blue stragglers
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Arthur Alencastro Puls ◽  
Luca Casagrande ◽  
Stephanie Monty ◽  
David Yong ◽  
Fan Liu ◽  

Abstract In this work we combine information from solar-like oscillations, high-resolution spectroscopy and Gaia astrometry to derive stellar ages, chemical abundances and kinematics for a group of seven metal-poor Red Giants and characterise them in a multidimensional chrono-chemo-dynamical space. Chemical abundance ratios were derived through classical spectroscopic analysis employing 1D LTE atmospheres on Keck/HIRES spectra. Stellar ages, masses and radii were calculated with grid-based modelling, taking advantage of availability of asteroseismic information from Kepler. The dynamical properties were determined with Galpy using Gaia EDR3 astrometric solutions. Our results suggest that underestimated parallax errors make the effect of Gaia parallaxes more important than different choices of model grid or – in the case of stars ascending the RGB – mass-loss prescription. Two of the stars in this study are identified as potentially evolved halo blue stragglers. Four objects are likely members of the accreted Milky Way halo, and their possible relationship with known accretion events is discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
Vikrant V. Jadhav ◽  
Sindhu Pandey ◽  
Annapurni Subramaniam ◽  
Ram Sagar

Vikrant V Jadhav ◽  
Clara M Pennock ◽  
Annapurni Subramaniam ◽  
Ram Sagar ◽  
Prasanta Kumar Nayak

Abstract We present a study of six open clusters (Berkeley 67, King 2, NGC 2420, NGC 2477, NGC 2682 and NGC 6940) using the Ultra Violet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) aboard ASTROSAT and Gaia EDR3. We used combinations of astrometric, photometric and systematic parameters to train and supervise a machine learning algorithm along with a Gaussian mixture model for the determination of cluster membership. This technique is robust, reproducible and versatile in various cluster environments. In this study, the Gaia EDR3 membership catalogues are provided along with classification of the stars as members, candidates and field in the six clusters. We could detect 200–2500 additional members using our method with respect to previous studies, which helped estimate mean space velocities, distances, number of members and core radii. UVIT photometric catalogues, which include blue stragglers, main-sequence and red giants are also provided. From UV–Optical colour-magnitude diagrams, we found that majority of the sources in NGC 2682 and a few in NGC 2420, NGC 2477 and NGC 6940 showed excess UV flux. NGC 2682 images have ten white dwarf detection in far-UV. The far-UV and near-UV images of the massive cluster NGC 2477 have 92 and 576 members respectively, which will be useful to study the UV properties of stars in the extended turn-off and in various evolutionary stages from main-sequence to red clump. Future studies will carry out panchromatic and spectroscopic analysis of noteworthy members detected in this study.

2020 ◽  
Vol 639 ◽  
pp. A92 ◽  
B. Reinoso ◽  
D. R. G. Schleicher ◽  
M. Fellhauer ◽  
N. W. C. Leigh ◽  
R. S. Klessen

Runaway stellar collisions in dense star clusters are invoked to explain the presence of very massive stars or blue stragglers in the center of those systems. This process has also been explored for the first star clusters in the Universe and shown to yield stars that may collapse at some points into an intermediate mass black hole. Although the early evolution of star clusters requires the explicit modeling of the gas out of which the stars form, these calculations would be extremely time-consuming and often the effects of the gas can be accurately treated by including a background potential to account for the extra gravitational force. We apply this approximation to model the early evolution of the first dense star clusters formed in the Universe by performing N-body simulations, our goal is to understand how the additional gravitational force affects the growth of a very massive star through stellar mergers in the central parts of the star cluster. Our results show that the background potential increases the velocities of the stars, causing an overall delay in the evolution of the clusters and in the runaway growth of a massive star at the center. The population of binary stars is lower due to the increased kinetic energy of the stars, initially reducing the number of stellar collisions, and we show that relaxation processes are also affected. Despite these effects, the external potential enhances the mass of the merger product by a factor ∼2 if the collisions are maintained for long times.

2020 ◽  
Vol 496 (2) ◽  
pp. 1819-1833
Nathan W C Leigh ◽  
Silvia Toonen ◽  
Simon F Portegies Zwart ◽  
Rosalba Perna

ABSTRACT In this paper, we consider triple systems composed of main-sequence (MS) stars, and their internal evolution due to stellar and binary evolution. Our focus is on triples that produce white dwarfs (WDs), where Roche lobe overflow of an evolving tertiary triggers accretion on to the inner binary via a circumbinary disc (CBD) driving it towards a mass ratio of unity. We present a combination of analytic- and population synthesis-based calculations performed using the SeBa code to constrain the expected frequency of such systems, given a realistic initial population of MS triples, and provide the predicted distributions of orbital periods. We identify the parameter space for triples that can accommodate a CBD, to inform future numerical simulations of suitable initial conditions. We find that ≳10 per cent of all MS triples should be able to accommodate a CBD around the inner binary, and compute lower limits for the production rates. This scenario broadly predicts mergers of near equal-mass binaries, producing blue stragglers (BSs), Type Ia supernovae, gamma-ray bursts and gravitational wave-induced mergers, along with the presence of an outer WD tertiary companion. We compare our predicted distributions to a sample of field BS binaries, and argue that our proposed mechanism explains the observed range of orbital periods. Finally, the mechanism considered here could produce hypervelocity MS stars, WDs, and even millisecond pulsars with masses close to the Chandrasekhar mass limit, and be used to constrain the maximum remnant masses at the time of any supernova explosion.

