personal functioning
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2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-127
Siti Fadhlina Mustapa Kamal ◽  
Syed Mohamad Syed Abdullah ◽  
Rezki Perdani Sawai

Bullying not only has a significant influence on victims' physical and emotional well-being, but they are also reported to experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) such as nightmares, intrusive thoughts and emotions of hopelessness and powerlessness. The symptomatology of untreated PTSD exposes victims to other psychological issues such as substance abuse, depersonalization and suicide. This case study was conducted to identify the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-Systematic Desensitization (CBT-SD), a counseling intervention for reducing symptomatology of PTSD. He was diagnosed with clinically severe symptomatology of PTSD (T> 65) by using the Detailed Assessment of Posttraumatic Stress (DAPS) (Briere, 2001). The treatment planning using CBT-SD technique was constructed aimed at answering the research questions. The results indicate a decrease in the symptomatology of PTSD and other psychological issues, particularly on the scales of dissociation and suicide. Reducing PTSD symptoms has a favourable impact on the client’s cognitive, emotional and behavioural functioning, as seen by his improved personal functioning in his daily life. Hence, prevention and early rehabilitation through counseling interventions are crucial in aiding victims of bullying achieve psychological balance. The implications of this intervention are also discussed.

2021 ◽  
Alexandra Parker ◽  
Sarah Dash ◽  
Matthew Bourke ◽  
Rhiannon Patten ◽  
Melinda Craike ◽  

BACKGROUND The unprecedented changes and isolation measures to contain the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) have had multiple psychological and social impacts, with implications for professional and personal functioning. Evidence-informed interventions that can be rapidly implemented under pandemic conditions to support mental health during such times were urgently needed. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to determine the acceptability and preliminary outcomes of a daily online mental health promotion program for tertiary education staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS The ‘VU Elevenses’ program was delivered as an uncontrolled intervention at Victoria University (VU) in the western metropolitan region of Melbourne, Australia. In April 2020, an email invitation was sent to all academic and professional staff inviting them to: 1) participate in the program; and 2) opt-in to the research component. The ‘VU Elevenses’ program provided 10-15-minute micro-interventions comprising lifestyle and wellbeing strategies to promote mental health, via an online meeting platform, at 11am each weekday. A mixed-method approach was used to evaluate the program, combining structured questionnaires with semi-structured interviews to investigate the experiences of staff who participated in the program. RESULTS Between 16-90 participants provided weekly program feedback. A total of 106 university staff opted into the longitudinal research component and 10 staff participated in the interviews. Participants reported high levels of satisfaction with sessions and perceived benefits for mental health. Approximately one quarter of participants reported moderate to severe symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress at baseline, with significant reductions in these symptoms in the first seven weeks of the program, corresponding with easing in mandatory isolation (‘lockdown’) restrictions. However, symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress all increased when lockdown measures were reintroduced, but not to the same levels as the initial lockdown period. Overall changes in depression and anxiety from baseline to the end of the program were explained by changes in COVID related distress, whereas changes in self-compassion explained changes in stress. CONCLUSIONS We show that it is feasible and acceptable to develop and deliver a program of brief interventions in a timely manner, using a simple and accessible online platform. Although participation in the program was initially associated with reduced symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress, participants’ mental health worsened with the reintroduction of a ‘lockdown’ period. However, as symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress did not return to levels observed at the start of the VU Elevenses program, participation in the uncontrolled intervention may have offered a protective benefit against the impact of the second significant lockdown period. CLINICALTRIAL N/A

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-4
Jiang Long ◽  
Roshan Bhad ◽  
Marc N. Potenza ◽  
Laura Orsolini ◽  
Vicky Phan ◽  

The World Health Organization (WHO) has added gaming disorder to ICD-11 as a clinical condition associated with distress or interference with personal functioning. This inclusion leads to clinical and public health benefits, such as harmonising terminology, offering clinical landmarks and improving monitoring capabilities and data comparability. Training health professionals to identify and manage gaming disorder is a key challenge for countries. In the present paper we compiled opinions from different countries around the globe on their state of preparedness and needs to tackle this issue. The global views on the topic feed arguments for developing an evidence-based and cross-cultural training tool for gaming disorder management by health professionals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Blanche Wies ◽  
Constantin Landers ◽  
Marcello Ienca

