Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya peranan suasana kerja terhadap keinginan pindah kerja karyawan. Populasi pada penelitian ini yaitu seluruh karyawan PT. Hasnur Jaya Utama. Jenis pengambilan sampel yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah Purposive Random Sampling yaitu pemilihan sampel secara acak sesuai dengan karakteristik yang ditentukan berdasarkan tujuan penelitian yang berjumlah 60 orang. Sedangkan metode pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan skala suasana kerja, skala kepuasan kerja dan kuesioner keinginan pindah kerja. Dalam penelitian ini analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linear sederhana. Hasil analisis peranan suasana kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja, diperoleh koefisien korelasi R sebesar 0,759 artinya hubungan suasana kerja dan kepuasan kerja erat. Ditemukan juga koefisien determinasi (R2) yang menunjukkan peranan suasana kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja sebesar 57,5% dan untuk analisis t observasi (8,882) > t tabel (1,672) menunjukkan ada peranan suasana kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja. Kemudian, hasil analisis peranan kepuasan kerja terhadap keinginan pindah kerja ditemukan koefisien regresi R (0,680) artinya kepuasan kerja dan keinginan pindah kerja memiliki hubungan yang cukup erat. Selanjutnya, diperoleh juga (R2) yang menunjukkan peranan kepuasan kerja terhadap keinginan pindah kerja sebesar 46,3% dan untuk analisis t observasi (-7,069) t tabel (1,672) menunjukkan ada peranan kepuasan kerja terhadap keinginan pindah kerja dengan signifikan negatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa suasana kerja dan kepuasan kerja pada karyawan perlu diperhatikan oleh perusahaan agar dapat meminimalkan keinginan pindah kerja karyawan. Kata Kunci: Suasana kerja, kepuasan kerja, keinginan pindah kerjaThis study purposed to determine whether there is the influence of the working atmosphere to intention turnover on employees. The population in this study are all employees of PT. Hasnur Jaya Utama. Type of sampling conducted in this study is Purposive Random Sampling is the selection of a random sample according to the characteristics that are determined based on the research goals of 60 people. The methods of data collection by using the scale of the working atmosphere, the scale of job satisfaction and intention turnover questionnaire. In this study analyzes the data using simple linear regression analysis. The results of the analysis of the influence of working atmosphere to job satisfaction, the correlation coefficient R of 0.759 means that the relationship working atmosphere and job satisfaction is quite close. Also found the coefficient of determination (R2) which indicates the role of working conditions on job satisfaction at 57.5% and for the analysis of observation (8.882) > t table (1.672) which indicates means that the influence of the atmosphere to job satisfaction. Then, the results of the analysis of the influence of job satisfaction to intention turnover a correlation coefficient R (0.680) means that job satisfaction and intention turnover to have a close relationship. Furthermore, also obtained (R2 ) which indicates the role of job satisfaction to intention turnover of 46,3% and for the analysis of t observation (-7.069) > t table (1.672) which indicates means that the influence of job satisfaction to intention turnover with a significant negative . Based on these results it can be concluded that the working atmosphere and job satisfaction in employees need to be considered by the company in order to minimize intention turnover ob the employees. Keywords: The working atmosphere, job satisfaction, intention turnover.