Non-steady strain in the terrane boundary shear zone of the Ambaji Granulite, NW India: Implications for understanding towards the dynamics of emplacement of the lower-middle crustal rocks.

Ragini Saraswati ◽  
Tapas Kumar Biswal

<p>Shear zones in the high-grade terranes represent the tectonic- fossils of strain history. One such shear zones, namely Balaram-Jogdadi shear zones defining the terrane boundary of the Ambaji granulites of the South Delhi terrane Aravalli –Delhi Mobile belt, NW India, provide evidence for strain variation during exhumation of lower-middle crustal rocks. Compilation of field and microscopic analysis of various samples of mylonite from shear zones suggest that the part of shear zone contains high-grade mineral assemblages such as cordierite, sillimanite, spinel, garnet in quartzo-feldspathic mylonite rock and exhibit signature of thrusting in which garnet behaved as brittle phase and quartz and feldspar grain show ductile deformation. 2D and 3D strain analysis estimate a plane to flattening type of strain pattern. Principal strain planes are used to calculate the strain ratios for estimation of variation of strain along the shear zone. This study indicates high-grade mylonite accommodates high strain. The flow of rigid porphyroclasts estimates mean kinematic vorticity number varies from 0.47 to 0.68, which indicates the dominance of pure shear during shearing. Vorticity by the Rs/θ method in quartz grain estimates ranges from 0.7 to 0.95, suggesting a non-steady strain towards the end of deformation. High-grade mylonites were overprinted by low-temperature mylonitisation marked by minerals like quartz, feldspar, biotite in which feldspar porphyroclast shows brittle deformation and quartz, biotite show ductile deformation. Several shear kinematics indicate top-to-NW sinistral strike-slip shearing. Thus it has been interpreted that the shear zone had undergone non-steady strain. The initial thrusting phase was dominated by more pure shear component. The strike-slip shearing part was dominated by more simple shear component. Monazite geochronology sets the age of shearing at 834-778 Ma suggesting the exhumation was a transition event between Grenville to Pan-African orogeny.</p><p>Keywords: Shear zone, Deformation, Vorticity, 3D strain analysis, Monazite dating</p>

Lingchao He ◽  
Jian Zhang ◽  
Guochun Zhao ◽  
Changqing Yin ◽  
Jiahui Qian ◽  

In worldwide orogenic belts, crustal-scale ductile shear zones are important tectonic channels along which the orogenic root (i.e., high-grade metamorphic lower-crustal rocks) commonly experienced a relatively quick exhumation or uplift process. However, their tectonic nature and geodynamic processes are poorly constrained. In the Trans−North China orogen, the crustal-scale Zhujiafang ductile shear zone represents a major tectonic boundary separating the upper and lower crusts of the orogen. Its tectonic nature, structural features, and timing provide vital information into understanding this issue. Detailed field observations showed that the Zhujiafang ductile shear zone experienced polyphase deformation. Variable macro- and microscopic kinematic indicators are extensively preserved in the highly sheared tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) and supracrustal rock assemblages and indicate an obvious dextral strike-slip and dip-slip sense of shear. Electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) was utilized to further determine the crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of typical rock-forming minerals, including hornblende, quartz, and feldspar. EBSD results indicate that the hornblendes are characterized by (100) <001> and (110) <001> slip systems, whereas quartz grains are dominated by prism <a> and prism <c> slip systems, suggesting an approximate shear condition of 650−700 °C. This result is consistent with traditional thermobarometry pressure-temperature calculations implemented on the same mineral assemblages. Combined with previously reported metamorphic data in the Trans−North China orogen, we suggest that the Zhujiafang supracrustal rocks were initially buried down to ∼30 km depth, where high differential stress triggered the large-scale ductile shear between the upper and lower crusts. The high-grade lower-crustal rocks were consequently exhumed upwards along the shear zone, synchronous with extensive isothermal decompression metamorphism. The timing of peak collision-related crustal thickening was further constrained by the ca. 1930 Ma metamorphic zircon ages, whereas a subsequent exhumation event was manifested by ca. 1860 Ma syntectonic granitic veins and the available Ar-Ar ages of the region. The Zhujiafang ductile shear zone thus essentially record an integrated geodynamic process of initial collision, crustal thickening, and exhumation involved in formation of the Trans−North China orogen at 1.9−1.8 Ga.

