Chapter 7: Paleoproterozoic Gold Deposits of the Loulo District, Western Mali

2020 ◽  
pp. 141-162
Andrew Allibone ◽  
David Lawrence ◽  
John Scott ◽  
Mark Fanning ◽  
James Lambert-Smith ◽  

Abstract Paleoproterozoic (Rhyacian) gold deposits of the Loulo district in western Mali contain >17 million ounces (Moz) Au and form part of the second most highly endowed region within West Africa. The deposits are located within siliciclastic, marble, and evaporitic rocks of the ca. 2110 Ma greenschist facies Kofi series, which were folded and inverted between ca. 2100 and 2070 Ma, prior to gold mineralization. Deposits at Yalea and Gounkoto are located along discontinuous, low-displacement, albite- and carbonate-altered shear zones, whereas Gara is confined to a tourmaline-altered quartz sandstone unit. Lodes typically plunge gently to moderately, reflecting the attitude of folds in the adjacent rocks and bends in the host shear zones, both of which influenced their location. Gold mineralization in the Loulo district was broadly synchronous with emplacement of the Falémé batholith and associated Fe skarn mineralization, which intrude and overprint the western margin of the Kofi series, respectively. However, hydrothermal fluids generated during metamorphic devolatilization of the Kofi series rocks appear responsible for gold mineralization, albeit within a district-wide thermal gradient associated with emplacement of the Falémé batholith. The regional-scale Senegal-Mali shear zone, commonly cited as an important control on the location of gold deposits in western Mali, is absent in the Loulo district.

2021 ◽  
Quentin Masurel ◽  
Paul Morley ◽  
Nicolas Thébaud ◽  
Helen McFarlane

Abstract The ~15-Moz Ahafo South gold camp is located in southwest Ghana, the world’s premier Paleoproterozoic gold subprovince. Major orogenic gold deposits in the camp include Subika, Apensu, Awonsu, and Amoma. These deposits occur along an ~15-km strike length of the Kenyase-Yamfo shear zone, a major tectonostratigraphic boundary juxtaposing metamorphosed volcano-plutonic rocks of the Sefwi belt against metamorphosed volcano-sedimentary rocks of the Sunyani-Comoé basin. In this study, we document the geologic setting, structural geometry, and rheological architecture of the Ahafo South gold deposits based on the integration of field mapping, diamond drill core logging, 3-D geologic modeling, and the geologic interpretation of aeromagnetic data. At the camp scale, the Awonsu, Apensu, and Amoma deposits lie along strike from one another and share similar hanging-wall plutonic rocks and footwall volcano-sedimentary rocks. In contrast, the Subika gold deposit is hosted entirely in hanging-wall plutonic rocks. Steeper-dipping segments (e.g., Apensu, Awonsu, Subika) and right-hand flexures (e.g., Amoma, Apensu) in the Kenyase-Yamfo shear zone and subsidiary structures appear to have represented sites of enhanced damage and fluid flux (i.e., restraining bends). All gold deposits occur within structural domains bounded by discontinuous, low-displacement, sinistral N-striking tear faults oblique to the orogen-parallel Kenyase-Yamfo shear zone. At the deposit scale, ore-related hydrothermal alteration is zoned, with distal chlorite-sericite grading into proximal silica-albite-Fe-carbonate mineral assemblages. Alteration halos are restricted to narrow selvages around quartz-carbonate vein arrays in multiple stacked ore shoots at Subika, whereas these halos extend 30 to 100 m away from the ore zones at Apensu and Awonsu. There is a clear spatial association between shallow-dipping mafic dikes, mafic chonoliths, shear zones, and economic gold mineralization. The abundance of mafic dikes and chonoliths within intermediate to felsic hanging-wall plutonic host rocks provided rheological heterogeneity that favored the formation of enhanced fracture permeability, promoting the tapping of ore fluid(s). Our interpretation is that these stacked shallow-dipping mafic dike arrays also acted as aquitards, impeding upward fluid flow within the wider intrusive rock mass until a failure threshold was episodically reached due to fluid overpressure, resulting in transient fracture-controlled upward propagation of the ore-fluid(s). Our results indicate that high-grade ore shoots at Ahafo South form part of vertically extensive fluid conduit systems that are primarily controlled by the rheological architecture of the rock mass.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 1296 ◽  
Mohammad Sayab ◽  
Domingo Aerden ◽  
Markku Paananen ◽  
Petri Saarela

