2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-36 ◽  
Ade Supriatna

Rice production and productivity in Subang district must be easily informed by the Department of Agriculture in accordance with advances in information technology and the internet. This study is about data and information that is integrated into a computer-based information system related to the yield of rice crops. The computer-based rice yield report is intended to make it easier to enter data sourced from the corm area online. Then from the user (community) side it will be more practical and easier to get information. And services at the subang agriculture service do not always have to be directly in the office but can be done online. That way the reporting process, fast and structured.Reporting, which was originally still manual, was to recapitulate paper-based transactions and then switch to the application of web-based computer technology and the research method was quantitative.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 105
Khairul Huda ◽  
Zaenal Syahlan ◽  
M Syaifi ◽  
Edy Widodo

The development of information technology also developed in line with thedevelopment of human civilization. The development of information technology is veryhelpful, one of which is the internet. The use of the internet has developed into anappropriate means to convey information that is fast, effective and accurate. Submissionof information is not limited to all soldiers and the general public by utilizing technologicalfacilities, namely websites. In conveying the history of Indonesia Warship Raden EddyMartadinata 331 and Indonesia Warship I Gusti Ngurah Rai 332 are still stored in the formof documents on a computer and are still printed in the form of sheets of paper. Inconveying the history of Indonesia Warship, it must be developed further to conveyinformation in the current era. Historical research that executive focuses on the past. Sofar, information on the Indonesia Warship Indonesia Warship's historical informationsystem Raden Eddy Martadinata - 331 and Indonesia Warship I Gusti Ngurah Rai - 332on the web-based Indonesian Armed Forces fleet are still in print. besides usinginformation books, then try to make other alternatives by creating a website, besides thatmembers are expected to access information easily and efficiently. With theineffectiveness in managing Indonesia Warship Indonesia Warship historical data RadenEddy Martadinata - 331 and Indonesia Warship I Gusti Ngurah Rai - 332, a design of theIndonesia Warship historical information system was built in the web-based IndonesianArmada fleet which aims to facilitate the process of Indonesia Warship history search.PHP as a programmer and MySQL as the database.Keywords: Website-Based Indonesia Warship History Information System. PHP MySQL.

2005 ◽  
Vol 2005 (1) ◽  
pp. 415-419
Jill L. Bodnar

ABSTRACT The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Sanctuaries Hazardous Incident Emergency Logistics Database System (SHIELDS) is an Internet-based information system designed to improve access to critical data, plans, and tools for National Marine Sanctuary (NMS) personnel and their partners for contingency planning and response situations. At the core of the SHIELDS project is a website developed for each of the thirteen National Marine Sanctuaries and one coral reef ecosystem reserve in the sanctuary designation process. Each site hosts general planning and response information, such as policies and contingency plans. More so, SHIELDS takes advantage of leading information technology to improve the availability of vital response information and folds it into one comprehensive website. The use of Geographic Information System (GIS) data has expanded from static hardcopy maps to web-based interactive mapping, allowing Internet users to easily examine Sanctuary-specific geographic data from any location. SHIELDS offers NOAA modeling tools to analyze the fate of pollutants and live buoy data for real-time oceanographic conditions. Web-based databases within SHIELDS allow the user to enter or query information on personnel contact and location, potential Sanctuary threats, geographic response plans (GRPs) and Resources and UnderSea Threats (RUST) data, post updated incident text and documentation, or look up response glossary terms. Although SHIELDS relies extensively on the use of the Internet to distribute its information, it has also been designed to work as a stand-alone product for those inevitable circumstances when Internet access is not available during a response. The user can load the SHIELDS webpages and data onto their personal computer and carry it to any remote location to access the same data found on the Internet. SHIELDS provides the most comprehensive incident planning and response information for the National Marine Sanctuary Program (NMSP). This ensures that NOAA fulfills its role as stewards of Sanctuary resources and provides effective and timely response information about their trust resources.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Hari Santoso ◽  
Sugesti Sugesti ◽  
Notatema Anugrah Gea

