labor protection
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2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (15) ◽  
pp. 191-195
Darya Kiseleva ◽  
Aleksandra Prusakova

The characteristics of the assessment of professional risks are given. The analysis of the competence of labor protection specialists for the assessment of occupational risks has been carried out

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (15) ◽  
pp. 184-186
Yuliya Grigor'eva ◽  
Anzhela Krasnova

This article discusses the concept of labor protection at the enterprise, the rights and obligations of the employee and employer in this area, as well as responsibility for noncompliance with labor protection requirements

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (15) ◽  
pp. 175-180
Elisaveta Aslamova ◽  
Vera Aslamova ◽  
Darya Blinova

The analysis of trends in industrial injuries indicators for 2000-2020 has been carried out. in Russia and revealed their exponential decline. The adequacy of the obtained models 98-99% allows them to be used for forecasting. It was found that with an increase in funding for labor protection measures more than 14 thousand rubles / person. there is no significant decrease in the values of indicators

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 50-56
M. Radionov ◽  
R. Gora

Development of scientifically sound measures for the prevention of occupational injuries based on the analysis of data on occupational injuries, including fatal in the forestry sector of Ukraine, to identify the main causes of such injuries. Based on the analysis, it was established that the level of occupational injuries in the forest industry was in one of the first places among all sectors of the economy of Ukraine. A step-by-step decision-making process was used to develop an algorithm for making managerial decisions. It was found that the accidents occurred mainly due to violations of safety requirements by employees, lack of control by officials of forest enterprises over the organization of safe work and due to violations of the technological process. The study was based on actual statistics of the State Labor Service on occupational injuries in the forestry sector. It is stated that the situation around the enterprises of the forest industry cannot be radically corrected without the introduction of an effective labor protection management system with elements of assessment and management of industrial risks. The obtained theoretical conclusions, based on statistical data on occupational injuries, have been brought to the level of specific proposals suitable for practical use in the planning of preventive measures for labor protection in the field of forestry. The necessity of actualization and improvement of normative-legal acts in the field of forestry is substantiated. The adoption of the "Minimum requirements for the safety and health of workers in forestry and greenery" is justified, which will expand the scope, namely: legal relations will be regulated by the type of work, and not just apply to economic entities who carry out certain activities; it is proposed to introduce a "labor safety coordinator".

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 3-7
O. Kruzhilko ◽  
N. Volodchenkova ◽  
I. Tkalych ◽  
H. Demchuk

The article presents the results of the analysis of the current state of information support of the labor protection management system in the aspect of transition to the introduction of risk-oriented approach. It is noted that the system of labor protection management, which was formed in accordance with the command-administrative principles of the planned economy, in today's conditions was not effective enough, so it needs to improve its information support. One of the shortcomings of the existing information support of labor protection management can be considered unresolved issues of integration of various information systems (IS) in the field of labor protection, designed to solve management problems, which does not allow to form generalized information bases, to conduct analytical data processing. Assessment of occupational risks requires systematic monitoring of enterprise performance indicators, provides for forecasting the dynamics of changes in these indicators, as well as taking into account other factors that potentially affect occupational risks. To automate the process of collecting and analyzing initial data, modeling and calculating the forecast of occupational risk, it is proposed to create a specialized monitoring information system. Given the need for significant financial costs for the implementation of this project, other approaches to improving information support are the gradual creation of separate subsystems of the monitoring system. The main directions of improvement of information support of occupational risk management are formed, in particular modernization of information systems at the state level and enterprise level is offered. The statistics accumulated during the operation of these systems can be used as initial data for occupational risk assessment and further development of sound preventive measures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 35-43
А. А. Pismenytskyi

