carbon export
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2022 ◽  
Michael R Stukel ◽  
Oscar M. E. Schofield ◽  
Hugh W. Ducklow

238U-234Th disequilibrium is a powerful tool for investigating particle cycling and carbon export associated with the ocean's biological carbon pump. However, the interpretation of this method is complicated by multiple processes that can modify carbon:thorium ratios over small spatial scales. We investigated seasonal variability in the thorium and carbon cycles at a coastal site in the Western Antarctic Peninsula. Throughout the ice-free summer season, we quantified carbon and 234Th vertical flux, total water column 234Th, particulate 234Th, and the C:234Th ratios of sinking material and bulk suspended material. Simultaneous identification and separation of fecal pellets from sinking material showed that fecal pellets (primarily from krill) contributed 56% of carbon flux and that as a result of lower C:234Th ratios than suspended particles, these fecal pellets were primary drivers of variability in the C:234Th ratios of sinking material. Bulk suspended particles had highly variable C:234Th ratios and were consistently elevated in the euphotic zone relative to deeper waters. The fraction of 234Th adsorbed onto particles was positively correlated with chlorophyll and particulate organic carbon (POC) concentrations. The C:234Th ratios of suspended particles were positively correlated with POC, although during the spring diatom bloom C:234Th ratios were lower than would have been predicted based on POC concentrations alone. We hypothesize that diatom production of transparent exopolymers may have led to enhanced rates of thorium adsorption during the bloom, thus decreasing the C:234Th ratios. We used a Bayesian model selection approach to develop and parameterize mechanistic models to simulate thorium sorption dynamics. The best model incorporated one slowly-sinking POC pool and rapidly-sinking fecal pellets, with second-order sorption kinetics. The model accurately simulated temporal patterns in the C:234Th ratios of sinking and suspended particles and the fraction of 234Th adsorbed to particles. However, it slightly over-estimated C:234Th ratios during the spring (diatom-dominated) bloom and underestimated C:234Th ratios during the fall (mixed-assemblage) bloom. Optimized model parameters for thorium sorption and desorption were 0.0047 +/- 0.0002 m3 mmol C-1 d-1 and 0.017 +/- 0.008 d-1, respectively. Our results highlight the important role that specific taxa can play in modifying the C:234Th ratio of sinking and suspended particles and provide guidance for future studies that use 234Th measurements to investigate the functional relationships driving the efficiency of the biological pump.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0260649
Anna Pagnone ◽  
Florian Koch ◽  
Franziska Pausch ◽  
Scarlett Trimborn

The ‘Iron Hypothesis’ suggests a fertilization of the Southern Ocean by increased dust deposition in glacial times. This promoted high primary productivity and contributed to lower atmospheric pCO2. In this study, the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia subcurvata, known to form prominent blooms in the Southern Ocean, was grown under simulated glacial and interglacial climatic conditions to understand how iron (Fe) availability (no Fe or Fe addition) in conjunction with different pCO2 levels (190 and 290 μatm) influences growth, particulate organic carbon (POC) production and photophysiology. Under both glacial and interglacial conditions, the diatom grew with similar rates. In comparison, glacial conditions (190 μatm pCO2 and Fe input) favored POC production by P. subcurvata while under interglacial conditions (290 μatm pCO2 and Fe deficiency) POC production was reduced, indicating a negative effect caused by higher pCO2 and low Fe availability. Under interglacial conditions, the diatom had, however, thicker silica shells. Overall, our results show that the combination of higher Fe availability with low pCO2, present during the glacial ocean, was beneficial for the diatom P. subcurvata, thus contributing more to primary production during glacial compared to interglacial times. Under the interglacial ocean conditions, on the other hand, the diatom could have contributed to higher carbon export due to its higher degree of silicification.

2021 ◽  
Peixin Yu ◽  
Tao Zhou ◽  
Hui Luo ◽  
Xia Liu ◽  
Peijun Shi ◽  

Abstract As the largest component of carbon export from terrestrial ecosystems, ecosystem respiration (RECO) determines the carbon stock changes in terrestrial ecosystems. It is essential to accurately simulate the response of RECO to climate change. In this study, by constructing an optimal deep learning model for simulating global-scale RECO, we found that there is a 1–2 years' lagged response of RECO to changes in water conditions and an inconsistency in carbon input (NPP) and output (RECO) trends. The NPP growth trend in global terrestrial ecosystems is greater than that of RECO, with a trend showing increasing carbon sinks, particularly in the northern extra-tropics; while the carbon sink capacity of tropical regions has gradually saturated, showing that the changing trend of RECO is close to that of NPP, which poses a potential risk to the sustainable carbon sink capacity of global ecosystems in the future.

2021 ◽  
Stephanie Henson ◽  
Charlotte Laufkötter ◽  
Shirley Leung ◽  
Sarah Giering ◽  
Hilary Palevsky ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (22) ◽  
pp. 6031-6059
Raquel F. Flynn ◽  
Thomas G. Bornman ◽  
Jessica M. Burger ◽  
Shantelle Smith ◽  
Kurt A. M. Spence ◽  

