exponential bounds
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Axioms ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 308
Yogesh J. Bagul ◽  
Ramkrishna M. Dhaigude ◽  
Marko Kostić ◽  
Christophe Chesneau

Recent advances in mathematical inequalities suggest that bounds of polynomial-exponential-type are appropriate for evaluating key trigonometric functions. In this paper, we innovate in this sense by establishing new and sharp bounds of the form (1−αx2)eβx2 for the trigonometric sinc and cosine functions. Our main result for the sinc function is a double inequality holding on the interval (0, π), while our main result for the cosine function is a double inequality holding on the interval (0, π/2). Comparable sharp results for hyperbolic functions are also obtained. The proofs are based on series expansions, inequalities on the Bernoulli numbers, and the monotone form of the l’Hospital rule. Some comparable bounds of the literature are improved. Examples of application via integral techniques are given.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Malay Ghosh

AbstractThe paper derives some exponential tail bounds for central and non-central chisquared random variables. The bounds are simple and can easily be applied in statistical analysis. Especially relevant are the tail bounds for non-central chisquares, which are different from some of the other exponential bounds available in the literature, for example the one given in [1].

Daniel Hausmann ◽  
Lutz Schröder

AbstractIt is well-known that the winning region of a parity game with n nodes and k priorities can be computed as a k-nested fixpoint of a suitable function; straightforward computation of this nested fixpoint requires $$\mathcal {O}(n^{\frac{k}{2}})$$ O ( n k 2 ) iterations of the function. Calude et al.’s recent quasipolynomial-time parity game solving algorithm essentially shows how to compute the same fixpoint in only quasipolynomially many iterations by reducing parity games to quasipolynomially sized safety games. Universal graphs have been used to modularize this transformation of parity games to equivalent safety games that are obtained by combining the original game with a universal graph. We show that this approach naturally generalizes to the computation of solutions of systems of any fixpoint equations over finite lattices; hence, the solution of fixpoint equation systems can be computed by quasipolynomially many iterations of the equations. We present applications to modal fixpoint logics and games beyond relational semantics. For instance, the model checking problems for the energy $$\mu $$ μ -calculus, finite latticed $$\mu $$ μ -calculi, and the graded and the (two-valued) probabilistic $$\mu $$ μ -calculus – with numbers coded in binary – can be solved via nested fixpoints of functions that differ substantially from the function for parity games but still can be computed in quasipolynomial time; our result hence implies that model checking for these $$\mu $$ μ -calculi is in $$\textsc {QP}$$ QP . Moreover, we improve the exponent in known exponential bounds on satisfiability checking.

Mathematics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 1885
Olena Ragulina ◽  
Jonas Šiaulys

This paper is devoted to the investigation of the ruin probability in the risk model with stochastic premiums where dividends are paid according to a multi-layer dividend strategy. We obtain an exponential bound for the ruin probability and investigate conditions, under which it holds for a number of distributions of the premium and claim sizes. Next, we use the exponential bound to construct non-exponential bounds for the ruin probability. We show that the non-exponential bounds turn out to be tighter than the exponential one in some cases. Moreover, we derive explicit formulas for the ruin probability when the premium and claim sizes have either the hyperexponential or the Erlang distributions and apply them to investigate how tight the bounds are. To illustrate and analyze the results obtained, we give numerical examples.

10.37236/8493 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
Matas Šileikis ◽  
Lutz Warnke

For $r \ge 2$, let $X$ be the number of $r$-armed stars $K_{1,r}$ in the binomial random graph $G_{n,p}$.  We study the upper tail ${\mathbb P}(X \ge (1+\epsilon){\mathbb E} X)$, and establish exponential bounds which are best possible up to constant factors in the exponent (for the special case of stars $K_{1,r}$ this solves a problem of Janson and Ruciński, and confirms a conjecture by DeMarco and Kahn).  In contrast to the widely accepted standard for the upper tail problem, we do not restrict our attention to constant $\epsilon$, but also allow for $\epsilon \ge n^{-\alpha}$ deviations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
Qianqian Zhou ◽  
Alexander Sakhanenko ◽  
Junyi Guo

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