economic reforms
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2022 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-34
Malcolm Thompson

Abstract This article argues that the origins of the one-child policy beginning in 1980 in China, and its development into the current system of “comprehensive population management,” are to be found not in any unfolding of a statist or authoritarian logic, or within the parameters of a nominally “socialist” project, but rather in a return to a properly capitalist set of concerns and governmental techniques, the first iteration of which can be traced to the 1920s and 1930s. With regard to the broad set of economic reforms launched in the period 1979–81, it is argued that the one-child policy is absolutely continuous with other reforms across economic sectors (agricultural responsibility systems and urban enterprise reforms) and discontinuous with anything we might understand as population management in the period 1949–76. The “law of value debate” in 1979, which “resolved” a long-standing set of issues concerning national accounting, planning, and accumulation, is found to be—despite its apparently Marxist character, derivation, and vocabulary—the passage through which a capitalist developmental logic was reintroduced into Chinese governing, with significant consequences.

CA Naveen Kumar Tiwari

Abstract: Economic and political policy interventions were reflected on the economic development of the countries with respect to improving economic and social well-being of poor, market productivity and considerable growth rate in GDP. Specifically, in Indian context, these economic decisions have been a considerable influence on inclusive growth of the nation. It is evidence that India embarked on economic reforms in July, 1991, from the effect of a balance of payment crisis. The government initiated economic reforms basically is to provide an environment of sustainable growth and stability. Thereby the LPG (Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization) system has come to the picture for economic progress of the country. Thepresent study investigates the linkage between foreign trade trends of India and its economic development in the light of economic reforms in India since 25 years (1991-2016). The outcomes of the study strongly support that there is a causal relationship between exports to GDP and GDP to exports and also causality between imports to exports in India.

2022 ◽  
pp. 22-38
Grigorii Isaakovich Khanin ◽  

The article shows the idea of American economist Ruchir Sharma about "good" and "bad" billion-aires in relation to modern Russia, indicates the criteria proposed by Ruchir Sharma for classifying billionaires as "good" and "bad". The ratio between "good" and "bad" billionaires in modern Russia is studied for the period from 1997 till 2020. To identify "good" billionaires, their list for 2008, 2015 and 2020 is given, indicating companies and industry. For the same years, the shares of "good" billionaires in the total amount of billionaires and their total property were calculated. Sig-nificant growth of a number of "good" billionaires and their share in their total amount and total property of billionaires has been found. The main factors that determined the dynamics and share of "good" billionaires are indicated: the dynamics of world oil prices and the maturity of the Russian bourgeoisie. The share of "good" billionaires in Russia is being compared with the remaining 19 countries analysed by Ruchir Sharma. It turns out that even in the best year of 2020 for Russia in terms of the share of "good" billionaires, it was far behind other countries. Objective and subjective reasons for Russia’s catastrophic lag in the share of "good" billionaires are shown. Objective reasons include the youth of Russian capitalism and the huge demographic losses of Russia in the XX century, especially among the creative part of the population. Subjective reasons include the vices of the carried out in post-Soviet Russia political and economic reforms and the resulting economic and political structure. The negative consequences of the small share of "good" billionaires are analysed. These include the economic crisis in Russia in 2008 and the unsatisfactory structure of the Russian economy, as well as a huge social differentiation. The author proposes measures for accelerated modernization of the Russian economy, creating the most favourable conditions for the growth of "good" billionaires.

CA Naveen Kumar Tiwari

Abstract: Foreign trade has been playing a vital role in the economic progress and prosperity of every country.In modern days foreign trade has assumed an immense prominence and substance for economic development of a country because of interdependence of economies, increasing specialization and joining regional cooperation. In 1991, the major program of economic reform were introduced which emphasize on external sector wherein the protective tariffs were decreased, changes into foreigninvestment and the restrictive import licensing system was relaxed and simplified. After the New economic reforms, India’s foreign trade has undergone substantial changes, volume of trade rose up and composition of trade was also frequently changed. The main objective of the paper is to study the trends of India’s foreign trade pre and post new economic reforms in India. The entire data for the present study is collected from the secondary sources. The collected data has been analyzed by using Paired t-test from SPSS software package and graphs. The findings of this paper said that there is positive relationship between economic reforms and India’s foreign trade. A push has been given to theexports but analyzes says that the increasing rate of imports is higher in comparison to the increasing rate of exports. Keywords: Foreign Trade, New Economic Reforms, Exports, Imports, Growth Rate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 308 (4) ◽  
pp. 103-124
Michał Zaremba

