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Japhet Ozogbuda ◽  
M. Tariq Iqbal

This paper presents the design of a DC microgrid for a remote community in Edo State, Nigeria having a solar irradiance of 4.63 kWh/m2/day. The community is isolated and located far away from the city with no access to the electricity grid. There is a need for lighting and running of electronics, as the main source of lighting presently is kerosine, which is not efficient and leads to health issues. The community is made up of 9 residences that are not more than 100 m apart. House 1 was selected as the standard house with a load of 1 kWh/day, while the other 8 houses have a load difference of ±10% with reference to house 1. Using a 48 V DC bus, the designed PV system components comprise of a 100W solar photovoltaic (PV) panel and a 12 V 45 A·hr battery. The system was sized using Homer Pro. Optimization results presented various design for the various houses. The result obtained showed reasonable and feasible cost-effective solution in terms of the Net Present Cost in both installation and running of the hybrid system for the community. Sensitivity analysis was also carried out to test the adaptability of the system using a solar irradiation input of ±10%. Detailed result of the analysis is presented in the paper.

F1000Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 976
Dino Rimantho ◽  
Nur Yulianti Hidayah ◽  
Ayu Herzanita ◽  
Anggina Sandi

Background - One of the problems encountered by all universities in realizing a sustainable Green Campus is solid waste management due to its complex and dynamic nature, which is known to have the potential risks of failure.  Aim – Application of a dynamic modeling approach with the FMEA and AHP methods to eliminate the risk associated with the inability of universities to process solid waste.   Methods– Data on risk factors and alternative evaluation methods were collected from five experts from various fields.  Results – The results of the risk assessment by experts show some of the highest risk values are associated with Technological Infrastructure, with a risk value of around 900, and the lowest risk is associated with Regulation collisions with a risk value of around 378. The results provided adequate information on the increased risk of each factor from 2019 to 2030 with verified moderate and optimistic conditions models comprising significant values of approximately 0.009 and 0.0273, respectively. This study assists higher education management in decreasing risk failure in the region by creating simulation models that will likely be utilized for scenario analysis in the future. The System Dynamic model's entire approach proved helpful in accomplishing long-term solid waste management in universities. Other dynamic insights that assisted universities improve their knowledge of solid waste management systems.  Research limitations– Further study needs to be conducted in the dynamic model to obtain a more comprehensive and detailed result. This is because the developed model provided an overview that needs further improvement, especially concerning several quantitative data, towards obtaining the adequate method for sustainable solid waste management.  Originality/value – This research used the hybrid method and AHP techniques to analyze solid waste in universities which were developed into a dynamic system model. However, further research is needed to enhance this hybrid method.

E. Hoxha ◽  
D. Maierhofer ◽  
M.R.M Saade ◽  
A. Passer

Abstract Purpose A detailed assessment of the environmental impacts of the building requires a substantial amount of data that is time- and effort-consuming. However, limitation of the system boundary to certain materials and components can provide misleading impact calculation. In order to calculate the error gap between detailed and simplified assessments, the purpose of this article is to present a detailed calculation of the environmental impacts of the building by including in the system boundary, the technical, and electrical equipment. Method To that end, the environmental impacts of a laboratory and research building situated in Graz-Austria are assessed following the EN-15978 norm. Within the system boundaries of the study, the material and components of building fabric, technical, and electronic equipment for the building lifecycle stages of production, construction, replacement, operational energy and water, and end-of-life are considered. The input data regarding the quantity of materials is collected from the design and tendering documents, invoices, and from discussion with the head of the building’s construction site. Primary energy and global warming potential indicators are calculated on the basis of a functional unit of 1 m2 of energy reference area (ERA) per year, considering a reference building service life of 50 years. Results and discussion The primary energy indicator of the building is equal to 1698 MJ/m2ERA/year. The embodied impacts are found to be responsible for 28% of which 6.4% is due to technical and electronic equipment. Furthermore, the embodied impacts for the global warming potential, equal to 28.3 kg CO2e/m2ERA/year, are responsible for 73%. Together, technical and electrical equipment are the largest responsible aspects, accounting for 38% of the total impacts. Simplified and detailed result comparisons show a gap of 29% and 7.7% for global warming and primary energy indicators. These differences were from the embodied impacts and largely from the exclusion of electrical equipment from the study’s system boundary. Conclusions Technical and electrical equipment present a significant contribution to the overall environmental impacts of the building. Worthy of inclusion in the system boundary of the study, the environmental impacts of technical and electrical equipment must be calculated in detail or considered with a reliable ratio in the early design phase of the project. Further research is necessary to address the detailed impact calculation of the equipment and notably the minimization of their impacts.

