scholarly journals A one dimensional model study of the mechanism of halogen liberation and vertical transport in the polar troposphere

2004 ◽  
Vol 4 (11/12) ◽  
pp. 2427-2440 ◽  
E. Lehrer ◽  
G. Hönninger ◽  
U. Platt

Abstract. Sudden depletions of tropospheric ozone during spring were reported from the Arctic and also from Antarctic coastal sites. Field studies showed that those depletion events are caused by reactive halogen species, especially bromine compounds. However the source and seasonal variation of reactive halogen species is still not completely understood. There are several indications that the halogen mobilisation from the sea ice surface of the polar oceans may be the most important source for the necessary halogens. Here we present a one dimensional model study aimed at determining the primary source of reactive halogens. The model includes gas phase and heterogeneous bromine and chlorine chemistry as well as vertical transport between the surface and the top of the boundary layer. The autocatalytic Br release by photochemical processes (bromine explosion) and subsequent rapid bromine catalysed ozone depletion is well reproduced in the model and the major source of reactive bromine appears to be the sea ice surface. The sea salt aerosol alone is not sufficient to yield the high levels of reactive bromine in the gas phase necessary for fast ozone depletion. However, the aerosol efficiently "recycles" less reactive bromine species (e.g. HBr) and feeds them back into the ozone destruction cycle. Isolation of the boundary layer air from the free troposphere by a strong temperature inversion was found to be critical for boundary layer ozone depletion to happen. The combination of strong surface inversions and presence of sunlight occurs only during polar spring.

2004 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 3607-3652 ◽  
E. Lehrer ◽  
G. Hönninger ◽  
U. Platt

Abstract. Sudden depletions of tropospheric ozone during spring were reported from the Arctic and also from Antarctic coastal sites. Field studies showed that those depletion events are caused by reactive halogen species, especially bromine compounds. However the source and seasonal variation of reactive halogen species is still not completely understood. There are several indications that the halogen mobilisation from the sea ice surface of the polar oceans may be the most important source for the necessary halogens. Here we present a 1-D model study aimed at determining the primary source of reactive halogens. The model includes gas phase and heterogeneous bromine and chlorine chemistry as well as vertical transport between the surface and the top of the boundary layer. The autocatalytic Br release by photochemical processes (bromine explosion) and subsequent rapid bromine catalysed ozone depletion is well reproduced in the model and the major source of reactive bromine appears to be the sea ice surface. The sea salt aerosol alone is not sufficient to yield the high levels of reactive bromine in the gas phase necessary for fast ozone depletion. However, the aerosol efficiently 'recycles' less reactive bromine species (e.g. HBr) and feeds them back into the ozone destruction cycle. Isolation of the boundary layer air from the free troposphere by a strong temperature inversion was found to be critical for boundary layer ozone depletion to happen. The combination of strong surface inversions and presence of sunlight occurs only during polar spring.

2007 ◽  
Vol 7 (16) ◽  
pp. 4375-4418 ◽  
W. R. Simpson ◽  
R. von Glasow ◽  
K. Riedel ◽  
P. Anderson ◽  
P. Ariya ◽  

Abstract. During springtime in the polar regions, unique photochemistry converts inert halide salt ions (e.g. Br−) into reactive halogen species (e.g. Br atoms and BrO) that deplete ozone in the boundary layer to near zero levels. Since their discovery in the late 1980s, research on ozone depletion events (ODEs) has made great advances; however many key processes remain poorly understood. In this article we review the history, chemistry, dependence on environmental conditions, and impacts of ODEs. This research has shown the central role of bromine photochemistry, but how salts are transported from the ocean and are oxidized to become reactive halogen species in the air is still not fully understood. Halogens other than bromine (chlorine and iodine) are also activated through incompletely understood mechanisms that are probably coupled to bromine chemistry. The main consequence of halogen activation is chemical destruction of ozone, which removes the primary precursor of atmospheric oxidation, and generation of reactive halogen atoms/oxides that become the primary oxidizing species. The different reactivity of halogens as compared to OH and ozone has broad impacts on atmospheric chemistry, including near complete removal and deposition of mercury, alteration of oxidation fates for organic gases, and export of bromine into the free troposphere. Recent changes in the climate of the Arctic and state of the Arctic sea ice cover are likely to have strong effects on halogen activation and ODEs; however, more research is needed to make meaningful predictions of these changes.

