specific pressure
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2137 (1) ◽  
pp. 012043
LuLing Dai

Abstract The working condition parameters of common contact mechanical seals are experimentally studied by orthogonal experimental design. The effects of working condition parameters on mechanical seal performance are compared by variance and range analysis, and the optimal sealing working condition is put forward. The results show that the spring specific pressure has a great influence on the leakage of mechanical seal, and the leakage decreases rapidly with the increase of spring specific pressure; With the increase of spring specific pressure, the friction power consumption increases. According to the test results, considering the requirements of mechanical seal performance and service life, the optimal spring specific pressure is 0.028 MPa under the condition of medium pressure ps =0.60 MPa and motor speed n =2960 r/min. At this time, the leakage is 6.120 ml/h and the friction power consumption is 0.648 kW.

Florian Helms ◽  
Axel Haverich ◽  
Mathias Wilhelmi ◽  
Ulrike Böer

Abstract Purpose In vitro stimulation of native and bioartificial vessels in perfusable systems simulating natural mechanical environments of the human vasculature represents an emerging approach in cardiovascular research. Promising results have been achieved for applications in both regenerative medicine and etiopathogenetic investigations. However, accurate and reliable simulation of the wide variety of physiological and pathological pressure environments observed in different vessels still remains an unmet challenge. Methods We established a modular hemodynamic simulator (MHS) with interchangeable and modifiable components suitable for the perfusion of native porcine—(i.e. the aorta, brachial and radial arteries and the inferior vena cava) and bioartificial fibrin-based vessels with anatomical site specific pressure curves. Additionally, different pathological pressure waveforms associated with cardiovascular diseases including hyper- and hypotension, tachy- and bradycardia, aortic valve stenosis and insufficiency, heart failure, obstructive cardiomyopathy and arterial stiffening were simulated. Pressure curves, cyclic distension and shear stress were measured for each vessel and compared to ideal clinical pressure waveforms. Results The pressure waveforms obtained in the MHS showed high similarity to the ideal anatomical site specific pressure curves of different vessel types. Moreover, the system facilitated accurate emulation of physiological and different pathological pressure conditions in small diameter fibrin-based vessels. Conclusion The MHS serves as a variable in vitro platform for accurate emulation of physiological and pathological pressure environments in biological probes. Potential applications of the system include bioartificial vessel maturation in cardiovascular tissue engineering approaches as well as etiopathogenetic investigations of various cardiovascular pathologies.

2021 ◽  
pp. 90-94
Larisa Anatolievna Zhuravleva ◽  
Van Thuan Nguyen

During the process of irrigation of wide-coverage sprinklers (WS) by the interaction of the wheels with the soil, the soil is pressed. In this case, the WS wheels impact the soil with a certain specific pressure. Specific pressure depends on a number of factors such as the length of vehicle, span length, vehicle weight, the diameter of water line, wheel contact area, determined by wheel geometry, pressure and tire type. The article carries out theoretical investigations determining the specific pressure of the wheel on the soil. It also given some recommendations connected with a number of wheels to be installed on the WS body compared with the calculated specific pressure of the designed vehicle with the standard specific pressure.

V.Yu. Revenko ◽  
S.S. Frolov ◽  
A.N. Tkachenko ◽  
A.B. Ivanov ◽  

It has been established that the predictive assessment of the level of impact on the soil of tractors and agricultural machines is based on the calculation of the specific pressure equal to the ratio of the vertical load to the propeller contact surface area. A mathematical model is proposed that has been developed based on the results of field tests of a large number of samples of agricultural tires. The adequacy of the model was assessed using the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient.

