sink strength
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2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 422-433
Jing SU ◽  
Wei-fang CUI ◽  
Ling-cheng ZHU ◽  
Bai-yun LI ◽  
Feng-wang MA ◽  

PeerJ ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. e12814
Longbo Liu ◽  
Jie Zheng

Background Sucrose synthase (SUS, EC is one of the major enzymes of sucrose metabolism in higher plants. It has been associated with C allocation, biomass accumulation, and sink strength. The SUS gene families have been broadly explored and characterized in a number of plants. The pomegranate (Punica granatum) genome is known, however, it lacks a comprehensive study on its SUS genes family. Methods PgSUS genes were identified from the pomegranate genome using a genome-wide search method. The PgSUS gene family was comprehensively analyzed by physicochemical properties, evolutionary relationship, gene structure, conserved motifs and domains, protein structure, syntenic relationships, and cis-acting elements using bioinformatics methods. The expression pattern of the PgSUS gene in different organs and fruit development stages were assayed with RNA-seq obtained from the NCBI SRA database as well as real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Results Five pomegranate SUS genes, located on four different chromosomes, were divided into three subgroupsaccording to the classification of other seven species. The PgSUS family was found to be highly conserved during evolution after studying the gene structure, motifs, and domain analysis. Furthermore, the predicted PgSUS proteins showed similar secondary and tertiary structures. Syntenic analysis demonstrated that four PgSUS genes showed syntenic relationships with four species, with the exception of PgSUS2. Predictive promoter analysis indicated that PgSUS genes may be responsive to light, hormone signaling, and stress stimulation. RNA-seq analysis revealed that PgSUS1/3/4 were highly expressed in sink organs, including the root, flower, and fruit, and particularly in the outer seed coats. qPCR analysis showed also that PgSUS1, PgSUS3, and PgSUS4 were remarkably expressed during fruit seed coat development. Our results provide a systematic overview of the PgSUS gene family in pomegranate, developing the framework for further research and use of functional PgSUS genes.

2021 ◽  
Rodinei F Pegoraro ◽  
Ivo R Silva ◽  
Ivan F Souza ◽  
Roberto F Novais ◽  
Nairam F Barros ◽  

Abstract The extent to which the C sink strength of eucalypt plantations can be affected by coppicing or replanting remains unclear. To address this issue, we evaluated variations in C stocks under coppiced or replanted eucalypt stands formed by clones or seedlings. For each field assessment (0 [T0], 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5 and 7.0 years [at harvest]), tree biomass, litterfall, and soil C stocks (0–120 cm depth) were determined. At harvest, debarked stemwood productivity was similar under coppice or replanting, about 50.0 Mg C ha–1. Generally, coppiced stands favored subsoil C storage (40–100 cm), whereas replanted stands favored soil C accrual in topsoil (0–20 cm), depending on the genetic material. Relative to T0, soil C increased about 2.14, 1.91, and 1.84 Mg C ha–1 yr–1 under coppice, replanting with seedlings and clones, respectively. Coarse root biomass under these stands were about 17.3, 13.4, and 9.5 Mg C ha–1, respectively, equivalent to 50% of total harvest residues. Hence, inputs from coarse roots could represent a large contribution to soil C over multiple rotations under coppiced or replanted stands. Otherwise, short-term C losses can be high where stumps and coarse roots are harvested, especially following successive coppice cycles. Study Implications: Our findings have important implications for forest managers growing eucalypt plantations aiming to maximize C accumulation. Both coppiced and replanted stands can fix up to 50 Mg C ha−1 only in debarked stemwood over 7 years, with a comparatively higher C storage in coarse roots under coppice. Despite the increasing demand for forest residues in bioenergy production, harvesting stumps and coarse roots should be avoided, especially upon replanting eucalypt stands after successive coppice cycles.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 2406
Nick Gould ◽  
Michael R. Thorpe ◽  
Joe T. Taylor ◽  
Helen L. Boldingh ◽  
Catherine M. McKenzie ◽  

This work aims to understand how Vitis vinifera (Chardonnay) vines prioritise the export and distribution of recently fixed photoassimilate between root tissue, fruit, and defence, following the elicitation of a defence response. Jasmonic acid (JA) and its methyl ester, MeJA, are endogenous plant hormones, known collectively as jasmonates, that have signalling roles in plant defence and consequently are often used to prime plant defence systems. Here, we use exogenous jasmonate application to mature source leaves of Chardonnay grapevines to elucidate the prioritisation strategy of carbon allocation between plant defence and growth. Our results demonstrate that jasmonate application to Chardonnay leaves can elicit a defence response to Botrytis cinerea, but the effect was localised to the jasmonate-treated area. We found no evidence of a systemic defence response in non-treated mature leaves or young growing tissue. JA application reduced the photosynthetic rate of the treated leaf and reduced the export rate of recently fixed carbon-11 from the leaf. Following JA application, a greater proportion of available recently fixed carbon was allocated to the roots, suggesting an increase in sink strength of the roots. Relative sink strength of the berries did not change; however, an increase in berry sugar was observed seven days after JA treatment. We conclude that the data provide evidence for a “high sugar resistance” model in the mature treated leaves of the vine, since the export of carbon was reduced to ensure an elevated defence response in the treated leaf. The increase in berry sugar concentration seven days after treatment can be explained by the initial prioritisation of a greater portion of the exported carbon to storage in the roots, making it available for remobilisation to the berries once the challenge to defence had passed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 310 ◽  
pp. 108655
Siyu Wei ◽  
Guangxuan Han ◽  
Xiaojing Chu ◽  
Baoyu Sun ◽  
Weimin Song ◽  

