Economic Geology
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Published By Society Of Economic Geologists

1554-0774, 0361-0128

2022 ◽  
Vol 117 (2) ◽  
pp. 485-494
Tobias U. Schlegel ◽  
Renee Birchall ◽  
Tina D. Shelton ◽  
James R. Austin

Abstract Iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG) deposits form in spatial and genetic relation to hydrothermal iron oxide-alkali-calcic-hydrolytic alteration and thus show a mappable zonation of mineral assemblages toward the orebody. The mineral zonation of a breccia matrix-hosted orebody is efficiently mapped by regularly spaced samples analyzed by the scanning electron microscopy-integrated mineral analyzer technique. The method results in quantitative estimates of the mineralogy and allows the reliable recognition of characteristic alteration as well as mineralization-related mineral assemblages from detailed mineral maps. The Ernest Henry deposit is located in the Cloncurry district of Queensland and is one of Australia’s significant IOCG deposits. It is known for its association of K-feldspar altered clasts with iron oxides and chalcopyrite in the breccia matrix. Our mineral mapping approach shows that the hydrothermal alteration resulted in a characteristic zonation of minerals radiating outward from the pipe-shaped orebody. The mineral zonation is the result of a sequence of sodic alteration followed by potassic alteration, brecciation, and, finally, by hydrolytic (acid) alteration. The hydrolytic alteration primarily affected the breccia matrix and was related to economic mineralization. Alteration halos of individual minerals such as pyrite and apatite extend dozens to hundreds of meters beyond the limits of the orebody into the host rocks. Likewise, the Fe-Mg ratio in hydrothermal chlorites changes systematically with respect to their distance from the orebody. Geochemical data obtained from portable X-ray fluorescence (p-XRF) and petrophysical data acquired from a magnetic susceptibility meter and a gamma-ray spectrometer support the mineralogical data and help to accurately identify mineral halos in rocks surrounding the ore zone. Specifically, the combination of mineralogical data with multielement data such as P, Mn, As, P, and U obtained from p-XRF and positive U anomalies from radiometric measurements has potential to direct an exploration program toward higher Cu-Au grades.

2022 ◽  
Vol 117 (2) ◽  
pp. 509-510
Stewart D. Redwood

2022 ◽  
Vol 117 (2) ◽  
pp. 273-304
S. M. Hall ◽  
J. S. Beard ◽  
C. J. Potter ◽  
R. J. Bodnar ◽  
L. A. Neymark ◽  

Abstract The Coles Hill uranium deposit, with an indicated resource of about 130 Mlb of U3O8, is the largest unmined uranium deposit in the United States. The deposit is hosted in the Taconian (approx. 480–450 Ma) Martinsville igneous complex, which consists of the Ordovician Leatherwood Granite (granodiorite) and the Silurian Rich Acres Formation (diorite). The host rock was metamorphosed to orthogneiss during the Alleghanian orogeny (approx. 325–260 Ma), when it also underwent dextral strike-slip movement along the Brookneal shear zone. During the Triassic, extensional tectonics led to the development of the Dan River Basin that lies east of Coles Hill. The mineralized zone is hosted in brittle structures in the footwall of the Triassic Chatham fault that forms the western edge of the basin. Within brittle fracture zones, uranium silicate and uranium-bearing fluorapatite with traces of brannerite form veins and breccia-fill with chlorite, quartz, titanium oxide, pyrite, and calcite. Uranium silicates also coat and replace primary titanite, zircon, ilmenite, and sulfides. Sodium metasomatism preceded and accompanied uranium mineralization, pervasively altering host rock and forming albite from primary feldspar, depositing limpid albite rims on igneous feldspar, altering titanite to titanium oxide and calcite, and forming riebeckite. Various geothermometers indicate temperatures of less than ~200°C during mineralization. In situ U-Pb analyses of titanite, Ti-oxide, and apatite, along with Rb/Sr and U/Pb isotope systematics of whole-rock samples, resolve the timing of geologic processes affecting Coles Hill. The host Leatherwood Granite containing primary euhedral titanite is dated at 450 to 445 Ma, in agreement with previously obtained ages from zircon in the Martinsville igneous complex. A regional metamorphic event at 330 to 310 Ma formed anhedral titanite and some apatite, reequilibrated whole-rock Rb/Sr and U-Pb isotopes, and is interpreted to have coincided with movement along the Brookneal shear zone. During shearing and metamorphism, primary refractory uranium-bearing minerals including titanite, zircon, and uranothorite were recrystallized, and uranium was liberated and mixed locally with hematite, clay, and other fine-grained minerals. Uranium mineralization was accompanied by a metasomatic episode between 250 and 200 Ma that reset the Rb-Sr and U-Pb isotope systems and formed titanium oxide and apatite that are associated and, in places, intimately intergrown with uranium silicate dating mineralization. This event coincides with rifting that formed the Dan River Basin and was a precursor to the breakup of Pangea. The orientation of late-stage tectonic stylolites is compatible with their formation during Late Triassic to Early Jurassic basin inversion, postdating the main stage of uranium mineralization and effectively dating mineralization as Mesozoic. Based on the close spatial and temporal association of uranium with apatite, we propose that uranium was carried as a uranyl-phosphate complex. Uranium was locally reduced by coupled redox reactions with ferrous iron and sulfide minerals in the host rock, forming uranium silicates. The release of calcium during sodium metasomatic alteration of primary calcic feldspar and titanite in the host rock initiated successive reactions in which uranium and phosphate in mineralizing fluids combined with calcium to form U-enriched fluorapatite. Based on the deposit mineralogy, oxygen isotope geochemistry, and trace element characteristics of uranium silicate and gangue minerals, the primary mineralizing fluids likely included connate and/or meteoric water sourced from the adjacent Dan River Basin. High heat flow related to Mesozoic rifting may have driven these (P-Na-F-rich) fluids through local aquifers and into basin margin faults, transporting uranium from the basin or mobilizing uranium from previously formed U minerals in the Brookneal shear zone, or from U-enriched older basement rock.

