0.80-1 and 0.90-1, respectively, indicating excellent content validity in terms of relevance, representativeness, and understandability. The test-retest reliability of all HK-KOOS subscales was satisfactory with ICC exceeding 0.70 for all domains. Cronbach’s alpha exceeded 0.80 for all subscales, indicating satisfactory internal consistency. Medium to strong correlations were found between the HK-KOOS and the VAS-Pain, SF-12, and C-MBI. However, factor analysis indicated a seven-factor structure, rather than the original five-factor structure. Items on pain and activities of daily living were loaded in the same factors. A floor effect was present in the sports and recreation subscale. Discussion and Conclusions. Future studies should further examine the dimensionality of the KOOS. The HK-KOOS is a culturally adapted, reliable, and valid outcome measure instrument to be used in Hong Kong patients with primary knee osteoarthritis.

2019 â—½  
Vol 41 (2) â—½  
pp. 167-175
Ronê Paiano â—½  
Maria Cristina Triguero Veloz Teixeira â—½  
Carla Nunes Cantiere â—½  
Maria A. Efstratopoulou â—½  
Luiz Renato Rodrigues Carreiro

Abstract Introduction There are only a few instruments available to assess behavioral problems in school-age children based on reports of physical education teachers. The Motor Behavior Checklist (MBC) was designed to be completed by this professional in free play-situations or during physical education classes to rate students’ motor-related behavior using 5-point Likert scales. The MBC comprises 59 items distributed into two broadband factors (externalizing and internalizing) and seven behavior problem scales: rule breaking, hyperactivity/impulsivity, lack of attention, low energy, stereotyped behaviors, lack of social interaction, and lack of self-regulation. The objective of this study was to describe the translation and cross-cultural adaptation processes of the MBC into Brazilian Portuguese. Method The following procedures were conducted: forward translation of the original instrument, production of a synthesized version, back-translation, literal and semantic comparison, back-translator’s evaluation of divergent items, synthesized version with back-translator’s suggestions, clarity assessment of the synthesized version by professionals (physical education teachers), focus group to assess clarity indicators of the instrument, evaluation of adjustments by the author of the instrument, and production of the final version. Results The results indicated a satisfactory level of agreement between the original and the back-translated versions, with 68% of exact equivalence between the translated items and 16% of terms requiring minor adjustments. In the draft version, 84% of the items were evaluated as clear by physical education teachers. Conclusion The translated version has compatible content with the original version. Future studies should be conducted to assess the psychometric properties of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the MBC.

Interação â—½  
2021 â—½  
Vol 21 (1) â—½  
pp. 169-180
Any Cleo Souza â—½  
Valeriana de Castro Guimarães â—½  
Denise Sisterolli Diniz â—½  
Thomas H. Bak â—½  
Sharon Abrahams

Abstract: The translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the screening test Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioral ALS Screen (ECAS) for the Portuguese language of Brazil was carried out in this article. The adaptations were developed based on authors' guidelines and specific literature: translation; synthesis; back-translation and cross-cultural adaptation (technical review and semantic equivalence). The tests were adapted with the aid of a pilot group of 46 healthy individuals, mean age 52.6 ± 13.88 years and 13.8 ± 5.10 years of studies, 26 females and 20 males, randomly recruited among the caregivers of the patients of the Hospital das Clínicas of the Federal University of Goiás, Brazil. After translation of all fifteen ECAS subtests, nine were adapted and six not gone through cross-cultural adaptation. In the Language-Naming subtest the fox figure (13.04% of errors) was replaced by the image of the alligator; 5 words (41.66%) of the Language-Spelling subtest were replaced. In the Executive-Alternation subtest, 11-K or 11-L was accepted as a response, provided the subsequent sequence was correct. A Verbal Fluency Index (IFV) table was established, with data from the pilot group, which will be the reference for the Brazilian version. The three subtests for memory evaluation (Immediate Recall, Delayed Recall and Delayed Recognition) are based on a story that has been adapted to Brazilian culture. The protocol has been translated and adapted to Brazilian Portuguese and has undergone processes of content, verbal comprehension and semantic equivalence, being called Edimburgo - Rastreio Cognitivo-Comportamental em ELA (ECAS-BR). It is necessary to continue this study for external validity, equivalence of measurement and reproducibility.