Juan Losada ◽  
Zhe He ◽  
Noel Holbrook

Lianas combine large leaf areas with slender stems, features that require an efficient vascular system. The only extant member of the Austrobaileyaceae is an endemic twining liana of the tropical Australian forests with well-known xylem hydraulics, but the vascular phloem continuum aboveground remains understudied. Microscopy analysis across leaf veins and stems of A. scandens revealed a low foliar xylem to phloem ratio, with isodiametric vascular elements along the midrib, but tapered across vein orders. Small sieve plate pore radii increased from 0.08 µm in minor veins to 0.12 µm in the petiole, but only to 0.20 µm at the stem base, tens of meters away. In searcher branches, phloem conduits contained a pectin-rich wall and simple plates, whereas in twinning stems, conduits connected through highly-angled-densely populated sieve plates. Twisted and elongated stems of A. scandens display a high hydraulic resistance of phloem conduits, which decreases from leaves to stems, efficiently delivering photoassimilate from sources under Münch predictions. Sink strength of a continuously growing canopy might be stronger than in self-supporting understory plants, favoring resource allocation to aerial organs in angiosperms that colonized the vertical niche.

2021 ◽  
Tracy Rankin ◽  
Nigel Roulet ◽  
Tim Moore

Abstract. Northern peatlands are globally significant carbon stores, but the sink strength may vary from year-to-year due to variations in environmental and biogeochemical conditions. This variation is mainly brought about by changes in primary production and ecosystem respiration. The processes that relate to variations in autotrophic respiration (AR; respiration by plant parts) are understood quite well, but heterotrophic respiration (HR; respiration by microbial bacteria in the soil, fungi, etc.) is crudely measured and modelled. This will lead to biased estimates if a change favours one form of respiration over another and alters allocations of carbon to labile pools with different turnover rates. HR has only recently been shown to be more intimately linked to vegetation dynamics than once thought, particularly in wetter, oligotrophic, sedge-dominated ecosystems. The objective of this study is to determine the factors that relate to the spatial and temporal variability in respiration and its autotrophic and heterotrophic components in an ombrotrophic bog (Mer Bleue) where woody shrubs are dominant, and to see if the more dynamic nature of HR in sedges also exists in this bog. Plot level measurements using manual chambers were used to partition respiration from both the dominant shrubs and the sparse sedges at the site, and the controls on respiration were explored by measuring a variety of environmental variables, such as air and soil temperatures (T) and water table (WT) depth. Results show that AR and HR correlate primarily with air and soil T, with WT depth playing an important role in some cases, and that a higher variability in respiration exists for the shrub plots than the sedge plots, especially when WT levels are more variable. Our findings also show that a plant’s response to changes in climate or land-use is related to different mechanisms of obtaining water resources and utilizing symbiotic relationships with other plants around them. These results will improve our understanding of peatland carbon cycling, as well as improve the conceptualization of HR.

Ashok Kumar ◽  
Damyanti Prajapati ◽  
Khaidem Aruna Devi ◽  
Ajay Pal ◽  
Urmila choudhary ◽  

Agriculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 926
Heba M. Ibrahim ◽  
Basharat Ali ◽  
Ali El-Keblawy ◽  
Taoufik Ksiksi ◽  
Mohamed A. El-Esawi ◽  

Trade-offs between growth and reproduction in soybean require resource availability manipulations. Decapitation and reducing sink strength through deflowering can affect the source–sink ratio that affects plant growth, development, and yield. The current study assesses the effect of decapitation (Decap) and removal of the two lowest racemes (R2LR) and their combination on growth, flowering, and yield capacity of soybean through controlling the source–sink ratio and inducing the “stay-green” phenotype. Two field experiments were conducted during 2018 and 2019 in the Agronomy Farm located at Mansoura University, Egypt. Decapitation was done at the V4 stage (35 days after sowing, DAS), during which four nodes on the main stem had fully developed leaves beginning with the unifoliolate nodes, whereas R2LR was performed at the R2 stage (50 DAS), during which the plants had one open flower at one of the two uppermost nodes on the main stem. Results indicated that Decap, R2LR, and their combination significantly increased seed yield per plant through increasing plant growth and flowering and improving biochemical attributes. The combination between Decap and R2LR was generally more effective in positively modulating plant vegetative, reproductive, and physiological capacity than either Decap or R2LR alone. Moreover, the number of branches as well as pods/plant and IAA content responded positively to Decap, whereas net assimilation rate, seed growth rate, number of flowers/node, and cytokinins content responded positively to R2LR. Decap and R2LR were interpreted in light of their effects on inducing the “stay-green” phenotype and altering the source–sink ratio. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that concealing the apical dominance in conjunction with reducing the sink strength through guided raceme removal would be beneficial for the reproductive potential in soybean.

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