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2021 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
pp. S577-S578
C. Cabaços ◽  
S. Magano ◽  
A.C. Pires ◽  
A.I. Araújo ◽  
D. Mota ◽  

Rawan Ibrahim Alnasser Rawan Ibrahim Alnasser

  This study aimed to identify the reality of adolescent girls' exposure to the dangers of the digital world according to the classification of the UNICEF organization and to reveal the most dangerous applications for them. This study relied on the method of social survey through the sample using the questionnaire tool, and the study sample reached (402) single female students Medium in the city of Riyadh, using stratified random sampling. The results of the study revealed that content-related risks are among the most common types of risks that adolescent girls face in the digital world, followed by communication risks and then behavioral risks. The results also showed that among the applications in which adolescent girls are most exposed to the dangers of the digital world (Instagram - Twitter - Snapchat), In terms of usage, YouTube ranked first in terms of usage, followed by Snapchat, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, Tik Tok, then PUBG and Fortnite. The study recommended the need to establish a specialized unit affiliated to the Communications and Information Technology Commission, which includes a number of specialists in the social, psychological and cybersecurity fields. It also includes visual and print media and celebrities of social networking sites who have an impact on the category of children and adolescents. The study also recommended the need to focus the efforts of the committee. To legalize the ethical content of information technology on the most popular websites and applications in the digital world, such as (Twitter, Instagram), by intensifying censorship and working to reduce the availability of harmful and inappropriate materials on these sites.

2021 ◽  
pp. 104398622110448
Laura Iesue ◽  
Felicia O. Casanova ◽  
Alex R. Piquero

This study uses official data from Guatemala’s Departamento de Atencion a la Victima (Victim Attention Department), a specialized unit in Guatemala’s National Civil Police, to assess the long-term impacts of a government mandated lockdown and reopening on domestic violence. It also considers how the lockdown and reopening impacted domestic violence across administrative departments in the country. Our findings suggest that combined, daily cases of domestic violence were already decreasing prior to the pandemic lockdown and that both the shutdown and the reopening altered the patterning of domestic violence, first to increase domestic violence and then to decrease it, respectively. When assessing this trend across departments, not every department exhibited the same, national-level trend, but instead domestic violence trends varied. This study provides a starting point in analyzing long-term pandemic-related policy responses and their impacts on domestic violence in international contexts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4(61)) ◽  
pp. 25-34
Osama Mostafa Atout

The object of research is applying the requirements of nuclear safeguards to the processing and mining facilities through which the Nuclear Materials Authority (NMA). One of the most problematic places is the NMA carries out its related nuclear activities as the body responsible for managing and operating those facilities, which must have a prominent role in imposing physical protection on these materials to protect them. During use, storage, or internal transportation, NMA should take all security and legal measures and precautions to prevent Nuclear materials from any seizure and its recovery in the event of any seizure. In the course of the research it is shown that the implementation of these requirements requires obtaining the necessary license to practice these activities, and that these activities are subject to the control of the Nuclear and Radiation Control Authority, by establishing a system for the safety and security of this nuclear equipment and materials. So that the system covers all equipment, tools, tasks, supplies, equipment, and materials present in any of the Authority’s projects and sectors Scientific. As a result of the research we have reached the importance of applying nuclear safeguards to nuclear facilities in completing the nuclear infrastructure in Egypt and completing the construction of the Egyptian peaceful nuclear program considering international standards issued by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). In the future, the proposed approach is In the future, the proposed approach is to establish a general framework for the application of nuclear safeguards procedures to the processing and mining facilities of the NMA. These safeguards are applied as a basis for completing the nuclear legislative infrastructure, the safety of Nuclear Facilities and fulfilling the requirements of IAEA. This is done by establishing a specialized unit that includes many engineers, geologists and chemists to collect all engineering and technological data, information, designs, and drawings for all nuclear and radiological facilities, activities, and practices existing at the authority under the safety standards written about equipment, tools, devices, supplies, and tasks.

Nursing Forum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Jose Arnold Tariga ◽  
Rhodora Rosa ◽  
Joseph Almazan

Dorte Hvidtjørn ◽  
Sofie Mørk ◽  
Mette Eklund ◽  
Rikke Damkjær Maimburg ◽  
Tine Brink Henriksen

2021 ◽  
pp. 32-39
V. A. Ippolitov ◽  
A. B. Kononenko ◽  
A. A. Kosorotov ◽  
O. V. Kryukov

The prospects for the development and implementation of new technologies for expanding the functionality and reliability of complete transformer substations are considered. It is shown that the main component of automation of switchgears of modern electrical substations is the system of automatic input of the reserve, and the main intellectual center of it becomes the controller, which is a specialized unit or system of freely programmable relay devices or programmable logic controllers. A new block diagram of the dispatching and diagnostics system of the digital substation switchgear with an element-by-element description of the functions and main operating modes is presented. A detailed description of the switchgear based on two bus sections, to which the circuit breakers of the outgoing lines are connected, is given. Innovative functions of monitoring and intelligent control of automated systems of various switchgears within the framework of the concept of digital substations are proposed. Examples of new unctions of the CTS “Cascade” system based on HMI controllers using web technologies are given.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (Supplement 1) ◽  
pp. e359
Fernando Jaén Águila ◽  
Ricardo Roa Chamorro ◽  
Pablo González Bustos ◽  
Juan Diego Mediavilla García