Medical record is a file that contains records about the patient's identity, examination, treatment, actions and other health services to patients. The speed of obtaining data and processing of data is very much needed in the current technological era. With the development of technology makes people think to be able to work more effectively and efficiently. One of them is making a conventional system into a computerized system. By utilizing website facilities that are connected to the internet, medical records can be more effective and efficient in searching and recording medical history. In this research a web-based information system is designed using the PHP programming language and MySQL database using the waterfall method as its research method. With this system, it is expected to be able to overcome the various needs of users to search for patient data and perform data processing as well as facilitate users in making reports. From the results of research and design that has been implemented to produce medical record applications that facilitate the processing of patient data.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-93 ◽  
Untung Rahardja ◽  
Indri Handayani ◽  
Randy Wijaya

Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin cepat dan selalu memberikan inovasi dalam membuat suatu karya yang kreatif dan bermanfaat dalam memberikan informasi sama dengan hal nya Perguruan Tinggi Raharja yang sangat membutuhkan informasi dan sistem informasi yang akurat,cepat dan efisien. untuk menunjang keaktifan penulis karya ilmiah atau jurnal dengan TMJ merupakan sebuah sistem pelayanan penulisan karya ilmiah atau jurnal dari hal memberitahukan informasi pembukaan jurnal, template jurnal dan submit jurnal dengan tujuan, memberitahukan kepada seluruh mahasiswa sehingga tidak mengalami kekurangan dalam informasi mengenai jurnal adapun tujuan dari Viewboard TMJ adalah sebagai tempat pelayanan informasi dari data-data yang sudah ada dan terkait dengan penulisan karya ilmiah atau jurnal sehingga nanti nya akan menampilkan informasi yang valid juga dapat mudah untuk di pantau dengan menggunakan berbasis komputer, hal ini memudahkan admin untuk mengolala data yang terdapat pada TMJ menjadi sebuah Viewboard. Viewboard ini berbasis web karena Viewboard yang diterapkan untuk menampilkan informasi menggunakan website Kata kunci : TMJ, Viewboard, Journal The rapid development of information technology and always provide innovation in making a creative and useful work in providing information similar to Raharja High School which is in desperate need of information and information system that is accurate, fast and efficient. to support the activeness of the author of a scientific or journaling work with TMJ is a system of writing service of scientific papers or journals of the matter informing the opening of the journal, journal template and submit the journal with the purpose, notify all students so that there is no shortage in information about journals as for the purpose of Viewboard TMJ is as a place of information services from existing data and related to the writing of scientific papers or journals so that later it will display valid information can also be easy to monitor by using a computer-based, it is easier for the admin to mengolala data contained in TMJ becomes a Viewboard. This Viewboard is web based because the Viewboard is applied to display information using the website.Keywords: TMJ, Viewboard , Journal  

Pandu Setiaji ◽  
Langgra Mayrezka Pradipta ◽  
Agus Budhi Utomo

The development of information technology has made the internet as a very important requirement to explore various information needed. The benefits of the internet are quite large especially in the world of business, entertainment and education. Dalegan Village is a village that has a lot of natural wealth such as white sand beach tourism, hill prohibit, legen drinks, fish crackers and various other fish preparations, but all these riches have not been fully exposed in cyberspace. This program aims to build a web-based village information system to expose the history and profile of the village and optimize the existence of the natural wealth of the village of Dalegan so that information about the natural wealth can be conveyed to all internet users so that it can increase the interest of tourists who wilvisit and increase the budget of the village income.

Andreas Rendiana Sulistyana ◽  
Pradityo Utomo

The Internet is one of the development of information technology. In this case, there are many information systems that use the internet. Information systems created using the internet are called websites. In a study conducted at Paron State Elementary School 02 will be built a web-based school information system.School information systems can help Paron State Elementary School 02 to promote information teaching and learning process in the field of education. Information system Paron 02 State Elementary School web-based this will be built using waterfall method. Waterfall method is very complex and most suitable if applied to the information system that I created. The Paron 02 State Elementary Information System is built on a web-based basis. Where the system can be accessed online by the user. So the system has been built will run according to the function and the desired destination Paron State Elementary School 02. Users can find information in Paron 02 State Elementary School just by using the internet, users do not need to come to school to get information. Keywords : SDN Paron 02 Promotion, Information System, waterfall.

