quantum kinetic equation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
Ömer F. Dayi ◽  
Eda Kilinçarslan

Abstract Fluid of spin-1/2 fermions is represented by a complex scalar field and a four-vector field coupled both to the scalar and the Dirac fields. We present the underlying action and show that the resulting equations of motion are identical to the (hydrodynamic) Euler equations in the presence of Coriolis force. As a consequence of the gauge invariances of this action we established the quantum kinetic equation which takes account of noninertial properties of the fluid in the presence of electromagnetic fields. The equations of the field components of Wigner function in Clifford algebra basis are employed to construct new semiclassical covariant kinetic equations of the vector and axial-vector field components for massless as well as massive fermions. Nonrelativistic limit of the chiral kinetic equation is studied and shown that it generates a novel three-dimensional transport theory which does not depend on spatial variables explicitly and possesses a Coriolis force term. We demonstrated that the three-dimensional chiral transport equations are consistent with the chiral anomaly. For massive fermions the three-dimensional kinetic transport theory generated by the new covariant kinetic equations is established in small mass limit. It possesses the Coriolis force and the massless limit can be obtained directly.

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
pp. 264
Daniel Boyanovsky

We study various production mechanisms of sterile neutrinos in the early universe beyond and within the standard model. We obtain the quantum kinetic equations for production and the distribution function of sterile-like neutrinos at freeze-out, from which we obtain free streaming lengths, equations of state and coarse grained phase space densities. In a simple extension beyond the standard model, in which neutrinos are Yukawa coupled to a Higgs-like scalar, we derive and solve the quantum kinetic equation for sterile production and analyze the freeze-out conditions and clustering properties of this dark matter constituent. We argue that in the mass basis, standard model processes that produce active neutrinos also yield sterile-like neutrinos, leading to various possible production channels. Hence, the final distribution function of sterile-like neutrinos is a result of the various kinematically allowed production processes in the early universe. As an explicit example, we consider production of light sterile neutrinos from pion decay after the QCD phase transition, obtaining the quantum kinetic equation and the distribution function at freeze-out. A sterile-like neutrino with a mass in the keV range produced by this process is a suitable warm dark matter candidate with a free-streaming length of the order of few kpc consistent with cores in dwarf galaxies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 103 (5) ◽  
Anping Huang ◽  
Shuzhe Shi ◽  
Xianglei Zhu ◽  
Lianyi He ◽  
Jinfeng Liao ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (03) ◽  
pp. 2040028 ◽  
S. A. Smolyansky ◽  
A. M. Fedotov ◽  
V. V. Dmitriev

We consider a quantum kinetic equation for [Formula: see text] plasma created from vacuum under the action of a strong time-dependent linearly polarized electric field. Simplification of the collision integral for photon emission along the polarization direction of the field is discussed.

Dao Thu Hang ◽  
Nguyen Thi Hoa ◽  
Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhan ◽  
Nguyen Quang Bau

Ettingshausen coefficient (EC) in the compositional semiconductor superlattice under the influence of electromagnetic wave (EMW) is surveyed by using the quantum kinetic equation for electrons.  The analytical expressions of the Ettingshausen coefficient are numerically calculated for the GaAs/AlGaAs compositional semiconductor superlattice. It have been showed that the appearance of EMW has changed the EC’s value and the EC decreases nonlinearly when the temperature increases. Studying the dependence of EC on the magnetic field, we discovered that the resonance peaks have appeared and the superlattice period strongly affects the Ettingshausen coefficient.  

Nguyen Thi Lam Quynh ◽  
Cao Thi Vi Ba ◽  
Nguyen Quang Bau

Abstract: In this paper, we have used the method of quantum kinetic equation to calculate the analytic expression for Ettingshausen coefficient (EC) under the influence of confined phonon. We considered a quantum well in the presence of constant electric field, magnetic field and electromagnetic wave (EMW) with assumption that electron – confined optical phonon (OP) scattering is essential. The EC obtained depends on many quantities in a complicated way such as temperature, magnetic field, frequency or amplitude of EMW and m - quantum number which specify confined OP. Numerical results for GaAs/GaAsAl quantum well (QW) have displayed clearly the differences in comparison with both cases of bulk semiconductor and unconfined phonon. The result of examining the EC’s dependence on magnetic field shows that quantum number m changes resonance condition; m not only makes the increase in the number of resonance peak but also changes the position of peaks. When m is set to zero, we get the results that corresponds to unconfined OP. Keywords: Quantum well, Ettingshausen effect, Quantum kinetic equation, confined optical phonons.

Nguyen Quyet Thang ◽  
Nguyen Dinh Nam ◽  
Nguyen Quang Bau

Abstract: By using a quantum kinetic equation for electrons, we have studied the Acousto-electric effects in doped semiconductor superlattice (DSSL) under the influence of confined phonon. Considering the case of the electron - acoustic phonon interaction, we have found the expressions of the nonlinear quantum acousto-electric current. From these expression, the acousto-electric current (AEC) depends nonlinearly on temperature, acoustic wave frequency and the characteristic parameters of DSSL (For example: the doped concentration ). Moreover, the expression of the AEC under the influence of confined phonons fairly different from the case of unconfined phonons. The results are numerically calculated for the GaAs:Be/ GaAs:Si DSSL; therefore, it can be easily seen that the dependence of the acousto-electric current on the characteristic parameters of the acoustic wave, temperature, the characteristic parameters of DSSL and the quantum number m characterizing the phonons confinement. The results have showed that the appearance of phonons confinement make the AEC value changes remarkably. The AEC is almost stable in low acoustic wave frequency condition and changes as a parabolic curve when  move up. On the other hand, in case of low doped concentration number the AEC surges as a parabolic function in the dependence on , then it remains stability at just below zero in high  value. Keywords: Acousto-electric field, Quantum kinetic equation, Doped superlattices, Electron - phonon interaction.  

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