2018 â—½  
Vol 40 (4) â—½  
pp. 337-341 â—½  
Tiago Figueiredo â—½  
Pilar Erthal â—½  
Dídia Fortes â—½  
Phillip Asherson â—½  
Paulo Mattos

Abstract Introduction: The concept of mind wandering refers to periods during which attention and content of thoughts depart from the original idea or activity being performed. The phenomenon occurs commonly in the general population and the Mind Wandering Excessively Scale (MEWS) evaluates its frequency, intensity and related negative outcomes. Objective: To describe the cross-cultural adaptation of the MEWS. Methods: Cross-cultural adaptation of the original scale followed five consecutive steps: translation, backtranslation, appreciation of semantic equivalence and administration to a convenience sample to 20 adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and 20 normal controls. Results: Results indicated a satisfactory equivalence between the original and translated versions. A synthesis version for Brazilian Portuguese is presented. Conclusions: MEWS provides information on thought activity, which is particularly important in ADHD cases. The Brazilian Portuguese version would be welcome to address specific treatment responses and obtain new outcome measures

2018 â—½  
Vol 2018 â—½  
pp. 1-6 â—½  
Jananya P. Dhippayom â—½  
Piyawat Trevittaya â—½  
Andy S. K. Cheng

Introduction. The Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire (MHQ) is a patient-rated hand outcome instrument. It is widely used in orthopedic and neurological conditions of the hands and upper limbs. To gain more knowledge on hand outcomes from a Thai patient perspective, an MHQ-Thai version is required. Purpose of the Study. The study is aimed at translating and cross-culturally adapting the MHQ into Thai and at examining the validity and reliability of the translated version. Methods. The Beaton protocol for cross-cultural adaptation of self-reported measures was used in the translation process. Three occupational therapists were asked to assess content validity while 30 participants were asked to fill in the questionnaire in order to assess construct validity, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability. Results. All six domains of the MHQ were translated into Thai without any major problems. However, items related to the characteristics of the patients were adapted to suit the Thai context. The MHQ-Thai version had good content validity (IOC 0.972). The construct validity revealed a low-to-high correlation between every subscale of the MHQ-Thai version. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of the test-retest reliability for the six domains ranged from 0.788 to 0.956, with excellent correlation (ICC = 0.953) for the total score. Cronbach’s alpha was 0.835 for the total score of the MHQ-Thai version, indicating good internal consistency. Discussion and Conclusions. MHQ was successfully cross-culturally adapted into Thai. The MHQ-Thai version is a valid and reliable instrument for evaluating the self-perception of Thai people who have hand and upper limb injuries.

2018 â—½  
Vol 26 (0) â—½  
Juliana Perez Arthur â—½  
Maria de Fátima Mantovani â—½  
Maria Isabel Raimondo Ferraz â—½  
Ângela Taís Mattei â—½  
Luciana Puchalski Kalinke â—½  

ABSTRACT Objective: to make the translation, cross-cultural adaption and content and face validation of the Hypertension Knowledge-Level Scale for use in Brazil. Methods: methodological research carried out in six stages: translation, synthesis, back-translation, expert committee’s assessment, pre-test and validation. Validation was performed through the Delphi technique in two rounds. The participants were two translators and two back-translators, eight professionals in the expert committee, 40 adult participants in the pre-test, 35 experts in the first validation round and 28 in the second validation round. Data analysis included Cronbach’s alpha, content validity index and one-tailed t-test. Results: the translation and cross-cultural adaptation allowed for language adjustments so that the items were comprehensible and suitable for use in Brazil. The content validity index of the Brazilian version of Hypertension Knowledge-Level Scale was 0.96 and Cronbach’s alpha was 0.92. Conclusions: the scale was translated, cross-culturally adapted to Brazilian Portuguese, had its content and face validated and proved reliable to evaluate the knowledge of adults about hypertension.

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