scholarly journals Stress and Coping Strategies of Parents of Children with Special Needs

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 186
Windy T. de la Cruz

In the Philippines, there is an increasing number of children with special needs, and parents' ability to cope has implications with the way they raise their child as well as in family relationships. This descriptive, comparative, and correlational study focused on determining the stress level of parents, their demographic characteristics, and coping strategies. Data were gathered using standardized instruments as well as profile sheets from the 57 parents who were chosen through the snowball sampling technique. Data were then analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation coefficient. Findings showed a significant relationship between the stress level and educational attainment. Furthermore, parents utilized adaptive coping as their dominant coping strategy, but they were also at varying degrees and at different times of utilizing maladaptive coping strategies. The stress level was positively associated with maladaptive coping strategy suggesting that parents were prone to emotional problems. Results had implications for mental health practices in the country. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-40
Indah Permata Sari Lombu ◽  
Setiawan Setiawan

Pendidikan profesi ners adalah proses pendidikan yang sepenuhnya dilaksanakan di lahan praktik seperti rumah sakit, puskesmas, klinik bersalin, panti wherda, dan keluarga serta masyarakat atau komunitas. Mahasiswa yang menjalani pendidikan profesi ners rentan terhadap stres karena adanya transisi dari kehidupan kampus ke kehidupan lapangan, oleh karena itu mahasiswa menggunakan sejumlah strategi koping untuk mengatasi stres. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat stres, strategi koping, dan hubungan tingkat stres dengan strategi koping mahasiswa reguler profesi ners di Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Sumatera Utara. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif korelasional. Penentuan jumlah sampel dilakukan dengan metode tabel power analisys. Besar sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 62 orang. Proses pemilihan sampel menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner data demografi, kuesioner clinical stress, dan kuesioner coping strategy. Pengumpulan data berlangsung dari bulan Februari-April 2016. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji korelasi pearson. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa mengalami stres ringan 8.1%, stres sedang 79.0%, dan stres berat 12.9%. Area klinik yang paling banyak menyebakan stres mahasiswa adalah interaksi dengan anggota tim kesehatan (μ=118.6). Mahasiswa yang kadang-kadang melakukan strategi koping 25.8%, dan selalu melakukan strategi koping 74.2%. Strategi koping yang paling banyak dilakukan mahasiswa adalah koping yang diantisipasi (μ=86). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka mahasiswa diharapkan mampu mempersiapkan diri dengan dengan baik sebelum dan selama menjalani praktek klinis dengan cara mempelajari pengetahuan asuhan keperawatan kepada klien melalui studi literatur, studi lapangan, diskusi dengan senior, diskusi dengan staf perawat, dan diskusi dengan pembimbing. Profession Program in Nusing is a process of education fully implemented in clinical practice, such as hospitals, public health centers, maternity clinics, nursing homes, families and communities. Students of of this programme are sensitive to stress because of their life transition from campus to field work. Therefore, students use a number of coping strategies to deal with this stress. This study aimed to identify stress level, coping strategies, and the correlation between stress level and coping strategies among regular students of Nurses Profession Program at Faculty of Nursing, University of North Sumatra. This study employed a correlational design. . The sample was composed of 62 people selected using simple random sampling technique. The research instruments were questionnaires on demographic data , clinical stress and coping strategy . Data were collected from February to April 2016 and analyzed by using Pearson correlation test. The results showed that students who experienced mild stress is 8.1%, 79.0% with moderate stress, and 12.9% with severe stress. Interaction among other health team members caused students feel stressed most(μ = 118.6). 25.8% of students sometimes applied coping strategies, and 74.2% of them always applied coping strategies. Anticipated coping (μ = 86) was applied most. It is suggested that the students be well prepared before and during clinical practice by improving nursing knowledge through literature and field studies, discussions with seniors, nurses, and academic advisors.

2015 ◽  
Vol 205 ◽  
pp. 140-144
Mohsen Shokoohi-Yekta ◽  
Bagher Ghobary-Bonab ◽  
Samaneh Alimohammadi Malayeri ◽  
Nayereh Zamani ◽  
Javad Pourkarimi

2008 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
Melanie Orfus

Self-reports from siblings of children with special needs regarding their appraisal of family stress and coping are important additions to the disability literature. Twelve school-age siblings of children with special needs were interviewed about their daily hassles, uplifts, and coping strategies related to living in a family with a child with a disability. Parents also reported on family coping strategies. Children reported that the most frequent daily hassle was when their sibling with special needs cried, screamed, or yelled when he/she did not want to do some-thing. The most frequent daily uplift was when their sibling gave hugs or kisses. Children reported feeling most stressed when embarrassed by their sibling with special needs in front of friends and happiest when playing with their sibling. Wishful thinking was a common child coping strategy during stressful times. Im-plications for working with families with special needs are discussed.

