personality structure
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2021 ◽  
pp. 53-62
Nina Pidbutska ◽  
Anastasia Knysh

the article considered the problem of manifestation of polycommunicative empathy in students with strong leadership qualities. The role of empathy in the formation of students’ leadership style was analyzed. The study found that empathy is one of the most important features in the personality structure of a modern student leader, and its formation should be given special attention in higher education institutions. An empirical study of leadership skills revealed that about 29% of students have a high level of leadership skills. The analysis of gender peculiarities of the manifestation of polycommunicative empathy of students-leaders allowed to determine that empathy is better developed in girls than in boys. The article presents promising areas of development of the topic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 273-286
Tito Tri Kadafi

This research uses descriptive qualitative method with reading-note technique as data collection technique. The research data is taken from the narrative of the character Mat Dawuk in the novel Dawuk Kisah Kelabu dari Rumbuk Randu by Mahfud Ikhwan, which is analyzed using Sigmund Freud's theory of psychoanalysis. The results showed that the personality structure of the Mat Dawuk character was influenced by three personality systems, namely the id, ego, and superego. His preference in Mat Dawuk's id is Mat Dawuk's libido drive towards Inayatun. The ego that appears in Mat tries to realize and fulfill what the id wants, resulting in an attitude of loyalty, protection, until even Mat Dawuk pledges that Inayatun is a power within him - that power disappears after Inayatun dies, which is illustrated through a willing attitude. Mat to be persecuted. The superego, which acts on the principle of morality, is here to help in making decisions about what the id wants, and also helps the ego to control the id that is wanted to be fulfilled. The Mat Dawuk character also has a living instinct that comes from Inayatun. Meanwhile, after Inayatun died, Mat tended to be controlled by a dead instinct which made him helpless, and chose to withdraw from society. Not only that, the character Mat Dawuk is depicted as experiencing anxiety several times, which later will correlate with Mat's personal development in survival, or what is known as a defense mechanism, and Mat Dawuk's tendency to be in aggression and repression mechanisms. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik baca-catat sebagai teknik pengumpulan datanya. Data penelitian diambil dari pengisahan tokoh Mat Dawuk dalam novel Dawuk Kisah Kelabu dari Rumbuk Randu karya Mahfud Ikhwan, yang ditelaah menggunakan teori psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan struktur kepribadian tokoh Mat Dawuk dipengaruhi oleh tiga sistem kepribadian yakni id, ego, dan superego. Id dalam diri Mat Dawuk preferensinya adalah dorongan hasrat libido Mat Dawuk terhadap Inayatun. Ego yang muncul pada diri Mat berusaha mewujudkan dan memenuhi apa yang diinginkan oleh id, sehingga timbul sikap kesetiaan, melindungi, hingga bahkan Mat Dawuk mengikrarkan bahwa Inayatun adalah kekuatan di dalam dirinya – kekuatan itu pun hilang, setelah Inayatun meninggal, yang digambarkan melalui sikap rela Mat untuk dipersekusi. Superego yang bertindak berdasarkan prinsip moralitas, hadir untuk membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan apa yang diinginkan oleh id, serta turut membantu ego untuk mengendalikan id yang bersifat ingin dipenuhi. Tokoh Mat Dawuk juga memiliki insting hidup yang berasal dari Inayatun. Setelah Inayatun meninggal, Mat cenderung dikuasai oleh insting mati yang membuatnya tidak berdaya, dan memilih menarik diri dari masyarakat. Tak hanya itu, tokoh Mat Dawuk digambarkan beberapa kali mengalami kecemasan, yang nantinya akan berkorelasi dengan perkembangan kepribadian Mat dalam bertahan hidup, atau disebut sebagai mekanisme pertahanan, dan kecenderungan Mat Dawuk berada pada mekanisme agresi dan represi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 195
Wiwik Murtiwik ◽  
Ratu Wardarita

Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan kajian psikoanalisis tokoh utama  novel “Seputih Hati yang Tercabik” karya Ratu Wardarita dengan teori Sigmund Freud sebagai pisau bedahnya untuk menganalisis kepribadian dan pertahanan tokoh utama pemeran utama dalam novel.  Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis  dengan pendekatan kualitatif.  Sedangkan pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tiga teknik, yaitu baca, catat dan kepustakaan.  Kutipan berupa kata, frasa dan kalimat yang didapat dalam novel yang berfungsi memperkuat analisis data terkait teori Freud, selanjutnya dianalisis dengan prosedur (1) reduksi data, (2) penyajian data, dan (3) penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan bahwa struktur kepribadian menimbulkan pergumulan antara id, ego, dan superego.   Sedangkan mekanisme pertahanan konflik menghasilkan efek represi, rasionalisasi, regresi, reaction formulation, perasaan trauma, dan intelektual. The purpose of this study is to describe the psychoanalytic study of the main character of the novel "Seputih Hati Tercabik" by Ratu Wardarita with Sigmund Freud's theory as the scalpel to analyze the personality and defense of the main character in the novel. Researchers used descriptive analytical methods with a qualitative approach. Meanwhile, data collection was carried out using three techniques, namely reading, taking notes and literature. Quotations in the form of words, phrases and sentences obtained in the novel serve to strengthen data analysis related to Freud's theory, then analyzed by procedures (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, and (3) drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the personality structure causes a struggle between the id, ego, and superego. Meanwhile, conflict defense mechanisms produce effects of repression, rationalization, regression, reaction formulation, feelings of trauma, and intellectuality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 699-719
Juan Ramos ◽  
Aintzane Sánchez ◽  
Aurora Doll

The concepts of internalization and externalization have been proposed as personality tendencies or traits related to the constructs of neuroticism and extraversion. They have been associated to the bifactorial structure of affect and also to the coping style. This paper examines the interaction of personality, affect and coping in a sample of people diagnosed with personality disorder (n= 358). Negative affect (NA) in internalizers is higher than in externalizers (g= 0.62), and so is the severity of symptoms (GSI: g= 0.60). Mediation analyses show that personality type produces an indirect effect on GSI, with NA and coping style as partial mediators. 88.1 % of the sample has an unfavourable coping style (U-CS). The frequency of U-CS among internalizers is bigger than among externalizers (93% vs 83%; 2= 7.23, p= .007). However, the subgroup of internalizers with a favourable coping style (F-CS) shows no difference with externalizers with the same F-CS, either in NA (p= .428) or in GSI (p= .082). Regardless of personality structure, promoting adaptive strategies of coping can alleviate the psycopathology of severe patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 564-564
David Condon ◽  
Emorie Beck ◽  
Joshua Jackson

Abstract Most investigations in the structure of personality traits do not adequately address age, as few studies look at the structure of personality traits a-theoretically, instead presupposing a theoretical structure e.g., Big Five. As a result, the relationship among indicators within a trait (coherence) are often highlighted but relationships across traits (differentiation) are not thoroughly examined. Using a large-scale sample of 369,151 individuals ranging in age from 14 to 90, the present study examines whether personality indicators show differential relationships as a function of age. Results indicate that coherence shows few changes across the lifespan, while differentiation weakens across adulthood into old age. These finding suggest that Big Five indicators only parallel the Big Five structure among young but not older adults. Thus, using standard Big Five personality trait assessments in older adults may, at best, not reflect reality and, at worse, undermine the predictive utility of personality traits.

