molecular adaptation
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2022 ◽  
Jasper B. Alpuerto ◽  
Mika Fukuda ◽  
Song Li ◽  
Rana M. F. Hussain ◽  
Kodai Sakane ◽  

2022 ◽  
pp. 79-100
Prajjal Dey ◽  
Diptanu Datta ◽  
Debasish Pattnaik ◽  
Deepali Dash ◽  
Debanjana Saha ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Elaine E. Guevara ◽  
Lydia K. Greene ◽  
Marina B. Blanco ◽  
Casey Farmer ◽  
Jeannin Ranaivonasy ◽  

The lemurs of Madagascar include numerous species characterized by folivory across several families. Many extant lemuriform folivores exist in sympatry in Madagascar’s remaining forests. These species avoid feeding competition by adopting different dietary strategies within folivory, reflected in behavioral, morphological, and microbiota diversity across species. These conditions make lemurs an ideal study system for understanding adaptation to leaf-eating. Most folivorous lemurs are also highly endangered. The significance of folivory for conservation outlook is complex. Though generalist folivores may be relatively well equipped to survive habitat disturbance, specialist folivores occupying narrow dietary niches may be less resilient. Characterizing the genetic bases of adaptation to folivory across species and lineages can provide insights into their differential physiology and potential to resist habitat change. We recently reported accelerated genetic change in RNASE1, a gene encoding an enzyme (RNase 1) involved in molecular adaptation in mammalian folivores, including various monkeys and sifakas (genus Propithecus; family Indriidae). Here, we sought to assess whether other lemurs, including phylogenetically and ecologically diverse folivores, might show parallel adaptive change in RNASE1 that could underlie a capacity for efficient folivory. We characterized RNASE1 in 21 lemur species representing all five families and members of the three extant folivorous lineages: (1) bamboo lemurs (family Lemuridae), (2) sportive lemurs (family Lepilemuridae), and (3) indriids (family Indriidae). We found pervasive sequence change in RNASE1 across all indriids, a dN/dS value > 3 in this clade, and evidence for shared change in isoelectric point, indicating altered enzymatic function. Sportive and bamboo lemurs, in contrast, showed more modest sequence change. The greater change in indriids may reflect a shared strategy emphasizing complex gut morphology and microbiota to facilitate folivory. This case study illustrates how genetic analysis may reveal differences in functional traits that could influence species’ ecology and, in turn, their resilience to habitat change. Moreover, our results support the body of work demonstrating that not all primate folivores are built the same and reiterate the need to avoid generalizations about dietary guild in considering conservation outlook, particularly in lemurs where such diversity in folivory has probably led to extensive specialization via niche partitioning.

2021 ◽  
Elaine E. Guevara ◽  
Lydia K Greene ◽  
Marina B Blanco ◽  
Casey Farmer ◽  
Jeannin Ranaivonasy ◽  

Folivory evolved independently at least three times over the last 40 million years among Madagascar's lemurs. Many extant lemuriform folivores exist in sympatry in Madagascar's remaining forests. These species avoid feeding competition by adopting different dietary strategies within folivory, reflected in behavioral, morphological, and microbiota diversity across species. These conditions make lemurs an ideal study system for understanding adaptation to leaf-eating. Most folivorous lemurs are also highly endangered. The significance of folivory for conservation outlook is complex. Though generalist folivores may be relatively well equipped to survive habitat disturbance, specialist folivores occupying narrow dietary niches may be less resilient. Characterizing the genetic bases of adaptation to folivory across species and lineages can provide insights into their differential physiology and potential to resist habitat change. We recently reported accelerated genetic change in RNASE1, a gene encoding an enzyme (RNase 1) involved in molecular adaptation in mammalian folivores, including various monkeys and sifakas (genus Propithecus; family Indriidae). Here, we sought to assess whether other lemurs, including phylogenetically and ecologically diverse folivores, might show parallel adaptive change in RNASE1 that could underlie a capacity for efficient folivory. We characterized RNASE1 in 21 lemur species representing all five families and members of the three extant folivorous lineages: 1) bamboo lemurs (family Lemuridae), 2) sportive lemurs (family Lepilemuridae), and 3) indriids (family Indriidae). We found pervasive sequence change in RNASE1 across all indriids, a dN/dS value > 3 in this clade, and evidence for shared change in isoelectric point, indicating altered enzymatic function. Sportive and bamboo lemurs, in contrast, showed more modest sequence change. The greater change in indriids may reflect a shared strategy emphasizing complex gut morphology and microbiota to facilitate folivory. This case study illustrates how genetic analysis may reveal differences in functional traits that could influence species' ecology and, in turn, their resilience to habitat change. Moreover, our results support the contention that not all primate folivores are built the same and highlight the need to avoid generalizations about dietary guild in considering conservation outlook, particularly in lemurs where such diversity in folivory has probably led to extensive specialization via niche partitioning.

2021 ◽  
Xiao Feng ◽  
Guohong Li ◽  
Shaohua Xu ◽  
Weihong Wu ◽  
Qipian Chen ◽  

2021 ◽  
Ana Filipa Moutinho ◽  
Adam Eyre-Walker ◽  
Julien Y. Dutheil

AbstractUnderstanding the dynamics of species adaptation to their environments has long been a central focus of the study of evolution. Early adaptive theories proposed that populations evolve by “walking” in a fitness landscape. This “adaptive walk” is characterised by a pattern of diminishing returns, where populations further away from their fitness optimum take larger steps than those closer to their optimal conditions. This theory can also be used to understand molecular evolution in time, particularly across genes of different ages. We expect young genes to evolve faster and experience mutations with stronger fitness effects than older genes because they are further away from their fitness optimum. Testing this hypothesis, however, constitutes an arduous task. Young genes are small, encode proteins with a higher degree of intrinsic disorder, are expressed at lower levels, and are involved in species-specific adaptations. Since all these factors lead to increased protein evolutionary rates, they could be masking the effect of gene age. While controlling for these factors, we fitted models of the distribution of fitness effects to population genomic datasets of animals and plants. We found that a gene’s evolutionary age significantly impacts the molecular adaptive rate. Moreover, we observed that substitutions in young genes tend to have larger fitness effects. Our study, therefore, provides the first evidence of an “adaptive walk” model of molecular evolution in large evolutionary timescales.Significant statementHow does molecular adaptation occur? John Maynard Smith was one of the first to address this question by introducing the notion of “adaptive walk”, which defines the “walk” of a gene towards higher fitness. At the start of this walk, genes tend to experience mutations with larger fitness effects than those closer to their fitness peak. Whilst being well-established, this theory has never been tested on large evolutionary timescales. Here, we achieve this by comparing molecular adaptive rates across genes of different ages in plants and animals. We showed that a gene’s age acts as a significant determinant of molecular adaptation, where young genes adapt faster than old ones. We, therefore, provide evidence for an “adaptive walk” through time.

Phyton ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 90 (5) ◽  
pp. 1363-1385
Seerat Saleem ◽  
Naveed Ul Mushtaq ◽  
Wasifa Hafiz Shah ◽  
Aadil Rasool ◽  
Khalid Rehman Hakeem ◽  

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