Periphrastic Progressive Constructions in Dutch and Afrikaans: A Contrastive Analysis

2017 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 305-378 ◽  
Adri Breed ◽  
Frank Brisard ◽  
Ben Verhoeven

Given the common ancestry of Dutch and Afrikaans, it is not surprising that they use similar periphrastic constructions to express progressive meaning:aan het(Dutch) andaan die/’t(Afrikaans) lit. ‘at the’;bezig met/(om)te(Dutch) lit. ‘busy with/to’ andbesig om telit. ‘busy to’ (Afrikaans); and so-called cardinal posture verb constructions (zitten/sit‘sit’,staan‘stand’,liggen/lê‘lie’ andlopen/loop‘walk’), CPVte(‘to’ Dutch) and CPVen(‘and’ Afrikaans). However, these cognate constructions have grammaticalized to different extents. To assess the exact nature of these differences, we analyzed the constructions with respect to overall frequency, collocational range, and transitivity (compatibility with transitive predicates and passivizability). We used two corpora that are equal in size (both about 57 million words) and contain roughly the same types of written text. It turns out that the use of periphrastic progressives is generally more widespread in Afrikaans than in Dutch. As far as grammaticalization is concerned, we found that the Afrikaansaan die- and CPV-constructions, as well as the Dutchbezig- and CPV-constructions, are semantically restricted. In addition, only the Afrikaansbesig- and CPVen-constructions allow passivization, which is remarkable for such periphrastic expressions.*

2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (03) ◽  
pp. 13-29
Irina Sedakova

The article analyzes the semantics, usage and stylistic features of Russian and Bulgarian derivatives from the common Slavic roots děl-, lǫč- and sta- denoting different aspects of the separation of people. The author’s goal is to identify shared and distinct features in the micro-thematic lexical groups and the potential of each of the three roots in the two languages. The investigation is founded on lexicographic, folklore and ethnographic data. The analysis shows that the languages differ in terms of the neutral hyperonym denoting separation (Bulgarian разделям се, Russian расставаться), the internal grammatical asymmetry of the Russian verbs расставаться – *расставать, the richer choice of suffixes used in Russian, etc. The two languages share the poetical markedness of the words разлъка / разлука, richness of the lexis denoting the separation of lovers or spouses, etc. Keywords: contrastive analysis, ethnolinguistics, lexis denoting separation, Bulgarian language, Russian language

2021 ◽  
pp. 037698362110521
Kundan Singh

William Jones, famously, by identifying close linkages between Sanskrit and European languages, gave birth to research into the common ancestry between Indians and Europeans. In the earlier years of contention on the matter, India was considered the cradle of civilisation and Sanskrit as the mother of all Indo-European languages. With the rise in the imperial power of Europe over India, the cradle of civilisation began to shift outside India and ultimately landed in Europe. Simultaneously, the idea of invasion of India by the ‘Aryan race’, or the Aryan invasion theory (AIT), was promoted. Since then, however, one archaeological find over another have consistently refuted the AIT, proving it as false. As flawed as it remains, this theory has, nonetheless, persisted and morphed in its current form as the Aryan migration theory (AMT) and continues to find mention and favour in contemporary academic discourse. In mainstream academia, today, whether in grade-school texts or in texts meant for undergraduate and graduate study, whenever India and Hinduism are mentioned, the coming of Aryans from outside of India and establishing Hinduism and civilisation in India are discussed as veritable facts. By examining the theory in anticolonial and postcolonial contexts, we show that despite considerable archaeological evidence refuting the theories of the invasion or migration of Aryans into India, its colonial embeddedness in the notion of the racial superiority of the Europeans or people with European ancestry that the theory does not fade into oblivion.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 295-303
Svitlana Szulha

The article in question deals with the linguistic contrastive analysis of the semanticosyntactic structure of Ukrainian and English proverbs. The attention has been focused on the sentence structure including stylistic, functional and semantic overtones. Paroemias are considered as a complicated semantic category which may refl ect the specifi city of perception of the objective reality by the representatives of diff erent ethnos in general and each fragment in particular. In a wide sense a paroemia is an archetype unit that represents ancient culture, traditions and mentality of each nation. The common and diff erent features have been identifi ed according to structure, lexical background and meaning. The most widespread similarities and diff erences have been determined in both languages with the help of structural models.

