Pomiary wysokości i prędkości lotu małego samolotu bezzałogowego z wykorzystaniem rurek Prandtla
Reliable measurements of the air velocity flowing around the wings of the aircraft and the altitude at which the aircraft is located are necessary for controlling the unmanned aircraft. Due to the need to use automatic flight stabilization processes, unmanned aircraft require a minimal delay in the measuring path. For correct measurement of these quantities, a system based on two measuring lines using backflow tubes was built. This article describes the effects of a research project carried out by the Student Scientific Group of Electronics at the Rzeszów University of Technology, who were seeking a reliable and quick solution with increased accuracy.
2011 ◽
Vol 199-200
pp. 1671-1675
2020 ◽
pp. 095441002093401
1987 ◽
Vol 81
pp. 24-25
2000 ◽
Vol 44
pp. 5-409-5-412
2006 ◽
Vol 113
pp. 91-96