scholarly journals Cannabidiol: A case presentation on the shortcomings in clinical application

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 53
Jason A. Gregg ◽  
Ronald Lee Tyson ◽  
Lisa M. Hachey

Nearly four percent of the global population consumes cannabis with the highest prevalence among young people. Proponents of its use boast a myriad of benefits, including relief of pain, depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Pharmacologic research on cannabidiol (CBD) first occurred in the late 1970s, and more recently has garnered expanded focus due to mounting consumption despite a dearth of evidence in health efficacies. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is deemed to be the intoxicating component of the flowering plant, lending to psychoactive outcomes, including euphoria and psychosis. Conversely, CBD is not thought to be psychotropic in nature. While there are a number of considerations regarding the utilization of CBD, emphasis is placed on the fact that medical-use indication is limited to its anti-seizure effects. In addition, high-grade evidence-based research data regarding the use of CBD for other medical diseases is deficient. Negative health consequences for consumers who may be unaware that inaccurate labeling and dose variability across the product backdrop is problematic. All things considered, counsel against the use of CBD products may be a judicious clinical approach.

2017 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 182-194 ◽  
Laura Pass ◽  
Carl W. Lejuez ◽  
Shirley Reynolds

Background: Depression in adolescence is a common and serious mental health problem. In the UK, access to evidence-based psychological treatments is limited, and training and employing therapists to deliver these is expensive. Brief behavioural activation for the treatment of depression (BATD) has great potential for use with adolescents and to be delivered by a range of healthcare professionals, but there is limited empirical investigation with this group. Aims: To adapt BATD for depressed adolescents (Brief BA) and conduct a pilot study to assess feasibility, acceptability and clinical effectiveness. Method: Twenty depressed adolescents referred to the local NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health service (CAMHs) were offered eight sessions of Brief BA followed by a review around one month later. Self- and parent-reported routine outcome measures (ROMs) were collected at every session. Results: Nineteen of the 20 young people fully engaged with the treatment and all reported finding some aspect of Brief BA helpful. Thirteen (65%) required no further psychological intervention following Brief BA, and both young people and parents reported high levels of acceptability and satisfaction with the approach. The pre–post effect size of Brief BA treatment was large. Conclusions: Brief BA is a promising innovation in the treatment of adolescent depression. This approach requires further evaluation to establish effectiveness and cost effectiveness compared with existing evidence-based treatments for adolescent depression. Other questions concern the effectiveness of delivery in other settings and when delivered by a range of professionals.

Sexual Health ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 562 ◽  
Jennifer Margaret Roberts ◽  
Deborah Ekman

Our understanding of the human papillomavirus (HPV) related cytomorphology and histopathology of the anal canal is underpinned by our knowledge of HPV infection in the cervix. In this review, we utilise cervical reporting of cytological and histological specimens as a foundation for the development of standardised and evidence-based terminology and criteria for reporting of anal specimens. We advocate use of the Australian Modified Bethesda System 2004 for reporting anal cytology. We propose the use of a two-tiered histological reporting system for noninvasive disease – low-grade and high-grade anal intraepithelial neoplasia. These classification systems reflect current understanding of the biology of HPV and enhance diagnostic reproducibility. Biomarkers such as p16INK4A may prove useful in further improving diagnostic accuracy. Standardisation is important because it will increase the value of the data collected as Australian centres develop programs for screening for anal neoplasia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (Supplement_5) ◽  
S Nepal ◽  
L Stapinski ◽  
N Newton ◽  
L Grummitt ◽  
S Lawler ◽  

Abstract Issue Alcohol and other drug (AOD) use during adolescence puts young people at risk of juvenile offending, poor educational outcomes, school dropout, and mental health issues. Since parents and school teachers are the primary source of contact for adolescents, it is important that they are equipped with accurate and up-to-date response strategies. There are a number of effective drug prevention strategies, however, they are not widely implemented. Description of the practice To address this evidence-practice gap, the Positive Choices initiative was launched in 2015. Positive Choices supports implementation of evidence-based and prevention strategies through provision of training and a centralised information and resources portal for young people, their parents and teachers. The portal contains information factsheets and webinars and was developed in consultation with AOD experts and target users. Drug education resources and curriculum programs meeting pre-specified criteria for relevance, quality and evidence-base are listed in the resources database. Results Positive Choices has been accessed by one-million Australian and international users. The most popular resources are videos, factsheets, webinars. In 2019, 71% parents and 65% teachers said that they would continue using the website. Half (54%) of school staff were not currently implementing evidence-based prevention strategies, of these 89% intended to shift to evidence-based practice after using Positive Choices. The majority of the users have said they would recommend the website to their colleagues and friends. Lessons Positive Choices is effective in changing users' intentions to implement evidence-based strategies. Drug education programs need to engage parents and teachers if they are to be effective. Key messages Positive Choices has increased users’ awareness of evidence-based prevention strategies. Positive Choices has increased users’ intentions to implement evidence-based prevention strategies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Daniel Abensur Athanazio ◽  
Maiara Ferreira de Souza ◽  
Maria Estela Pompeu do Amaral

Abstract Background Urothelial carcinoma shows wide plasticity and broad morphologic spectrum. In many instances, the presence of papillary morphology is reassuring of the urothelial histogenesis of a high-grade invasive lesion but is not pathognomonic. Case presentation We reported herein four cases of carcinomas in the bladder with papillary morphology that had a final diagnosis different from urothelial carcinoma (3% of cases in a 42-month period). In high-grade tumors involving the urinary tract, the presence of papillary/pseudopapillary morphology is not sufficient to render a diagnosis of papillary urothelial carcinoma. Prostate adenocarcinoma, primary bladder adenocarcinoma or metastasis must be excluded in selected case scenarios.

