2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-51
Krzysztof Melnarowicz

This article presents the analyses the role of M&A transactions in the development of operational capital groups from the perspective of high and low technology sectors. Two main research questions were asked: 1. what is the role of M&A in the development and competitiveness of operational capital groups; 2. is there specificity in the role of M&A transactions of operational capital groups in high and low technology sectors? The purpose of this article is to tentatively find, based on two case studies, the specific role of mergers and acquisitions in the development of operational capital groups in low and high technology sectors. In order to initially answer the questions asked, two case studies, one each from the high-tech and low-tech sectors, were conducted. Finally, it was recommended that a larger study be conducted on operational capital groups, which could confirm the validity of the preliminary answers to the research questions asked.

Michael D. Jennions ◽  
Christopher J. Lortie ◽  
Julia Koricheva

This chapter describes nine case studies that illustrate how meta-analysis has contributed to theoretical developments in basic research in ecology and evolution. The main research topics cover are maintenance of biodiversity (Case 1); sexual selection (mate choice/fighting behavior) (cases 2, 8, 9); sex ratio theory (Case 3); allometric scaling (Case 4); the invasiveness of exotic plants (Case 5); seed size and plant abundance (Case 6); and the role of competition and predation in structuring communities (Case 7). It is hoped that these case studies will resonate with the reader and provide “templates” for ways to conduct comparable tests on analogous controversies in their own fields of research.

Mercedes Marzo-Navarro ◽  
Carmen Berne-Manero ◽  
María Gómez-Campillo ◽  
Marta Pedraja-Iglesias

Recent tourism literature reviews the movement of the current distribution landscape toward disintermediation as the Internet and mobile technologies provide consumers with more and more tools for researching suppliers/providers and purchasing products and services directly. This calls into question the necessity and role of retailers in the industry. Focusing on online travel agencies (OTAs), this chapter is aimed at solving three main research questions: What is the current position of online tourism retailers as indirect channels in the online tourism distribution system? What are the strengths of OTAs as seen by their customers? and How should OTAs face the future? A database drawn from a survey of Spanish digital tourists is used to illustrate the initial theoretical discussion and concluding remarks.

Michelangelo Vercesi

This chapter deals with the internal decision-making process of political executives in parliamentary systems, that is, how executives take their own collective decisions. The focus is on the cabinet system as a whole, including both cabinet members and other involved party-political and bureaucratic actors. In particular, the chapter reviews literature’s debates about the nature of cabinet government, the role of prime ministers, and variations of decision-making. A special attention is payed to factors explaining intra-cabinet power distribution and the choice of different decision-making arenas. After introducing the topic, an overview of conceptual issues and main research questions is provided. Subsequently, the work discusses the way in which scholars have addressed these issues and the findings they have reached. The final part stresses existing deficits and seeks to set the agenda for future research.

Iurii V. Erygin ◽  
Elena V. Borisova

The article discusses the problems of involving the innovative potential of enterprises of the military-industrial complex in the implementation of innovative projects for the non-defence high-technology production, as well as determining the role and place of the regional innovation infrastructure in their implementation. The aim of the study is to justify the role of a region in the implementation of innovative projects for the non-defence high-technology production, to determine features and formulate requirements for the development of the regional innovation infrastructure that provides support for these innovative projects based on the interaction of the regional innovation system enterprises with the military-industrial complex and infrastructure facilities at the national and international levels. As a result of the study, the authors highlighted the most important areas of interaction between the enterprises of the military-industrial complex and the region’s innovative infrastructure facilities (raising funds, promoting high-tech civilian products to national and international markets, etc.) and formulated the requirements for its formation. The results of the study can be used in managing the innovative development of the regions where high-tech enterprises of the militaryindustrial complex are located

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 37-44
Yoana Ivanova

The aim of the paper is to present innovative technologies that contribute to strengthening cybersecurity of critical infrastructure. It focuses on trends in the use of high-tech solutions for cybersecurity of critical infrastructure. They are analyzed the capabilities of the next-generation cybersecurity model, as well as the role of the simulation modelling and expert systems in the process of identifying and preventing cyber attacks. The main result of the study is the description of the overall sequence of steps to be completed in a model in order to a simulation study of the impact of a DoS – attack to it. The applied conributions are expressed in developing the algorithms in the form of block diagrams because of the comparative clarity and accessibility of this approach. Therefore, they are suitable for implementation in professional simulation environments. Тhe types of algorithms and their properties, as well as the symbolism of the geometric blocks used are explained in detail and supported by examples of author's empirical studies conducted in the selected simulation products

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 16-23
Alexey Medyntsev ◽  
Alena Kogan ◽  
Pavel Sabadosh ◽  
Olga Dyatlova ◽  