2010 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 64 ◽  
Eugene V Koonin ◽  
Yuri I Wolf

The osteology of Ornithosuchus is described in some detail. This study is largely based on material discussed by previous workers, but also takes into account specimens hitherto undescribed. It is considered that the species O. taylori Broom 1913 is invalid, being based on larger individuals of the form previously named O. woodwardi by Newton (1894). Furthermore, evidence is presented to show that specimens previously described by Huxley (1877) and Walker (1961) as Dasygnathus longidens are also referable to Ornithosuchus . It is concluded that but one species is present in the material, the correct name for which is Ornithosuchus longidens (Huxley). At least eleven individuals are present with skulls ranging from about 50 to 450 mm in length. Observations on the smaller members of this series suggest that changes in the shape and proportions of the skull took place with growth in a similar manner to those seen in living crocodiles. In the light of new information concerning the osteology of Ornithosuchus it is considered that this reptile is a primitive carnosaur, occupying a position very close to the ancestry of the Jurassic and Cretaceous members of this group. An examination of descriptions and figures of Triassic reptiles referred by von Huene (1932) and later authors to the Carnosauria has led to the conclusion that the great bulk of this material is more properly allocated to the Prosauropoda, and that the only Triassic carnosaurs known at the present time, apart from Ornithosuchus , are Teratosaurus and Sinosaurus , these two names being here used in a restricted sense. It is suggested that Ornithosuchus is close to the common ancestry of both the Megalosauridae and the Tyrannosauridae, and the derivation of the skull patterns of these forms from that of Ornithosuchus is discussed. Additional fenestrations marginal to the preorbital fossa and in the surangular of advanced carnosaurs are held to be related to the development of the pterygoid musculature rather than to the need to lighten the skull. In the course of a brief review of the Carnosauria the view is put forward that Acrocanthosaurus is a Lower Cretaceous representative of the tyrannosaur group, using this term in a broad sense, and is perhaps related to the Cenomanian Spinosaurus and the Wealden Altispinax . As a result of examination of English megalosaurian material, the name Eustreptospondylus oxoniensis gen. et sp.nov. is proposed for the Oxford specimen previously known as ‘ Streptospondylus’ cuvieri , and Metriacanthosaurus gen.nov. for Megalosaurus parkeri . The incomplete cranium from Dives figured by Piveteau (1923) is made the type of a new species, E. divesensis , to which certain other carnosaurian material from Normandy is provisionally allocated. Following Chakravarti (1935), the endoskeletal elements included by Matley (1923) in the type material of the Indian nodosaur Lametasaurus are held to belong to one or other of the two carnosaurs Indosuchus and Indosaurus, but the numerous scutes are not thought to be carnosaurian and the name Lametasaurus is here restricted to them. It is suggested that Indosuchus from the ? Turonian is a tyrannosaund. On the other hand Ceratosaurus and Proceratosaurus are regarded as coelurosaurs. A modified classification of the Infra-order Carnosauria is given, in which two main groups are recognized; Superfamily Megalosauroidea to include the Megalosauridae, and Superfamily Tyrannosauroidea to include the Ornithosuchidae (restricted), Spinosauridae and Tyrannosauridae.

