noncommutative geometry
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Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Fedele Lizzi

I discuss some issues related to the noncommutative spaces κ and its angular variant ρ-Minkowski with particular emphasis on the role of observers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
A. Bochniak ◽  
A. Sitarz ◽  
P. Zalecki

Abstract We compute the leading terms of the spectral action for a noncommutative geometry model that has no fermion doubling. The spectral triple describing it, which is chiral and allows for CP-symmetry breaking, has the Dirac operator that is not of the product type. Using Wick rotation we derive explicitly the Lagrangian of the model from the spectral action for a flat metric, demonstrating the appearance of the topological θ-terms for the electroweak gauge fields.

Giuseppe De Nittis ◽  
Maximiliano Sandoval

Abstract In this work we study the differential aspects of the noncommutative geometry for the magnetic C*-algebra which is a 2-cocycle deformation of the group C*-algebra of R2. This algebra is intimately related to the study of the Quantum Hall Effect in the continuous, and our results aim to provide a new geometric interpretation of the related Kubo's formula. Taking inspiration from the ideas developed by Bellissard during the 80's, we build an appropriate Fredholm module for the magnetic C*-algebra based on the magnetic Dirac operator which is the square root (à la Dirac) of the quantum harmonic oscillator. Our main result consist of establishing an important piece of Bellissard's theory, the so-called second Connes' formula. In order to do so, we establish the equality of three cyclic 2-cocycles defined on a dense subalgebra of the magnetic C*-algebra. Two of these 2-cocycles are new in the literature and are defined by Connes' quantized differential calculus, with the use of the Dixmier trace and the magnetic Dirac operator.

Surajit Kalita ◽  
T. R. Govindarajan ◽  
Banibrata Mukhopadhyay

The indirect evidence for at least a dozen massive white dwarfs (WDs) violating the Chandrasekhar mass limit is considered to be one of the wonderful discoveries in astronomy for more than a decade. Researchers have already proposed a diverse amount of models to explain this astounding phenomenon. However, each of these models always carries some drawbacks. On the other hand, noncommutative geometry is one of the best replicas of quantum gravity, which is yet to be proved from observations. Madore introduced the idea of a fuzzy sphere to describe a formalism of noncommutative geometry. This paper shows that the idea of a squashed fuzzy sphere can self-consistently explain the super-Chandrasekhar limiting mass WDs. We further show that the length scale beyond which the noncommutativity is prominent is an emergent phenomenon, and there is no prerequisite for an ad hoc length scale.

Patrick Iglesias-Zemmour ◽  
Elisa Prato

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