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are rapidly growing remote sensing platforms for capturing high-resolution images of exposed rock surfaces. We used a DJI Phantom 3 Professional (P3P) quadcopter to capture aerial images that were used to generate a high-resolution three-dimensional (3-D) model of the Jokisivu open-pit gold deposit that is located in southwestern Finland. 158 overlapping oblique and nadir images were taken and processed with Agisoft Photoscan Pro to generate textured 3-D surface models. In addition, 69 overlapping images were taken from the steep faces of the open pit. We assessed the precision of the 3-D model by deploying ground control points (GCPs) and the average errors were found minimal along X (2.0 cm), Y (1.2 cm), and Z (5.0 cm) axes. The steep faces of the open pit were used for virtual structural measurements and kinematic analyses in CloudCompare and ArcGIS to distinguish the orientation of different fracture sets and statistical categorization, respectively. Three distinct fracture sets were observed. The NW-SE and NE-SW striking fractures form a conjugate geometry, whereas the NNW-SSE striking fractures cut the conjugate fracture set. The orientation of conjugate fractures match well with the resource model of the deposit and NW- and NE-trending segments of regional-scale anastomosing shear zones. Based on the conjugate geometry of fracture sets I and II, and the regional pattern of anastomosing shear system lead us to interpret an origin of gold mineralization in two stages. An early N-S or NNW-SSE crustal shortening, corresponding to the regional D4 (ca. 1.83–1.81 Ga) or pre-D4 (ca. 1.87–1.86 Ga) Svecofennian tectonic event(s) that produced anastomosing shear zones. Subsequent E-W directed D5 contraction (ca. 1.79–1.77 Ga) partly reactivated the anastomosing shear zones with the formation of conjugate system, which controlled the migration of fluids and gold mineralization in SW Finland.

Minerals ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 775
Nannan Cheng ◽  
Quanlin Hou ◽  
Mengyan Shi ◽  
Miao He ◽  
Qing Liu ◽  

Most gold deposits are genetically controlled by shear zones, which are called shear zone type gold deposits (SZTGD). A better understanding of kinematics of shear zones and its constraint on the ore-forming process is critical to reveal the genetic mechanism of the SZTGD and favorable to mineral exploration. By conducting detailed structural analysis including field and microscopic observations and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and fractal dimension analysis in the Muping-Rushan shear zone (MR) as well as several gold deposits, the kinematic characteristics of the MR are well recognized and the metallogenic process of the SZTGD are discussed. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) petrology, geometry, kinematics, macro- and micro-structures imply that the MR has experienced a progressive shearing history exhumed via middle crust to subsurface level under the NW-SE extensional regime from late Jurassic to early Cretaceous; (2) in the MR, gold may precipitate both in the brittle fractures at middle crust level and brittle deformation part at shallow crust level during the stress-chemical process and (3) comparison of gold deposits between the MR and other areas show that the SZTGD has a uniform metallogenic mechanism, which is from (multi-stage) pluton emplacement, hydrothermal fluid action, shearing action, brittle fracturing, sudden reduction of fluid pressure, flash vaporization to (gold) mineralization.