2021 ◽  
Rehan Ahmed ◽  
Siti Haslina Mohd Ramli ◽  
Fadhlan B. A. Aziz ◽  
Rosman Arifin

Abstract This paper discusses in depth the technical differentiations of the Direct Response Spectroscopy (DRS) and Microwave (MW) system along with its capabilities of inspecting through various hard to inspect coatings and wraps, making the DRS and MW combo an ideal inspection technique. As with every technology, the limitations of the DRS and MW systems will also be covered to give an unbiased view in the technology selection. This paper will also course through the successful trial at one of PETRONAS operating onshore plants with the detailed result presentation concluding with the efficiency and cost effectiveness of employing the DRS and MW for inspection of composite wraps. The DRS and MW systems, both proprietary technologies developed by Sonomatic, are used in combination to assess the integrity of pipes and pipelines under composite overwrap repairs. These Non-Destructive Testing technique. are robust, reliable and possess the ability to inspect composite overwrap repairs and the piping substrate while online. The DRS is essentially an ultrasonic corrosion mapping technique that Measures steel WT with ±0.5 mm accuracy and identifies flaws in composite materials. It is engineered to excite the steel with low ultrasonic frequencies where conventional high frequency ultrasound could not penetrate. The MW measures depth of flaws in the wrapping materials identified by DRS inspection. It operates on very low power and is excellent on the inspection of non-conductive material.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (01) ◽  
pp. 165-178
Erisa Adyati Rahmasari ◽  
Auria F. Yogananti

Abstrak Kemudahan mendesain saat ini ditawarkan oleh platform desain melalui website maupun aplikasi. Canva merupakan salah satu best platform yang digunakan untuk mendesain. Canva dapat dengan digunakan melalui website dan aplikasi mobile. Canva didesain dengan kelengkapan fitur dan template yang memudahkan seseorang mendesain seperti mendesain poster, kartu ucapan, brosur, infografis hingga presentasi dalam waktu yang singkat. Hal tersebutlah yang membuat Canva digunakan pula oleh mahasiswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui usability dari aplikasi Canva dengan tujuan mengetahui pengalaman pengguna dalam hal ini mahasiswa terhadap aplikasi tersebut karena ditemukan ketidakpuasan pada saat menggunakan aplikasi Canva. Metode kualitatif-kuantitatif digunakan untuk mendiskripsikan secara detail hasil wawancara langsung dan hasil angket yang diberikan. Analisa aplikasi menggunakan poin Usability yakni berkaitan dengan learnability, efficiency, memorability, error dan satisfaction untuk mengetahui pengalaman pengguna dan dipadukan dengan metode Important Performance Analysis (IPA). Dari analisa yang dilakukan pada aplikasi Canva diketahui bahwa untuk meningkatkan usability, kemudahan aksesibilitas serta kepuasan pengguna ketika menemukan error dan memperbaiki error harus diperbaiki. Selain itu, aplikasi Canva perlu memperbaiki alur dan akurasi waktu saat penggunaan aplikasi. Poin usability yang perlu dipertahankan adalah kemudahan saat mengenali simbol-simbol, dan sistem serta efisiensi navigasi. Kata Kunci: aplikasi, Canva, desain, usability, user experience AbstractThe convenience of design also offered a design platform through a website or application. Canva is one of the best platforms used to design. Canva can be used through the website and mobile application. Canva was designed with the features and templates that can help someone make the design like a poster design, a greeting, brochures, infographic until a presentation in a limited time. Those things made Canva also used by university students. This study was conducted to appraise the usability to learn user experiences, in this case, are students toward the application because dissatisfaction found when Canva application used. The mixed-method is used to describe the detailed result of direct interviews and surveys. The analysis used the usability point associate with learnability, efficiency, memorability, error, and satisfaction to understanding the user experience combined with Important Performance Analysis (IPA). From the analysis that has been done, to increase usability, ease accessibility, and user satisfaction when a user found error and fix error must be repaired. Furthermore, the Canva application needs to correct user flow and time accuracy when using the application. Moreover, Usability points that need to maintain are convenience when recognizing symbols, system, and navigation efficiency. Keywords: Application, Canva, Design, Usability, User Experience

