triple systems
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2022 ◽  
Vol 105 (2) ◽  
Adrien Kuntz

2022 ◽  
Vol 345 (1) ◽  
pp. 112667
Zoltán Füredi ◽  
András Gyárfás ◽  
Attila Sali

2022 ◽  
Vol 99 ◽  
pp. 103435
András Gyárfás ◽  
Miklós Ruszinkó ◽  
Gábor N. Sárközy

10.37236/9252 ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
Yuki Irie

The $P$-position sets of some combinatorial games have special combinatorial structures. For example, the $P$-position set of the hexad game, first investigated by Conway and Ryba, is the block set of the Steiner system $S(5, 6, 12)$ in the shuffle numbering, denoted by $D_{\text{sh}}$. However, few games were known to be related to Steiner systems in this way. For a given Steiner system, we construct a game whose $P$-position set is its block set. By using constructed games, we obtain the following two results. First, we characterize $D_{\text{sh}}$ among the 5040 isomorphic $S(5, 6, 12)$ with point set $\{0, 1, ..., 11\}$. For each $S(5, 6, 12)$, our construction produces a game whose $P$-position set is its block set. From $D_{\text{sh}}$, we obtain the hexad game, and this game is characterized as the unique game with the minimum number of positions among the obtained 5040 games. Second, we characterize projective Steiner triple systems by using game distributions. Here, the game distribution of a Steiner system $D$ is the frequency distribution of the numbers of positions in games obtained from Steiner systems isomorphic to $D$. We find that the game distribution of an $S(t, t + 1, v)$ can be decomposed into symmetric components and that a Steiner triple system is projective if and only if its game distribution has a unique symmetric component.

2021 ◽  
Vol 344 (12) ◽  
pp. 112596
Lidong Wang ◽  
Yanping Li ◽  
Zihong Tian

2021 ◽  
Vol 344 (12) ◽  
pp. 112619
Yuanyuan Liu ◽  
Hongtao Zhao ◽  
Henry Zhou

2021 ◽  
Vol 184 ◽  
pp. 105515
Tao Feng ◽  
Daniel Horsley ◽  
Xiaomiao Wang

Melissa A. Huggan ◽  
Svenja Huntemann ◽  
Brett Stevens

Simona Bonvicini ◽  
Marco Buratti ◽  
Martino Garonzi ◽  
Gloria Rinaldi ◽  
Tommaso Traetta

AbstractKirkman triple systems (KTSs) are among the most popular combinatorial designs and their existence has been settled a long time ago. Yet, in comparison with Steiner triple systems, little is known about their automorphism groups. In particular, there is no known congruence class representing the orders of a KTS with a number of automorphisms at least close to the number of points. We partially fill this gap by proving that whenever $$v \equiv 39$$ v ≡ 39 (mod 72), or $$v \equiv 4^e48 + 3$$ v ≡ 4 e 48 + 3 (mod $$4^e96$$ 4 e 96 ) and $$e \ge 0$$ e ≥ 0 , there exists a KTS on v points having at least $$v-3$$ v - 3 automorphisms. This is only one of the consequences of an investigation on the KTSs with an automorphism group G acting sharply transitively on all but three points. Our methods are all constructive and yield KTSs which in many cases inherit some of the automorphisms of G, thus increasing the total number of symmetries. To obtain these results it was necessary to introduce new types of difference families (the doubly disjoint ones) and difference matrices (the splittable ones) which we believe are interesting by themselves.

2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 399-405
Valeri V. Makarov

Mass ratios of widely separated, long-period, resolved binary stars can be directly estimated from the available data in major space astrometry catalogs, such as the ESA's Hipparcos and Gaia mission results. The method is based on the universal principle of inertial motion of the system's center of mass in the absence of external forces, and is independent of any assumptions about the physical parameters or stellar models. The application is limited by the precision of input astrometric data, the orbital period and distance to the system, and possible presence of other attractors in the vicinity, such as in triple systems. A generalization of this technique to triples is proposed, as well as approaches to estimation of uncertainties. The known long-period binary HIP 473 AB is discussed as an application example, for which a m2/ m1 = 0.996+0.026 −0.026 is obtained.

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