A. S. Levitskyi ◽  
Ie. O Zaitsev ◽  
M. V. Panchik

The article is devoted to the development of an automatic method and device for monitoring the pressing of the stator core of a powerful turbo generator during its assembling at the manufacturer. The core is assembled and pressed in an upright position in separate parts; at each stage, it is necessary to monitor places with weakened solidity. The unevenness of the compaction density causes a relative displacement of the active steel sheets and losses of iron, as well as the appearance and development of certain defects (loosening of the teeth of the extreme packages, coloring of fragments of the active steel sheets, local closure of the sheets and heating of the packages), which can eventually cause severe accidents and failure of the turbo generator. Existing methods, including automatic ones, do not allow performing reliable monitoring. The method proposed by the authors for detecting places with weakened solidity is based on automatic measurement of the specific pressure of pressing during deformation of special control samples. A device for its implementation has been developed, which is a ring installed on the end surface of the core. Cells with control samples are evenly placed in the ring. The largest decrease in the sample thickness caused by the highest specific pressure corresponds to the smallest defect, and vice versa. As a pressure converter, it is proposed to use a flat metal membrane and a capacitive sensor with a digital output. The characteristics of the converter were calculated and experimentally verified. The specific pressure measurement results were processed using a special electronic unit. The device that has been developed makes it possible to improve labor productivity when monitoring the core, diagnose defects with greater reliability and eliminate them, and, ultimately, increase the reliability of the turbo generator as well as its durability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (163) ◽  
pp. 7-11
A. Aleksahin ◽  
A. Boblovskii ◽  
K. Miahkokhlib ◽  
Y. Schactnyi

The task of heat supply systems is to ensure the quality of services at a minimum cost in the production and transportation of thermal energy. Because the distribution heat networks of district and district systems are characterized by significant branching and significantly longer lengths of heat pipelines compared to the main sections of heating networks, reducing heat loss in these elements of the heating system significantly affects the overall efficiency of district heating. The amount of heat loss depends on the method of laying networks and the diameter of heat pipes, thermal insulation parameters and temperature of the coolant and the environment. Based on the formulas for determining the specific pressure losses to overcome the friction forces obtained from the generalization of these projects of central heating systems of a number of residential districts of Kharkiv, calculated dependences for determining heat losses by supply and return pipelines of the main branches of the heating network. Estimates of accuracy of use of the offered formulas are carried out. The aim of the work is to determine the specific pressure losses for the main branches of heating distribution networks on the basis of generalization of design data for heat supply systems of building groups and clarification of formulas for calculating heat losses by pipelines of central heating distribution system. Based on the generalization of projects for the heating network of residential neighborhoods in Kharkiv, a formula for calculating the specific pressure loss during water movement in the pipelines of the main branches of the heating network depending on the heat load of buildings connected to the branch. Formulas for calculation of heat losses by supply and return pipelines of the main branches of a heating network of the residential district are offered. A comparison of the accuracy of calculations using the proposed formulas with existing methods for determining heat loss in branched heat supply networks, which showed the possibility of using formulas in preliminary assessments of the thermal state of networks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 316 ◽  
pp. 443-448
Roman R. Dema ◽  
Aleksey N. Shapovalov ◽  
Aleksandr A. Kal'chenko

The article presents the results of the analysis of production data on the operation of the blast furnace No. 1 of Ural Steel JSC for the period from 2013 to 2018. During this period, the Mikhailovsky GOK pellets with different basicities were used. It has been established, that the effectiveness of the use of pellets of different basicities is determined by their behavior in a blast furnace and depends on the proportion of pellets in the iron ore part of the charge. The gas-dynamic conditions of melting deteriorate with an increase in the proportion of pellets in the charge, which is accompanied by an increase in the specific pressure drop and forces the blast rate, to be adjusted. It is necessary to work on 40-45% of fluxed pellets and 20-25% acid pellets in a charge at a blast rate of 2000-2100 m3/min, to minimize coke rate and increase rate of work of blast furnace No. 1 of Ural Steel JSC. An increase in pellet consumption is possible while maintaining the efficiency of blast-furnace smelting only if their high-temperature properties are improved, as a result of optimization of basicity and increase in MgO content, which affects the structure and properties of the silicate binder.

2021 ◽  
Carine Setter ◽  
Uasmim Lira Zidanes ◽  
Eduardo Hélio de Novais Miranda ◽  
Flávia Maria Silva Brito ◽  
Lourival Marin Mendes ◽  