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 248-270
Yenisel Carolina Valdez López ◽  
Ricardo Antonio Marentes Patrón ◽  
Sheida Eunice Correa Valenzuela ◽  
Reyna Isabel Hernández Pedroza ◽  
Isamar Daniela Enríquez Quintero ◽  

Objective: Determine the relationship between the stress level and the coping strategies used by students of the Bachelor’s Degree of Nursing in institutions of higher education of Ciudad Obregón, Sonora. Methodology: Descriptive and correlational study; the population was comprised by 250 students whose age ranged from 18 and 46 years. Data was collected through a questionnaire of sociodemographic characteristics, the perceived stress level instrument, and the Brief COPE questionnaire.Results: 74.4% of the sample was comprised by women and 25.6% by men. It was found that both genders had a moderate level of stress (78%), in terms of the coping strategies most frequently used by the students, the emotional active coping was the one found. The correlation analysis was performed using Pearson's chi-square non-parametric test (x2) to probe the existence of relationship between the stress level and coping strategies (p=0.67). Based on the results of x2 (p=0.067), an additional analysis was carried out separating the categories of each one of the variables of study; Pearson’s test was used to find a significant correlation between low stress level and active emotional coping strategy (p=0.27) and between high stress level and avoidance emotional coping strategy (p=-0.01).Conclusions: The highest levels of stress are manifested by students who study only theoretical subjects. It is suggested the implementation of interventions related to the adequate management of stress. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre el nivel de estrés y las estrategias de afrontamiento utilizadas por estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Enfermería en Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) de Ciudad Obregón, Sonora.Metodología: Estudio no experimental y correlacional; se empleó un muestreo probabilístico estratificado de 250 estudiantes, con edades entre los 18 y 46 años de edad. Los datos fueron recabados mediante un cuestionario de características sociodemográficas, el instrumento del nivel de estrés percibido y para medir afrontamiento el Brief COPE Inventory. Resultados: El 74.4% de la muestra fueron mujeres y el 25.6% hombres, ambos géneros exhibieron nivel de estrés moderado (78%), la estrategia de afrontamiento reportada con mayor frecuencia fue afrontamiento activo emocional. Se empleó la prueba no paramétrica chi-cuadrada de Pearson (χ2) para probar la existencia de asociación entre el nivel de estrés y las estrategias de afrontamiento (p= 0.67). Con base a los resultados de χ2 (p=.067) se realizó un análisis adicional separando las categorías de cada una de las variables de estudio, se utilizó la prueba de Pearson con la cual se encontró correlación significativa entre el nivel de estrés bajo y la estrategia afrontamiento activo emocional, (p=0.27) y entre nivel de estrés alto y estrategia de afrontamiento emocional por evitación (p=-.01).Conclusiones: Los niveles más altos de estrés lo manifiestan estudiantes que cursan solo materias teóricas. Se sugiere la implementación de intervenciones relacionadas al manejo adecuado del estrés.

Ahmad Ikhlasul Amal ◽  
Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin

Background: A person living with HIV / AIDS bargains with stressors such as discrimination, stigma depression, and several psychological impacts. The stressors experienced by people with HIV/ AIDS will certainly have an impact on daily activities, welfare, and management of medications which in general will have an impact on the quality of life. To deal with these stressors, it is necessary to have good and proper coping from within the PLWHA. Coping strategies need to be owned and carried out by PLWHA in order to respond adaptively to the stressor conditions experienced. Purpose: The aim of this review is to describe the stress experienced and the coping strategies used among PLWHA. Methods: This literature review used keywords in the search for international references are coping strategy, stressor, HIV-AIDS. Inclusion criteria: selection of titles that are relevant to the formulation of the problem and objectives, full-text articles in English, articles published from 2019 to 2021. The exclusion criteria used were coping strategy articles that did not involve HIV patients. Search references from electronic database sources namely ProQuest, CINAHL, and ScienceDirect.Six articles that are deemed worthy of analysis are then discussed or analyzed. Results: Age, gender and sexual orientation have contributed to the emerging stressor among PLWHA. The internal and external coping strategies focusing on the problem are important for PLWHA in handling the stressor. Conclusion: People with HIV-AIDS have many stressors in their lives, but they also have proper coping strategies depending on their internal and external conditions.