2020 ◽  
pp. 35-39
Ekaterina Vladimirovna Savitskaya

The article contains a discussion of how the grammatical structure of a language determines sentence structure and affects verbal thinking strategy. The stages of languages’ historic development (incorporative, ergative, nominative) and the relationship between sentence structure and native speakers’ thinking are characterized. The common case of the grammatical subject of a sentence does mean that Anglo-Saxons regard themselves as their own fortune’s active makers and masters. The common case equally expresses success and failure, activity and passivity, self-will and conformity. Nowadays, languages of all the three types coexist on the Globe. The languages of the first two types are used not only by primitive peoples but also by civilized nations. But this does not mean that civilized speakers think archaically. Methods and conclusions. Contrastive analysis of language material (English personal and Russian impersonal morphosyntactic constructions) enables the author to conclude: there is no direct correlation between national character and sentence structure. The connection between thinking and grammar does not consist in this; it consists in the choice of thinking strategies based on the grammatical potential of the language under discussion.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-143
Komariyah Nurjanah ◽  
Widhyasmaramurti Widhyasmaramurti

Gugon tuhon (GT) is one of the Javanese sayings or oral traditions that contains piwulang ‘knowledge’ as guidance in conducting polite behaviors that generally in the forms of orders and prohibitions. GT contains frightening elements so that they are not violated by those who believe them. GT has much guidance that relates to humans’ life, and one of them is GT for Javanese women to behave well in order to have good characters. GT data that are used in this research were taken from a text entitled Serat Gugontuhon Prawira Winarsa on that focused on appropriate behaviors for Javanese women. In the Javanese community, GT is generally acquired through informal oral interaction. Therefore, understanding the pragmatic meaning is necessary.  However, the data which were taken from written text raised a problem, namely what the pragmatic meanings of GT for Javanese women are. This research aims in explaining the meanings of GT for Javanese women that can promote character building. Then, in order to obtain more detailed pragmatic meanings’ results, interviews with mothers and daughters were also conducted in Sambiresik Village, Kediri. This research used the qualitative method and Austin's speech action theory (1984) which consisted of locutions, illocutions, and perlocutions acts meaning. The results showed that the meaning of locutions and illocutions are in the form of guidance to avoid prohibitions. So the Javanese women would perform well-mannered behaviors that according with the common norm. The perlocutions’ meanings were more as a suggestion act in order to avoid the prohibitions. Although the meanings of GT are still understood by mothers and some daughters, yet they believed that some of the guidance is not relatable to the present condition due to the enhancement of technology. GT which are not in accordance with present times are no longer heard in the community. It leads to a threat of the GT extinction in the future. Therefore, this research is expected to be an effort in preserving Javanese language and culture through GT because GT is known as Javanese local wisdom that is not simply as a belief but also has elements of truth that are useful to human’s life. Keywords: Javanese language, gugon tuhon, pragmatic, women's characters

2018 ◽  
Vol 63 (No. 5) ◽  
pp. 195-200 ◽  
M. Halo ◽  
E. Mlyneková ◽  
M. Horná ◽  
M. Ivančíková ◽  
A. Hrdá

The Norik of Muran, a unique draught horse bred in Slovakia, belongs to country’s biodiversity treasures. The genetic diversity of this horse type was evaluated on the basis of indicators derived from the common ancestry and the probability of gene origin. The pedigree file of the analyzed horses involved 115 individuals (15 stallions and 100 mares). The number of complete generations was 4.49 on average. The maximum number of ancestor generations at the examined population of living horses was 5.38 and the equivalent number in the generation of ancestors was 5.14. The highest average length of the generation interval was 10.97 years in the father–son direction compared to father–daughter (9.74), mother–son (10.87), and mother–daughter (8.99 years – the lowest average length). The generation interval overall average length was 10.14 years. The total coefficient of relatedness was 1.72% on average. The efficient number of core ancestors evenly used in breeding in comparison with the core ancestors mildly decreased to 198. Therefore the Austrian Norik incorporation in the breeding program is the opportunity how to maintain genetic diversity.

Чыныбаева С.Р.