One of the main research questions related to creativity is the dilemma of specificity vs. non-specificity of the mechanisms underlying insight solutions as compared to analytical solutions of a problem. The first goal of our study was to verify insight solution specificity on solving anagram tasks. The second goal was to test a hypothesis about the existence of unconscious processing prior to insight solutions. We presented two types of stimuli to participants: anagrams and pseudowords. During the experiment, participants had to perform two successive tasks. First they had to judge whether they were being shown an anagram or a pseudoword, and then they had to solve the anagram. Anagrams and pseudowords differed in some visual features, of which the participants were not aware. It was expected that unconscious processing (if it exists) would be influenced by the implicit difference between the appearance of stimulus categories. During the solving process, participants had to rate how close they were to a solution. After a successful solution, they also had to indicate which way they found it: analytically or with insight. Our results showed that prior to an insight solution, participants felt that they were farther from the final solution than in the case of an analytical solution. These results confirm Metcalfe and Wiebe’s (1987) conclusions on the difference between insight and analytical solutions. According to these data, we can propose different specific mechanisms for insight solutions and analytical solutions in anagram tasks. At the same time, the presence of visual differences between stimulus categories did not influence the anagram solving process. The current results did not show evidence for an important role of unconscious processing before insight solutions of anagrams

2016 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-119 ◽  
Iwona Markuszewska ◽  
Minna Tanskanen ◽  
Josep Vila Subirós

Abstract In this paper, the borderlands, in the context of the psychological perception of frontiers, were presented. The common relationships between different nationalities living in border twin towns was a principal point of analysis. During the investigation two main research questions were asked: Is a frontier a barrier or a bridge in the common relationships between nationalities living on both sides of the borderline? and Does the trans-border casual social integration stimulate openness to neighbours? The study was conducted in two double towns: la Jonquera (Els límits) - Le Perthus at the Spanish-French border and Słubice - Frankfurt-am-Oder at the Polish-German border. The data were gathered from surveys by questioning locals and visitors during street polling. The design of the questionnaire included three main groups of questions relating to: 1) the perception of the borderline and the role of the border twin towns, 2) the attitude towards neighbours and identification with the borderlands, and 3) the future of the borderline in the context of the twin towns existence and cross-border linkages. The results showed that the historical circumstances and cultural background play a crucial role in the current bilateral interrelations between nations sharing the common space of the twin towns. These two aspects of the borderland have an influence on the psychological perception of the border that creates mental boundaries in local societies. However, as the results proved, the necessity of living together pushed locals to be more open-minded, which as a consequence supported the establishment of social bonds.

2019 ◽  
Vol 48 (4) ◽  
pp. 691-715 ◽  
Oonagh B. Breen ◽  
Alison Dunn ◽  
Mark Sidel

This article explores both state-based regulation and self-regulation, shared narratives, and lessons to better understand the interaction of these two forms of regulation in the nonprofit space. “The Context” section outlines six preliminary research questions that inform the work. “The Framework” section then outlines the regulatory framework, focusing on various regulatory motivations, before “The Findings” section turns to country findings. In unpacking some of the major findings, we look first at state perspectives on the role of regulation before considering the sector’s perspective. Taking both on board enables us to configure the relationship spectrum between state and sector when it comes to regulation and to begin to identify, based on the 16 case studies undertaken, the most common triggers for regulatory change identified therein and to reframe them through the development of a series of five regulatory propositions and seven environmental variables to help understand how different forms of regulation are triggered and interact.

Matthias Thiemann

With regard to the spread of self-presentations of individuals and small firms on the internet, this chapter inquires into the role of trust and trust-building techniques of freelance web-designers in spreading the application of high-technology to end-consumers. Engendering relationships of trust is a predominant necessity for the freelancers in a market lacking structural assurances, making that group an ideal object of study for trust-enhancing strategies in client interaction. Methodologically, it proposes a way to study the adaptation of entrepreneurs to the requirements of trust, enlarging the focus on dramaturgic action of the trust-taker in exchange situation to markets for cooperation, in which cooperative experiences are a major trust-building factor. The analysis suggests that in those markets dramaturgical action is not only directed at clients but also at the referral networks in which they are embedded in, having important repercussions for the negotiating power of freelancers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 64 (11) ◽  
pp. 31-41
Z. Mamedyarov

The paper deals with the role of the stock market in innovative development, basically in case of the U. S. The author shows how the NASDAQ has provided tangible financial incentives for growth of high-tech industries, emphasizes the relationship between innovation and the financial sector, the importance of competition for capital in technological development. It is shown that the development of NASDAQ and increased competition of stock markets allowed high-tech U.S. companies to benefit from country’s strong financial sector and specialized market structures. The prerequisites for the successful emergence of biotech and ICT start-ups, as well as the venture market in the U.S. are still strongly connected with stock markets. However, the comparative analysis also revealed growing global competition from the Chinese stock markets. At the same time, in the last decade a new bubble is emerging on the U.S. stock market, which, as shown by the analysis of the median revenues of the major companies, differs from similar situations before the dot-com crisis and before the 2008–2009 crisis. Revenues of the largest companies in recent years have been growing along with their capitalization, which suggests that the bubble may take much longer to collapse than before. The author also shows the intensification of competition between stock exchanges and over-the-counter financing mechanisms for innovative companies: SME acquisitions by major corporations, intensification of mergers and acquisitions around the world. The role of mergers and acquisitions, which have become an alternative to IPOs, has become increasingly important over the past decade as a financing mechanism for innovative companies. In the last decade, the ICT-companies have dominated by market capitalization and gained sufficient market power to meet the demand for new developments and acquisitions of start-ups. This over-the-counter financing mechanism increases market uncertainty and may contribute to suboptimal solutions in the high-tech sector. However, the author found that the observed decline in U.S. IPOs is primarily affecting the ICT sector, while pharmaceutical and biotech companies continue to be actively listed.

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