Abstract. The Weddell Sea represents a point of origin in the Southern Ocean where globally important water masses form. Biological activities in Weddell Sea surface waters thus affect large-scale ocean biogeochemistry. During January–February 2019, we measured net primary production (NPP), nitrogen (nitrate, ammonium, urea) uptake, and nitrification in the western Weddell Sea at the Antarctic Peninsula (AP) and Larsen C Ice Shelf (LCIS), in the southwestern Weddell Gyre (WG), and at Fimbul Ice Shelf (FIS) in the south-eastern Weddell Sea. The highest average rates of NPP and greatest nutrient drawdown occurred at LCIS. Here, the phytoplankton community was dominated by colonial Phaeocystis antarctica, with diatoms increasing in abundance later in the season as sea ice melted. At the other stations, NPP was variable, and diatoms known to enhance carbon export (e.g. Thalassiosira spp.) were dominant. Euphotic zone nitrification was always below detection, such that nitrate uptake could be used as a proxy for carbon export potential, which was highest in absolute terms at LCIS and the AP. Surprisingly, the highest f ratios occurred near FIS rather than LCIS (average of 0.73±0.09 versus 0.47±0.08). We attribute this unexpected result to partial ammonium inhibition of nitrate uptake at LCIS (where ammonium concentrations were 0.6±0.4 µM, versus 0.05±0.1 µM at FIS), with elevated ammonium resulting from increased heterotrophy following the accumulation of nitrate-fuelled phytoplankton biomass in early summer. Across the Weddell Sea, carbon export appears to be controlled by a combination of physical, chemical, and biological factors, with the highest potential export flux occurring at the ice shelves and lowest in the central WG.

2021 ◽  
Léo Lacour ◽  
Joan Llort ◽  
Nathan Briggs ◽  
Peter Strutton ◽  
Philip Boyd

Abstract At high latitudes, the export of organic matter from the surface to the ocean interior, the biological carbon pump, has conventionally been attributed to the gravitational sinking of particulate organic carbon (POC). Conspicuous deficits in ocean carbon budgets have recently challenged this long-lived paradigm of a sole pathway. Multiple strands of evidence have demonstrated the importance of additional export pathways, including the particle injection pumps (PIPs). Recent model estimates revealed that PIPs have a comparable downward POC flux to the biological gravitational pump (BGP), but with potentially different seasonal signatures. To date, logistical constraints have prevented concomitant and extensive observations of these pumps, and little is known about the seasonality of their fluxes. Here, using year-round robotic observations and recent advances in optical signal analysis, we concurrently investigated the functioning of two PIPs - the mixed layer and eddy subduction pumps - and the BGP in Southern Ocean waters. By comparing three phytoplankton bloom cycles in contrasting environments, we show how physical forcing and phytoplankton phenology influence the magnitude and seasonality of these pumps, with implications for carbon sequestration efficiency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Yosuke Yamada ◽  
Hideki Fukuda ◽  
Yu Umezawa ◽  
Toshi Nagata

Particle size distribution (PSD) in the ocean is a fundamental property that influences carbon export and food webs; however, PSD variation and its causes in oligotrophic oceans are not entirely clear. Here, we used Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry to investigate PSD (size range 5.2–119 μm) and related variables at 11 stations in the surface layer (0–20 m) of the Kuroshio region of the western North Pacific, where strong current causes dynamic hydrographic and ecological conditions. PSD slopes (range –3.2 to –4.2), derived from the power law model, were steeper at onshore stations and flatter at oligotrophic stations located offshore and at lower latitudes. Notably, slopes tended to become steeper with increasing chlorophyll a concentration, opposing the generally observed relationship between the two variables, whereas they became flatter with increasing transparent exopolymer particle (TEP) concentration. Possible explanations of the above results are localized occurrence of nanophytoplankton and TEP facilitation of particle aggregation. The results support the hypothesis that PSD slopes are controlled by a multitude of factors, including phytoplankton community dynamics and aggregation processes. To determine whether TEP-induced particle aggregation enhances or suppresses carbon export, we need a better understanding of the nature (porosity, density, and sinking velocity) of aggregates in oligotrophic oceans.

2021 ◽  
Isabelle Sindiswa Giddy ◽  
Sarah-Anne Nicholson ◽  
Bastien Yves Queste ◽  
Sandy J. Thomalla ◽  
Sebastiaan Swart

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 2406
Nick Gould ◽  
Michael R. Thorpe ◽  
Joe T. Taylor ◽  
Helen L. Boldingh ◽  
Catherine M. McKenzie ◽  

This work aims to understand how Vitis vinifera (Chardonnay) vines prioritise the export and distribution of recently fixed photoassimilate between root tissue, fruit, and defence, following the elicitation of a defence response. Jasmonic acid (JA) and its methyl ester, MeJA, are endogenous plant hormones, known collectively as jasmonates, that have signalling roles in plant defence and consequently are often used to prime plant defence systems. Here, we use exogenous jasmonate application to mature source leaves of Chardonnay grapevines to elucidate the prioritisation strategy of carbon allocation between plant defence and growth. Our results demonstrate that jasmonate application to Chardonnay leaves can elicit a defence response to Botrytis cinerea, but the effect was localised to the jasmonate-treated area. We found no evidence of a systemic defence response in non-treated mature leaves or young growing tissue. JA application reduced the photosynthetic rate of the treated leaf and reduced the export rate of recently fixed carbon-11 from the leaf. Following JA application, a greater proportion of available recently fixed carbon was allocated to the roots, suggesting an increase in sink strength of the roots. Relative sink strength of the berries did not change; however, an increase in berry sugar was observed seven days after JA treatment. We conclude that the data provide evidence for a “high sugar resistance” model in the mature treated leaves of the vine, since the export of carbon was reduced to ensure an elevated defence response in the treated leaf. The increase in berry sugar concentration seven days after treatment can be explained by the initial prioritisation of a greater portion of the exported carbon to storage in the roots, making it available for remobilisation to the berries once the challenge to defence had passed.

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