2020 ◽  
Vol 638 ◽  
pp. A122 ◽  
E. Caffau ◽  
L. Monaco ◽  
P. Bonifacio ◽  
L. Sbordone ◽  
M. Haywood ◽  

Context. The search for stars born in the very early stages of the Milky Way star formation history is of paramount importance in the study of the early Universe since their chemistry carries irreplaceable information on the conditions in which early star formation and galaxy buildup took place. The search for these objects has generally taken the form of expensive surveys for faint extremely metal-poor stars, the most obvious but not the only candidates to a very early formation. Aims. Thanks to Gaia DR2 radial velocities and proper motions, we identified 72 bright cool stars displaying heliocentric transverse velocities in excess of 500 km s−1. These objects are most likely members of extreme outer-halo populations, either formed in the early Milky Way build-up or accreted from since-destroyed self-gravitating stellar systems. Methods. We analysed low-resolution FORS spectra of the 72 stars in the sample and derived the abundances of a few elements. Despite the large uncertainties on the radial velocity determination, we derived reliable orbital parameters for these objects. Results. The stars analysed are mainly slightly metal poor, with a few very metal-poor stars. Their chemical composition is much more homogeneous than expected. All the stars have very eccentric halo orbits, some extending well beyond the expected dimension of the Milky Way. Conclusions. These stars can be the result of a disrupted small galaxy or they could have been globular cluster members. Age estimates suggest that some of them are evolved blue stragglers, now on the subgiant or asymptotic giant branches.

2020 ◽  
Vol 496 (2) ◽  
pp. 1922-1940 ◽  
Vasily Belokurov ◽  
Zephyr Penoyre ◽  
Semyeong Oh ◽  
Giuliano Iorio ◽  
Simon Hodgkin ◽  

ABSTRACT For stars with unresolved companions, motions of the centre of light and that of mass decouple, causing a single-source astrometric model to perform poorly. We show that such stars can be easily detected with the reduced χ2 statistic, or renormalized unit weight error (RUWE), provided as part of Gaia DR2. We convert RUWE into the amplitude of the image centroid wobble, which, if scaled by the source distance, is proportional to the physical separation between companions (for periods up to several years). We test this idea on a sample of known spectroscopic binaries and demonstrate that the amplitude of the centroid perturbation scales with the binary period and the mass ratio as expected. We apply this technique to the Gaia DR2 data and show how the binary fraction evolves across the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram. The observed incidence of unresolved companions is high for massive young stars and drops steadily with stellar mass, reaching its lowest levels for white dwarfs. We highlight the elevated binary fraction for the nearby blue stragglers and blue horizontal branch stars. We also illustrate how unresolved hierarchical triples inflate the relative velocity signal in wide binaries. Finally, we point out a hint of evidence for the existence of additional companions to the hosts of extrasolar hot Jupiters.

2020 ◽  
Vol 495 (2) ◽  
pp. 1771-1787
D Lena ◽  
P G Jonker ◽  
J P Rauer ◽  
S Hernandez ◽  
Z Kostrzewa-Rutkowska

ABSTRACT Numerical relativity predicts that the coalescence of a black hole (BH) binary causes the newly formed BH to recoil, and evidence for such recoils has been found in the gravitational waves observed during the merger of stellar-mass BHs. Recoiling (super)massive BHs are expected to reside in hypercompact stellar clusters (HCSCs). Simulations of galaxy assembly predict that hundreds of HCSCs should be present in the halo of a Milky Way (MW)-type galaxy, and a fraction of those around the MW should have magnitudes within the sensitivity limit of existing surveys. However, recoiling BHs and their HCSCs are still waiting to be securely identified. With the goal of enabling searches through recent and forthcoming data bases, we improve over existing literature to produce realistic renditions of HCSCs bound to BHs with a mass of 105 M⊙. Including the effects of a population of blue stragglers, we simulate their appearance in Pan-STARRS and in forthcoming Euclid images. We also derive broad-band spectra and the corresponding multiwavelength colours, finding that the great majority of the simulated HCSCs fall on the colour–colour loci defined by stars and galaxies, with their spectra resembling those of giant K-type stars. We discuss the clusters properties, search strategies, and possible interlopers.

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