Аннотация: В статье излагаются результаты сопоставительного анализа функционирования артикля на материале параллельных текстов (фрагментов переводов повести Ч.Айтматова «Жамиля» на кыргызский, английский языки). Артикль рассматривается как средство обозначения вида характеристики существительного в тексте высказывания. На основе результатов анализа тек- стового материала делается вывод об общей природе артикля на кыргызском и русском языках. Языковая специфика имеет прямое функционирование артиклей, но имеют одинаковую основу в разных языках и они являются основными в организации текста. Заменяют повторные фрагменты текста и служат средством экономии. Ключевые слова: артикль,определенные артикли, неопределенные артикли, совпадение артиклей в переводах, сопоставление, параллельные тексты, функционирование артикля, смысловая неизменяемость. Аннотация: Макалада англис тилиндеги артиклдеринин дал келтирүү ыкмаларынын Ч. Айтматовдун «Жамиля» повестинин кыргыз жана англис тилдериндеги котормолордун салыштыруу жыйынтыгы каралган. Артиклдер зат атоочторго мүнөздөмө берүүчү каражат катары тексттердин мазмундарында каралат. Талдоонун негизинде, тилдин өзгөчөлүгү артиклдердин колдонулушуна түздөн түз таасир этээри берилген, ошол эле учурда ар кыл тилдерде алардын кызматы текстин маңызын толуктап туруучу соз түркүмү экендиги каралган. Тексттерди салыштыруу жолу менен англис тилиндеги артиклдердин кыргыз жана орус тилдериндеги окшоштуктары жана дал келүүсү берилген. Түйүндүү сөздөр: артиклдер, белгилүү артиклдер, белгисиз артиклдер, котормолордо артиклдердин дал келүүсү, талдоо, мааниси бир тексттер, тексттердеги артиклдин кызмат орду, мазмундун өзгөрбөшү. Abstract: This paper the results of the contrastive analysis of the functioning of articles in parallel texts (parts of translations of novel «Jamila» into English and Kyrgyz languages). This article is considered as a means of denoting the type of reference of a noun in an utterance. The conclusion based on the analysis of textual material shows the common nature of article in Kyrgyz and Russian languages, represented in the single semantic invariant of the article. Linguistic specificity has direct functioning of articles but has same basis in different languages and fundamental in the text. Comparison of the texts in English, Russian and Kyrgyz languages and similarities. Keywords: article ,definite article, indefinite article, use of article, parallel texts, matches of the articles in translation, mismatches of the articles in translations, semantic invariant.

Nickolas M. Waser ◽  
Charles F. Williams

Contemplate the descent of a piece of DNA (or RNA in organisms using this as their genetic material). The DNA is copied, and copies are passed to descendants. If the copies were error-free we could rightly think of them as perfect clones that pass down indefinitely through the eons. This logic led Richard Dawkins to speak of immortal coils in his book on selfish genes; here, it instead brings up issues of the common ancestry of genes and of individuals, and of the definition and consequences of inbreeding and outbreeding, the subjects of this chapter. When two individuals share one or more ancestor, they are relatives, both in common parlance and by technical definition in biology. The consequence of their mating is inbreeding, that is, the production of offspring receiving copies of a given gene through both mother and father that can be traced to the common ancestor(s). These gene copies are identical by descent (IBD; not to be confused with an acronym for inbreeding depression, see below), a shorthand for “identical by the fact of descending as copies of the same original piece of DNA”. The probability that two gene copies are IBD in a diploid individual, or its inbreeding coefficient, symbolized by f, is a simple function of the genetic relatedness of its parents and the segregation of genes during meiosis and gametogenesis. Because the probability is one-half that two gametes from the same individual carry identical gene copies, fertilization by self produces f of one-half, a brother-sister mating or parent-offspring mating produces f of one-quarter, a first-cousin mating produces f of one-sixteenth, and so on (see “Measurement of Inbreeding and Outbreeding,” below). In these examples, we assume that neither common ancestor(s) nor parents themselves are inbred; such inbreeding reflects additional common ancestry and so inflates f. From all of this, a definition of outbreeding as “mating of nonrelatives” follows automatically. As just defined, inbreeding and outbreeding rely on an absolute measure of relatedness. An alternative definition that may be of more value in real, finite populations (as opposed to ideal, infinite ones) is that inbreeding is mating with relatives more often than expected by chance, and outbreeding the opposite.

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