Семантико-синтаксичні особливості українських й англійських паремій: зіставний аспект

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 295-303
Svitlana Szulha

The article in question deals with the linguistic contrastive analysis of the semanticosyntactic structure of Ukrainian and English proverbs. The attention has been focused on the sentence structure including stylistic, functional and semantic overtones. Paroemias are considered as a complicated semantic category which may refl ect the specifi city of perception of the objective reality by the representatives of diff erent ethnos in general and each fragment in particular. In a wide sense a paroemia is an archetype unit that represents ancient culture, traditions and mentality of each nation. The common and diff erent features have been identifi ed according to structure, lexical background and meaning. The most widespread similarities and diff erences have been determined in both languages with the help of structural models.

2020 ◽  
pp. 35-39
Ekaterina Vladimirovna Savitskaya

The article contains a discussion of how the grammatical structure of a language determines sentence structure and affects verbal thinking strategy. The stages of languages’ historic development (incorporative, ergative, nominative) and the relationship between sentence structure and native speakers’ thinking are characterized. The common case of the grammatical subject of a sentence does mean that Anglo-Saxons regard themselves as their own fortune’s active makers and masters. The common case equally expresses success and failure, activity and passivity, self-will and conformity. Nowadays, languages of all the three types coexist on the Globe. The languages of the first two types are used not only by primitive peoples but also by civilized nations. But this does not mean that civilized speakers think archaically. Methods and conclusions. Contrastive analysis of language material (English personal and Russian impersonal morphosyntactic constructions) enables the author to conclude: there is no direct correlation between national character and sentence structure. The connection between thinking and grammar does not consist in this; it consists in the choice of thinking strategies based on the grammatical potential of the language under discussion.

L.T. Kalabekova ◽  
Л.Т. Калабекова

В статье показывается, что в качестве ключевого семантического признака кате- гории вида в языках разной типологической отнесенности целесообразно рассматривать абстрагированное значение целостности / процессности глагольного действия. Именно этот признак дает основание для сопоставления аспектологических возможностей раз- носистемных языков (в нашем случае французского, русского, осетинского). Сравнитель- но-типологические разыскания, проводимые как в рамках близкородственных языков, так и на уровне языков неродственных, вскрывают тот неопровержимый факт, что в основе всех расхождений (лексической, семантической и синтаксической природы) лежат в первую очередь системные особенности любого отдельно взятого естественного языка. Иллюстрацией сказанному могут служить некоторые расхождения между французской, русской и осетинской лингвосистемами, проявляющиеся в способности упомянутых язы- ковых культур выражать разнообразные аспектуальные смыслы. Для типологических исследований аспектологического порядка немаловажным становится выявление общих параметров, позволяющих соотносить содержательную сторону исследуемых систем в рамках обозначенной проблематики. Так, в частности, представляется целесообразным рассматривать абстрагированное значение целостности / процессности действия, в каче- стве основного семантического признака глагольного вида в языках разной структурной модели (в нашем случае: французском, русском, осетинском). При этом в пределах упомя- нутой корреляции обнаруживаются более частные семантические смыслы, а именно: дли- тельность / недлительность, законченность / незаконченность процесса. Последний из обо- значенных семантических признаков способен включать в свою активность отношение действия к результату, что представляется вполне естественным, так как о результа- тивности мы судим лишь в том случае, если действие завершено. Незавершенное действие не может достичь какого бы то ни было результата. Приведенные значимости видового порядка возникают в речевом потоке вследствие взаимодействия множества средств различных языковых уровней: лексического значения глагольной лексемы в совокупности со значением ее грамматической формы и синтаксического окружения. Иначе говоря, в преде- лах функционально-семантической категории (ФСК) аспектуальности происходит рас- пределение семантических признаков на основной категориальный и периферийные. Регу- лярность выражения последних, как бы суживается от одного аспектуального признака к другому. Так, например, если длительность свойственна практически любому процессному действию, то далеко не всякое целостное действие является результативным. The article proves the abstract meaning of completeness / duration of verbal action can be considered as the main semantic feature of aspect in the typologically different languages. This feature gives the basis for the comparison of aspectological potential of the languages with different typological structures (in this case — those of French, Russian and Ossetian). Comparative-typological studies, conducted in the terms of closely related languages and unrelated ones, reveal the undeniable fact that the basis of all differences (of lexical, semantic and syntactic nature) are accounted for, first and foremost, by the systemic features of any given natural language. Some differences between the French, Russian and Ossetian linguistic systems manifested in the ability of the reviewd language cultures can serve as an illustration to the above stated fact to express a variety of aspect meanings. For typological research of aspects it becomes important to identify the common parameters, allowing the correlation of the systems content studied in the framework of the indicated problem. Thus, in particular, it seems appropriate to consider the abstract value of completeness / duration of actions as the main semantic characteristic of the verbal form in the languages of different structural models (in our case: French, Russian and Ossetian). Within the mentioned correlations more specific semantic meanings, namely, duration / continuity, completeness / incompleteness of the process, are found. The last of the semantic characteristics can be included in their activity attitude to the result, which is quite natural, as we judge the effectiveness only in case of completed action. Unfinished action can achieve no result. The given significance of the aspect occurs in the speech stream as a result of interactions between various linguistic levels: the lexical meaning of the verbal lexeme together with the value of its grammatical forms and syntactic environments. In other words, within the functional-semantic category (FSC) of aspectuality is the distribution of semantic features to the main categorical and peripheral ones. It seems like the regularity of expression of the latter is narrowed from one aspect feature to another. For example, if the duration is inherent in almost any process action, not any integral action is effective.