2021 ◽  
Zhiyuan Gao ◽  
Nicolas-Xavier Geilfus ◽  
Alfonso Saiz-Lopez ◽  
Feiyue Wang

Abstract. The episodic build-up of gas-phase reactive bromine species over sea ice and snowpack in the springtime Arctic plays an important role in the boundary layer, causing annual concurrent depletion of ozone and gaseous elemental mercury during polar sunrise. Extensive studies have shown that these phenomena, known as bromine explosion events (BEEs), ozone depletion events (ODEs) and mercury depletion events (MDEs), respectively, are all triggered by gas-phase reactive bromine species that are photochemically activated from bromide via multi-phase reactions under freezing air temperatures. However, major knowledge gaps exist in both fundamental cryo-photochemical processes causing these events and meteorological conditions that may affect their timing and magnitude. Here, we report an outdoor mesocosm-scale study in which we successfully reproduced ODEs at the Sea-ice Environmental Research Facility (SERF) in Winnipeg, Canada. By monitoring ozone concentrations inside large, acrylic tubes over bromide-enriched artificial seawater during entire sea ice freeze-and-melt cycles, we observed mid-day photochemical ozone loss in winter in the boundary layer air immediately above the sea ice surface in a pattern that is characteristic of BEE-induced ODEs in the Arctic. The importance of UV radiation and the presence of a condensed phase (experimental sea ice or snow) in causing such surface ozone loss was demonstrated by comparing ozone concentrations between UV-transmitting and UV-blocking acrylic tubes under different air temperatures. The ability of reproducing BEE-induced ODEs at a mesocosm scale in a non-polar region provides a new approach to systematically studying the cryo-photochemical and meteorological processes leading to BEEs, ODEs, and MDEs in the Arctic, their role in biogeochemical cycles across the ocean-sea ice-atmosphere interfaces, and their sensitivities to climate change.

2007 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 4285-4403 ◽  
W. R. Simpson ◽  
R. von Glasow ◽  
K. Riedel ◽  
P. Anderson ◽  
P. Ariya ◽  

Abstract. During springtime in the polar regions, unique photochemistry converts inert halide salts ions (e.g. Br−) into reactive halogen species (e.g. Br atoms and BrO) that deplete ozone in the boundary layer to near zero levels. Since their discovery in the late 1980s, research on ozone depletion events (ODEs) has made great advances; however many key processes remain poorly understood. In this article we review the history, chemistry, dependence on environmental conditions, and impacts of ODEs. This research has shown the central role of bromine photochemistry, but how salts are transported from the ocean and are oxidized to become reactive halogen species in the air is still not fully understood. Halogens other than bromine (chlorine and iodine) are also activated through incompletely understood mechanisms that are probably coupled to bromine chemistry. The main consequence of halogen activation is chemical destruction of ozone, which removes the primary precursor of atmospheric oxidation, and generation of reactive halogen atoms/oxides that become the primary oxidizing species. The different reactivity of halogens as compared to OH and ozone has broad impacts on atmospheric chemistry, including near complete removal and deposition of mercury, alteration of oxidation fates for organic gases, and export of bromine into the free troposphere. Recent changes in the climate of the Arctic and state of the Arctic sea ice cover are likely to have strong effects on halogen activation and ODEs; however, more research is needed to make meaningful predictions of these changes.

Elem Sci Anth ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
Peter K. Peterson ◽  
Kerri A. Pratt ◽  
William R. Simpson ◽  
Son V. Nghiem ◽  
Lemuel X. Pérez Pérez ◽  

Abstract Boundary layer atmospheric ozone depletion events (ODEs) are commonly observed across polar sea ice regions following polar sunrise. During March-April 2005 in Alaska, the coastal site of Barrow and inland site of Atqasuk experienced ODEs (O3< 10 nmol mol-1) concurrently for 31% of the observations, consistent with large spatial scale ozone depletion. However, 7% of the time ODEs were exclusively observed inland at Atqasuk. This phenomenon also occurred during one of nine flights during the BRomine, Ozone, and Mercury EXperiment (BROMEX), when atmospheric vertical profiles at both sites showed near-surface ozone depletion only at Atqasuk on 28 March 2012. Concurrent in-flight BrO measurements made using nadir scanning differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) showed the differences in ozone vertical profiles at these two sites could not be attributed to differences in locally occurring halogen chemistry. During both studies, backward air mass trajectories showed that the Barrow air masses observed had interacted with open sea ice leads, causing increased vertical mixing and recovery of ozone at Barrow and not Atqasuk, where the air masses only interacted with tundra and consolidated sea ice. These observations suggest that, while it is typical for coastal and inland sites to have similar ozone conditions, open leads may cause heterogeneity in the chemical composition of the springtime Arctic boundary layer over coastal and inland areas adjacent to sea ice regions.

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 24171-24222 ◽  
L. Cao ◽  
H. Sihler ◽  
U. Platt ◽  
E. Gutheil