V. Mykhailov ◽  
А. Tots

Tanzania is one of the leading gold mining countries in the world and the discovery of new gold resources on its territory is an actual task. Known gold deposits are concentrated mainly in the northwest of the country, in the metallogenic zone of Lake Victoria, where they are associated with the Archean greenstone belts, and to a lesser extent – in the southwest, in the ore regions of Lupa and Mpanda, confined to the Ubendian Paleoproterozoic mobile belt. With regard to the eastern regions of Tanzania, where the Proterozoic structures of the Uzagaran mobile belt are developed, until recently in this region any significant manifestations of gold mineralization were not known. As a result of our research in the northern part of the Morogoro province of the Republic of Tanzania, a new previously unknown gold deposit Mananila was discovered. It is represented by a large volume, up to 400–450 m long, up to 60–80 m thick, mineralized shear zone over intensely leached and schistosed migmatites, gneisses, amphibolites, penetrated by echelon systems of quartz veins and veinlet, steeply dipping bodies of quartz breccia up to 1.0–1.5 m thick. Gold contents range from 0.61 to 8.11 g/t, the average zone content is 2.5–3.0 g/t. Parallel to the main zone, similar structures are developed on the site, although they are of lower thickness. The forecast resources of the deposit are estimated at 20 tons of gold. 2.8 km to the east from the Mananila field, the recently discovered Mazizi gold deposit is located, and a number of small occurrences of gold are also known in the region. All these objects are located within a large shear zone of the northeastern strike, up to 4–5 km width, over 20 km in length. This serves as the basis for the identification of a new gold ore region in the northern part of the Morogoro province of the United Republic of Tanzania, within the Proterozoic mobile belt of Usagaran, the possible gold content of which has never been previously discussed in geological literature.

2008 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. 953-970 ◽  
T. Oberthür ◽  
T. W. Weiser

AbstractGold mineralization at the Viceroy Mine is hosted in extensional veins in steep shear zones that transect metabasalts of the Archaean Arcturus Formation. The gold mineralization is generally made up of banded or massive quartz carrying abundant coarse arsenopyrite. However, most striking is a distinct suite of Au-Bi-Te-S minerals, namely joseite-A (Bi4TeS2), joseite-B (Bi4Te2S), hedleyite (Bi7Te3), ikunolite (Bi4S3), ‘protojoseite’ (Bi3TeS), an unnamed mineral (Bi6Te2S), bismuthinite (Bi2S3), native Bi, native gold, maldonite (Au2Bi), and jonassonite (AuBi5S4). The majority of the Bi-Te-S phases is characterized by Bi/(Se+Te) ratios of >1. Accordingly, this assemblage formed at reduced conditions at relatively low fS2 and fTe2. Fluid-inclusion thermometry indicates depositional temperatures of the main stage of mineralization of up to 342°C, in the normal range of mesothermal, orogenic gold deposits worldwide. However, melting temperatures of Au-Bi-Te phases down to at least 235°C (assemblage (Au2Bi + Bi + Bi7Te3)) imply that the Au-Bi-Te phases have been present as liquids or melt droplets. Furthermore, the close association of native gold, native bismuth and other Bi-Te-S phases suggests that gold was scavenged from the hydrothermal fluids by Bi-Te-S liquids or melts. It is concluded that a liquid/melt-collecting mechanism was probably active at Viceroy Mine, where the distinct Au-Bi-Te-S assemblage either formed late as part of the main, arsenopyrite-dominated mineralization, or it represents a different mineralization event, related to rejuvenation of the shear system. In either case, some of the gold may have been extracted from pre-existing, gold-bearing arsenopyrite by Bi-Te-S melts, thus leading to an upgrade of the gold ores at Viceroy. The Au-Bi-Te-S assemblage represents an epithermal-style mineralization overprinted on an otherwise mesothermal (orogenic) gold mineralization.