Mateusz Kowalczyk ◽  
Michał Karbownik ◽  
Edward Kowalczyk ◽  
Monika Sienkiewicz ◽  
Monika Talarowska

Background: A group particularly exposed to the occurrence of disorders in the sphere of the psyche are young people with a newly developing personality structure and a sense of identity. In the available literature there are few reports describing the mental health of doctoral students—a group that is affected by a particular group of stressors. The aim of the research was to assess the mental health of PhD students at Polish universities. Material and Methods: The Polish adaptation of the GHQ Questionnaire-28, developed by David Goldberg et al. was used in the research. PhD students from all universities associated in the National Representation of Doctoral Students were invited to take part in the research. A total of 576 completed questionnaires were received. Results: It was found that depression is statistically more frequent in doctoral students who are not in any relationship with another person; anxiety/insomnia is more common in women than men and less frequently in doctoral students of general than in technical universities. Conclusions: (1) More than half of the surveyed students complain about the deterioration of mental health. The most commonly reported symptom groups are anxiety and insomnia, followed by social dysfunctions and somatic symptoms. (2) Depression is statistically more common in people who are not in any relationship with another person and anxiety and insomnia are statistically more common in women than in men and statistically less frequent in doctoral students of general universities than technical universities. (3) In view of the presented results, educating young adults in the field of self-awareness in the field of mental health seems to be particularly important.

2021 ◽  
Ronald Fischer ◽  
Johannes Alfons Karl

Recent studies using more diverse samples have questioned the applicability of the Big Five. It needs to be shown how robust measures of the big five are and whether any deviations are systematic or random. We present validity information on a ten-item personality measure applied to population samples in 16 nations during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic (N=35,052). Overall, we found poor replicability and low reliability of the five-factor structure of personality. We then test whether variation is systematically related to ecological, economic or stress-related variables. Personality structure replicability measured via averaged Tucker’s Φ values was correlated with niche diversity data (Human development index, rate of urbanization, diversity of export goods) and national wealth, but not reliably related with COVID-19 (gross domestic product per capita). and death rates per million citizens during the study period. These patterns overall suggest that a) personality structure in brief measures need to be carefully tested prior to any substantive interpretations of the personality data and b) that systematic socioecological factors have an impact on survey responses to personality inventories.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Włodzimierz Strus ◽  
Patryk Łakuta ◽  
Jan Cieciuch

Both the ICD-11 and the DSM-5 (Section III) classification systems introduced dimensional models of personality disorders, with five broad domains called the Pathological Big Five. Nevertheless, despite large congruence between the two models, there are also substantial differences between them, with the most evident being the conceptualization of the fifth dimension: Anankastia in the ICD-11 vs. Psychoticism in the DSM-5. The current paper seeks an answer to the question of which domain is structurally better justified as the fifth trait in the dimensional model of personality disorders. For this purpose, we provided both a conceptual and empirical comparison of the ICD-11 and the DSM-5 models, adopting the Circumplex of Personality Metatraits—a comprehensive model of personality structure built on the basis of the higher-order factors of the Big Five—as a reference framework. Two studies were conducted: the first on a sample of 242 adults (52.9% female; Mage = 30.63, SDage = 11.82 years), and the second on a sample of 355 adults (50.1% female; Mage = 29.97, SDage = 12.26 years) from the non-clinical population. The Personality Inventory for ICD-11 (PiCD), the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5), and the Circumplex of Personality Metatraits Questionnaire–Short Form (CPM-Q-SF) were administered in both studies, together with the PID-5BF+M algorithm for measuring a common (ICD-11 + DSM-5) six-domain model. Obtained empirical findings generally support our conceptual considerations that the ICD-11 model more comprehensively covered the area of personality pathology than the DSM-5 model, with Anankastia revealed as a more specific domain of personality disorders as well as more cohesively located within the overall personality structure, in comparison to Psychoticism. Moreover, the results corroborated the bipolar relations of Anankastia vs. Disinhibition domains. These results also correspond with the pattern of relationships found in reference to the Big Five domains of normal personality, which were also included in the current research. All our findings were discussed in the context of suggestions for the content and conceptualization of pathological personality traits that flow from the CPM as a comprehensive model of personality structure including both pathological and normal poles of personality dimensions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-22
Jai Prakash ◽  
Anwesha Mondal

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