Pamela Ugwudike ◽  
Gemma Morgan

This chapter presents the findings of a study that examined supervision skills within three youth offending teams. The study focused on youth justice practice in Wales and its objective was to explore how best to integrate research evidence into frontline practice. It found that participating practitioners employed mainly relationship skills. This is a positive finding but there was limited use of evidence-based skills embedded in what is described as the ‘structuring principle' of effective interpersonal interactions (Bonta and Andrews 2017). The skills are change-focused and they impact on what young people learn during interactions with practitioners and the quality of the influence the practitioners exert over them. This chapter examines the factors that impede the application of structuring skills and concludes with a discussion of the ways in which gaps between research and supervision practice can be bridged to enhance the quality of youth justice practice.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-39
Mohammed Nasser Al-Suqri ◽  
Salim Said AlKindi ◽  
Abdullah Khamis Al-Kindi

This paper presents the findings of a review of literature to understand the issues facing the Sultanate of Oman in this area, and to identify international examples of best practice in the use of social media to promote political literacy among young people. Evidence-based recommendations for the Government of the Sultanate of Oman are developed, which include the provision of social media literacy training at school and university level, as well as the establishment of an online citizen engagement portal. By adopting international best practice in the use of social media to promote political literacy and citizen engagement among young people, it is believed that the Sultanate of Oman can provide a model for other Middle Eastern Arab states, helping to reduce the potential for political conflict in these countries and promoting participatory approaches to policy-making which reflect the growing demands of young citizens.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
A. Hambleton ◽  
D. Le Grange ◽  
J. Miskovic-Wheatley ◽  
S. Touyz ◽  
M. Cunich ◽  

Abstract Background Family-based treatment (FBT) is an efficacious outpatient intervention for young people diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa (AN). To date, treatment to protocol has relied on standard face-to-face delivery. Face-to-face therapy is subject to geographic, temporal and human factors, rendering it particularly susceptible to inequities and disruption. This has resulted in poorer service provision for rural and regional families, and recently a significant challenge to providing face-to-face services during the COVID-19 global pandemic. The present study examines whether FBT for AN can be successfully translated to a digital delivery platform to address these access issues. Method Forty young people aged 12 to 18 years who meet DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for AN, and live in a rural or regional setting, will along with their family be recruited to the study. Trained therapists will provide 18 sessions of FBT over 9 months via telemedicine to the home of the young person and their family. The analysis will examine treatment effectiveness, feasibility, acceptability, and cost-effectiveness. Discussion The study addresses the treatment needs of families not able to attend face-to-face clinical services for evidence-based treatment for eating disorders. This might be due to several barriers, including a lack of local services or long travel distances to services. There has been a recent and unprecedented demand for telemedicine to facilitate the continuity of care during COVID-19 despite geographical circumstances. If delivering treatment in this modality is clinically and economically effective and feasible, it will facilitate access to potentially lifesaving, evidence-based treatments for families formerly unable to access such care and provide evidence for the continuity of services when and where face-to-face treatment is not feasible.

Christine Schulz

Australia, like many nations across the globe, has a focus on engaging young people in the post compulsory years of school to ensure their transition into further education, training and /or the workforce. Applied Learning programs which are based on the premise of active, transformative learning from authentic experience have emerged as valuable tools in assisting the transition of young people. Understanding of Applied Learning however, not only varies between nations but also disciplines, context, education settings and curricula. Using a lens of boundary crossing, this chapter draws on research data to provide an account of challenges educators face in an Australian program where there appears little guidance for educators on constructing an Applied Learning pedagogical model for individual practice. From consideration of data and educational theory an Applied Learning pedagogical framework is proposed as a guide for educators in developing Applied Learning programs.

Monika Grigaliūnienė ◽  
Roma Kačinskaitė

 Balanced gender representation allows stereotype threat effect to be avoided so it is important in any type of educational materials, but it is even more so in national assessments as in some cases their outcome determines opportunities for young people. This study is centered on gender representation in the country-wide [Lithuanian] assessments of students' mathematical knowledge and skills, particularly, on the national assessments and exams level. The research data was analyzed using the authors' evaluation matrix. There were seven categories of topics found in contextual problems: free time and socialization, housework, movement, sagacity, shopping, skillfulness and sports. Study shows that some types of assessments represent genders in a more balanced way than others. When compared to other educational or entertainment sources of written information, national assessments of mathematical achievements seems to represent gender in a more balanced way.   

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