scholarly journals The reaction of early-ripening potato varieties to the planting rate in the Middle Urals

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (48) ◽  
pp. 26-26
Andrey Skrуabin ◽  
Vladimir Khokhlov

The article presents the yield of early potato varieties, considering the different planting rates of tubers. A two-factor field experiment was conducted in 2013 - 2015 at the experimental field of the Perm State Agro-Technological University named after Academician. The purpose of the research is to find ways to cultivate early-ripening potato varieties to obtain a yield of 35 t/ha. The soils of the experimental site are sod-finely podzolic medium loamy. The humus content is 1.9 - 3.2%, pH (KCl) 4.4-5.1, P2O5 185-300 mg/kg, K2O 143-431 mg/kg. The meteorological conditions of the growing seasons were opposite in terms of weather conditions and did not equally affect the yield. It was found that, on average, over three years, the goal of the experiment was achieved only in one variant of the experiment - in the Rosalind variety with a maximum thickening of 71.4 thousand tubers per hectare. The limit of thickening in the Red Scarlett variety was at the maximum thickening of tubers when planting 71.4 thousand. The limit of thickening of the Luck variety was 47.6 thousand tubers, the limit of compaction of plantings in the Rosalind variety was 57.1 thousand tubers. Keywords: POTATO, VARIETY, YIELD, PLANTING RATE

Е. V. Gureeva

The results of research conducted in 2015-2019 in the forest-steppe agroclimatic zone to identify the dependence of economically valuable traits of soybean varieties on the meteorological conditions of the Ryazan region are presented. The soil of the experimental site is dark gray forest, heavy loamy in granulometric composition. Reaction of the soil solution-phsol. - 5,2; humus content 5,8 %. Mobile phosphorus content – 191.4 mg / kg of soil; exchange potassium content-108.5 mg / kg of soil; nitrate nitrogen-8.4 mg / kg; ammonium nitrogen-1.57 mg/kg. The object of the research were varieties of soybean breeding, FEDERAL state scientific institution "Ryazan research Institute of agriculture" - Mahewa, George, Whale, Light. The work was carried out in accordance with the methodology of the State variety testing of agricultural crops and the methodology of field experience. To characterize the climatic conditions, we used an integrated indicator – Selyaninov's hydrothermal coefficient (GTC). It was found that the duration of the growing season of early — maturing varieties depends more on the weather conditions in july, early-maturing varieties-on the conditions in august. The height of the plant is affected by weather conditions in june, and the weight of 1000 seeds – in july. The yield of soybeans largely depends on the climatic conditions during the main stages of development of the crop. The average yield over the years of the study for varieties was in the range from 1.37 to 1.79 t/ha. The highest yield was recorded in 2015 and 2016 with the GTC close to 1, the lowest yield for varieties was obtained in 2018 with the GTC=0.6. A significant relationship was found between seed yield, seed weight from the plant and the GTC of the growing season: the variation in soybean seed yield by 67% is associated with the action of the studied factors (R2=0.67).

Elena Zemcova ◽  
Nina Bome

Abstract. During the growing seasons of 2014-2016, 22 varieties of spring soft wheat were evaluated according to economically valuable characteristics. The purpose of the work was to determine the features of the formation of the yield of the studied varieties based on the analysis of the variability of the main elements of its structure in the conditions of the taiga agro-climatic zone of Tyumen region. Varieties belonging to two groups of ripeness (medium-early and medium-ripe) were evaluated on plots with an accounting area of 1 m2, the repetition of the experiment was 4-fold. The soil is loamy in terms of granulometric composition, the humus content is 4.5 %, pH=7.1. The limiting factor of the wheat harvest in the first year of the study was insufficient heat supply (the average daily air temperature is 1.4 0C lower than the average long-term value) against the background of a lack of precipitation (62 % relative to the norm), which caused the formation of a puny grain. In the second year, heavy precipitation (155 % of the norm for the growing season) and having a stormy character in July led to the lodging of plants and an increase in the contamination of grain with fungal diseases. In the third year, the high air temperature (3.2 0C higher than long-term indicators) caused a reduction in the duration of the tillering phase and a decrease in the number of productive shoots. The signs - the number of shoots, the weight of grain from the ear, the weight of 1000 grains and the length of the stem (the coefficients of variation (CV) were – 20...22 %) were subject to a significant degree of variation during the study period, the number of grains in the ear and the length of the ear (CV – 2...3 %) practically did not change. We observed the compensation of some elements of the crop structure by others. Thus, the insufficient number of stems was compensated by an increase in the share of productive stems, a low number of productive shoots – by a higher productivity of the ear, a relatively low water content of the ear – by an increase in the mass of 1000 grains. As a result, the yield level varied slightly over the years of the study (CV-7 %)

