zero tolerance
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2022 ◽  
pp. 23-44
Sharlene M. Fedorowicz

International-mindedness is a strategy employed by international schools (IS) to create environments successfully promoting social justice, cultural diversity, and tolerance. The composition of the student body forces accommodation and assimilation of multiple cultures, backgrounds, and languages into one location or contact zone. The purpose of the study is to understand how IS navigate, manage, and lead educators and students from different races, genders, religions, and socioeconomic statuses by promoting equity and creating an environment with zero tolerance for discrimination. However, social justice gaps in education in general still exist, and practical applications and strategies to embrace diversity and equalize the marginalized are lacking. This chapter provides strategies as to how educators worldwide can benefit from approaches used by IS for social justice and tangible strategies used by IS to promote ethical-international-mindedness and decrease discrimination.

BMJ ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. n3067
Zeshan Qureshi ◽  
Mehrunisha Suleman ◽  
Alexandra Richards ◽  
Julian Sheather ◽  
Hugh Bishop

2021 ◽  
Lucian Pârvulescu ◽  
Adrian NECULAE ◽  
Zanethia C. BARNETT ◽  
Marcelo M. DALOSTO ◽  
Iryna KUKLINA ◽  

Abstract Burrowing is a common trait among crayfish thought to help species deal with adverse environmental challenges. Here we used in-vivo experimental data and in-silico modelling of oxygen saturation in a virtual burrow inhabited by crayfish. Except for the entrance 200 mm region, the burrow microenvironment becomes anoxic, on average, within 8 hours, and 12-hour day-night multiple cycles were not sufficient for refreshing the burrow microenvironment even with temporary lack of crayfish. We asked whether the ecological category of crayfish burrowing activity is reflected in the physiological ability to cope with hypoxia and anoxia. As dissolved oxygen declined, respiration patterns of primary burrowers differed from those of secondary and tertiary burrowers, showing also the highest variability in anoxia tolerance. Secondary burrowers showed consistent tolerance with all species exhibiting a mean survival of > 3h anoxic conditions. Tertiary burrowers were variable, exhibiting moderate to zero tolerance of anoxia. The adaptive mechanisms to cope with hypoxia might be a basal legacy from the crayfish monophyletic ancestors – lobsters, traveller crustaceans often reaching deep depths in the ocean. These results challenge the current understanding of crayfish ecology, opening an evolutionary ecological perspective which might be relevant for the next generation of phylogenetical approaches.

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (4) ◽  
pp. 10-28
Markus Brunner ◽  
Christine Kirchhoff ◽  
Stephan Lessenich ◽  
Eva von Redecker ◽  
Nele Weiher ◽  

Aus der Perspektive ihrer Profession beleuchten eine Psychoanalytikerin (Kirchhoff), ein Sozialpsychologe (Brunner), eine Philosophin (von Redecker), eine Politikwissenschaftlerin (Weiher) und ein Soziologe (Lessenich) drei Fragen: 1) Was in der Diskussion über die Coronapandemie bleibt unerwähnt? 2) Welches sind die stärksten Veränderungen für Mensch und Gesellschaft? Und 3) fördert die Pandemie eine kritische Betrachtung der Gesellschaft, der psychischen Entwicklung der Menschen und der Kulturbereiche, oder ist eine solche Kritik im Gegenteil eher erschwert? Als Erstes fassen die Teilnehmer ihre Positionen zu den Fragen zusammen. Zunächst wird der Blick auf die Notwendigkeit zur Ambiguitätstoleranz beim Nachdenken über die Pandemie gelegt. Neben zentralen Gefühlslagen und dem Nicht-Wissen angesichts der unsicheren Pandemie-Situation wird kritisch die gesellschaftliche Indifferenz gegenüber dem Sterben Anderer reflektiert. Hier kommt die Frage nach Vorstellungen von Männlichkeiten und deren Zusammenhang mit den pandemischen Geschehnissen auf und welche Rolle die Forschung zu der Querdenker:innen-Bewegung dabei spielt. Schließlich wird die extreme globale Ungleichheit in Bezug auf Inzidenzen, Gesundheitswesen und sozioökonomische Folgen der Pandemie beleuchtet. Die einleitenden Thesen ergeben eine spannende Diskussion, die unter anderem in der Erkenntnis mündet, dass wir es momentan mit der Zementierung einer Kultur der Gleichgültigkeit angesichts der lokalen und globalen sozialen Ungleichheiten zu tun haben und wie wichtig es ist, im Gegensatz zur Idee des ZeroCovid, eine »zero tolerance« gegenüber den Widersprüchen einer kapitalistischen Vergesellschaftung zu entwickeln.

2021 ◽  
pp. 37-66
Pekka Hakkarainen ◽  
Heini Kainulainen

The situation in Finland is marked by a redistribution of labour between social and health care and criminal control policy. Attitudes are changing especially among the young, authorities are speaking out against the zero-tolerance policy, but there is also resistance to change. The situation is open.

2021 ◽  
pp. 103-127
Paul Larsson

Norway has moved from a marked zero-tolerance policy to a debate on treatment instead of punishment. Youth using drugs are seen as problematic but the one with a problematic use should receive treatment. The political parties are however divided and a proposal for liberalization was voted down.

2021 ◽  
Reed M Morgan ◽  
Bradley Trager ◽  
Joseph LaBrie ◽  
Sarah C Boyle

Selection effects have been found in health intervention research but have not yet been examined in parent-based alcohol interventions (PBIs). Investigating such effects has been difficult because previous PBI research has only invited specific parents to participate and offered them compensation. The current study investigated selection effects using a recruitment strategy that would occur in a real-world context (i.e., inviting all parents and not paying them to participate). Incoming first-year students (N=386) completed an online questionnaire that included items assessing plausible predictors of participation in a PBI (perceptions of parents’ harm-reduction and zero-tolerance alcohol communication, whether parents allow alcohol, and changes in parents’ alcohol rules). Four months later, all parents of first-year students at the study university were invited to join the PBI, which was described as a resource guide to teach them how to help their student navigate the college transition. Students who had a parent sign up for the intervention perceived their parents as using greater harm-reduction communication, were more likely to perceive them as allowing alcohol use, and perceived their fathers as relaxing alcohol rules more than those who did not have a parent sign up. Zero-tolerance communication did not significantly differ between the groups. Results indicate that biases may exist in PBIs, with parents who use more harm-reduction parenting being more likely to sign up when parents are invited using real-world recruitment strategies. Findings suggest that more comprehensive recruitment strategies may be required to increase parent diversity in PBIs.

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