Holomorphic Fock spaces for positive linear transformations
Suppose $A$ is a positive real linear transformation on a finite dimensional complex inner product space $V$. The reproducing kernel for the Fock space of square integrable holomorphic functions on $V$ relative to the Gaussian measure $d\mu_A(z)=\frac {\sqrt{\det A}} {\pi^n}e^{-\Re\langle Az,z\rangle}\,dz$ is described in terms of the linear and antilinear decomposition of the linear operator $A$. Moreover, if $A$ commutes with a conjugation on $V$, then a restriction mapping to the real vectors in $V$ is polarized to obtain a Segal-Bargmann transform, which we also study in the Gaussian-measure setting.
2005 ◽
Vol 70
pp. 979-1016
1994 ◽
Vol 37
pp. 338-345
1998 ◽
Vol 13
pp. 2731-2742
2011 ◽
Vol 55
pp. 23-51
1998 ◽
Vol 118
pp. 202-209
2020 ◽
Vol 23
pp. 2050017