lagrangian multiplier
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Vinayaravi R ◽  
Jayaraj Kochupillai ◽  
Kumaresan D ◽  
Asraff A. K

Abstract The objective of this paper is to investigate how higher damping is achieved by energy dissipation as high-frequency vibration due to the addition of impact mass. In an impact damper system, collision between primary and impact masses cause an exchange of momentum resulting in dissipation of energy. A numerical model is developed to study the dynamic behaviour of an impact damper system using a MDOF system with Augmented Lagrangian Multiplier contact algorithm. Mathematical modelling and numerical simulations are carried out using ANSYS FEA package. Studies are carried out for various mass ratios subjecting the system to low-frequency high amplitude excitation. Time responses obtained from numerical simulations at fundamental mode when the system is excited in the vicinity of its fundamental frequency are validated by comparing with experimental results. Magnification factor evaluated from numerical simulation results is comparable with those obtained from experimental data. The transient response obtained from numerical simulations is used to study the behaviour of first three modes of the system excited in vicinity of its fundamental frequency. It is inferred that dissipation of energy is a main reason for achieving higher damping for an impact damper system in addition to being transformed to heat, sound, and/or those required to deform a body.

2022 ◽  
Liping Qian

<div>The integration of Maritime Internet of Things (M-IoT) technology and unmanned aerial/surface vehicles (UAVs/USVs) has been emerging as a promising navigational information technique in intelligent ocean systems. With the unprecedented increase of computation-intensive yet latency sensitive marine mobile Internet services, mobile edge computing (MEC) and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) have been envisioned as promising approaches to providing with the low-latency as well as reliable computing services and ultra-dense connectivity. In this paper, we investigate the energy consumption minimization based energy-efficient MEC via cooperative NOMA for the UAV-assisted M-IoT networks. We consider that USVs offload their computation-workload to the UAV equipped with the edge-computing server subject to the UAV mobility. To improve the energy efficiency of offloading transmission and workload computation, we focus on minimizing the total energy consumption by jointly optimizing the USVs’ offloaded workload, transmit power, computation resource allocation as well as the UAV trajectory subject to the USVs’ latency requirements. Despite the nature of mixed discrete and non-convex programming of the formulated problem, we exploit the vertical decomposition and propose a two-layered algorithm for solving it efficiently. Specifically, the top-layered algorithm is proposed to solve the problem of optimizing the UAV trajectory based on the idea of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), and the underlying algorithm is proposed to optimize the underlying multi-domain resource allocation problem based on the idea of the Lagrangian multiplier method. Numerical results are provided to validate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms as well as the performance advantage of NOMA-enabled computation offloading in terms of overall energy consumption.</div>

2022 ◽  
Liping Qian

<div>The integration of Maritime Internet of Things (M-IoT) technology and unmanned aerial/surface vehicles (UAVs/USVs) has been emerging as a promising navigational information technique in intelligent ocean systems. With the unprecedented increase of computation-intensive yet latency sensitive marine mobile Internet services, mobile edge computing (MEC) and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) have been envisioned as promising approaches to providing with the low-latency as well as reliable computing services and ultra-dense connectivity. In this paper, we investigate the energy consumption minimization based energy-efficient MEC via cooperative NOMA for the UAV-assisted M-IoT networks. We consider that USVs offload their computation-workload to the UAV equipped with the edge-computing server subject to the UAV mobility. To improve the energy efficiency of offloading transmission and workload computation, we focus on minimizing the total energy consumption by jointly optimizing the USVs’ offloaded workload, transmit power, computation resource allocation as well as the UAV trajectory subject to the USVs’ latency requirements. Despite the nature of mixed discrete and non-convex programming of the formulated problem, we exploit the vertical decomposition and propose a two-layered algorithm for solving it efficiently. Specifically, the top-layered algorithm is proposed to solve the problem of optimizing the UAV trajectory based on the idea of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), and the underlying algorithm is proposed to optimize the underlying multi-domain resource allocation problem based on the idea of the Lagrangian multiplier method. Numerical results are provided to validate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms as well as the performance advantage of NOMA-enabled computation offloading in terms of overall energy consumption.</div>

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (20) ◽  
pp. 11456
P. Mala ◽  
M. Palanivel ◽  
S. Priyan ◽  
N. Anbazhagan ◽  
Srijana Acharya ◽  

In response to the digital revolution, nowadays, many companies operate online and offline businesses in parallel to ensure their future competitiveness. This research examines the inventory strategy for multi-product vendor-buyer supply chain systems, considering space constraints and carbon emissions, in order to improve competence in managing online and offline integrated orders. We amalgamate costs and emissions in transport and storage. Here, we divide the warehouse of the buyer into two stages: one for satisfying online orders and the other for satisfying offline orders. We also assume that additional crashing costs reduce the lead times for receiving products in the buyer’s warehouse. This study demonstrates a mathematical model in the form of a constrained non-linear programme (NLP) and derives a Lagrangian multiplier method to solve it. An iterative solution procedure is designed in order to attain sustainable manufacturing decisions, which are illustrated numerically.