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Yeqian Huang ◽  
Ramesh Damodaran Prabha ◽  
Terence C. Chua ◽  
Jennifer Arena ◽  
Krishna Kotecha ◽  

Backgrounds: Pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) remains the only hope of a cure in selected patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PAC). With an aging population, there will be an increasing number of very elderly patients being diagnosed with PAC of whom a selected proportion would be suitable for PD. However, the literature on outcomes of elderly patients after PD remains ambiguous. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the safety and efficacy of PD in octogenarians with PAC.Methods: A retrospective analysis of 304 patients with PAC undergoing PD. Patients were divided into two age groups using age of 80 years old as the cut-off.Results: Overall mortality and major morbidity rates were 0.5 and 18.5%, respectively. The octogenarian group had a higher rate of mortality (6.3%, n = 1, p < 0.001), a higher rate of major morbidity (37.5%, n = 6, p = 0.042) and a longer hospital stay (p = 0.035). However, median survival of octogenarians was 15.6 months. Multivariate analysis showed age was not identified as a prognostic factor for major morbidity and overall survival.Conclusion: Age alone should not be an exclusion criterion for consideration of PD. With careful selection, PD can be safely performed in octogenarians. Elderly patients should be referred to a specialized unit for an objective assessment to determine the suitability for this aggressive but potential curative approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
Karine Marques Costa dos Reis ◽  
Cristine Alves Costa de Jesus

Objetivo: Analisar a funcionalidade e os sintomas de pacientes oncológicos em fim de vida durante internação em unidade especializada em cuidados paliativos. Método: Trata-se de avaliação longitudinal da admissão até o óbito, com monitorização semanal da funcionalidade e score de sintomas, de 59 participantes. Utilizou-se o teste paramétrico Wilcoxon pareado, para avaliação da mediana dos scores de sintomas e funcionalidade com nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: A amostra do estudo consistiu em indivíduos do sexo feminino, com idade média de 60 anos e funcionalidade limitada. Predominou o diagnóstico de câncer do trato digestório. Quanto a avaliação dos sintomas e funcionalidade, considerando a segunda e terceira semana de internação observou-se melhora do score dor, cansaço e tristeza, como também da função. Conclusão: Apesar de internação tardia e com grande extensão da doença, o participante apresentou melhora de alguns sintomas sugerindo o benefício dos cuidados paliativos. Em unidade especializada, houve melhora dos sintomas dor, cansaço e tristeza, com também da funcionalidade dos participantes em duas semanas de internação. Assim, esses achados corroboram quanto a importância do cuidado baseado no conforto e auxiliará na elaboração de políticas públicas e no planejamento do cuidado do enfermeiro.Descritores:  Cuidados Paliativos; Sinais e Sintomas; Neoplasias; Enfermagem. Longitudinal follow-up of the management of symptoms in specialized palliative oncological care serviceObjective: To analyze the functionality and symptoms of end-of-life cancer patients during hospitalization in a specialized unit in palliative care. Method: This is a longitudinal assessment from admission to death, with weekly monitoring of functionality and symptom score, of 59 participants. The paired Wilcoxon parametric test was used to assess the median of symptom scores and functionality with a significance level of 5%. Results: The study sample consisted of female individuals, with an average age of 60 years and limited functionality. The diagnosis of cancer of the digestive tract predominated. Regarding the assessment of symptoms and functionality, considering the second and third week of hospitalization, an improvement was noted in the pain, tiredness and sadness score, as well as in function. Conclusion: Despite late hospitalization and with a large extent of the disease, the participant showed improvement in some symptoms suggesting the benefit of palliative care. In a specialized unit, the symptoms of pain, tiredness and sadness, as well as the functionality of the participants in the weeks of hospitalization. Therefore, these results corroborate the importance of care based on convenience and assistance in the development of public policies and guide the planning of care for the sick.Descriptor: Palliative Care; Signs and Symptoms; Neoplasms; Nursing.Seguimiento longitudinal del manejo de sintomas en servicio especializado de atención oncológica paliativaObjetivo: Analizar la funcionalidad y los síntomas de los pacientes con cáncer al final de la vida durante la hospitalización en una unidad especializada de atención paliativa. Método: Esta es una evaluación longitudinal desde el ingreso hasta la muerte, con monitoreo semanal de la funcionalidad y la puntuación de los síntomas, de 59 participantes. La prueba de Wilcoxon paramétrica pareada se utilizó para evaluar la mediana de las puntuaciones de los síntomas y la funcionalidad con un nivel de significación del 5%. Resultados: La muestra del estudio consistió en individuos femeninos, con una edad promedio de 60 años y funcionalidad limitada. Predominó el diagnóstico de cáncer del tracto digestivo. En cuanto a la evaluación de los síntomas y la funcionalidad, considerando la segunda y tercera semana de hospitalización, se observó una mejora en el puntaje de dolor, cansancio y tristeza, así como en la función. Conclusión: A pesar de la hospitalización tardía y con una gran extensión de la enfermedad, el participante mostró una mejoría en algunos síntomas que sugieren el beneficio de los cuidados paliativos. En una unidad especializada, los síntomas de dolor, cansancio y tristeza, así como la funcionalidad de los participantes en las semanas de hospitalización. Por lo tanto, estos resultados corroboran la importancia de la atención basada en la conveniencia y la asistencia en el desarrollo de políticas públicas y guían la planificación de la atención a los enfermos.Descriptor: Cuidados Paliativos; Signos Y Síntomas; Neoplasias; Enfermería.

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