Cannabidiol: A case presentation on the shortcomings in clinical application
Nearly four percent of the global population consumes cannabis with the highest prevalence among young people. Proponents of its use boast a myriad of benefits, including relief of pain, depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Pharmacologic research on cannabidiol (CBD) first occurred in the late 1970s, and more recently has garnered expanded focus due to mounting consumption despite a dearth of evidence in health efficacies. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is deemed to be the intoxicating component of the flowering plant, lending to psychoactive outcomes, including euphoria and psychosis. Conversely, CBD is not thought to be psychotropic in nature. While there are a number of considerations regarding the utilization of CBD, emphasis is placed on the fact that medical-use indication is limited to its anti-seizure effects. In addition, high-grade evidence-based research data regarding the use of CBD for other medical diseases is deficient. Negative health consequences for consumers who may be unaware that inaccurate labeling and dose variability across the product backdrop is problematic. All things considered, counsel against the use of CBD products may be a judicious clinical approach.