2021 ◽  
Kazuya Taira ◽  
Rikuya Hosokawa ◽  
Tomoya Itatani ◽  
Sumio Fujita

BACKGROUND The number of suicides in Japan increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Predicting the number of suicides is critical to take timely preventive measures. OBJECTIVE In this study, we examine whether the number and characteristics of suicides can be predicted based on the Internet search behavior and the search queries. METHODS The monthly number of suicides by gender, collected and published by the National Police Agency, was used as an outcome variable. The number of searches by gender on the queries associated with "suicide" on "Yahoo Search" from January 2016 to December 2020 was used as a predictive variable. The following five phrases highly relevant to "suicide" were searched before searching for the keyword "suicide," and extracted and used for analyses: "abuse," "work, don’t want to go," "company, want to quit," "divorce," and "no money." The Augmented Dickey–Fuller and Johansen's tests were performed for the original series and to verify the existence of unit roots and cointegration for each variable, respectively. The vector autoregression model was applied to predict the number of suicides. The Breusch–Godfrey Lagrangian multiplier (BG-LM) test, autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity Lagrangian multiplier (ARCH-LM) test, and Jarque–Bera (JB) test were employed to confirm model convergence. In addition, a Granger causality test was performed for each predictive variable. RESULTS In the original series, unit roots were found in the trend model, whereas in the first-order difference series, both men (minimum tau 3: −9.24, max tau 3: −5.38) and women (minimum tau 3: −9.24, max tau 3: −5.38) had no unit roots for all variables. In Johansen's test, a cointegration relationship was observed among several variables. The queries used in the converged models were "divorce" for men (BG-LM test: p= 0.55; ARCH-LM test: p= 0.63; JB test: p= 0.66) and "no money" for women (BG-LM test: p = 0.17; ARCH-LM test: p = 0.15; JB test: p= 0.10). In the Granger causality test for each variable, "divorce" was significant for both men (F= 3.29, p = 0.041) and women (F = 3.23, p = 0.044). ¬ CONCLUSIONS The number of suicides can be predicted by the search queries related to the keyword "suicide." Previous studies have reported that financial poverty and divorce are associated with suicide. The results of this study, in which search queries on "no money" and "divorce" predict suicide, support the findings of previous studies. Further research on the economic poverty of women and those with complex problems is necessary.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 102
Fangyuan Wang ◽  
Xiaodi Li ◽  
Zhaojie Zhou

In this paper spectral Galerkin approximation of optimal control problem governed by fractional advection diffusion reaction equation with integral state constraint is investigated. First order optimal condition of the control problem is discussed. Weighted Jacobi polynomials are used to approximate the state and adjoint state. A priori error estimates for control, state, adjoint state and Lagrangian multiplier are derived. Numerical experiment is carried out to illustrate the theoretical findings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Darko B. Vukovic ◽  
Carlos J. Rincon ◽  
Moinak Maiti

AbstractThis study examines the pricing of municipal bonds before and after a currency shock in Switzerland. Two approaches are used to decompose the municipal to treasuries bond spreads into liquidity, maturity, and default risk premiums. The first approach is the model of the cross-sectional instrumental variables, and the second approach is the model of the instrumental variables with panel data. This study examines the composition of spreads for both approaches, in three scenarios: before, throughout, and after the currency shock. The study performed Durbin-Wu-Hausman tests for each decisive model to verify endogeneity issues, including the Lagrangian Multiplier test, the Cragg-Donald Wald F statistic to confirm the relationship of instrumental and endogenous variables, and the structural break test (Bai-Perron test) to determine the existence of structural breaks in bond distortions. This study finds that the currency price distortions of the Swiss franc in January 2015 made long-run changes in the composition of the municipal bond spreads. This research contributes to the understanding of municipal bond pricing by showing that default risk accounts for a large portion of the municipal bond spread, while maturity risk plays a lesser role. According to our empirical findings, unexpected large currency price shocks may have long-term implications on the municipal bond spreads.

Bohua Sun

One open question remains regarding the theory of the generalized variational principle, that is, why the stress-strain relation still be derived from the generalized variational principle while the Lagrangian multiplier method is applied in vain? This study shows that the generalized variational principle can only be understood and implemented correctly within the framework of thermodynamics. As long as the functional has one of the combination $A(\epsilon_{ij})-\sigma_{ij}\epsilon_{ij}$ or $B(\sigma_{ij})-\sigma_{ij}\epsilon_{ij}$, its corresponding variational principle will produce the stress-strain relation without the need to introduce extra constraints by the Lagrangian multiplier method. It is proved herein that the Hu-Washizu functional $\Pi_{HW}[u_i,\epsilon_{ij},\sigma_{ij}]$ and Hu-Washizu variational principle comprise a real three-field functional.

Daniel Joseph Ringis ◽  
Francois Pitie ◽  
Anil C. Kokaram

Daniel J Ringis ◽  
Francois Pitie ◽  
Anil Kokaram

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