Mental health disorders are complex disorders of the nervous system characterized by a behavioral or mental pattern that causes significant distress or impairment of personal functioning. Mental illness is of particular concern for younger people. The WHO estimates that around 20% of the world's children and adolescents have a mental health condition, a rate that is almost double compared to the general population. One approach toward mitigating the medical and socio-economic effects of mental health disorders is leveraging the power of digital health technology to deploy assistive, preventative, and therapeutic solutions for people in need. We define “digital mental health” as any application of digital health technology for mental health assessment, support, prevention, and treatment. However, there is only limited evidence that digital mental health tools can be successfully implemented in clinical settings. Authors have pointed to a lack of technical and medical standards for digital mental health apps, personalized neurotechnology, and assistive cognitive technology as a possible cause of suboptimal adoption and implementation in the clinical setting. Further, ethical concerns have been raised related to insufficient effectiveness, lack of adequate clinical validation, and user-centered design as well as data privacy vulnerabilities of current digital mental health products. The aim of this paper is to report on a scoping review we conducted to capture and synthesize the growing literature on the promises and ethical challenges of digital mental health for young people aged 0–25. This review seeks to survey the scope and focus of the relevant literature, identify major benefits and opportunities of ethical significance (e.g., reducing suffering and improving well-being), and provide a comprehensive mapping of the emerging ethical challenges. Our findings provide a comprehensive synthesis of the current literature and offer a detailed informative basis for any stakeholder involved in the development, deployment, and management of ethically-aligned digital mental health solutions for young people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (6) ◽  
pp. 1159-1159
Alison A Fedio ◽  
Marina Dekarchuk ◽  
Carrie Roper ◽  
James Sexton ◽  
Brandy Dinklocker ◽  

Abstract Objective Post-traumatic growth (PTG) is known to benefit individuals in recovery from traumatic brain injury (TBI) as they process and reframe personal losses. The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship of PTG with different domains of quality of life (QOL) in individuals following TBI. Method Fifteen adults (8 M, 7 F; mean age 31; 4 yrs post moderate/severe TBI) composed a personal statement for 3 minutes. Raters identified references to TBI and PTG in patients’ writing samples. Patients completed the Neurobehavioral Functioning Inventory (NFI) to assess physical, cognitive, and emotional/behavioral functioning, as well as the QOL Inventory to assess importance of, and satisfaction with, various domains of personal functioning. Results of independent samples t-tests (p < 0.05 and/or Cohen’s d > 0.80) are reported. Results Patients scored in the average range on the NFI. Seven of the 15 patients opted to address PTG, and the same seven individuals also wrote about their TBI. Those who addressed these topics reported higher educational level and longer loss of consciousness following TBI. Demonstrating large effect sizes, results revealed individuals endorsing PTG had higher QOL in domains involving productivity and agency (work, helping, play, creativity), whereas those not endorsing PTG had higher QOL in social domains (children, neighbors, community). Total QOL and other domains (e.g., health, money, love) did not differ between groups. Conclusions Results suggest that benefits of accepting and growing as a result of one’s brain injury include active self-development and contributions to society. Neurorehabilitation should encourage productivity as a means of enhancing PTG.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 310-315
Ye. Oprya ◽  
E. Melnyk ◽  
Ya. Biesieda ◽  
Ye. Kozishkurt

The paper presents the results of research devoted to determination of social-adaptive potential of schizophrenic patients with concomitant somatic pathology by analyzing the parameters of socio-personal functioning, quality of life and compliance. The analysis of social and personal functioning of patients was carried out according to the results of the PSP scale (Personal and Social Performance Scale), which allowed to assess the social status of patients and their functioning in certain areas of life. The quality of life of patients with schizophrenia in the surveyed groups was assessed using the results of the health questionnaire The 36-Item Short Form Survey (SF-36). According to the results of the research, it was found that when schizophrenia is combined with somatic disorders, there is a decrease in the level of socio-personal functioning, quality of life and compliance of patients. The social and personal functioning of patients with schizophrenia in its combination with somatic disorders was especially complicated in the areas of socially useful activities and self-care (in schizophrenia with obesity) and in the field of social relations and restless/aggressive patterns of behavior (in schizophrenia with DM 2). According to the assessment of quality of life in certain areas, it was found that in patients with schizophrenia with CVD and obesity, there was a decrease in physical functioning and limitation of daily functioning due to physical condition, as well as mental depression (the presence of severe depression and anxiety); in patients with schizophrenia with DM 2 - a decrease in daily functioning, due to emotional state; and in patients with obesity - also a decrease in social functioning; and a general decline in general health that was common to all patients with somatic disorders. The decrease in the level of compliance of patients with schizophrenia with somatic disorders was due to insufficient formation of factors related to the patient (perception and awareness of the disease, features and severity of symptoms, relapses, features of social functioning and adaptation) and attitudes towards treatment. According to the data obtained, the most dangerous in focus of social functioning it was the combination of schizophrenia with obesity. The results of the study show that the combination of schizophrenia with somatic diseases is associated with a decrease in social functioning, quality of life and compliance with patients, which leads to a negative social prognosis and requires the attention of clinicians.