2022 ◽  
Stephen J. Barnes ◽  
Clifford R. Stanley ◽  
Valentina Taranovic

Abstract The Nova-Bollinger Ni-Cu-platinum group element (PGE) deposit in the Fraser zone of the Albany-Fraser orogen consists of two main orebodies, Nova and Bollinger, hosted by the same tube-shaped intrusion but having distinctly different Ni tenors of around 6.5 and 4.8 wt %, respectively. Nova is also higher in Pd, but Cu and Pt tenors are similar. Both deposits have very low PGE tenors, with average Pd concentrations of 110 ppb in massive sulfide at Bollinger and 136 ppb at Nova. The Nova and Bollinger orebodies show relatively little internal differentiation overall on deposit scale but show strong differentiation into chalcopyrite-rich and chalcopyrite-poor regions at a meter scale. This differentiation is more prevalent at Nova, where massive sulfide-filled vein arrays are more extensively developed, and in massive ores, particularly veins, than in net-textured ores. Net-textured and disseminated ores have on average Ni and Cu grades and tenors similar to those of massive, semimassive, and breccia ores in the same orebody but a smaller range of variation, largely due to a more limited extent of sulfide liquid fractionation and higher average concentrations of Pt and Pd than adjacent massive ores. Unusually for differentiated magmatic sulfides, there is no systematic positive correlation between Pt, Pd, and Cu. A partial explanation for the lack of a Pd-Cu correlation is that Pd was partitioned into peritectic pentlandite in the middle stages of sulfide liquid solidification. This explanation is not applicable to Pt, as Pt characteristically forms its own phases rather than residing in base metal sulfides. PGE tenors are very low in both orebodies, very similar to those observed in other Ni-Cu-Co sulfide ores in orogenic settings, notably the Savannah and Savannah North orebodies. This depletion is attributed to sulfide retention in the mantle source of the parent magmas rather than to previous fractional extraction of sulfide liquid in staging chambers or feeder networks. The higher Ni and Pd tenors at Nova are attributed to reworking and upgrading of precursor sulfide liquid originally deposited upstream at the Bollinger site. Replicate analyses of multiple jaw-crusher splits returned highly variable Pt and Au assays but much smaller relative errors in the other PGEs. The poor Pt and Au reproducibilities are attributed to nugget effects, explicable by much of the Pt and Au in the samples being present in sparse Pt- and Au-rich grains. This is principally true for Pt in massive rather than disseminated ores, accounting for a strong contrast in the distribution of Pt/Pd ratios between the two ore types. Numerical simulation suggests that Pt is predominantly resident in Pt-rich platinum group minerals with grain diameters of 100 μm or more and that at the low (<100 ppb) concentrations in these ores, this results in most assays significantly underreporting Pt. This is likely to be true in other low-PGE ores, such that apparent negative Pt anomalies in massive ores may in such cases be attributable to sampling artifacts.

2022 ◽  
Vol 117 (1) ◽  
pp. 269-271

2022 ◽  
Vol 117 (1) ◽  
pp. 253-264

2022 ◽  
Vol 117 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-55
Stephanie Lohmeier ◽  
Bernd Lehmann ◽  
Albrecht Schneider ◽  
Andrew Hodgkin ◽  
Raymond Burgess