2020 ◽  
pp. 203-226
A. M. Sazonov ◽  
K. V. Lobanov ◽  
E. A. Zvyagina ◽  
S. I. Leontiev ◽  
S. A. Silyanov ◽  

Abstract The Olympiada deposit, containing >1,560 metric tons (t; 50 Moz) of gold at an average grade of 4 to 4.6 g/t Au, occurs in central Siberia, Russia. Over 30 years, the deposit produced more than 580 t of gold, including 200 t from oxidized ore grading 11.1 g/t. The deposit forms a 2-km-long, steeply dipping system, which is traced downdip for 1.7 km. It occurs in the Neoproterozoic orogen of the Yenisei Ridge at the western margin of the Siberian craton. This and other gold deposits in the district are controlled by the large, long-lived Tatarka-Ishimbino tectonic zone, marking a suture between terranes chiefly consisting of deformed Meso- to Neoproterozoic carbonate-clastic sedimentary rocks. The combination of lithologic and structural factors was critical for localization of gold mineralization associated with calcic and siliceous alteration accompanied by early arsenic and late antimony sulfides. As a result, very fine (10 μm) and high fineness (910–997) gold associates with diverse sulfides, especially arsenopyrite, and commonly contains mercury, similar to some characteristics of Carlin-type deposits. Geochronologic studies suggest that mineralization was formed during several stages between 817 and 660 Ma. The isotopic composition of Os and He, along with presence of anomalous Ni, Co, and Pt, points to a mantle mafic source, whereas isotopic composition of Pb and S suggest a contaminated crustal source, i.e., originating from a mix of mantle and crustal fluids.

2020 ◽  
Vol 191 ◽  
pp. 2 ◽  
Dominique Chardon ◽  
Ousmane Bamba ◽  
Kalidou Traoré

Shear zones of the Paleoproterozoic Eburnean accretionary Orogen (West African craton) are investigated by means of large-scale structural mapping. Regional scale (10-100 km) mapping was based on the aeromagnetic survey of Burkina Faso and craton-scale (1000 km) mapping on a compilation of fabric data. At both scales, shear zones are arranged as an anastomosed transpressional network that accommodated distributed shortening and lateral flow of the orogenic lithosphere between the converging Kénéma-Man and Congo Archean provinces. Structural interference patterns at both scales were due to three-dimensional partitioning of progressive transpressional deformation and interactions among shear zones that absorbed heterogeneities in the regional flow patterns while maintaining the connectivity of the shear zone network. Such orogen-scale kinematic patterns call for caution in using the deformation phase approach without considering the “bigger structural picture” and interpreting displacement history of individual shear zones in terms of plate kinematics. The West African shear zone pattern is linked to that of the Guiana shield through a new transatlantic correlation to produce an integrated kinematic model of the Eburnean-Transamazonian orogen.

1991 ◽  
Vol 28 (5) ◽  
pp. 706-720 ◽  
Mehmet F. Taner ◽  
Pierre Trudel

Recent lithogeochemical studies by accurate analytical techniques (e.g., instrumental and radiochemical neutron-activation analyses) have been used to explore the possibility of using gold distribution in the research for new gold deposits; these show that anomalous gold distribution occurs in some parts of the Val-d'Or Formation in the Val-d'Or mining district of Quebec. Gold lithogeochemistry in the Val-d'Or Formation has shown that it is possible to distinguish: (i) background values (1.4–3.5 ppb Au); (ii) zones of primarily anomalous gold values around the Lamaque–Sigma mines (median: 15 ppb Au); (iii) enrichment halos around gold orebodies (median: 70 ppb Au); and (iv) secondary gold enrichment in shear zones. We conclude that the Val-d'Or Formation is auriferous, i.e., anomalously rich in gold at least in some of its parts and contains the Lamaque – Sigma gold mines, representing 68% of the total gold production in the district. The Val-d'Or Formation is part of a central volcanic complex within an island-arc system. The centre of this complex is located in the main Lamaque plug, and this environment may be compared to high-temperature active geothermal systems that are commonly responsible for the formation of epithermal gold deposits. Gold mineralization at Sigma and Lamaque is considered to be related to a late hydrothermal phase or a retrograde phase of regional metamorphism. For the formation of the gold deposits, two distinct and successive events are postulated: (i) a gold-rich synvolcanic geothermal activity and (ii) a late remobilisation from the host rocks followed by deposition of gold ore within favourable structures.

