political literacy
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2021 ◽  
pp. 313-314
Martin Wight

Wight notes that Williamson’s account of the English Civil War follows ‘the romantic view of history’ as ‘the relationship or interaction of characters’ in sometimes tragic circumstances. Williamson ‘shows a good dramatic sense’, Wight observes, in his narrative of events involving Cromwell and King Charles I of England; but the book fails to show insight on ‘the deeper dialectic of conservative and revolutionary psychology. It illuminates neither the particular clash between the Anglicanism of the King and the Independency of the Lieutenant-General, nor the general problem of political morals in a revolutionary situation.’ Cromwell and Charles were both ‘compelled to political methods which in private circumstances they would have condemned’. Owing in part to Williamson’s ‘life-long Cromwellian fervour’, the book does not attain ‘a high level of political literacy’, nor does it demonstrate deep discernment about the history of these conflicts.

Luiz-Alberto de Farias ◽  
Marcelo-Simões Damasceno

The following study seeks to understand how the Facebook page of the City Council of Itapevi, Brazil, made political literacy possible through political education, discussions on the political agenda, and mobilization in its communication on the social network. The corpus of the analysis brings together 683 publications made in 2019, a period in which the page showed an increase in audience compared to the previous year (2018). The quantitative research, though with a qualitative look, identified posts that made political knowledge possible to the citizen, as well as interviews to understand the use of the social network by the institution. An appropriate analysis to understand the use of the network by the public body, since the latest survey by DataSenado shows that 74% of Brazilians have or have had a social network - Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, or Twitter. A significant number, especially when compared to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), from 2019, indicates that two-thirds of the country's population (69.8%) have an internet connection. These numbers drive the research of communicologists and political scientists, who seek to understand how this communication network is being part of people's daily lives. Mainly taking into account that the internet, and especially social networks, are becoming a space where different people connect, share content and participate in the political debate a few clicks away. The internet's expansion in Brazil and the number of people connected to networks made different public bodies create profiles on social networks to interact with people. A new channel that aims to establish a rapprochement with this digital audience, ensure transparency in management and encourage the participation of everyone in the decision-making process. As occurred at the City Council of Itapevi (CMI, in Portuguese). However, to guarantee a minimum of success in this digital endeavor, the information available on the networks must be of public interest and its content must be accessible, allowing citizens to understand how public authorities work and to know the process of choosing representatives. A knowledge that can be shared with the citizen through political literacy, as highlighted by Cosson (2016: 51): “these are knowledge related to the functioning of the State, with an emphasis on democratic mechanisms, which involves, on one hand, a knowledge about elections, parties and institutions, and on the other hand, the rights and duties of the citizen”. Therefore, the article was divided into four parts, in addition to the final considerations. The first seeks to clarify the difference between public and political communication; the second addresses how Facebook has supported CMI's communication strategy. Furthermore, there is a literature review on political literacy. Finally, the objective of this study: an analysis of the possibility of political literacy through publications made on the CMI profile on Facebook, in 2019, which concludes that the page is a virtual space for debate and public expression in the city, with growth potential for the promotion of citizenship and political knowledge. The study is based on publications in the areas of public communication (Matos, 2000; Marques, 2009; Correia, 2010), social networks (Recuero, 2009; Ferrari, 2004, Silva, 2020), and political literacy (Cosson, 2020; Biesta, 2009).

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-47
Asep Hendrik ◽  
Endang Danial

The purpose of thins study is to explore, study, and analyze the urgency of fostering political cadres through political literacy conducted by the GOLKAR Cianjur regency party in fostering political cadres. The research approach used in this study is a qualitative approach while the research method used case studies. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, study documentation and study literature. Data analysis includes data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing/verification. The findings of this study generally reveal that the urgency of fostering political cadres through political literacy is to improve the competence of party cadres. The competency is the basic capital for political cadres to contest in the general election. Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menggali, mengkaji, dan menganalisis tentang urgensi pembinaan kader politik melalui literasi politik yang dilakukan oleh partai GOLKAR Kabupaten Cianjur dalam membina kader politiknya. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif sedangkan metode penelitian menggunakan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi bahwa temuan penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa urgensi pembinaan kader politik melalui literasi politik bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi kader partai. Kompetensi tersebut sebagai modal dasar kader politik untuk berkontestasi dipergelaran pemilihan umum.

