negative coefficient
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2022 ◽  
Vol 951 (1) ◽  
pp. 012039
E Yusiana ◽  
D B Hakim ◽  
Y Syaukat ◽  
T Novianti

Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyse what factors influencing Thai rice export including importers’ GDP, exporters of GDP, distance of the countries, international rice prices, production and exchange rates by using the gravity model approach. The results show that the factors that influence rice exports in Thailand include the GDP of the importing country, the GDP of the exporting country, distance, international rice prices, production and the real exchange rate. Factors that have positive coefficients are importers’ GDP and real exchange rates, while those with negative coefficients are exporters’ GDP, rice prices, production and distance. Positive coefficients include importer’s GDP and Real Exchange Rate. The GDP of the importing country has a positive coefficient of 0.73 and the real exchange rate or RER (Real Exchange Rate) has a positive coefficient of 0.73. In addition, the negative coefficient values include exporters’ GDP, rice prices, production and distance. The exporting country’s GDP has a negative coefficient of 0.98, prices have a negative coefficient of 1.37 and production has a negative coefficient of 0.23 and distance has a negative coefficient of 0.3.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2131 (5) ◽  
pp. 052003
V Y Gross ◽  
A V Zharov ◽  
A M Baranovskiy ◽  
S N Reutov

Abstract A significant reduction in the levels of general ship vibrations can be achieved by using vibration isolators with a “floating” section of zero stiffness in vibration protection suspensions. In such devices, in parallel to the main elastic element, the so-called stiffness corrector (compensator) is switched on - a device with a negative coefficient of static stiffness, equipped with a restructuring system that ensures the retention of the corrector elements when the relative position of the vibrating and protected objects, caused by a change in static forces acting on these objects. One of the variants of the corrector is an electromagnetic stiffness corrector, in which the power characteristic with a negative stiffness coefficient is provided by two electromagnets with a common armature turned on in opposite directions. The disadvantage of such correctors is the dependence of their overall dimensions on the value of the permissible relative displacement of the vibrating and protected objects. The article deduced mathematical expressions that approximately determine the dependence of the overall dimensions of the stiffness corrector electromagnets on the value of the calculated relative displacement of the vibrating and protected objects, the possible field of application of vibration isolators Xwith electromagnetic stiffness correctors is determined.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 1039
Sixiao Kong ◽  
Chunbiao Li ◽  
Haibo Jiang ◽  
Yibo Zhao ◽  
Yanling Wang

Trigonometric functions were used to construct a 2-D symmetrical hyperchaotic map with infinitely many attractors. The regime of multistability depends on the periodicity of the trigonometric function, which is closely related to the initial condition. For this trigonometric nonlinearity and the introduction of an offset controller, the initial condition triggers a specific multistability evolvement, in which infinitely countless symmetric and asymmetric attractors are produced. Initial condition-triggered offset boosting is explored, combined with constant controlled offset regulation. Furthermore, this symmetric map gives the sequences in various types of asymmetric attractors, in which the polarity balance is maintained by the initial condition and a negative coefficient due to the trigonometric function. Finally, as determined through the hardware implementation of STM32, the corresponding results agree with the numerical simulation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Melisa Rahardja Tandiono ◽  
Setyarini Santosa

<p>This study aims to examine the influence of executive compensation and executive shares ownership towards tax avoidance. By knowing the influence of executive compensation and executive shares ownership towards tax avoidance, it could be an input for better regulations relates to tax avoidance. This study used the annual report of property, real estate, and building construction company listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2014-2018. This study uses purposive sampling to determine the samples. There are 14 companies used in this research, in total there are 70 annual reports as samples used in this research. The control variables used in this research are company performance proxied using return on asset and company size proxied using total asset. The method used in this research is multiple linear regression. This study found that executive compensation has significant influence with negative coefficient on tax avoidance and executive shares ownership does not influence tax avoidance.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-97
Erlambang Budi Darmanto ◽  
Rossanto Dwi Handoyo ◽  
Wisnu Wibowo

This study aims to analyze the impact of ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA) on the 4 major exports of plantation commodities (including the commodities of coffee, cocoa, rubber, and palm oil) in Indonesia. The trade impact is measured based on the occurrence of trade creation or trade diversion. The negative coefficient as the result of dummy FTA (Free Trade Area) measurement indicates the presence of trade diversion. Meanwhile, the positive coefficient indicates the presence of trade creation. This study examines the export of major plantation commodities of Indonesia to China and compared with the 10 major export destination countries worldwide. The findings show that trade creation exists within the commodities of coffee, rubber, and palm oil while the trade diversion exists in the commodity of cocoa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-79
Nur Alfi Laila Sifai Ghasani ◽  
Nurdiono Nurdiono ◽  
Yenni Agustina ◽  
A. Zubaidi Indra

The research aims to examine the effect of transfer pricing, leverage, profitability on tax avoidance. the sample in this study was selected using purposive sampling and obtained 140 samples of companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2014- 2019 that met the criteria. The result of hypothesis testing with multiple linear regression analysis using the SPSS 23 application show that transfer pricing has not effect on tax avoidance. leverage and profitability has a significant effext with a negative coefficient on tax avoidance.  

Timilehin G. Shaba ◽  
Abd'gafar T. Tiamiyu ◽  
Ismaila O. Ibrahim ◽  
Abdullahi A. Ibrahim

In this paper we introduce a new subclass $\mathcal{R}^*(p,g,\psi,\varrho,\beta,\phi,\gamma,\zeta)$ of $p$-valent functions with negative coefficient defined by Hadamard product associated with a generalized differential operator. Radii of close-to-convexity, starlikeness and convexity of the class $\mathcal{R}^*(p,g,\psi,\varrho,\beta,\phi,\gamma,\zeta)$ are obtained. Also, distortion theorem, growth theorem and coefficient inequalities are established.

Chunyan Wang ◽  
Dahu Chang ◽  
Junfei Wang ◽  
Qilong Gao ◽  
Yinuo Zhang ◽  

New membrane vibration and surface symmetry breaking effects determine the negative coefficient of thermal expansion at the nanoscale.

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