The article summarizes the state of legal regulation and judicial and law enforcement practice in the field of labor relations, which arise against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic. The normative legal acts referred to by the Ukrainian authorities when making decisions on compulsory vaccination, and which serve as a normative basis for the removal of certain employees from work, are analyzed. At the same time, an analytical review of the decisions of the Supreme Court of Ukraine and the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights on appeals concerning coercion by the authorities and administrative institutions to vaccinate was carried out. Analytical materials of public associations of lawyers and the practice of the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights were also used for analysis. Attention is drawn to gaps in legislation and regulations on the issue of informed patient consent. Certain options for amending the relevant acts are proposed. Conclusions on the instrumental impact of information and legal aspects on the general state of labor protection in a pandemic. The author, in particular, draws attention to the fact that the state, having established the rule that without vaccinations certain categories of workers can not be admitted to work, fulfills its obligation to ensure labor protection. That is, by creating safety and health conditions at work, public authorities and employers protect not only all workers and those who receive their services, but also the person who has not received preventive vaccinations, through the mechanism of offering such an employee, for example, conditions for remote work. At the same time, the article emphasizes the fact that medical institutions and doctors are largely ignoring the provisions of current legislation on the objective information of patients undergoing vaccination. It is about informing patients about the features of different vaccines and the possible consequences of their use. And this, in turn, should lead to the informed consent of the patients themselves. Thus, informed consent in the described legal relations is a specific indicator and, at the same time, an instrument of labor protection. This, in this case, applies not only to subjects who are vaccinated, because then they receive "admission" to the place of work and the work itself, but also, separately, it is a criterion of quality working conditions of health workers, quality of medical services as an independent species. labor. And reaching the level of collective immunity, thanks to mass vaccination, creates a more global protection of the population, and thus, for its working part, and a tool to protect all types of work.

Elviza Abiltarova

The article focuses on the need to form the culture of safety of professional activity in future occupational safety and health engineers. The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate and develop the structure of the pedagogical system of formation of the culture of safety of professional activity in future occupational safety and health engineers. Research methods applied: systematization and analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature and scientific and methodological documentation; modeling; classification and comparison; generalization. It is determined that the pedagogical system of formation of the culture of safety of professional activity in future occupational safety and health engineers is a complex dynamic and flexible formation that contains a set of interconnected and interdependent elements as goals, content, organizational forms, methods, tools, techniques and learning outcomes. It is established that the pedagogical system is aimed at increasing and improving the motivational and value sphere, professional knowledge, skills and professionally important qualities for the prevention and obviation of occupational injuries, gaining experience in safe professional activities and communication on occupational safety and is implemented through: educational goals (general, strategic, tactical, final); content of formation (labor protection, organizational and managerial, legal, ergonomic, health-preserving, communicative); forms of organization of educational activities that provide interactive work (problem lecture, lecture-visualization, lecture-dialogue, lectures-discussions, lectures in pairs, practical and laboratory work of interactive cooperation, workshops, problem seminars); methods (problem, moderation, training, brainstorming,  professional activity modeling); interactive pedagogical techniques (game, techniques of cooperation, design, case, vitagenic training techniques, information and communication techniques); complex of educational-methodical and didactic support (programs of academic disciplines and practices, reference notes of lectures, plans of laboratory and practical classes, means of visualization of educational information, legislative and normative documents on labor protection, formats of documents on labor protection, means of assessment of students’ educational achievements). It is concluded that the proposed pedagogical system makes it possible to improve the quality of professional training of future occupational safety and health engineers for their professional activities on the basis of safety culture in accordance with modern requirements.

Evgenij V. Voeikov ◽  

The article examines the little-studied history of the Savelyev shale mine and the daily life of workers and employees in 1931-1941. Within the framework of the methodological concept of social history and the history of everyday life, the issues of labor protection, accidents and injuries, food supply and catering, housing conditions and the state of medical care are considered. The article is based on archival materials that were first introduced into scientific circulation.


Problem statement. The article is aimed at determining the characteristics of the specialty, the presenceof problems in learning. The purpose of the article is to highlight the main problems associated with the production andthe process of mastering the profession. As the specialty is quite young, there are often no materials to master it byfuture specialists. We hope that we have managed to overcome these shortcomings. The training of future specialists intoday's changing conditions of production needs and employers poses new challenges to higher education, includinguniversities that train specialists in the field of civil security. The article is built in the classical style according to therequirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to scientific articles. Purpose. The specialty is one ofthe most relevant and popular specialties of training and is focused primarily on training specialists who are able toensure effective implementation of labor protection policy, industrial safety and cooperation with state supervisoryauthorities in accordance with regulations and international standards. The specialty allows to acquire practical andspecialized knowledge and skills in the field of both technical and human sciences, related to the risks that arise in theprocess of work, methods of eliminating hazards, assessment of occupational risks, etc. Graduates can interpret the roleand place of a person in solving health and safety problems with all the consequences. Conclusions. The purpose of thespecialists in civil safety and labor protection is to implement the task of compulsory state social insurance againstaccidents at work and occupational diseases, including participation in ensuring the employer's preventive and othermeasures aimed at eliminating harmful and dangerous factors of production, prevention of accidents at work,occupational diseases and other cases of threat to the health of personnel caused by working conditions, and providingthe employer with practical assistance in constantly improving the forms and methods of preventive work in the field oflabor protection.

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