Abstract The El Volcán gold project (8.9 Moz Au @ 0.71 g/t Au) is located in the Maricunga gold belt in northern Chile, on the flank of the large Cenozoic Copiapó Volcanic Complex. Precious metal mineralization is hosted in two zones (Dorado and Ojo de Agua) of (pervasively) altered Miocene porphyry intrusions and lava flows of andesitic to rhyolitic composition, and in breccias. The ore zones reflect an evolving magmatic-hydrothermal system with mineral assemblages of magnetite-ilmenite-pyrite-molybdenite (early), bornite-chalcopyrite-pyrite-rutile (stage I), chalcocite-chalcopyrite-enargite-fahlore-pyrite (stage II), and chalcopyrite-covellite-pyrite (stage III). Alteration is dominantly of Maricunga-style (illite-smectite-chlorite ± kaolinite), partly obscured by quartz-kaolinite-alunite ± illite ± smectite alteration. Powdery quartz-alunite-kaolinite alteration with native sulfur and cinnabar forms shallow steam-heated zones. Early K-feldspar ± biotite alteration is preserved only in small porphyry cores and in deep drill holes. Most gold is submicrometer size and is in banded quartz veinlets, which are characteristic of the Maricunga gold belt. However, some gold is disseminated in zones of pervasive quartz-kaolinite-alunite alteration, with and without banded quartz veinlets. Minor visible gold is related to disseminated chalcocite-chalcopyrite-enargite-fahlore-pyrite. The lithogeochemical database identifies a pronounced Au-Te-Re signature (>100× bulk crust) of the hydrothermal system. Molybdenum-rich bulk rock (100–400 ppm Mo) has an Re-Os age of 10.94 ± 0.17 Ma (2σ). 40Ar-39Ar ages on deep K-feldspar alteration and on alunite altered rock have the same age within error and yield a combined age of 11.20 ± 0.25 Ma (2σ). The formation of the El Volcán gold deposit took place during the establishment of the Chilean flat-slab setting in a time of increasing crustal thickness when hydrous magmas were formed in a mature arc setting. The vigorous nature of the hydrothermal system is expressed by abundant one-phase vapor fluid inclusions recording magmatic vapor streaming through a large rock column with a vertical extent of ≥1,500 m.

2022 ◽  
Vol 117 (1) ◽  
pp. 265-265

2022 ◽  
Vol 117 (1) ◽  
pp. 213-236
Qing-He Yan ◽  
He Wang ◽  
Guoxiang Chi ◽  
Qiang Wang ◽  
Huan Hu ◽  

Abstract The rising demand of strategic metals, especially lithium, necessitates discovery of new resources to meet the global supply chain. Recently, several pegmatite-hosted rare metal (Li-Rb-Be-Nb-Ta) deposits have been discovered in the Western Kunlun orogenic belt, making it a new world-class rare metal resource (estimated ~7 Mt Li2O and 0.16 Mt BeO). Understanding the metallogenesis of this belt is critical to further evaluate the rare metal potential. In this study, columbite-tantalite (coltan) and monazite from rare metal pegmatites and zircon from potential parental granites were collected from five representative rare metal pegmatite deposits in the western, middle, and eastern parts of the Western Kunlun orogenic belt for U-Pb geochronology. The results indicate that despite the distances of the sampling localities in different parts of the Western Kunlun orogenic belt, the ages of pegmatite-hosted rare metal mineralization fall in a narrow range of ca. 208–204 Ma. These rare metal pegmatites are temporally and spatially related to adjacent postorogenic granites emplaced following the closure of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean. The compositional characteristics of K-feldspar, biotite, and muscovite of the granites and pegmatites, along with regional mineralogical and textural zonation of the pegmatites, suggest that the rare metal pegmatites were derived from the volumetrically much more important, highly fractionated granitic intrusions. We propose that, in combination with the data from previous studies, the 218–204 Ma interval represents a newly recognized rare metal metallogenic period linked with granitic intrusions in the Western Kunlun orogenic belt, revealing a 600-km-long late Triassic rare metal pegmatite belt composed of multiple ore fields formed in a similar metallogenic setting. These results emphasize the importance of identifying fertile, Late Triassic to Early Jurassic granitic intrusions for rare metal pegmatite exploration. Furthermore, combined with recent studies on the Songpan-Ganzi rare metal pegmatite belt along the eastern segment of the Paleo-Tethys, this study further highlights the great potential of rare metal resources in this global tectonic zone.

2021 ◽  
Ling Tan ◽  
Thomas Jones ◽  
Jianping Xie ◽  
Xinxing Liu ◽  
Gordon Southam

Abstract Weathering of the Merensky reef was enhanced under laboratory conditions by Fe- and S-oxidizing bacteria: Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans, and Leptospirillum ferrooxidans. These bacteria preferentially colonized pyrrhotite and pyrite, versus pentlandite and chalcopyrite (all of which were common within the rock substrate), promoting weathering. Weathering of base metal sulfides resulted in the precipitation of Fe oxides, Fe phosphate, and elemental sulfur as secondary minerals. Fe pyroxene weathered readily under acidic conditions and resulted in mineral dissolution, while other silicates (orthopyroxene and plagio-clase) precipitated Fe phosphate spherules or coatings on their surface. The deterioration of the platinum group metal (PGM) matrix (base metal sulfides and silicates) and the occurrence of a platinum grain associated with platinum nanoparticles observed in the biotic thin sections demonstrate that biogeochemical acid weathering is an important step in the active release of intact PGM grains. A platinum grain embedded in secondary Fe oxides/phosphate that had settled by gravity within the weathering solution demonstrates that secondary minerals that formed during weathering of PGM-hosting minerals also represent targets in PGM exploration by trapping and potentially slowing PGM migration. Dispersion halos surrounding or occurring downstream from PGM occurrences will likely produce two physical target classes—i.e., grains and colloids—under surficial weathering conditions.

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