2020 ◽  
pp. 31-38

In the Moscoww region, frosts are quite probable to return until the fi rst decade of June. To protect potatoes from the returning cold weather, it is possible to use a temporary covering material in the “planting – seedling emergence” period. The authors have studied the use of covering materials on early potato varieties of Udacha, Zhukovsky early, Red Scarlet, Snegir’, and Meteor. Studies have been conducted on the test plot of the Vegetable Growing Department of Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy in 2017-2019. Non-woven white and black material of the same density of 17 g/m2 was used for covering. No covering was used in the check variant. The cultivation technology was standard,it included tillage (plowing, spring tillage, and cutting ridges before planting), as well as plant care (inter-row cultivation and hilling-up). Planting was carried out with a single-row potato planter. The earliest emergence of seedlings was observed under white covering material with a diff erence of 5-6 days in relation to the check variant. In the variant with a black covering material, the diff erence averaged 3-4 days. Due to covering, planting was carried out earlier than expected and the crop was formed by July 15. The interphase period between potato planting and seddling emergence decreased, while that from seddling emergence to harvesting increased, consequently, the yield increased by 11.6…14.7%. The maximum yield was obtained with the Red Scarlet variety using the white covering material, the minimum – in the check variant without covering. The same trend is typical for other varieties. It has been established that covering with any material has a positive eff ect on the duration of the potato growing season and the yield by increasing the period of tuberization. Covering allows getting early potato varieties 2 weeks earlier in the Moscow region.

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 523
Jacques Piazzola ◽  
William Bruch ◽  
Christelle Desnues ◽  
Philippe Parent ◽  
Christophe Yohia ◽  

Human behaviors probably represent the most important causes of the SARS-Cov-2 virus propagation. However, the role of virus transport by aerosols—and therefore the influence of atmospheric conditions (temperature, humidity, type and concentration of aerosols)—on the spread of the epidemic remains an open and still debated question. This work aims to study whether or not the meteorological conditions related to the different aerosol properties in continental and coastal urbanized areas might influence the atmospheric transport of the SARS-Cov-2 virus. Our analysis focuses on the lockdown period to reduce the differences in the social behavior and highlight those of the weather conditions. As an example, we investigated the contamination cases during March 2020 in two specific French areas located in both continental and coastal areas with regard to the meteorological conditions and the corresponding aerosol properties, the optical depth (AOD) and the Angstrom exponent provided by the AERONET network. The results show that the analysis of aerosol ground-based data can be of interest to assess a virus survey. We found that moderate to strong onshore winds occurring in coastal regions and inducing humid environment and large sea-spray production episodes coincides with smaller COVID-19 contamination rates. We assume that the coagulation of SARS-Cov-2 viral particles with hygroscopic salty sea-spray aerosols might tend to inhibit its viral infectivity via possible reaction with NaCl, especially in high relative humidity environments typical of maritime sites.