Lithosphere ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (1) ◽  
Nicole Sequeira ◽  
Abhijit Bhattacharya

Abstract Curvilinear steep shear zones originate in different tectonic environments. In the Chottanagpur Gneiss Complex (CGC), the steeply dipping, left-lateral and transpressive Early Neoproterozoic Hundru Falls Shear Zone (HFSZ) with predominantly north-down kinematics comprises two domains, e.g., an arcuate NW-striking (in the west) to W-striking (in the east) domain with gently plunging stretching lineation that curves into a W-striking straight-walled domain with down-dip lineation. The basement-piercing HFSZ truncates a carapace of flat-lying amphibolite facies paraschist and granitoid mylonites, and recumbently folded anatectic gneisses. The carapace—inferred to be a midcrustal regional-scale low-angle detachment zone—structurally overlies an older basement of Early Mesoproterozoic anatectic gneisses intruded by Mid-Mesoproterozoic/Early Neoproterozoic granitoids unaffected by the Early Neoproterozoic extensional tectonics. The mean kinematic vorticity values in the steep HFSZ-hosted granitoids computed using the porphyroclast aspect ratio method are 0.74–0.83 and 0.51–0.65 in domains with shallow and steep lineations, respectively. The granitoid mylonites show a chessboard subgrain microstructure, but lack evidence for suprasolidus deformation. The timing relationship between the two domains is unclear. If the two HFSZ domains were contemporaneous, the domain of steep lineations with greater coaxial strain relative to the curvilinear domain formed due to strain partitioning induced by variations in mineralogy and/or temperature of the cooling granitoid plutons. Alternately, the domain of gently plunging lineations in the HFSZ was a distinct shear zone that curved into a subsequent straight-walled shear zone with steeply plunging lineation due to a northward shift in the convergence direction during deformation contemporaneous with the Early Neoproterozoic accretion of the CGC and the Singhbhum Craton.

2021 ◽  
Timothy Armitage ◽  
Robert Holdsworth ◽  
Robin Strachan ◽  
Thomas Zach ◽  
Diana Alvarez-Ruiz ◽  

<p>Ductile shear zones are heterogeneous areas of strain localisation which often display variation in strain geometry and combinations of coaxial and non-coaxial deformation. One such heterogeneous shear zone is the c. 2 km thick Uyea Shear Zone (USZ) in northwest Mainland Shetland (UK), which separates variably deformed Neoarchaean orthogneisses in its footwall from Neoproterozoic metasediments in its hanging wall (Fig. a). The USZ is characterised by decimetre-scale layers of dip-slip thrusting and extension, strike-slip sinistral and dextral shear senses and interleaved ultramylonitic coaxially deformed horizons. Within the zones of transition between shear sense layers, mineral lineations swing from foliation down-dip to foliation-parallel in kinematically compatible, anticlockwise/clockwise-rotations on a local and regional scale (Fig. b). Rb-Sr dating of white mica grains via laser ablation indicates a c. 440-425 Ma Caledonian age for dip-slip and strike-slip layers and an 800 Ma Neoproterozoic age for coaxial layers. Quartz opening angles and microstructures suggest an upper-greenschist to lower-amphibolite facies temperature for deformation. We propose that a Neoproterozoic, coaxial event is overprinted by Caledonian sinistral transpression under upper greenschist/lower amphibolite facies conditions. Interleaved kinematics and mineral lineation swings are attributed to result from differential flow rates resulting in vertical and lateral extrusion and indicate regional-scale sinistral transpression during the Caledonian orogeny in NW Shetland. This study highlights the importance of linking geochronology to microstructures in a poly-deformed terrane and is a rare example of a highly heterogeneous shear zone in which both vertical and lateral extrusion occurred during transpression.</p><p><img src="" alt=""></p>

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