suction pressure
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2021 ◽  
Atif Javed

Abstract To explore the opportunity for maximum utilization for a Sales Gas Compression Facility (SGCF) in line with ADNOC strategy to enhance profitability and asset utilization. A technical study was conducted to increase the processing capacity up to 133% of its design limit by utilizing the available design margins. This was to identify the potential bottlenecks in the facility and suggest debottlenecking options (if bottlenecks are there). The Technical study covered the following activities: Simulation: Process simulation was performed and H&MB (Heat and Material Balance) was generatd. Engineering: Compressor adequacy checks on increased plant throughputs. Static Equipment rating and adequacy checks performed with the concurrence of original equipment menufacturerers. Line sizing adequacy checks and detailed evaluation of the piping. Adequacy check for In-line instruments like control valves, flow elements/transmitters (Note 1) Relief, blowdown and flare system adequacy check. Utilities adequacy checks. Risk assessment workshop was conducted before the capacity test run. Preparation of Test Run procedure before the actual test run. Actual plant capacity test run to verify the study findings. Note 1: Adequacy check of thermowells had been peformed separately prior to the study. It had already been established that the thermowells were adequate for the increased plant throughputs. The study has concluded the following observations for processing 133% of the design capacity Theoratically, the Sales Gas Compression Plant is adequate to handle the sales gas throughput up to 600 MMSCFD (2 running machines) considering the facts that Sales Gas Compressor suction pressure must always be kept at 32 barg through close monitoring by the operaters.If compressor suction pressure starts dropping below 32 barg, the study outcome would no more valid and the plant throughput would be reduced back to the original design capacity of 450 MMSCFD. Moreover, it was recommended to perform a field test run to validate the study outcome by following the Manageement of Change Procedure as applicable. Based on the successful 48 hours test run, it was established that the facility could handle the increased plant throughput of 600 MMSCFD by following the instructions given in the adequacy study.

Nitin K. Khedkar ◽  
Chandrakant Sonawane ◽  
Akshay Chandras ◽  
Atul Kulkarni ◽  
Rohan Sawant

Processes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 2053
Yi’nan Qian ◽  
Yuanshun Wang ◽  
Zhenlong Fang ◽  
Xiuhan Chen ◽  
Sape A. Miedema

A jet pump is used to transport a variety of working media and is especially suitable for dredged soil transporting. In this study, a three-dimensional numerical study of a jet pump that is used for slurry delivery was carried out. The characteristics of the internal flow field of the mixing chamber with different working parameters were comprehensively analyzed. The results indicate that the pressure of the axial line decreases with increasing flow ratio (ratio of suction flux and inlet flux) while the pressure of the injected slurry shows a downward trend. With the increase in the flow ratio, the pressure ratio (difference between inlet pressure and suction pressure divided by the difference between exit pressure and suction pressure) falls off while the efficiency presents a parabolic distribution. The pressure ratio can be promoted by properly increasing the length of the mixing chamber so that the available efficiency is broadened. When the mixing chamber length is L = 2.5Dn~4.0Dn (Dn is nozzle outlet diameter), the highly efficient area is wide; in particular, when L = 3.5Dn, the jet slurry pump with the highest efficiency of 27.6% has the best performance.

2021 ◽  
Ameria Eviany ◽  
Ifani Ramadhani ◽  
Cio Mario ◽  
Anang Nugrahanto ◽  
Harris Pramana ◽  

Abstract The two most common challenges on the oil and gas production today are the flowing production under natural pressure depletion and the surface facility capacity limitation. Ujung Pangkah field is no exception regarding finding a method to overcome this problem. It compelled to embolden many strategies to ensure the continuity of oil and gas production. Production enhancement initiatives were delivered through both Subsurface and Surface sides. SAKA Energi Indonesia, as the operator of Pangkah PSC, proved that Surface Modification approach increased the oil and gas production. Historically, gas lift injection dependency in all production wells force a continuous operation of Gas Lift Compressor (GLC) unit to supply gas lift. However, GLC as a production backbone is no longer sustainable, it has reached its maximum limit and unable to fulfil the gas lift rate requirement for all wells. Furthermore, the changing flowing conditions – low gas feeding - from wells are relatable to most of the critical surface equipment. Considering all the challenges faced in Ujung Pangkah field, SAKA developed initiatives on MP Compressor and GLC configuration by performing compressors restaging. The equipment modifications started out with restaging the MP Compressor (MPC) that led to MP Separator operating pressure reduction – from 22 barg down to 16 barg. Pressure changes on MP Separator also directly affected the GLC system since it works on the same pipeline header. Technical assessment analysis for other corresponding equipment were performed to verify if each of the equipment's operating boundary could accommodate lower pressure at the facility. Compressor restaging has direct and indirect impacts. The direct impacts are decrease in suction pressure, increase in gas lift rates, and decrease in flowing of suction pressure due to the pressure at wellhead. The indirect impact is production gain from wells by lowering the wellhead pressure. Particularly in the pressure depletion case, this initiative could extend the lifetime of the wells. Production gain was quantified after compressor restaging and pressure system lower to 16 barg. The gain from this method was 3 MMscfd and ~400 BOPD.

