western caucasus
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Zalina V. Sosranova ◽  
Zalina M. Basieva

The article examines the scale and methods of the anti-Russian military-political activity of British emissaries in the Western Caucasus in the first half of the 19th century. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time in the work the intelligence activity of British “traveling” agents in the Western Caucasus is subjected to a special study, as an independent, gaining strength way of fighting in international contradictions for the Caucasus. The relevance of the topic of the proposed article seems to us indisputable due to the incompleteness of international rivalry and the eternal Eastern question. Russian Empire in the late 20s — early 30s XIX century. took possession of all legal rights to the North-West Caucasus and outlets to the Black Sea. With its confident military successes and new territorial accessions, Russia threw a serious challenge to the European powers, and especially England, the dominant power on the European continent at that time. One of the most important tasks of England is to nullify all the achievements of Russia in Turkey and prevent its consolidation in the territory of the Western Caucasus. England, adhering to the favorite method of “raking in the heat with someone else’s hands”, and in Circassia is testing its effectiveness. Since the 30s. XIX century. Numerous British agents flooded the Caucasus, turning the Circassians against Russia. The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus has become a place of uninterrupted supply of weapons to the mountaineers. As a result of the work, the author comes to the conclusion that the sources considered in the work can represent a scientific basis for confirming the involvement of Britain in anti-Russian agitation in the Western Caucasus. The uninterrupted supply of weapons to the highlanders organized by British agents helped to maintain military tension and a fighting spirit in Circassia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (10) ◽  
pp. 28-36
Elena Belonovskaya ◽  
Olga Morozova ◽  

The article presents the typification and correction of mountain forests’ syntaxa established by one of the authors for the Western Caucasus. Unvalid classification units are validated according to the International Code of the Phytosociological Nomenclature (Theurillat et al., 2021): 2 associations of mesophytic deciduous forests of the order Lathyro–Carpinetalia and 3 associations of fir-beech forests of the order Rhododendro pontici–Fagetalia orientalis of the Carpino–Fagetea class, as well as 2 associations of oak pubescent forests and juniper woodland communities of the class Quercetea pubescentis. The main reasons of the invalidity of original publications are the absence of a nomenclature type or the ineffectiveness of the publication.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 178-182
Irina B. Rapoport ◽  
Andrey Y. Puzachenko ◽  
Csaba Csuzdi ◽  
Nelli L. Tsepkova

The earthworm fauna and population structure in Colchic ecosystems of the southern slope in the Western Caucasus were studied. First, in May 2013 we have sampled earthworms of the forest communities. This research was repeated in 2018 after Buxus sempervirens L. destruction by Cydalima perspectalis Walker (Lepidoptera, Crambidae). Altogether 13 earthworm species were registered in the soils of original B. sempervirens phytocenose and derived phytocenoses of the Western Caucasus. Endemicity of earthworms in the study area was higher than in most regions of Russia. The earthworm samples in 2013 and 2018 were similar in species composition, but differed in terms of dominant species. The structure of the earthworm population in the soils of the secondary phytocenoses has become closer to the earthworm communities of the other forests in the Western Caucasus. Analysis of the relative position of taxocenes in 2013 and 2018 space NMDS model, allows to put forward a hypothesis about the reduction of their total "ecological niche" after the disappearance of B. sempervirens . We believe that a broader “ecological niche” in 2013 is associated with a greater mosaicism (diversity) of the worm habitat formed by boxwood communities.