1996 ◽  
Vol 36 (5) ◽  
pp. 555
ID Black ◽  
CB Dyson ◽  
AR Fischle

In 11 experiments over 6 seasons the herbicide sethoxydim was applied to Machete, Spear and Blade wheat cultivars in the absence or near absence of weeds (10 sites) or where the weeds were controlled by selective herbicides (1 site), in the cropping area north of Adelaide, South Australia. The rates applied included 9-47 g a.i./ha at the 2-3 leaf growth stage and 9-74 g a.i./ha at early tillering. Except for the very long growing season of 1992, there was a highly significant positive linear correlation between the number of degree days in the growing season at each experimental site and relative mean yield increase of these sethoxydim treatments. Yield increases ranged from nil in growing seasons of about 1000 degree days to 32% in a growing season of 1480 degree days, with a median of 8% over the experiments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-22
V. V. Gamayunova ◽  
L. H. Khonenko ◽  
M. I. Fedorchuk ◽  
O. A. Kovalenko

The cultivation expediency of more drought-resistant crops, in particular sorghum, millet, false flax, safflower and others, instead of sunflower in the area of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine is substantiated. This is, first of all, required by climate change both in Ukraine and in the world. Since 2004, researches of field crops were carried out in the conditions of the Educational and Scientific Practical Center of the Mykolaiv National Agrarian University. Soil phase is the southern chernozem with humus content in the 0–30 cm soil layer which consist of 2.96–3.21 %, with medium and high level of availability of mobile phosphorus and potassium and low – mobile nitrogen. Experiments with soriz (Oksamyt hybrid) were conducted during 2004–2006, millet (Tavriiske, Kostantynivske, Skhidnevarieties) in 2008–2010, grain sorghum (Stepovyi 5 hybrid) in 2014–2016, safflower dye (Lahidnyi variety) in 2017–2019. The years of research differed significantly in temperature and even more in the amount of precipitation before sowing and during the growing season of crops. However, the weather conditions were typical of the Southern Steppe zone of Ukraine. It is established that all studied drought-resistant crops respond positively to nutrition optimization – the level of yield and quality of grain or seeds increases. It was found that the soriz productivity depending on the application of fertilizers and sowing dates increased by 37.6–39.2 %, millet –by 33.3–41.6 %, grain sorghum depending on the background of nutrition and growing conditions – by 8.2–33.2 %, dye safflower – by 11.1–64.6 %. It was determined that the optimization of nutrition of cultivated crops allows to increase their resistance to adverse conditions and productivity in the case of application of low doses of the mineral fertilizers before sowing, pre-sowing treatment of seeds, and growth-regulating chemical application of plants on the main stages of the growing season. Key words: drought-resistant plants, climatic conditions, nutrition optimization, yield, crop quality, varieties, sowing dates.