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 216-229
Hussan Zeb ◽  
Hafiz Abdul Wahab ◽  
Umar Khan

In this work we demonstrated the impacts of zero mass flux in Powell-Eyring fluid over time dependent stretching sheet. We analyzed the Arrhenius activation energy in heat transfer with momentum and thermal slip boundary condition. The governing model is very complex to solve it directly therefore we transform these governed model into a coupled nonlinear ODEs via similarity transformation. After that, we solve these ODEs by using numerica method so calledshooting technique with RK-technique. The characteristics of different beneficial physical parameters on momentum, energy and concentration fields are represented through graphs. We concluded in this work the arising or reducing in the velocity, temperature and concentration fields for the existence of physical parameters. The impact of physical quantities namely skin fraction (Cf), Nusselt (Nux) and Sherwood (Shx) numbers are calculated numerically via tables. In this paper we concluded that the decreases occurring in velocity field for higher values of (M) (H) and (β). Moreover the characteristics of concentration Φ(ζ), temperature θ(ζ) and velocity f′(ζ) gradients are presented for important physical parameters see in detailed Result and discussion section.

Chunlong Zhang ◽  
Ning Zhao ◽  
Xue Zhang ◽  
Jun Xiao ◽  
Junyi Li ◽  

Abstract Aberrant DNA methylation is a fundamental characterization of epigenetics for carcinogenesis. Abnormality of DNA methylation-related functional elements (DMFEs) may lead to dysfunction of regulatory genes in the progression of cancers, contributing to prognosis of many cancers. There is an urgent need to construct a tool to comprehensively assess the impact of DMFEs on prognosis. Therefore, we developed SurvivalMeth ( to explore the prognosis-related DMFEs, which documented many kinds of DMFEs, including 309,465 CpG island-related elements, 104,748 transcript-related elements, 77,634 repeat elements, as well as cell-type specific 1,689,653 super enhancers (SE) and 1,304,902 CTCF binding regions for analysis. SurvivalMeth is a convenient tool which collected DNA methylation profiles of 36 cancers and allowed users to query their genes of interest in different datasets for prognosis. Furthermore, SurvivalMeth not only integrated different combinations, including single DMFE, multiple DMFEs, SEs and clinical data, to perform survival analysis on preupload data but also allowed for uploading customized DNA methylation profile of DMFEs from various diseases to analyze. SurvivalMeth provided a comprehensive resource and automated analysis for prognostic DMFEs, including DMFE methylation level, correlation analysis, clinical analysis, differential analysis, DMFE annotation, survival-related detailed result and visualization of survival analysis. In summary, we believe that SurvivalMeth will facilitate prognostic research of DMFEs in diverse cancers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 6887-6894

Digital images are often corrupted by contaminated display and information quality noise. Images can be corrupted at any stage during which they are acquired and transmitted through the media. Image denoising is a basic function designed to eliminate noise from naturally corrupted images. This work proposes a fixed-point discrete wavelet transform (DWT) architecture that uses a nonlinearly modified pixel-like weighted frame (PLWF) technique to denoise the highthroughput of adaptive white Gaussian white noise (AWGN) images. The linearized state to be based on the neighboring pixel unity is that the state model noise is used to improve the peak signal to the sound rate (PSNR). The proposed architecture is employed in two different stages - consistent and conditional sorting output selection unit. The detailed result of the proposed architecture shows the size and display quality of any state-ofthe-art performance and some recently introduced work. For further evaluation of the denoising capability, the algorithm is compared to some state-of-the-art algorithms and experimental results on simulated sound images and captured images of lowlight noise especially large image processes Low noise light picked up by the test results. The performance of the proposed method is compared to wavelet thresholds, bilateral filters, nonlocal averaging filters, and bilateral multi-resolution filters. The study found that the draft production plan is smaller than the wavelet threshold, the bilateral filter, and the non-local means of filtering and larger superior/similar to the method, visual quality, PSNR and image index noise bilateral multi-resolution filter quality