2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (03) ◽  
pp. 13-29
Irina Sedakova

The article analyzes the semantics, usage and stylistic features of Russian and Bulgarian derivatives from the common Slavic roots děl-, lǫč- and sta- denoting different aspects of the separation of people. The author’s goal is to identify shared and distinct features in the micro-thematic lexical groups and the potential of each of the three roots in the two languages. The investigation is founded on lexicographic, folklore and ethnographic data. The analysis shows that the languages differ in terms of the neutral hyperonym denoting separation (Bulgarian разделям се, Russian расставаться), the internal grammatical asymmetry of the Russian verbs расставаться – *расставать, the richer choice of suffixes used in Russian, etc. The two languages share the poetical markedness of the words разлъка / разлука, richness of the lexis denoting the separation of lovers or spouses, etc. Keywords: contrastive analysis, ethnolinguistics, lexis denoting separation, Bulgarian language, Russian language

Geophysics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 86 (1) ◽  
pp. R31-R44
Bin Liu ◽  
Senlin Yang ◽  
Yuxiao Ren ◽  
Xinji Xu ◽  
Peng Jiang ◽  

Velocity model inversion is one of the most important tasks in seismic exploration. Full-waveform inversion (FWI) can obtain the highest resolution in traditional velocity inversion methods, but it heavily depends on initial models and is computationally expensive. In recent years, a large number of deep-learning (DL)-based velocity model inversion methods have been proposed. One critical component in those DL-based methods is a large training set containing different velocity models. We have developed a method to construct a realistic structural model for the DL network. Our compressional-wave velocity model building method for creating dense-layer/fault/salt body models can automatically construct a large number of models without much human effort, which is very meaningful for DL networks. Moreover, to improve the inversion result on these realistic structural models, instead of only using the common-shot gather, we also extract features from the common-receiver gather as well. Through a large number of realistic structural models, reasonable data acquisition methods, and appropriate network setups, a more generalized result can be obtained through our proposed inversion framework, which has been demonstrated to be effective on the independent testing data set. The results of dense-layer models, fault models, and salt body models that we compared and analyzed demonstrate the reliability of our method and also provide practical guidelines for choosing optimal inversion strategies in realistic situations.

2017 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 305-378 ◽  
Adri Breed ◽  
Frank Brisard ◽  
Ben Verhoeven

Given the common ancestry of Dutch and Afrikaans, it is not surprising that they use similar periphrastic constructions to express progressive meaning:aan het(Dutch) andaan die/’t(Afrikaans) lit. ‘at the’;bezig met/(om)te(Dutch) lit. ‘busy with/to’ andbesig om telit. ‘busy to’ (Afrikaans); and so-called cardinal posture verb constructions (zitten/sit‘sit’,staan‘stand’,liggen/lê‘lie’ andlopen/loop‘walk’), CPVte(‘to’ Dutch) and CPVen(‘and’ Afrikaans). However, these cognate constructions have grammaticalized to different extents. To assess the exact nature of these differences, we analyzed the constructions with respect to overall frequency, collocational range, and transitivity (compatibility with transitive predicates and passivizability). We used two corpora that are equal in size (both about 57 million words) and contain roughly the same types of written text. It turns out that the use of periphrastic progressives is generally more widespread in Afrikaans than in Dutch. As far as grammaticalization is concerned, we found that the Afrikaansaan die- and CPV-constructions, as well as the Dutchbezig- and CPV-constructions, are semantically restricted. In addition, only the Afrikaansbesig- and CPVen-constructions allow passivization, which is remarkable for such periphrastic expressions.*