Thirukumaran V ◽  
Biswal T.K ◽  
Sundaralingam K ◽  
Sowmya V ◽  
Boopathi S ◽  

This study aims to investigate the petrography and strain pattern of mylonites from parts of N-S trending Sitampundi-Kanjamalai Shear Zone (SKSZ) around Thiruchengode. The petrographic study indicates the presence of recrystallized quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, biotite and some hornblende. The kinematic analysis of Mylonites was done with the help of shear sense indicators such as recrystallized type quartz (quartz ribbon) around the cluster of feldspar, S-C fabric shows dextral shear sense and some sinisterly shear sense in some parts of SASZ which can be considered as a product of partitioning of both strain and vorticity between domains. These all indicates the simple shear extension along E-W direction and the mylonitic foliation shows the pure shear compression along N-S direction. Further the study of bulk strain analysis by Flinn plot method using L and T section of mylonite shows k<1 which lies in the field of flattening zone of finite strain. The kinematic vorticity number is calculated by Rxz/β method which gives the value of 0.36 indicating the general shear. The rigid grain graph shows that the pure shear component is more ­­­­dominant than the simple shear component. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the mylonite has experienced a high temperature shearing of above 700°cat deep crustal level.

2018 ◽  
Vol 111 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-179
Pitsanupong Kanjanapayont ◽  
Peekamon Ponmanee ◽  
Bernhard Grasemann ◽  
Urs Klötzli ◽  
Prayath Nantasin

AbstractThe NW–trending Three Pagodas shear zone exposes a high–grade metamorphic complex named Thabsila gneiss in the Kanchanaburi region, western Thailand. The quartz mylonites within this strike–slip zone were selected for strain analysis. 2–dimensional strain analysis indicates that the averaged strain ratio (Rs) for the lower greenschist facies increment of XZ– plane is Rs = 1.60–1.97 by using the Fry’s method. Kinematic vorticity analysis of the quartz mylonites in the shear zone showed that the mean kinematic vorticity number of this increment is Wk = 0.75–0.99 with an average at 0.90 ±0.07. The results implied that the quartz mylonites within the Three Pagodas shear zone have a dominant simple shear component of about 72% with a small pure shear component. A sinistral shear sense is indicated by kinematic indicators from macro– to micro–scale. We conclude that the Three Pagodas shear zone deformed in the process of sinstral shear–dominated transpression, which is similar to the Mae Ping shear zone in the north.

2001 ◽  
Vol 138 (3) ◽  
pp. 253-276 ◽  

Two paradoxical geological features of the Himalaya are the syn-convergence extension and the inverted metamorphic isograds observed in the crystalline core zone of this orogen. This High Himalayan Crystalline Sequence corresponds to an up to 40 km thick sequence of amphibolite to granulite facies gneiss, bounded by the Main Central Thrust at the base, and by the extensional faults of the South Tibetan Detachment System at the top. Geochronological and structural data demonstrate that coeval movements along both the Main Central Thrust and South Tibetan Detachment System during Early to Middle Miocene times were related to a tectonically controlled exhumation of these high-grade metamorphic rocks. The High Himalayan Crystalline Sequence systematically shows an inverted metamorphic zonation, generally characterized by a gradual superposition of garnet, staurolite, kyanite, sillimanite + muscovite and sillimanite + K-feldspar isograds, from the base to the top of the unit. Recent kinematic flow analyses of these metamorphic rocks demonstrate the coexistence of both simple shear and pure shear during the ductile deformation. The simple shear component of such a general non-coaxial flow could explain a rotation of isograds, eventually resulting in an inversion. The pure shear component of the flow implies a thinning of the metamorphic sequence that must be balanced by a perpendicular stretching of the unit parallel to its boundaries. Inasmuch as seismic data show that both the Main Central Thrust and South Tibetan Detachment System converge at depth, a thinning of the wedge-shaped High Himalayan Crystalline Sequence should induce a ductile extrusion of these high-grade rocks toward the surface. Rapid extension at the top of the sequence could thus be the consequence of a general shear extrusion of this unit relative to its hanging wall. Moreover, this extensional movement should decrease with depth to become zero where the boundaries of the unit meet, accounting for the paradoxical convergence of the South Tibetan Detachment System toward the Main Central Thrust. Furthermore, a general flow combining simple shear and pure shear can reconcile inverted isograds with the lack of inverted pressure field gradient across the High Himalayan Crystalline Sequence, despite an intense non-coaxial deformation. In good agreement with the seismic, kinematic and P–T–t constraints on the Himalayan tectono-thermal evolution, general shear extrusion provides a consistent model accounting for both inverted isograds and rapid extension in a compressional orogenic setting.