2021 ◽  
Vol 01 (01) ◽  
pp. 40-41
Thimith Rodrigo ◽  

Majority of the younger generation of Sri Lanka in particular have a very low regard for the whole subject of politics. The reason for this has been the political dysfunction that they witness in their day-to-day lives. The most common dialogue they hear concerning politics is one where the older generations acknowledge that the political landscape is an utter mess.

2021 ◽  
pp. 151-161
Daehoon Jho ◽  
Cheraé Halley

Wen Qi ◽  

Political socialization is an aspect of socialization, and its goal is to cultivate sound, rational and qualified political people. With the continuous development of society, college students, as social citizens, gradually have the opportunity to change from management object to management subject in the trend of political socialization. In addition, College students are also the driving force of social development and the hope of making the whole country rich and strong. Therefore, making college students have enough political literacy and whether they are highly socialized will affect the development level of the whole society. At present, ideological and political education has been gradually popularized in universities, and the level of ideological and political education affects the results of college students’ political socialization. It is particularly important to constantly improve and improve the contents, objectives and methods of ideological and political education so as to promote the political socialization of college students. This thesis will study the ideological and political education in colleges and universities from many aspects and analyze its role and value in the political socialization of college students one by one.

2021 ◽  
pp. 009059172098577
Paul Apostolidis

This essay explores the mutual reinforcements between socioeconomic precarity and right-wing populism, and then envisions a politics that contests Trumpism through workers’ organizations that create alternatives to predominant patterns of subject formation through work. I first revisit my recent critique of precarity, which initiates a new method of critical theory informed by Paulo Freire’s political pedagogy of popular education. Reading migrant day laborers’ commentaries on their work experiences alongside critical accounts of today’s general work culture, this “critical-popular” procedure yields a conception of precarity with two defining characteristics. First, precarity is socially bivalent: it singles out specific groups for especially harsh treatment even as it pervades society. Second, precarity constitutes subjects through contradictory experiences of time in everyday work-life, exacerbated by insoluble dilemmas of moral responsibility. Antonio Vásquez-Arroyo’s conception of “political literacy” and Bridget Anderson’s notion of “migrantizing the citizen,” in turn, help us understand how precaritization blocks workers from developing the critical dispositions toward time needed for democratic citizenship. This analysis then makes it possible to elucidate, in dialogue with Daniel Martinez-HoSang and Joseph Lowndes, how precaritized worker-citizenship facilitates the cross-class and multiracial appeal of Trumpism’s white supremacist discourse of national economic decline and resurgence, while normalizing the temporal affects of shock and violence characteristic of Trumpism, as theorized by Lia Haro and Romand Coles. Day laborers’ worker centers, I argue, refunction precaritized time, regenerate political literacy, and migrantize the citizen. A large-scale alternative to right-wing populism thus could emerge if the worker center network were expanded throughout the economy.

Ruslan M. Zhitin ◽  
Aleksey G. Topilsky ◽  
Lyudmila N. Patrina

We consider the stage of development of library business in the Tambov region during the formation of Soviet power. We describe the systematization in the funds of state and trade union libraries of books nationalized from private collections, the reconstruction and expansion of the network of local (district and sub-district) libraries, reading rooms, mobile libraries that contributed to educational work among the population of the region. The activities of the new government on administrative regulation of the system of relations between libraries, libraries with other cultural and educational institutions and local authorities are studied. The work shows the activities of the management of the Central Governorate Library (CGL) to improve labor discipline, the level of education and political literacy of librarians. We describe the management of the Central Governorate Library and its policy of hiring employees, the fight against the manifestation of per-sonal conflicts of librarians in the workplace, the theft of books and careless attitude towards them. Mass events that were practiced along with the distribution of books in the library are considered: meetings of political education, excursions for pioneer children, atheistic anti-religious evenings. We describe the creation of children’s and youth departments that contributed to the development of education. It is shown that the library staff created a developed system of libraries in the region, which allowed to meet the cultural needs of the population.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 1-16
José Gregorio Lemus Maestre

The inquiry is part of the research line: Community Integration, Pedagogy and Evaluation in the training of professionals, with the complex objective of analyzing Freire's work in light of the cries of the South and some solutions to the crisis. From the transcomplex rhizomatic transmethod, deconstruction gave room to the revision of some works of this distinguished lawyer, philosopher, and educator, while the crisis was deconstructed. In reconstruction, the summons of Paulo Freire is fully urgent; freedom as a political issue for citizens, where education is rethought with dialogue and political literacy. The political commitment to liberation is resumed considering the liberation from the crisis of life, especially in Venezuela.

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