Processes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (10) ◽  
pp. 1705
Sugen Tian ◽  
Yuanyang Zhao ◽  
Kairui Dong ◽  
Guangbin Liu ◽  
Qichao Yang ◽  

In this study, a three-dimensional model with actual clearances was established for a scroll oil pump, and the internal flow was simulated by the CFD method. The internal flows at different rotation angles were studied, and the cavitation and pressure pulsation in the scroll pump under different working conditions were analyzed. The results show that the flow in the two working chambers of the scroll pump is asymmetric due to its structural characteristics and motion mode. The high-pressure pulsation occurs in the working chamber during the end of the suction and the beginning of discharge. Under the action of high-pressure difference, there is a high-speed jet in the clearance between the orbiting and fixed scrolls, which causes a large area of cavitation downstream of the clearance. Under a low suction pressure, cavitation intensifies with the increase in rotating speed, which leads to a decrease in volumetric efficiency. It can effectively improve cavitation by increasing the suction pressure and volumetric efficiency of the pump. The pressure pulsation can be effectively improved by increasing the axial clearance and reducing the rotating speed. The method of reducing pressure pulsation by shortening the scroll profile is proposed.

Bambang Sumali ◽  
April Gunawan ◽  
Larsen Barasa ◽  
Rika Desy Anggraini

LPG / C Griya Borneo is a gas vessel with a semi-pressurized type, where the supporting components in the form of cargo handling equipment have a very big influence on the success and safety of ship operations. This is important to note because when the ship will carry out the loading process, the load temperature must be in accordance with the boiling point. High temperatures on ammonia loads can increase the pressure in the tank so that it exceeds the specified pressure limits and ammonia loads that have high temperatures need to be reliquefaction. In addition, the compressor compressor suction pressure that does not work in accordance with what is expected to affect the reliability process. This resulted in the reliquefaction process being longer than usual. The long reliquefaction process results in more fuel being used so that it costs a lot. Therefore the writer makes a thesis related to the problems experienced by the ship owned by PT Humpuss Transportasi Kimia aims to find out how much influence the compressor compressor suction pressure and tank pressure on the process of reliquefaction on the LPG / C Griya Borneo ship, the place where the authors practice.

Yasser M. El-Okda ◽  
Mohamed S. Emeara

A number of aerodynamic devices to perturb or modify the flow over low-rise buildings are proposed. The purpose of these devices is to reduce the adverse effects of wind over low-rise buildings and to mitigate the pressures on the roofs to lower vacuum levels. Pressure measurements were performed on a scaled down model of the well-known TTU experimental building of the Wind Engineering Research Facility (WERFL) at TTU University. Different results were obtained: reduction of average peek vacuum, smoothing of windward pressure distribution on the roof and narrowing and localizing of the suction pressure zones on the roof. Results that may be of interest to other disciplines such as heat transfer are also reported.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Rachmat Subagyo ◽  
Bagaskoro Rizqining Hendratno

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui unjuk kerja pompa sentrifugal. Data-data yang diperlukan dalam riset ini diperoleh dari data commissioning dan data aktual pompa sentrifugal Lean Benfield Solution. Adapun data yang dibutuhkan meliputi: kecepatan (RPM), Kapasitas (Q), Head (H), Axle Power (BHP), Hydrolysis Power (WHP), Suction Pressure, Discharge Pressure, rasio Discharge Pressure dan Efficiency (ɳ). Hasil analisis perhitungan pada minggu pertama diperoleh data-data sebagai berikut: ∆P= 34,8 kg / cm2, Head (H)= 274m, Hydrolysis Power (WHP)= 84kW, Axle Power (BHP)= 116kW, Efisiensi pompa= 72%, begitu juga minggu kedua hingga minggu kedelapan. Kemudian hasil data aktual yang diperoleh dibandingkan dengan data komisioning. Hasil analisis data pada penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak ada data yang melebihi data komisioning. Data aktual tertinggi dicapai pada minggu ke delapan dengan nilai sebagai berikut: ∆P sebesar= 36kg/cm2, Head (H)= 283m, Hydrolysis Power (WHP)= 104kW, Axle Power (BHP)= 141kW dan Efisiensi= 74,8%.

Buildings ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 225
Rizuwana Parween ◽  
Mohan Rajesh Elara ◽  
Zaki Saptari Saldi ◽  
Thomas Ng ◽  
Madan Mohan Rayaguru

For glass façade cleaning, we developed a reconfigurable robot, Mantis-mini, with a dry cleaning mechanism and linear actuator based transitioning mechanism. It consists of three suction modules, connected by a support structure and each suction module has individual differential drive wheels with independent steering capability. This paper focuses on the detailed design of the platform, static structural analysis for and kinematic formulation. The adhesion performance of the suction module is evaluated using experiments, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations, and analytically formulated estimation. The suction pressure magnitude predicted from the simulations increases with suction impeller speed and agrees well with measurements and analytical calculation in terms of order of magnitude and qualitative trend. An adaptive proportional-integral (PI) controller is designed and implemented for regulating suction pressure and motion controller of the platform. The suction performance of the platform is validated through real-time experiments of the platform on the glass surface.

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