Geosciences ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 288
Rodolfo Carosi ◽  
Alessandro Petroccia ◽  
Salvatore Iaccarino ◽  
Matteo Simonetti ◽  
Antonio Langone ◽  

Detailed geological field mapping, integrated with meso- and microstructural investigations, kinematic of the flow and finite strain analyses, combined with geochronology, are fundamental tools to obtain information on the temperature–deformation–timing path of crystalline rocks and shear zone. The Posada-Asinara shear zone (PASZ) in northern Sardinia (Italy) is a steeply dipping km-thick transpressive shear zone. In the study area, located in the Baronie region (NE Sardinia), the presence of mylonites within the PASZ, affecting high- and medium-grade metamorphic rocks, provides an opportunity to quantify finite strain and kinematic vorticity. The main structures of the study area are controlled by a D2 deformation phase, linked to the PASZ activity, in which the strain is partitioned into folds and shear zone domains. Applying two independent vorticity methods, we detected an important variation in the percentage of pure shear and simple shear along the deformation gradient, that increases from south to north. We constrained, for the first time in this sector, the timing of the transpressive deformation by U–(Th)–Pb analysis on monazite. Results indicate that the shear zone has been active at ~325–300 Ma in a transpressive setting, in agreement with the ages of the other dextral transpressive shear zones in the southern Variscan belt.

2002 ◽  
Vol 148 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-192 ◽  
Frédérique Rolandone ◽  
Claude Jaupart

2020 ◽  
Christoph Schrank

&lt;p&gt;About 50 years ago, John Ramsay and colleagues established the thorough foundation for the field-scale observational and mathematical description of the structures, deformation, and kinematics in ductile shear zones. Since then, these probably most important instabilities of the ductile lithosphere enjoyed an almost explosive growth in scientific attention. It is perhaps fair to say that this tremendous research effort featured four main themes:&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;#160;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;[1] The historic scientific nucleus &amp;#8211; quantification of shear-zone geometry, strain and associated kinematic history from field observations&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;#160;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;[2] Qualitative and quantitative analysis of microphysical deformation mechanisms in the field and the laboratory&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;#160;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;[3] Shear-zone rheology&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;#160;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;[4] The development of physically consistent mathematical models for shear zones, mainly using continuum mechanics.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;#160;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;In concert, these four cornerstones of shear-zone research enabled tremendous progress in our understanding of why and how ductile shear zones form. So, what are some of the outstanding problems?&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;#160;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;A truly comprehensive model for ductile shear zones must account for the vast range of length and time scales involved, each easily covering ten orders of magnitude, as well as the associated intimate coupling between thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and chemical processes. The multi-scale and multi-physics nature of ductile shear zones generates scientific challenges for all four research themes named above. This presentation is dedicated to highlighting exciting challenges in themes 2, and 3 and 4.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;#160;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;In the microanalytical arena [2], the nano-scale is an exciting new frontier, especially when it comes to the interplay between metamorphism and ductile deformation. The nano-frontier can be tackled with new synchrotron methods. I showcase some applications to fossil shear-zone samples and discuss opportunities for in-situ experiments. In the domain of rheology [3], I present some simple experiments with strain-softening materials and field observations that support the notion: transient rheological behaviour is very important for shear localisation. In the modelling domain [4], some recent examples for the intriguing physical consequences predicted by new multi-physics and cross-scale coupling terms in ductile localisation problems are illustrated.&lt;/p&gt;

