stable bundle
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2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14

Abstract. Let π : X → C be a fibration with integral fibers over a curve C and consider a polarization H on the surface X. Let E be a stable vector bundle of rank 2 on C. We prove that the pullback π*(E) is a H-stable bundle over X. This result allows us to relate the corresponding moduli spaces of stable bundles $${{\mathcal M}_C}(2,d)$$ and $${{\mathcal M}_{X,H}}(2,df,0)$$ through an injective morphism. We study the induced morphism at the level of Brill–Noether loci to construct examples of Brill–Noether loci on fibered surfaces. Results concerning the emptiness of Brill–Noether loci follow as a consequence of a generalization of Clifford’s Theorem for rank two bundles on surfaces.

2019 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 213-240

We consider partially hyperbolic attractors for non-singular endomorphisms admitting an invariant stable bundle and a positively invariant cone field with non-uniform cone expansion at a positive Lebesgue measure set of points. We prove volume lemmas for both Lebesgue measure on the topological basin of the attractor and the SRB measure supported on the attractor. As a consequence, under a mild assumption we prove exponential large-deviation bounds for the convergence of Birkhoff averages associated to continuous observables with respect to the SRB measure.

2018 ◽  
Vol 40 (6) ◽  
pp. 1545-1593

We contribute to the thermodynamic formalism of partially hyperbolic attractors for local diffeomorphisms admitting an invariant stable bundle and a positively invariant cone field with non-uniform cone expansion at a positive Lebesgue measure set of points. These include the case of attractors for Axiom A endomorphisms and partially hyperbolic endomorphisms derived from Anosov. We prove these attractors have finitely many SRB measures, that these are hyperbolic, and that the SRB measure is unique provided the dynamics is transitive. Moreover, we show that the SRB measures are statistically stable (in the weak$^{\ast }$ topology) and that their entropy varies continuously with respect to the local diffeomorphism.

2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (11) ◽  
pp. 1850080 ◽  
Abel Castorena ◽  
H. Torres-López

Let [Formula: see text] be a smooth irreducible projective curve and let [Formula: see text] be a complete and generated linear series on [Formula: see text]. Denote by [Formula: see text] the kernel of the evaluation map [Formula: see text]. The exact sequence [Formula: see text] fits into a commutative diagram that we call the Butler’s diagram. This diagram induces in a natural way a multiplication map on global sections [Formula: see text], where [Formula: see text] is a subspace and [Formula: see text] is the dual of a subbundle [Formula: see text]. When the subbundle [Formula: see text] is a stable bundle, we show that the map [Formula: see text] is surjective. When [Formula: see text] is a Brill–Noether general curve, we use the surjectivity of [Formula: see text] to give another proof of the semistability of [Formula: see text], moreover, we fill up a gap in some incomplete argument by Butler: With the surjectivity of [Formula: see text] we give conditions to determine the stability of [Formula: see text], and such conditions imply the well-known stability conditions for [Formula: see text] stated precisely by Butler. Finally we obtain the equivalence between the (semi)stability of [Formula: see text] and the linear (semi)stability of [Formula: see text] on [Formula: see text]-gonal curves.

2018 ◽  
Vol 238 ◽  
pp. 1-36 ◽  

In this paper, we show that the cohomology of a general stable bundle on a Hirzebruch surface is determined by the Euler characteristic provided that the first Chern class satisfies necessary intersection conditions. More generally, we compute the Betti numbers of a general stable bundle. We also show that a general stable bundle on a Hirzebruch surface has a special resolution generalizing the Gaeta resolution on the projective plane. As a consequence of these results, we classify Chern characters such that the general stable bundle is globally generated.

2017 ◽  
Marcel Prelogović ◽  
Lora Winters ◽  
Ana Milas ◽  
Iva M. Tolić ◽  
Nenad Pavin

ABSTRACTDuring mitosis, bundles of microtubules form a spindle, but the physical mechanism of bundle formation is still not known. Here we show that random angular movement of microtubules around the spindle pole and forces exerted by passive cross-linking proteins are sufficient for the formation of stable microtubule bundles. We test these predictions by experiments in wild-type and ase1Δ fission yeast cells. In conclusion, the angular motion drives the alignment of microtubules, which in turn allows the cross-linking proteins to connect the microtubules into a stable bundle.

2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (06) ◽  
pp. 1750039 ◽  
Sonia Brivio

Let [Formula: see text] be a smooth complex projective curve of genus [Formula: see text] and let [Formula: see text] be a point. From Hecke correspondence, any stable bundle on [Formula: see text] of rank [Formula: see text] and determinant [Formula: see text] defines a rational family of semistable vector bundles on [Formula: see text] of rank [Formula: see text] and trivial determinant. In this paper, we study linear systems of theta divisors associated to these families.

2014 ◽  
Vol 35 (5) ◽  
pp. 1394-1422 ◽  

We define the notion of ${\it\varepsilon}$-flexible periodic point: it is a periodic point with stable index equal to two whose dynamics restricted to the stable direction admits ${\it\varepsilon}$-perturbations both to a homothety and a saddle having an eigenvalue equal to one. We show that an ${\it\varepsilon}$-perturbation to an ${\it\varepsilon}$-flexible point allows us to change it to a stable index one periodic point whose (one-dimensional) stable manifold is an arbitrarily chosen $C^{1}$-curve. We also show that the existence of flexible points is a general phenomenon among systems with a robustly non-hyperbolic two-dimensional center-stable bundle.

2007 ◽  
Vol 57 (11) ◽  
pp. 2249-2262 ◽  
Björn Andreas ◽  
Gottfried Curio

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