2020 ◽  
pp. 205-223
A. A. Ozonova ◽  

We analyze the structural and semantic types of Altai polypredicative explanatory construc-tions (in literary and academic texts). Explanatory relations are expressed by two types of constructions: monofinite (with the infinite predicate in the subordinate clause) and bifinite (with the finite predicate in the main and subordinate clauses and their relation being analyti-cally indicated by the linking unit or connector dep). The semantic-grammatical type of the predicate in the main clause defines the semantic distinctiveness of explanatory sentences and the structural models of constructions corresponding to the semantic types. The strategy choice of the subordinate sentence structure primarily depends on the semantics of the main predicate. The verbs of three lexical-semantic groups (thought, speech, and emotion) predom-inantly function as a predicate of the main predicate unit. These verbs have their peculiarities in semantics and usage. For example, speech verbs are actively used in bifinite poly- predicative constructions and much less in monofinite constructions. Verbs of perception sug-gest only sensory interpretations in monofinite constructions. However, in bifinite construc-tions, they also contain epistemic elements. The academic text specificity is characterized by the wide use of the verbs of thought and speech, deductive evaluative predicates as main pred-icates in polypredicative constructions. The functionally subordinate clauses may serve as ei-ther a subject or an object. In the Altai language, the subordinate clause, as a predicate object, contains possessive and case affixes of the accusative, dative, ablative, instrumental, and loca-tive cases. When being a predicative subject, a subordinate clause takes the form of a nomina-tive sentence with possessive affixes denoting the grammatical meaning of the action per-former person. Bifinite constructions with verbs from various lexical-semantic groups share a subordinate subject in nominative or accusative cases, while the monofinite construction subordinate subjects have genitive or nominative cases.

Litera ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 127-143
Igor' Sergeevich Kalyatin

The goal of this work lies in definition and scientific description of combination of the basic grammatical means for expression of category of reason in a scientific text (on the material of German, Italian and Russian languages). The subject of this research is a comparative analysis of the structural and semantic peculiarities of grammatical means for the expression of reason in a scientific text of the XXI century (on the material of German, Italian and Russian languages). The relevance is substantiated by insufficient study within comparative linguistics of the ways to represent the category of reason on grammatical level by comparing several languages (in this case, German, Italian and Russian). The scientific novelty of consists in conducting comparative analysis of grammatical language means for the expression of semantic category of reason in German, Italian and Russian scientific text of the XXI century. Within the framework of contrastive analysis, the author revealed the peculiarities of structuring the functional-semantic field of reason on the example of the texts under consideration. The acquired results allow concluding that in such type of texts the functional semantic field of causality is represented by grammatical means that express reason in a general form or with additional connotation. The presented materials can be applied in the course of lectures on comparative typology of the German, Italian and Russian languages.

Чыныбаева С.Р.