Mamok Andri Senubekti ◽  
Muhammad Yusron Fathul Islam

In today's era of globalization, the advancement of information technology is accelerating. Computers connected to the internet or intranet created to facilitate human work are needed in all fields, especially in the field of education. Rumah Yatim and Tahfidz Qur'an Madani need a website-based attendance information system to help enter santri attendance data. For this reason, the author tried to create a journal about a web-based santri absence system that until now has not been computerized. Rumah Yatim and Tahfidz Qur'an Madani is one of the foundations in Bandung that until now the input of absenteeism is still manual ranging from the input of santri absentee data to the storage of absentee data that has been input and report making. So that it is possible when the process takes place data manipulation and data loss is very large. The design of this information system is the best solution to solve the problems in this foundation, and with a computerized system can be achieved an effective and efficient activity in supporting activities in this foundation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Fabriyan Fandi Dwi Imaniawan ◽  
Hidayat Muhammad Nur

Abstract - As the development of technology and information transaction activity and selling various products can be easily done by making use of the internet network. Prospective buyers can make transactions quicker with prospective sellers over the internet without having to pay a visit to the store first. An entrepreneur or a company can easily do the selling of a product through the website. Society Coffee House was a cafe that sells a wide variety of types of coffee beans ranging from coffee bean international and local coffee beans. Sales of coffee beans in the Coffee House Purwokerto Society still use traditional sales methods so that the insufficient development effort. Sales information system via the internet or online is an approach to the improvement of marketing. The research method used is the quantitative and qualitative. The existence of web-based sales application is becoming the best solution for solving the problems that exist in Society Coffe House so that it can increase the turnover.Keywords: Website Creation, Sales, Society Coffee HouseAbstrak - Seiring perkembangan teknologi dan informasi kegiatan transaksi dan jual beli berbagai produk bisa dengan mudah dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan jaringan internet. Calon pembeli dapat melakukan transaksi lebih cepat dengan calon penjual melalui internet tanpa harus berkunjung ke toko terlebih dahulu. Seorang pengusaha ataupun sebuah perusahaan dapat dengan mudah melakukan penjualan suatu produk melalui website. Society Coffe House merupakan sebuah kafe yang menjual berbagai macam jenis biji kopi mulai dari biji kopi internasional maupun biji kopi lokal. Penjualan Biji Kopi pada Society Coffee House Purwokerto masih menggunakan metode penjualan dengan cara tradisional sehingga kurang maksimal dalam pengembangan usaha. Sistem informasi penjualan melalui internet atau online merupakan suatu pendekatan yang baik terhadap peningkatan pemasaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Observasi dan Wawancara. Adanya aplikasi penjualan secara berbasis web ini menjadi solusi terbaik untuk pemecahan masalah yang ada di Society Coffe House sehingga dapat meningkatkan omzet penjualan.Kata Kunci: Pembuatan Website, Penjualan Biji Kopi, Society Coffee House

2020 ◽  
Dedy Agung Prabowo ◽  
Ujang Juhardi ◽  
Bambang Agus Herlambang

Recently, Information technology develops rapidly. It is possible for us to get some informationquickly, properly and efficiently. The information technology also has many advantages fo r people. Theneed for information is increasing according to the need of its users. This proves that informationtechnology can make our job easier and it can help us to save our time particularly for the job thatrelated to information and data processin g. With the increasing use of computer technology today, italso brings up some problems. One of them is security and confidentiality problem which is animportant aspect in an information system. Data security is an important thing in maintaining theconf identiality of particular data that only can be known by those who have right. RC6 is a symmetrickey algorithm which encrypts 128 bit plaintext blocks to 128 bit ciphertext blocks. The encryptionprocess involves four operations which is the critical arit hmetic operation of this block cipher. As alegal state, Indonesia has issued a regulation in a form of laws governing information and electronictransaction or commonly referred to UU ITE. Besides, Islam is a religion that comprehensively givesthe guidan ce of life for people. Islam has provided guidance in the various fields ranging from social,politics, economics and various other fields.

Andy Paul Harianja ◽  
Iwada Grawilser Talunohi

The development of the field of information technology is very rapid, therefore many companies, industries, shops and other business entities are using information systems to increase their business. Online sales information systems are used to carry out business processes such as distribution, sales, purchasing, marketing of goods or services by using communication networks and the internet. Online sales information systems can help people who do not have a place or shop to carry out their business. Students in this case, especially at the Catholic University of Santo Thomas, are an opportunity to take advantage of this facility in carrying out their business, especially if they do not have a place or shop to carry out their business. For this reason, an online sales information system was built that can be accessed through the website.

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