М.Н. Маринич ◽  
В.И. Чернявских

В 2017–2020 годах проведены экологические испытания существующих сортов и новых селекционных образцов овсяницы красной, созданных на основе исходного материала, полученного из местных популяций, произрастающих в различных экотопах мелового юга Среднерусской возвышенности. Объектом изучения были сорта овсяницы красной газонного типа Россинант (стандарт), Гостёнка, Искринка, Везёлка и 14 селекционных образцов, выделившихся в селекционном питомнике по комплексу морфо-биологических признаков, характерных для сортов газонного направления. Опыты проводили в трёх экологических точках: г. Геленджике (Краснодарский край); пгт Новомихайловский (Туапсинский район Краснодарского края); с. Драгунское (Белгородский район Белгородской области). Изучали продуктивность побегообразования, выраженную в среднем количестве сформированных побегов в год, и урожайность зелёной массы. Установлено, что исходный материал обладает высокой побегообразующей способностью и невысокой надземной продуктивностью, сопоставимыми с сортами, широко используемыми в газонных культурфитоценозах. Анализ корреляции между изучаемыми признаками показал, что в условиях юга Среднерусской возвышенности (экологическая точка «Белгородская область») с высокой вероятностью можно вести селекционную работу и отбор ценных генотипов овсяницы красной для условий Черноморского побережья Западного Кавказа по признаку «Среднегодовой прирост побегов». Показана корреляционная связь этого признака между экологическими точками «г. Геленджик» и «Белгородская область», подтверждённая достоверной корреляцией рангов Спирмена средней силы (rs = 0,446, P > 0,05). Не установлено тесной связи между урожайностью зелёной массы в экологической точке «Белгородская область» и экологических точках Западного Кавказа. В связи с этим для оценки селекционного материала необходимо проводить широкие экологические испытания исходного материала в экологических точках регионов, в которых предполагается использовать перспективные сорта. Сделано заключение о возможности использования исходного селекционного материала мелового юга Среднерусской возвышенности для создания сортов газонного направления для условий Западного Кавказа. The variety trial for red fescue genotypes tool place in 2017–2020. Local populations growing in the south of the Central Russian Upland were used as parental material to obtain the genotypes. The following lawn varieties were tested: “Rossinant” (standard), “Gostenka”, “Iskrinka”, “Vezelka” as well as 14 other genotypes carrying the number of valuable traits. Plants were grown in three different locations: Gelendzhik; the Tuapse region; the Belgorod region. The trial tested the average number of shoots formed in a year as well as green mass productivity. Parental lines actively formed shoots but had low productivity similar to widely cultivated lawn varieties. Red fescue genotypes with high annual shoot yield were widely spread in Gelendzhik and the Belgorod region (rs = 0.446, P > 0.05). The correlation between green mass productivity and the Belgorod region were insignificant same as for the Western Caucasus. It is highly important to test parental lines in the area of respective cultivation. Parental material from the south of the Central Russian Upland can be used to develop lawn genotypes for the Western Caucasus.

Лаура Альбердовна Нагоева

В рамках данной статьи рассматриваются западнокавказские письменные артефакты: проблемный аспект их изучения, основные тенденции предыдущих исследований, выдвигается гипотеза родства данных артефактов с протописьменными системами культур Восточной Европы и Ближнего Востока. Изучение данных культурных элементов в свете новых археологических данных позволяет рассматривать их как осколки неолитической знаковой системы. Наряду с цивилизационным скачком, произошедшим в неолите (земледелие и сельское хозяйство, крупные поселения и новый общественный уклад, значительно изменивший характер социально-экономических отношений), произошло переосмысление способов передачи и фиксации информации, тем самым образуя фундамент для возникновения протописьменных систем, распространившихся посредством культурной экспансии и миграций на большие территории, в том числе и Западный Кавказ. Также отмечается, что графическая основа кавказских памятников выходит за пределы кавказско-месопотамско-анатолийского ареала, подтверждением чего служит так называемое винчанское письмо. Делается вывод о том, что знаковый фундамент, сформировавшийся в дунайском энеолите, способствовал образованию первых цивилизаций в исследуемом регионе. This paper deals with the Western Caucasus written artifacts: the problematic aspect of their study, the main trends of previous studies, the hypothesis of the relationship of these artifacts with the oldest writing systems of cultures of Eastern Europe and the Middle East. The study of these cultural elements in the light of new archaeological data leads to the conclusion that they can be considered as fragments of the Neolithic sign system, in particular their commonality with the so-called Danube script. Along with the civilizational leap which occurred in the Neolithic (land husbandry and agriculture, large settlements and a new social structure that changed significantly the nature of socio-economic relations), a rethinking of the methods of transmitting and fixing information took place. Thus, the foundation for the emergence of writing systems that spread through cultural expansion and migration to large territories, including the Western Caucasus, was formed. The author also notes that the graphic basis of Caucasus monuments goes beyond the Caucasus-Mesopotamian-Anatolian range, as confirmed by the so-called Vinca script. It is inferred that the glyph foundation formed in the Danube Eneolithic contributed to the formation of the first civilizations in the region under study.

Zootaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5060 (4) ◽  
pp. 575-581

Soldier fly records of Iran belonging to six species are presented, which includes the first record of Odontomyia annulata (Meigen, 1822) and another record of Adoxomyia cinerascens (Loew, 1873). Odontomyia annulata shows some morphological differences from the description found in the literature. With the addition of O. annulata, the Iranian soldier fly fauna comprises now 48 species. The eastern border of the known range of this species extended to the eastern Black Sea coast and the north-western Caucasus region. Now it has been shifted about 1200 km to the east.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 426-436
Vadim Karavaev ◽  
Alla Voskova ◽  
Anatoly Gorbunov ◽  
Olga Bykovskaya

In the mountains, special types of geosystems are formed, whose origins are attributable to exogenic processes - debris flows, avalanches, landslides, etc. Since 2009, a regular survey of key objects and centers of heterogeneous extreme process development has been carried out for their identification and monitoring in the Central Caucasus (the Cherek- Balkarsky basin). To obtain a more complete picture of their course in the Northern Caucasus as a whole, and to track that cycle, the authors considered it expedient, beginning in 2021, to monitor also the Western Caucasus, the area of Teberda and Dombai. The article analyzes the results of expeditionary observations, as well as meteorological indicators that affect the course of extreme exogenic processes, their derivatives for 2020 and for the first eight months of 2021, from the Teberda and Terskol meteorological observatories.On the left side of the Alibek River valley, the predominant processes are talus and, to a lesser extent, avalanches. That side has a southern exposure and is arid relative to the right, northern one. On the one hand, moisture is insufficient for the successful formation of debris flows; on the other hand, sparse vegetation in the upper parts of the slope and the lower upper border of the forest do not inhibit exogenous processes.Air temperatures in Teberda are 4-5°C lower than in Balkaria. This contributes to the reduction of glacier melting, inhibiting exogenic processes. Higher moisture and the lack of grazing contribute to the formation of rich and dense vegetation, with a similar effect. This factor neutralizes the more active than in the Central Caucasus, frost weathering and high saltitudes, contributing to a higher rate of mobility of both water and debris.

2021 ◽  
pp. 59-63
V. R. Tkhaganov ◽  
T. V. Mironenko ◽  
T. G. Kadatskaya

Relevance. Due to the fact that gynostemma is an endemic plant, providing the pharmaceutical industry with domestic raw materials is not possible, this problem can be solved only through the introduction of this species into the culture.Material and methods. Studies on the introduction of Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino in the experimental fields of medicinal crop rotation of the North Caucasus branch of FGBNU VILAR, located in the zone of Western Ciscaucasia, were carried out to study the biomorphological and environmental features of growth and development of the plant, the most optimal conditions for growing and determination of economically valuable indicators. Propagation was carried out through seedlings from seeds received under the contract from South Korea, which were planted in the open ground in early May in areas with direct sunlight and under the canopy of trees (shade). Gynostemma pentaphyllum is a climbing liana with a creeping stem, so it was grown as a trellised crop.Results. It has been established that gynostemma under Krasnodar Territory conditions passes all stages of phenological development, starting from the first year of vegetation, grows and bears fruit every year. The duration of the growing season from 229 to 238 days was determined. Harvesting was carried out in the phase of budding – beginning of flowering. The most optimal condition for growing this crop is shading compared to the option of direct sunlight, where there was a significant increase in growth and development of gynostemma, which contributed to a significant increase in yield. On the rhizome of gynostemma II and III years of vegetation new additional shoots are formed, the number of which is significantly higher in the variant with shading. The conducted introduction studies indicate the possibility of cultivation of Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino in the zone of the Western Caucasus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 288 ◽  
pp. 110355
L.S. Samarina ◽  
R.V. Kulyan ◽  
N.G. Koninskaya ◽  
V.M. Gorshkov ◽  
A.V. Ryndin ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 ◽  
pp. 103118
Liubov V. Golovanova ◽  
Vladimir B. Doronichev ◽  
Ekaterina V. Doronicheva ◽  
Vladimir F. Sapega ◽  
Michael S. Shackley

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