Abstract. In recent years, the role of halogen species (e.g. Br, Cl) in the troposphere of polar regions is investigated after the discovery of their importance for boundary layer ozone destruction in the polar spring. Halogen species take part in an auto-catalytic chemical cycle including key self reactions. In this study, several chemical reaction schemes are investigated, and the importance of specific reactions and their rate constants is identified by a sensitivity analysis. A category of heterogeneous reactions related to HOBr activate halogen ions from sea salt aerosols, fresh sea ice or snow pack, driving the "bromine explosion". In the Arctic, a small amount of NOx may exist, which comes from nitrate contained in the snow, and this NOx may have a strong impact on ozone depletion. The heterogeneous reaction rates are parameterized by considering the aerodynamic resistance, a reactive surface ratio, β, i.e. ratio of reactive surface area to total ground surface area, and the boundary layer height, Lmix. It is found that for β = 1, the ozone depletion process starts after five days and lasts for 40 h for Lmix = 200 m. Ozone depletion duration becomes independent of the height of the boundary layer for about β≥20, and it approaches a value of two days for β=100. The role of nitrogen and chlorine containing species on the ozone depletion rate is studied. The calculation of the time integrated bromine and chlorine atom concentrations suggests a value in the order of 103 for the [Br] / [Cl] ratio, which reveals that atomic chlorine radicals have minor direct influence on the ozone depletion. The NOx concentrations are influenced by different chemical cycles over different time periods. During ozone depletion, the reaction cycle involving the BrONO2 hydrolysis is dominant. A critical value of 0.002 of the uptake coefficient of the BrONO2 hydrolysis reaction at the aerosol and saline surfaces is identified, beyond which the existence of NOx species accelerate the ozone depletion event – for lower values, deceleration occurs.

2008 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 7391-7453 ◽  
M. Piot ◽  
R. von Glasow

Abstract. Near-total depletions of ozone have been observed in the Arctic spring since the mid 1980s. The autocatalytic cycles involving reactive halogens are now recognized to be of main importance for Ozone Depletion Events (ODEs) in the Polar Boundary Layer (PBL). We present sensitivity studies using the model MISTRA in the box-model mode on the influence of chemical species on these ozone depletion processes. In order to test the sensitivity of the chemistry under polar conditions, we compared base runs undergoing fluxes of either Br2, BrCl, or Cl2 to induce ozone depletions, with similar runs including a modification of the chemical conditions. The role of HCHO, H2O2, DMS, Cl2, C2H4, C2H6, HONO, NO2, and RONO2 was investigated. Cases with elevated mixing ratios of HCHO, H2O2, DMS, Cl2, and HONO induced a shift in bromine speciation from Br/BrO to HOBr/HBr, while high mixing ratios of C2H6 induced a shift from HOBr/HBr to Br/BrO. Cases with elevated mixing ratios of HONO, NO2, and RONO2 induced a shift to BrNO2/BrONO2. The shifts from Br/BrO to HOBr/HBr accelerated the aerosol debromination, but also increased the total amount of deposited bromine at the surface (mainly via increased deposition of HOBr). These shifts to HOBr/HBr also hindered the BrO self-reaction. In these cases, the ozone depletion was slowed down, where increases in H2O2 and HONO had the greatest effect. The tests with increased mixing ratios of C2H4 highlighted the decrease in HOx which reduced the production of HOBr from bromine radicals. In addition, the direct reaction of C2H4 with bromine atoms led to less available reactive bromine. The aerosol debromination was therefore strongly reduced. Ozone levels were highly affected by the chemistry of C2H4. Cl2-induced ozone depletions were found unrealistic compared to field measurements due to the rapid production of CH3O2, HOx, and ROOH which rapidly convert reactive chlorine to HCl in a "chlorine counter-cycle". This counter-cycle efficiently reduces the concentration of reactive halogens in the boundary layer. Depending on the relative bromine and chlorine mixing ratios, the production of CH3O2, HOx, and ROOH from the counter-cycle can significantly affect the bromine chemistry. Therefore, the presence of both bromine and chlorine in the air may unexpectedly lead to a slow down in ozone destruction. For all NOy species studied (HONO, NO2, RONO2) the chemistry is characterized by an increased bromine deposition on snow reducing the amount of reactive bromine in the air. Ozone is less depleted under conditions of high mixing ratios of NOx. The production of HNO3 led to the acid displacement of HCl, and the release of chlorine out of salt aerosols (Cl2 or BrCl) increased.

Katsuhiro Kikuchi ◽  
Satoru Ozawa ◽  
Yuhei Noguchi ◽  
Shinya Mashimo ◽  
Takanobu Igawa

Predicting the aerodynamic phenomena in a train-tunnel system is important for increasing the speed of railway trains. Among these phenomena, many studies have focused on the effects of pressure; however, only a few studies have examined the effects of flow velocity. When designing train roof equipment such as a pantograph and an aerodynamic braking unit, it is necessary to estimate the flow velocity while considering the influence of the boundary layer developed on the train roof. Until now, numerical simulations using a one-dimensional model have been utilized to predict the flow velocity around a train traveling through a tunnel; however, the influence of the boundary layer cannot be taken into consideration in these simulations. For this purpose, the authors have previously proposed a simple calculation method based on a steady incompressible tunnel flow model that can take into account the influence of the boundary layer, but this method could not incorporate the unsteadiness of the flow velocity. Therefore, in this study, the authors extend the previous simple calculation method such that it can be used for an unsteady incompressible tunnel flow. The authors compare the calculation results obtained from the extended method with the results of a model experiment and a field test to confirm its effectiveness.

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