Аннотация: В статье излагаются результаты сопоставительного анализа функционирования артикля на материале параллельных текстов (фрагментов переводов повести Ч.Айтматова «Жамиля» на кыргызский, английский языки). Артикль рассматривается как средство обозначения вида характеристики существительного в тексте высказывания. На основе результатов анализа тек- стового материала делается вывод об общей природе артикля на кыргызском и русском языках. Языковая специфика имеет прямое функционирование артиклей, но имеют одинаковую основу в разных языках и они являются основными в организации текста. Заменяют повторные фрагменты текста и служат средством экономии. Ключевые слова: артикль,определенные артикли, неопределенные артикли, совпадение артиклей в переводах, сопоставление, параллельные тексты, функционирование артикля, смысловая неизменяемость. Аннотация: Макалада англис тилиндеги артиклдеринин дал келтирүү ыкмаларынын Ч. Айтматовдун «Жамиля» повестинин кыргыз жана англис тилдериндеги котормолордун салыштыруу жыйынтыгы каралган. Артиклдер зат атоочторго мүнөздөмө берүүчү каражат катары тексттердин мазмундарында каралат. Талдоонун негизинде, тилдин өзгөчөлүгү артиклдердин колдонулушуна түздөн түз таасир этээри берилген, ошол эле учурда ар кыл тилдерде алардын кызматы текстин маңызын толуктап туруучу соз түркүмү экендиги каралган. Тексттерди салыштыруу жолу менен англис тилиндеги артиклдердин кыргыз жана орус тилдериндеги окшоштуктары жана дал келүүсү берилген. Түйүндүү сөздөр: артиклдер, белгилүү артиклдер, белгисиз артиклдер, котормолордо артиклдердин дал келүүсү, талдоо, мааниси бир тексттер, тексттердеги артиклдин кызмат орду, мазмундун өзгөрбөшү. Abstract: This paper the results of the contrastive analysis of the functioning of articles in parallel texts (parts of translations of novel «Jamila» into English and Kyrgyz languages). This article is considered as a means of denoting the type of reference of a noun in an utterance. The conclusion based on the analysis of textual material shows the common nature of article in Kyrgyz and Russian languages, represented in the single semantic invariant of the article. Linguistic specificity has direct functioning of articles but has same basis in different languages and fundamental in the text. Comparison of the texts in English, Russian and Kyrgyz languages and similarities. Keywords: article ,definite article, indefinite article, use of article, parallel texts, matches of the articles in translation, mismatches of the articles in translations, semantic invariant.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 377-390
Muhammad Arsyad Abdul Majid ◽  
Ibrahim Abdullah ◽  
Abdul Azim Isa ◽  
Muhammad Zaidi Zakaria

Grammar plays a role in determining the meaning of a sentence. In fact, grammatical forms have a variety of meanings based on the context in which they are used. The study of grammar involves examining the function carried out by a single word. This study was conducted to identify the grammatical meaning that exists in the use of Verbal Phrase Predicate (PFK) for kāna verb (KKK) in Arabic sentence structure (BA) and describe the appropriate match for the grammatical meaning that exists in Malay sentence structure (BM). This study was conducted using qualitative method based on library method (text analysis study) in analyzing data. The researchers obtain reference books and scholarly resources as well as reviews past studies related to the research topic to obtain appropriate reference sources. The theoretical framework utilized in this study includes the grammatical meanings inherent in the use of PFK for KKK in the BA sentence structure by al-Sāmirrā’ī (2003) and the component analysis model by Nida (1975) which analyzes the meaning of KKK grammatical references. While the contrastive analysis carried out involves the grammatical meaning contained in the use of KKK in the BA sentence structure and matching the appropriate grammatical meaning in the BM sentence structure. The results of the study found that different grammatical meanings are formed based on the time aspect found in the PFK for KKK in the sentence structure of BA. The results of this study also prove the appropriate match for the grammatical meaning that exists in the BM sentence structure is the verb which consists of aspect auxiliary verbs, variety auxiliary verbs and adverbs. Therefore, translators need to consider the meaning of this grammar in the translation process, so that the matching of the translated meaning is accurate and correct.

Siti Faridah ◽  
Mutia Kusumawati

Song is an expression which has a strong connection with someone's feeling, which can also be a hint to understand how Japanese society thinks and feels in general (Kanemoto 2006). Expression on song lyrics is quite different from the usual expression used in daily conversation. To convey emotions and feelings of the songwriter, the style of language is important to touch the listener's feelings. This research analyzed the style of language in the lyrics of Japanese and Indonesian love song, by using contrastive analysis method and review it from cognitive linguistics. 13 Common Source Domains that Kovecses exposes is used to identify the style of love expression in the song lyrics. The purpose of this study is to explain what language styles and expression are used in the lyrics of Indonesian and Japanese songs, accordance with theory of the seven metaphors of love in cognitive linguistics, contrasting the love phrases contained in both languages, and the corresponding theory of the seven metaphors of love in cognitive linguistics with the Common Source Domain by Kovecses. As the results, there are 8 types of 13 types of Common Source Domain used in the lyrics of both languages in the 1970s. Besides the 13 Common Source Domains, is also found domain that are used both languages called Colour. Meanwhile the song lyrics in 2000 year, there are 10 types of 13 types of Common Source Domain used in both languages lyrics. Another domain that is used in both language lyrics is Music.

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