А.V. Polykov ◽  
T.V. Alekseeva

Цель исследования усовершенствование способа обогащения растений чеснока селеном до уровня суточной нормы потребления путем обработки вегетирующих растений растворами селенитов натрия и калия в сочетании с поверхностно-активными веществами и диметилсульфоксидом. Исследования проведены во ВНИИО филиале ФГБНУ ФНЦО, в условиях открытого грунта в 20162018 годах, на супесчаной почве, содержание гумуса в которой составляло 3,413,44, рНKCl 6,7, степень обеспеченности питательными веществами: фосфором высокая (содержание P2O5 в слое 020 см составляло 22,7824,62 мг (по Чирикову) калием низкая, содержание К2О в слое 20 см 10,3817,88 мг (по Масловой). Для улучшения минерального питания растений осенью под основную обработку в почву вносили калий хлористый в дозе 50 г/м2, в период вегетации проводили подкормки растений: первую, в фазе начала интенсивного роста листьев аммиачной селитрой 30 г/м2, вторую, через две недели после первой сульфатом калия 50 г/м2. Погодные условия в течение периода исследований были благоприятны для выращивания чеснока. Поливы проводили по мере подсыхания верхнего слоя почвы. Исследования проведены на чесноке озимом сорта Гладиатор. Схема опытов предполагала предпосадочное замачивание зубков в течение 30 мин. и последующую двукратную обработку вегетирующих растений 0,1-ным раствором селенита натрия и калия в сочетании с поверхностно активными веществами (1) и диметилсульфоксидом (1): первый раз в фазе начала интенсивного роста листьев и второй через три недели. Установлено, что некорневая обработка растений селенитом натрия была в 2,3 раза, а селенитом калия в 5,8 раза эффективнее, чем корневая. Сделан вывод о том, что луковицы чеснока, полученные, в результате некорневой обработки растений 0,1-ным раствором селенита натрия и калия в сочетании с поверхностно активными веществами и диметилсульфоксидом содержат в 145,3169,8 раза больше селена, чем контроль, что позволяет получить зубки, содержащие селен в концентрации 6,837,98 мг/кг. Суточная норма потребления чеснока составляет примерно 10 г, средняя потребность в селене составляет от 30 до 70 мкг. Учитывая, что содержание селена в обогащенной продукции составит 68,3 79,8 мкг/10 г чеснока предложенный способ обогащения позволяет в полной мере удовлетворить суточную потребность организма человека в этом микроэлементе.The aim of investigation was to improve the method of enrichment of garlic plants with selenium to the level of daily consumption rate by treatment of vegetative plants with solutions of sodium and potassium selenites in combination with surfactants. The investigations were carried out at ARRIVG branch of FSCVG, in open ground in 20162018, on sandy loam soil with humus content of 3.413.44, pHKCl 6.7, content of phosphorus (P2O5) in the layer 020 cm was 22.7824.62 mg (Chirikov) content of potassium (K2O) 10.3817.88 mg (Maslova). To improve mineral nutrition of plants fall under the basic treatment in the soil was added potassium chloride at a dose of 50 g/m2 during the growing season were plant nutrition: first, in the early phase of intensive growth of leaves ammonium nitrate 30 g/m2, the second, two weeks after the first potassium sulphate and 50 g/m2. Weather conditions during the period of growth were favorable for growing garlic. Watering was carried out at the periods where the top layer of soil was dried. Studies were carried out on variety Gladiator of winter garlic. The experimental design included soaking the cloves for 30 minutes before planting, and subsequent double treatment of vegetating plants with 0.1 solution of sodium and potassium selenite in combination with surfactants (1) and dimethyl sulfoxide (1): the first time in the phase of the beginning of intense leaf growth and the second time after 3 weeks. As a result of the investigations it was found that non-root treatment of plants with solutions containing selenium was more effective than root treatment. Non-root top dressing with sodium selenite was in 2.3 times, and potassium selenite in 5.8 times more effective than root. It is concluded that garlic bulbs obtained as a result of non-root treatment of plants with 0.1 solution of sodium and potassium Selenite in combination with surfactants and dimethylsulfoxide contain 145.3169.8 times more selenium than control, which allows to obtain teeth containing selenium in a concentration of 6.837.98 mg/kg. The daily consumption rate of garlic is approximately 10 g, the average need for selenium element is from 30 to 70 micrograms. Because of content of selenium in enriched products consisted of 68.3-79.8 mcg/10 g of garlic, the proposed method of enrichment allows to fully satisfy the daily need of the human body at this microelement.

2012 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-129 ◽  
Farag Mahmoud

A survey of insects associated with sesame, Sesamun indicum L. (Pedaliaceae) was conducted at the Agriculture Research Farm of The Faculty of Agriculture, University of Suez Canal during the growing seasons 2010 and 2011. All different insect species found on the experimental site were collected for identification. Sampling was done once a week and three times a day. Three methods were used to collect insects from the sesame plants (a sweep net, pitfall traps, digital camera and eye observation). A total of 31 insect species were collected and properly identified during the survey. Insects recorded on the plants were divided into four groups, true pollinators (Hymenoptera), other pollinators (Diptera, Coleoptera and Lepidoptera), pests (Orthoptera, Odonata, Hemiptera and Homoptera) and natural enemies (Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Neuroptera and Dictyoptera). For studying the impact of insect pollination on sesame production, the experiment was divided in two: opened and non-opened pollination of sesame. 50 plants from nonopened pollination were covered with a perforated paper bag to allow the air to pass through and to prevent insects from approaching the plants. Quantitative and qualitative parameters were measured as follows: pod weight, number of seeds in each pod, weight of 1000 seeds, germination (%), seedlings vigour and oil content (%). Results clearly demonstrate that the opened pollination improved the crop production.

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