Abstract The quality of plywood panels depends on factors such as the forest species and the adhesive used in their production, and understanding the interferences of these factors in the final properties of the plywood is of fundamental importance. The study aimed to develop multilaminate plywood panels with two forest species and two types of adhesive and to evaluate the influences of these factors (forest species and adhesive) on the physical and mechanical properties of the plywood. The panels were produced with sheets of parica and pine with two types of adhesives, urea-formaldehyde and phenol-formaldehyde, with a weight of 150 g/cm². Then, each set was pressed for 10 minutes under a specific pressure of 0.98 MPa at a temperature of 150 °C. Three panels were produced for each type of blade and adhesive, totaling four treatments. The plywood was evaluated for physical properties (humidity, bulk density, and water absorption) and mechanical properties (parallel and perpendicular static flexion and resistance to mechanical shear). The results showed that the forest species had a greater influence on physical and mechanical properties, with the best results being observed for plywood produced with pine. The panels with sheets of parica and phenol-formaldehyde adhesive showed less moisture. The apparent density of the panels should be considered as it positively influenced the mechanical properties and negatively impacted water absorption. It is concluded that the plywood produced can be used for internal and external applications. However, it is indicated for structural purposes as it did not meet the requirements of the NBR 31.000.001/2:2001.

Mamta Parikh ◽  
Prajapati Pradeep Kumar

Parpati Kalpana is one of the famous Kalpanas of Rasashastra which is widely used and considered as a boon for digestive disorders. The Parpati name is given to this Kalpana as per its Papad or Parpata – thin flake – like appearance. Parpati Kalpana is mainly divided into Sagandha and Nirgandha Parpati Kalpana. Rasa Parpati is the type of Sagandha Parpati Kalpana. To prepare Parpati kalpana, at least one ingredient should get liquefied at normal heating and should get solidified when it gets cooled down, not only that, to get the thin flake like structure specific pressure needs to be applied. In present study Rasa Parpati was prepared by using Samaguna Kajjali (Equal quantity of Parada and Gandhaka) and to check the cooling effect and the role of base platform; here three different platforms were made i.e. cow dung and wet clay mixed platform, only wet clay platform (Earthen platform) and ice block platform. Total nine samples of Rasa Parpati were prepared, three on each platform to check which platform is convenient to prepare Rasa Parpati. The average thickness of Rasa Parpati was found minimum (2.83 mm) on cow dung and wet clay mixed platform whereas the maximum (4 mm) on ice block platform i.e. 4 mm. Average thickness of Rasa Parpati made on earthen platform was 3.57 mm which is thicker than the Cow dung and wet clay mixed platform and thinner than the ice cube platform. Which indicates the best platform to make thinnest Parpati is cow dung and wet clay mixed platform.

2021 ◽  
pp. 4-10
R. R. Dema ◽  
A. N. Shapovalov ◽  
S. N. Baskov ◽  

The results of the analysis of production data on the operation of blast furnace No. 1 (useful volume 1007 m3) of Ural Steel JSC for the period from 2013 to 2018 are presented. During this period, pellets from the Mikhailovsky GOK were used with varying degrees of fluxing: pellets of natural basicity in the ratio of CaO/SiO2 equal to 0.08 ± 0.02 units. (2013-2015) and partially fluxed pellets with a basicity of 0.52 ± 0.05 units. (from 2016 to the present). It has been established that the effectiveness of the use of pellets of various basicities is determined by their behavior in the blast furnace and depends on the proportion of pellets in the iron ore part of the charge. The gas-dynamic conditions of the smelting worsen with an increase in the proportion of pellets in the charge, which is accompanied by an increase in the specific pressure drop and forces the flow rate to be adjusted. There is an optimal level of specific pressure drop (53–55 Pa per 1 m3 of blast per minute) for the operating conditions of blast furnace No. 1 of Ural Steel, which ensures the optimum combination of the melting characteristics. Deviation from the optimal level of pressure drop leads to an increase in coke rate and a decrease in the degree of CO use, which is associated with gas distribution disturbance. Due to the increase in high-temperature properties, the replacement of non-fluxed pellets with off-fluxed pellets improves the gas-dynamic conditions in the lower part of the mine (in the cohesive zone). This leads to a decrease in the total pressure drop and specific pressure drop at a constant flow rate of the blast, and is a reserve for melting intensification. To minimize coke rate and maintain the high-performance operation of blast furnaces of Ural Steel JSC, it is necessary to work on 40–45 % of fluxed or 20–25 % acid pellets in a charge. An increase in pellet consumption while maintaining the efficiency of blast-furnace smelting is possible only if their high-temperature properties are improved. The improvement of these properties is possible as a result of optimizing the basicity and increasing the MgO content, which affects the structure and properties of the silicate bond. This work is carried out within a framework of the government order (No. FZRU-2020-0011) of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

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