Christian Schetsche
Dsm 5 ◽  

La quinta edición del Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales (DSM-5) introdujo el concepto de niveles de funcionamiento de la personalidad, los cuales indican la gravedad del trastorno de la personalidad. En nuestro conocimiento, no existen instrumentos psicométricos concisos para la evaluación del nivel de funcionamiento de la personalidad en lengua castellana, por lo que el objetivo del presente estudio consistió en la traducción y adaptación de la Level of Personal Functioning Scale – Brief Form 2.0. La muestra (N = 361) se recogió por internet. Los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio mostraron que el instrumento tiene una estructura bifactorial y que puede utilizarse, además de sus dos dimensiones autofuncionamiento y funcionamiento interpersonal, una dimensión que representa el funcionamiento general. Las consistencias internas obtuvieron valores aceptables, y en el análisis de validez convergente se encontraron correlaciones significativas con todos los rasgos de la personalidad.

2021 ◽  
pp. 107-125
N. Pavlyk

The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of psychological assistance to a personality who has long been in extreme and crisis conditions of public life. The author analyzes the concept of «Psychological health of the personality», outlines the pathogenic consequences of being in stressful and crisis conditions, namely: the formation of neurotic traits that interfere with personal functioning (obsessive recollection of horrible episodes; feelings of depression, fear, anxiety, alienation, guilt, loss of normal interests, increased excitability, irritability, which can lead to an emotional outburst, uncertainty in the future, difficulty concentrating, communication difficulties).There where studied the features of destructive qualities which are formed due to influence of extreme factors. The author defines the criteria of psychological health of the personality (the spiritual orientation, the moral attitude of the individual to himself, to others, (trust, love), the ability to cope with life problems, to effective, creative activity, the stress resistance, the self-worth of each person, the adequate expression their thoughts, feelings, the responsibility, the congruence, the optimism, the adequate level of demands, the independence, the sense of humor, the tolerance, the self-esteem). The psychological determinants of harmonizing mental health are: a positive thinking, an emotional resilience, a tolerance to stress, and a balance in relationships with other people. The article identifies the features of psychological care and areas of psychological rehabilitation of persons who have long been in emotionally stressful conditions. The author considers the psychological determinants of harmonization of psychological health of the personality.As a result of empirical research, have been formulated the methodological recommendations for harmonizing the psychological health of the individual in conditions of mental stress in society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Katie Palmer du Preez ◽  
Jason Landon ◽  
Laura Maunchline ◽  
Rebecca Thurlow

At present, gambling studies literature has multiple understandings of family and others affected (FAOs) by gambling harm and their support needs in play, each with different possibilities and constraints for harm reduction engagement with women. Individual psychological approaches have been privileged, eschewing the social and relational situation of gambling and harm in women’s lives. In Australasia, the majority of those seeking support in relation to a significant others’ gambling are women. Gender has been posited as a shaping force in the social stratification system, distribution of resources, and gambling and harm within society. There has been minimal engagement with the lived experiences of FAOs, which limits gambling harm reduction service development and planning. This research critically engaged with gambling harm reduction studies for FAOs, alongside interviews with eight women FAOs who presented to community services from a social constructionist perspective. The aim was to provide insight into how women FAOs position themselves and their support needs in relation to gambling harm and recovery. Data was analysed using thematic analysis informed by feminist poststructuralist theories of language. Results suggested that this small group of women were subject to intersecting patriarchal constraints and economic determinants of gambling harm. Powerful normative and moral constructions of ‘good/bad’ mothers operated to individualise some women’s responsibility for addressing harm in families and to alienate these women from gambling support services. These findings suggest that gambling services must support women and families in ways that go beyond personal functioning, extending into the social and political conditions of possibility for harm and recovery. Critical psychology and coherent gender analysis may offer opportunities to expand the role of gambling support to include advocacy, community development, and more client-led and gender-aware practice with women affected by gambling harm.

Desiree Latella ◽  
Maria Grazia Maggio ◽  
Giuseppa Maresca ◽  
Adriana Andaloro ◽  
Smeralda Anchesi ◽  

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