Amanda Campos Fraga MARTINS ◽  
Ana Paula dos Santos COSTA ◽  

Os cursos da área da saúde possuem extensa carga horária de estágios, aulas práticas, relatórios e trabalho de conclusão de curso. Há ainda, na área da Enfermagem, inerente desgaste relacionado ao contato direto com doenças e mortes que a futura profissão lhes ocasiona nos estágios em instituições de saúde. Isso torna o ambiente acadêmico envolto em sentimentos de grande ansiedade e estresse. Dessa forma, os estudantes podem apresentar níveis elevados de estresse que podem causar o adoecimento físico e psíquico e comprometer a saúde mental deles. Por essas razões, este trabalho, por meio de pesquisa quantitativa, tem o intuito de descrever a prevalência de estresse e as estratégias de coping utilizadas nos estudantes do curso de Enfermagem. Os instrumentos utilizados foram a aplicação de um questionário sociodemográfico, escala Nível de Estresse nos Estudantes (N.I.S.E.S.T.E) e o Inventário de Resolução de Problemas (I.R.P). O maior nível de estresse encontrado foi em relação à preocupação com os estágios (2,9) e preocupação com os exames (2,73). Os universitários utilizam estratégias de coping positivas como atitude de confronto e resolução de problemas (3,67) e atitude ativa de não inferências (3,37). O nível de estresse dos universitários é considerado médio pela utilização de estratégias de coping positivas, o que colabora para que o estresse não seja alto e prejudicial.   STRESS LEVEL AND COPING STRATEGIES FOR SENIOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS   ABSTRACT The health degree programs bear an extensive internship workload, practical classes, reports, and final paper. There is also, in Nursing degree, inherent physical wear related to personal contact to diseases and deaths that the student’s future profession causes during the internship in Health Institutions.  As a consequence, the academic environment is surrounded by stress and anxiety feelings. Accordingly, students may present high levels of stress and result in physical and psychological illnesses and jeopardize their mental health. Thus, this paper aims through quantitative research to describe stress relevance and coping strategies used by students at Nursing school. The instruments used were the application of a sociodemographic questionnaire, for College Undergraduate Stress Scale (CUSS), and Problem Solving Inventory (PSI). The highest level demonstrated was regarding internship (2,9) and concerns with exams (2,73). Students used positive coping strategies as confront attitudes and solving problems (3,67), and non-inference active attitudes (3,37). According to positive coping strategies, the student’s stress level was considered medium; it contributes so that stress will not be high and harmful.    Descriptors: Psychological Stress. Nursing Undergraduate Students. Psychological Adaptations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (S8) ◽  
Precy S Cruz ◽  
Jacqueline C Dominguez

1982 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 354-360 ◽  
Algea Othella Harrison ◽  
JoAnne Holbert Minor

This study examined the relationship between interrole conflict, coping strategies, satisfaction, and marital status among a select sample of employed black mothers. Single and married black mothers were compared on type of coping strategy used to handle mother and worker role conflicts, and level of satisfaction with mother and worker roles. There was a significant interaction between marital status and coping strategy in their effect on satisfaction with the mother role. Finally, single mothers were significantly more satisfied with their worker roles than married mothers.

Paul Kennedy

Chapter 7 discusses session six of the CET program for SCI. This session focuses on maladaptive and adaptive coping, and begins by reviewing what has been learned throughout the course of the sessions so far (stress, appraisal, and coping strategies). Maladaptive coping is then explored and contrasted to adaptive coping.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-78 ◽  
Asha Bhandarker ◽  
Snigdha Rai

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the distressing impact of toxic leadership on the mental state of the subordinates and examine the unique coping mechanisms used by them to deal with such leaders. The paper also examined the relationship between psychological distress and coping strategy used by subordinates to deal with the toxic leader. Design/methodology/approach This study presents a validity testing of two scales. The first scale was designed to measure experienced psychological distress emanating from exposure to toxic leaders, and the second scale aims to assess the coping strategies utilized by subordinates to deal with the toxic leaders. Data were collected from 570 employees working in public as well as private organizations in India. Findings The results of this paper supported the theorized two three-dimensional tools to measure: psychological distress (loss of self-worth, withdrawal and agitated) and coping strategies to deal with toxic leaders (assertive coping, avoidance coping and adaptive coping). Reliability estimates and construct validity of both the tools were established. The results also suggest that the loss of self-worth was negatively related with assertive coping, avoidance coping and adaptive coping. However, withdrawal was positively related with assertive coping and avoidance coping. Finally, agitation was positively related with avoidance and adaptive coping. Originality/value To the authors’ knowledge, this is one of the rare studies to examine together the phenomenon of both psychological distress experienced by subordinates and the coping strategies utilized by them to deal with toxic leaders.

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