Jie Wen ◽  
Robert Keating ◽  
Timothy M. Adams

Abstract ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Division 1, Subsection NC, Class 2 components, and Subsection ND, Class 3 components, have significant technical and administrative similarities. The ASME BPV III Standards Committee has a long-standing goal of combining these two subsections (NC and ND). Consolidating Subsections NC and ND will simplify, reduce repetitions and make the Code easier to use. Additionally, a combined Subsection NC/ND will simplify Code maintenance. To facilitate this consolidation, the Subgroup on Component Design, under the BPV III Standards Committee assigned a Task Group to develop a strategy to combine the two subsections into a single subsection while maintaining both Class 2 and Class 3 as separate classes of construction. Both Subsections NC and ND of the Code have been completely reviewed, compared and the technical bases for the differences have been established. The conclusion of this review is that there are only a few major technical differences between the two code class rules; however, there are a significant number of editorial differences. Based on the review, the Task Group developed a strategy that completes the consolidation within two publishing cycles of Code edition. For the Code Edition 2019, two separate Subsections NC and ND books will be published to resolve editorial differences and otherwise align the two subsections. For the Code Edition 2021, a single merged subsection will be published. This paper provides the background for the proposed code change, discusses the detailed result of the NC/ND comparison, and provides the basis for the major technical differences. The paper will also update the status of the project and code actions needed to consolidate to a single subsection.

2019 ◽  
Vol 37 (15_suppl) ◽  
pp. 8515-8515 ◽  
Taofeek Kunle Owonikoko ◽  
Kristin Ann Higgins ◽  
Zhengjia Chen ◽  
Chao Zhang ◽  
Rathi Narayana Pillai ◽  

8515 Background: The combination of PD-1 and CTLA-4 inhibition has demonstrated activity in the second line therapy setting for SCLC. Radiotherapy enhanced the effectiveness of immunotherapy in NSCLC. We conducted this signal finding study to assess the efficacy of combined ICI with or without radiation in relapsed SCLC. Methods: Patients with relapsed SCLC who have received not more than 2 lines of therapy were enrolled and randomized to either Arm A: [Tremelimumab (T) 1500mg/durvalumab (D) 75mg i.v. every 4 weeks without SBRT] or Arm B: T/D with immune sensitizing SBRT to one selected tumor site (9 Gy x 3 fractions). Treatment continued until progression or maximum of 2 years. Paired tumor biopsies and serial samples of peripheral blood were employed for correlative endpoints (changes in intratumoral and circulating lymphocyte repertoire and immune cytokines). The study was designed to show a promising efficacy signal in either Arm with a hypothesized median PFS of 7 months (10 patients give 87% power at 1-sided alpha of 0.1). Results: Study randomized 17 patients to Arm A (8 patients) or B (9 patients); median age of 70 yrs; females 41.2%; White, 70%, Black 17.6%. Best response in 14 overall evaluable patients was PD in 9 (64.3%), PR in 2 (14%) and SD in 3 (21.4%); median PFS of 2.76 months and OS of 4.47 months. There was no significant difference in efficacy between Arms A and B but a trend of improved PFS and OS with T/D plus SBRT (see table): Median PFS of 2.1 vs. 3.3 months [HR: 2.44 (0.75-7.93); p = 0.122] and median OS of 2.6 vs. 5.7 months [HR: 1.50 (0.45-4.99); p = 0.5068]. Observed grade ≥ 3 adverse events were: Cytopenia (4), Dyspnea (1), and endocrine disorders (3) in Arm A; diarrhea (3) and cytopenias (1) in Arm B. There was an increase in circulating CD8(+) lymphocytes on treatment versus baseline in patients with objective tumor response. Conclusions: The study did not show sufficient signal of efficacy for ICI with or without SBRT in relapsed SCLC. Detailed result of the biomarker analysis will be available at the meeting. Clinical trial information: NCT02701400. [Table: see text]

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