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
pp. 7-28
Volodymyr Lypov ◽  

The sources, types, and mechanisms of formation and tools for minimizing "unintended consequences" of economic reforms in Ukraine are considered. "Unintended consequences" are understood as unpredictable, unintentional, indirect, and incredible consequences of actions of initiators, organizers and executors of Ukrainian reforms, which were not included in their plans but happened in reality and have have a decisive influence on the state of the national economy. The methodological basis of the study includes historical-genetic, comparative, statistical, and graphical analysis. The origins of the study of " unintended consequences" of human actions can be traced in the works of N. Machiavelli, J. B. Vico, B. Mandeville, A. Ferguson, W. Petty, A. Smith, J.-B. Sаy, K. Marx, С. Menger , W. Pareto, M. Weber, F. Hayek, and R. Merton. Prerequisites for the "unintended consequences" of economic reforms in Ukraine include insufficient competence of initiators and organizers, errors in analyzing problems due to ignoring the specifics of the current situation, focus on achieving immediate results without the possibility to calculate long-term consequences of implemented measures, underestimation of the role of basic values of national culture and the impact of disclosure of predictions on the behavior of economic entities. The types of “unintended consequences” that affected the course of economic reforms in Ukraine include those that, while remaining functional for the system, rely on latent, unconscious and unplanned factors arising from latent dysfunctions. Varieties of mechanisms for the formation of "unintended consequences" of economic reforms in Ukraine include the manifestation of the results of latent functions, self-realization of social beliefs and self-destructive beliefs. It is substantiated that the practice of mandatory preliminary testing at the local level on the basis of relevant information platforms makes it possible to eliminate shortcomings in advance, clarify and improve the implemented measures, determine their social effectiveness, and choose the best alternative. Conducting preliminary economic experiments avoids situations where, as a result of the reform, certain groups gain access to various types of rental income at the expense of society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (71) ◽  
pp. 101-125
أ.م.د سردار عثمان خضر ◽  

The research aims to diagnose the obstacles that hinder the implementation of the economic reform program in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq, with reference to the reasons for the failure of previous economic reform programs in the region, and to indicate the extent of citizens’ confidence in implementing the economic reform in the region, as well as evaluating the economic reform law of the new government for the year 2020. The research reached a set of results, including: 1- There is no time limit for implementing the economic reform process. 2- Efficient and specialized cadres in the field of economic reform were not relied upon when forming committees to implement economic reform decisions. 3- The absence of a monitoring committee to implement economic reform decisions. 4- The project did not extend to the national domain, and receded within the partisan domain. 5- Weak desire for real economic reforms on the part of the ruling parties. 6- The previous economic reforms project did not include all governorates in the Kurdistan Region, but was reduced to the governorates of Erbil and Dohuk. The research concluded by presenting a number of proposals, including: 1- It is the responsibility of the regional government to deposit all revenues, whether oil or non-oil revenues, in the banks affiliated with the Ministry of Finance and Economy. 2- Distributing a share (petro dollars) of the revenues of the Ministry of Natural Resources to the oil and gas producing areas, with the aim of enhancing services provided to citizens and raising the standard of living for the residents of these areas. 3- Activating the role of the Financial Supervision Bureau and the Integrity Commission in the Kurdistan Region. 4- Develop comprehensive planning for the development of all oil fields in a fair manner, without giving preference to the region over other regions

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 250-268
Leonid M. Grigoryev ◽  
Marina F. Starodubtseva

Brazilian economic reforms in 21st century have great importance for the international community, especially for other countries of the middle level of development. The authors­ believe that, in spite of all the difficulties and crises, Brazil has made a decisive step forward by reforming its social structure and retaining democracy. Social reforms (especially­ minimal wage) led to strengthening middle class, but also to elevating its social aspirations. At this dramatic junction the economic development of the country was aggravated by external shocks and unsuccessful budget policies. The complex interaction of social macro­economic policies in Brazil with strong external shocks gives lessons to countries with similar characteristics. The pandemic and recession of 2020–2021 have made the path of development more complicated but there is room for optimism for Brazil in the long run.

Vladimir Il`inykh ◽  
Sergey Sharapov

In September 2021 Novosibirsk hosted The All-Russian Scientific Conference «Russian Economic Reforms in Regional Terms», which was organized with financial support from the fund «Istoria Otechestva» («History of Motherland»). The conference resulted in setting the objective to study the stages of economic reforms, which took place in the territory of Russia and its regions in the late 19th and early 20th century. Another task of the conference was to observe the general and specific influence of spatial factor on the intensions, implementations and results of the reforms. Researchers from different Russian cities presented their findings on agrarian colonization and development of the regions, economic policy and reforming strategies, as well as on changes in the economic governance systems. Since the conference was dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the NEP, it paid special attention to scientific understanding of general patterns and specific features of the NEP implementation. The review provides information on the main reports and papers, related to the NEP topic. It also presented a summary of the debates, which took place at the round table «The NEP: Results and Research Perspectives».

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