1992 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 1305-1319 ◽  
Moira T. Smith ◽  
George E. Gehrels

The Lardeau Group is a heterogeneous assemblage of lower Paleozoic eugeoclinal strata present in the Kootenay Arc in southeastern British Columbia. It is in fault contact with lower Paleozoic miogeoclinal strata for all or some of its length along a structure termed the Lardeau shear zone. The Lardeau Group was deformed prior to mid-Mississippian time, as manifested by layer-parallel faults, folds, and evidence for early greenschist-facies metamorphism. Regional constraints indicate probable Devono-Mississippian timing of orogeny, and possible juxtaposition of the Lardeau Group over miogeoclinal strata along the Lardeau shear zone at this time. Further ductile deformation during the Middle Jurassic Columbian orogeny produced large folds with subhorizontal axes, northwest-striking foliation and faults, and orogen-parallel stretching lineations. This deformation was apparently not everywhere synchronous, and may have continued through Late Jurassic time northeast of Trout Lake. This was followed by Cretaceous(?) dextral strike-slip and normal movement on the Lardeau shear zone and other parallel faults. While apparently the locus of several episodes of faulting, the Lardeau shear zone does not record the accretion of far-travelled tectonic fragments, as sedimentological evidence ties the Lardeau Group and other outboard units to the craton.

2017 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 387
P. Xypolias ◽  
V. Chatzaras

This work describes the nature of ductile deformation in the Phyllite-Quartzite (PQ) unit in terms of structural evolution and spatial variation of finite strain and vorticity of flow. The PQ unit is affected by at least three ductile deformation (D1, 2, 3) phases. However, the D2 is the dominant phase resulting in the formation of a penetrative foliation (S2) which is by far the most common structural feature in all scales of observation. A stretching lineation (L2), which trends perpendicular to the structural grain of the belt, is well-developed within the S2 plane. Numerous kinematic criteria clearly indicate west (or south)-directed transport of the PQ unit during D2. This phase is also characterized by a systematic non-linear increase of strain ratio (Rxz) with proximity to the Basal thrust. Spatial variation of kinematic vorticity number reveals an increase of pure shear component of D2 deformation towards the middle structural levels of the unit. These results are used to discuss the validity of various geodynamic models related to the exhumation of the PQ unit.

1994 ◽  
Vol 162 ◽  
pp. 53-70
B Chadwick ◽  
C.R.L Friend

Mid-crustal deformation of an Early Proterozoic high-grade gneiss complex in western Dove Bugt gave rise to at least two sets of nappes. Structures in mylonites in low-angle ductile shear zones associated with the younger nappes indicate north-easterly-directed displacements. The nappes and mylonites are folded by upright to inclined folds that verge north-west and which appear to be associated with decollements that dip south-east. Hornblende, sillimanite and anatectic partial melts that developed with the nappes, mylonites and younger folds show that deformation took place under amphibolite facies conditions. Several lines of evidence suggest that the younger nappes, the mylonites and the upright to inclined folds formed during the Caledonian orogeny. Some pre-Caledonian deformation may be represented by the oldest isoclinal folds. Numerous, small-scale, ductile extensional shear zones and more brittIe fractures that were superimposed across the Caledonian structures are believed to have formed during orogen-parallel collapse which may be related IO Devonian basin development farther south in central East Greenland. Younger fauIts and major joints are correlated with Carboniferous, Mesozoic and Tertiary basin development in North-East Greenland.

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